Tag Archives: heisman trophy

Anti-Tim Tebow Website Urges Jaguars Not to Sign Atrocious Quarterback

Tim Tebow can’t catch a break. Not even in his adopted hometown. With the quarterback having been released last month by the Jets and now looking for a job, a contingent of Jacksonville Jaguars fans have started a website that urges ownership NOT to sign the former Florida Gator. It’s called Evenifhesreleased.com, a reference to the response given by new Jaguars GM David Caldwell when asked Tebow in January: “I can’t imagine a scenario where he’d be a Jaguar, even if he’s released.” As of this morning, the site had receiver over 31,000 clicks. Explains John Caputo, president of Bold City Brigade, the organization behind the URL: “We are inspired to counter anything or anyone that chooses to attack or spread ignorance about our fan base. We aim to do it in a tasteful and tactful manner, which represents our mission and members.” On the opposite end of the Tim Tebow spectrum, some Jacksonville fans have urged President Obama to get involved in their team acquiring the ex-Heisman Trophy winner. Tebow also has offers on the table from the Lingerie Football League and Omaha Beef . Lingerie Football League and Omaha Beef

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Anti-Tim Tebow Website Urges Jaguars Not to Sign Atrocious Quarterback

Manti Te’o Responds to Girlfriend Death Hoax, Claims Victimhood

Manti Te’o has spoken out about the Lennay Kekua death hoax , as it’s now been verified that the Notre Dame linebacker was never dating a Stanford student by that name last year. But the Heisman Trophy finalist is denying reports that he played a role in duping America, instead releasing a statement that says he fell victim to someone on the Internet. “This is incredibly embarrassing to talk about, but over an extended period of time, I developed an emotional relationship with a woman I met online. We maintained what I thought to be an authentic relationship by communicating frequently online and on the phone, and I grew to care deeply about her,” Te’o said. “To realize that I was the victim of what was apparently someone’s sick joke and constant lies was, and is, painful and humiliating. “It further pains me that the grief I felt and the sympathies expressed to me at the time of my grandmother’s death in September were in any way deepened by what I believed to be another significant loss in my life. “I am enormously grateful for the support of my family, friends and Notre Dame fans throughout this year. To think that I shared with them my happiness about my relationship and details that I thought to be true about her just makes me sick. I hope that people can understand how trying and confusing this whole experience has been. “In retrospect, I obviously should have been much more cautious. If anything good comes of this, I hope it is that others will be far more guarded when they engage with people online than I was. “Fortunately, I have many wonderful things in my life, and I’m looking forward to putting this painful experience behind me as I focus on preparing for the NFL Draft.” Are you buying the athlete’s story? Do you believe Manti Te’o was the victim of a hoax?   Yes, the poor guy! No, he was in on it! View Poll »

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Manti Te’o Responds to Girlfriend Death Hoax, Claims Victimhood

Heisman Winner Cam Newton Running to the NFL

Filed under: Cam Newton , TMZ Sports Cam Newton is no dummy — the controversial and amazingly talented QB is done at Auburn University … and says he’s going to the NFL next year. The Heisman Trophy winner — who was in the middle of a recruiting scandal all season — announced Thursday… Read more

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Heisman Winner Cam Newton Running to the NFL

Reggie Bush Stiff-Arms Heisman Talk

Filed under: Reggie Bush , TMZ Sports Reggie Bush was mildly chatty at JFK last night (for him) when we asked him about Fashion Week and maybe getting his own reality show — but he got quiet real fast when we asked about maybe having to give back the Heisman Trophy . Reggie wouldn’t say… Read more

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Reggie Bush Stiff-Arms Heisman Talk

USC Reggie Bush scandal

Reggie Bush, who played for USC, won the 2005 Heisman over Vince Young, of the Texas Longhorns, who received the second most votes. Reggie Bush and O. J. mayo were the subject of an intense investigation into the practices of the USC athletic program. The Heisman Trophy was already removed from its trophy case home on the USC campus and now the trophy will be repossessed altogether. The investigators are expected to rule that Bush accepted improper benefits while at USC, making himself ineligibl

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USC Reggie Bush scandal

USA Today Incorrectly Reports Reggie Bush Apologized to USC Athletic Director

New Orleans Saints running back Reggie Bush has caused a lot of problems for his alma mater, University of Southern California. While playing at USC, Bush accepted cash and gifts from a wannabee sports agent which later caused the NCAA to impose harsh sanctions upon USC including four years of probation and banishment from the 2010 and 2011 bowl games. Because of his actions, Bush apologized to the current USC athletic director, Pat Haden, according to David Leon Moore writing for USA Today . Only one “little” problem, Haden vehemently denies that Bush apologized to him. First the “apology” that never happened as misreported by USA Today: LOS ANGELES — Reggie Bush apologized to new Southern California athletics director Pat Haden and expressed tremendous regret for his actions that landed the school on NCAA probation. Haden says that in a 15-minute phone conversation the two men had last week, Bush, the 2005 Heisman Trophy winner who was found to have received illicit cash and benefits from a would-be sports marketer while starring for USC, wishes he could make amends to the school.  “He’s really contrite,” Haden says of Bush , who plays for the New Orleans Saints. “He knows he made a series of mistakes. It wasn’t just one mistake. It was a series of mistakes. “He told me, ‘If I could turn the clock back, I would. If I could give the Heisman Trophy back, I would.’ ” Okay, Bush was contrite according to Haden but is contrition really an apology? Perhaps David Leon Moore thinks so but Haden himself was apparently upset with that characterization according to the Los Angeles Times : USC Athletic Director Pat Haden said Friday that he spoke last week with a contrite Reggie Bush , but that embattled 2005 Heisman Trophy winner did not apologize for actions that played a major role in the NCAA’s decision to hit the school with severe sanctions. That contradicts a report by USA Today that Haden had said Bush apologized for those actions. “Never did he say I’m sorry or I apologize,” Haden said. “Never did he say, ‘I lied to the NCAA or I took stuff.’ ” Ouch! So how did Moore so completely misinterpret a lame expression of contrition into an apology? Did he even ask Pat Haden if it was an apology? Will Moore apologize for misreporting an “apology?” It will be interesting to check the sports section of USA Today next week.  And don’t feel too puffed up about getting to the truth about this “apology,” Los Angeles Times. After all you recently couldn’t even be bothered to report the landslide margin of victory of Proposition C in Missouri while stating that it was “Republicans” who rejected the ObamaCare insurance mandate.

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USA Today Incorrectly Reports Reggie Bush Apologized to USC Athletic Director

Reggie Bush Holding On to Heisman … For Now

Filed under: Reggie Bush , TMZ Sports , Kim Kardashian Now that the NCAA has taken away 13 of Reggie Bush ‘s USC wins … the question is will his 2005 Heisman Trophy be next to go? Fortunately for Reggie that’s not up to the NCAA. The folks who hand out the statue would only say this: “The Heisman Trust… Read more

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Reggie Bush Holding On to Heisman … For