Tag Archives: guess-the-nice

Sahara Ray Massive Tits of the Day

Sahara Ray is racy… She’s an instagram LA hipster party model with big monster fake tits – who originally got known for showing her big monster fake tits – that weren’t as big as they are now – YOU CAN SEE FOR YOURSELF HERE … on her really small bikini wearing frame – in the early years of instagram – which got her millions and millions and millions of fans and followers who were obviously following her for her fashion sense, her bikini choices, and not to jerk off to her big tits…. So she’s spent the last two or three years shooting with the good, respected, pervert photographers…traveling the world…attending all the cool events like she was Em Rat Cow, while probably being friends with Em Rat Cow, because both were running in the same getting naked for attention circles – and it’s not that big of a scene…you know funded by the same sugar daddies like Ryan Seacrest and other perverts – only Sahara Ray is less offensive in her success, because she doesn’t look like a weird faced bird with a bad attitude…..and she hasn’t booked the acting jobs because she fucked ben affleck….in fact, she hasn’t really done anything substantial, and instead of being a low level Kardashian who fucked Kanye, like Em Rat Cow…trying so hard to be empowered by showing her tits – Sahara Ray just keeps showing her tits…and is less annoying about it…. I appreciate that. The post Sahara Ray Massive Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sahara Ray Massive Tits of the Day

J.Lo’s Booty Shake Dance in the Club of the Day

I guess J.Lo is out celebrating Castro’s death like all the other Cubans in Miami who were oppressed and forced to escape the country on a fucking raft made out of sticks, and old tires, and some gifts white tourists left over the years – during a 50 year communist rule of a dictator, who was apparently quite likeable if you weren’t American or Cuban…. Because why else would a mom be out at the club shaking her ass like she’s in her 20s, when she’s actually pushing 50….. Oh right, because she’s J.Lo, who still has a good ass and figures she’ll keep using it over and over and over and over until it fucking explodes – because shit makes her all kinds of money and the Hisapanics still buy her albums – and love her half naked, latin dancing….no matter what age she is – it’s a cultural thing..sure it’s a culture she’s appropriating because she’s zero hispanic, but was a great angle for her ridiculous career…that keeps going…like her ass.. Weird but not as bad as most mom’s I know or meet in the bars who are recently divorced wrecks – but they’re more willing to fuck anything and everything to deal with their sadness…. I guess the nice thing is that she can wear white pants now, without risk of periods…#menopause…makes it all more erotic.. The post J.Lo’s Booty Shake Dance in the Club of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
J.Lo’s Booty Shake Dance in the Club of the Day

Bette Midler Does the Kim Kardashian of the Day

I don’t know what Bette Midler is trying to prove. Actually I do. She made a comment calling out Kim K for being a shameless whore, to which Kim K wrote some childish, high school level, hip hop inspired “disses’ to the 75 year old actress. The whole thing was really fucking stupid. You know seeing Bette Midler get into hip hop beef, on the level of Worldstar in intelligence, all for calling Kim out for being a shameless whore… To which Bette responded to the backlash, but posting a selfie, of her ass in the mirror, while holding something promoting a good cause, whatever that cause may be, probably a cause she leads, which is just as shameless as Kim K doing it for attention to her empire…while people are watching, pull a stunt that gets them talking, to promote something…and I guess the nice thing about it is that she’s promoting something that may be a of value, rather than a new waist trainer or Kanye album…. But the real nice thing, which is also the terrifying thing, is that at 75, Bette has an ass I’d bury my face in…. Keep in mind I’m old and have seen her in movies since forever and always thought she was a monster…yet today, faced with her ass in a brazilian cut looking panty, all rounded out in a mirror reflection…I just want to bury my face in it. I’ve done a quick psychiatric evaluation on the situation and I think it’s got something to do with too much hot young pussy thrown down my throat in shameless content, to which I have been asking “what’s the point of this, there is no substance, it’s boring”….to “oh this is new, an old lady, with a good enough ass, something different….closing it out with a comedic undertone, irony, cleverness, despite being shameless, I didn’t expect Bette to but her ass where her mouth was, but I wouldn’t mind if she put her ass where my mouth was…it probably tastes like an old Library book…so many hands have been up in it… I didn’t realize ex-obese Osborne – who loves plastic surgery because it allowed her to take ownership on her life, rather than be Ozzy’s fat wife he ignored while fucking hot groupies, but she posted a nude selfie saying she was inspired by Kim K….now I don’t know what level of Fame Whore you’d have to be to suck up or claim to be inspired by Kim K…but here it is.. The post Bette Midler Does the Kim Kardashian of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bette Midler Does the Kim Kardashian of the Day

Miley Cyrus Friday Night Rave Parties of the Day

Here’s Miley raging to her own music, probably on Molly, in some VIP room with hired friends, acting like she knows what’s up, when everything was coordinated by a creative director and staff, cuz this bitch is clueless I guess the nice thing about Instagram is that it has made my site obsolete, because if you want to find out what poor decisions Miley Cyrus and her team are making in terms of how they are marketing her, or how she’s marketing herself, after fighting them for her instagam password so that she can show the world videos of her having fun with her tall and short freakshow back-up dancers, while lip syncing her own remix, she can… She’s young, she’s having fun with hired friends on payroll, she’s wearing a slutty little Chanel top, she seems to be doing just fine, because hired friends are all she knows, and I’m just sad she’s not posting videos of her butt hole…because her butt hole is the gateway to her soul.. I love Miley, even on Molly, even faking she’s on Molly, even when embarrassing herself acting like she thinks kids act on Molly even though she looks silly….this is a nice Christmas card, and it is sure better than YOUTUBE making money off Paul Walker’s death with ad supported video of his charred Christmas dinner corpse (NSFW)…way better than that…I mean who the fuck edited that corpse video up…really fucking strange tribute…that LORDE is supporting…

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Miley Cyrus Friday Night Rave Parties of the Day

Kate Moss Looks Like Death and I Like it of the Day

I like Kate Moss because she looks like she smells. You know the kind of pussy you never forget because the rash you get from whatever is living in her dirty hipster fashionista art fat UK bush, ends up ravagin your cock. I think she’s hot, whether she’s got open sores on her face or one eye sagging a little more than the other. The fact that she likes getting fucked up and partying all the time, whether she’s got a kid or not, or the fact that she fucks dirty rockstar dick, probably unprotected, is just the kind of risk taker that gets me off, so seeing these pictures of her enjoying her retirement and insane money getting wasted, is inspiring…Other people see rock bottom, but I see hope…. Pics via Fame

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Kate Moss Looks Like Death and I Like it of the Day

Paris Hilton’s Ex-Boyfriend Paris and His Ugly Surfing Girlfriend of the Day

Her name is Hannah Cornett, she’s a pro surfer and not all that hot, but it is probably safe to say that she’s not dating Paris Latkis because of his fame, since he’s only known for being the rich kid who was fucking Paris Hilton for a few weeks back when Paris Hilton was fucking pretty much everyone… I guess the nice thing about sharing a man with Paris Hilton is that you also share her strain of herpes…and that shit’s gotta be designer herpes, you know upper class herpes, cuz there’s no way all herpes are made the same, it just wouldn’t make sense that the scabs on her rich pussy are the very same scabs some gutter crackwhore has on hers… I just don’t believe that’s possible…oh wait…yes it is…so that means Paris Hilton’s pussy is like a crackwhores and now so is Hannah Cornetts, because no one uses condoms anymore…I bet swimming in the ocean for a job must feel great on those wounds…thank god for Valtrex…. Pics via Fame

Here is the original post:
Paris Hilton’s Ex-Boyfriend Paris and His Ugly Surfing Girlfriend of the Day

Awkward Israeli Art Film of the Day

I think my site lacks culture, maybe that’s my biggest downfall and the reason no one in any industry takes me seriously, I need to put more art into the mix cuz art is class and I gotta stop the hateful celebrity commentary where I just make a joke out of myself…So you can only imagine how excited I was when one of my Israeli readers happened to have an award winning art film he made to share with me….and you can only imagine my delight when I watched it and saw dude having sex with a fucking blow-up doll in some kind of uncomfortable fetish porn disguised as art, but was glad it wasn’t his other film where he made a popsicle out of his cum called Cocksicle. I guess the nice thing about art is that it affects each of us differently, like I was on the floor laughing when I saw this, but you may shed a tear because you can relate to his desire for love or maybe you’re just creeped the fuck out…something I can only assume most of you will be because it is awkward as fuck….and it is safe to say it may make it hard for you to watch porn or get turned on again…welcome to my world…. I told him I would spread his word but he asked me to post his facebook in exchange….so if you like it, it is called Safety in Rubber and I don’t think it will be in a theater near you…


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Awkward Israeli Art Film of the Day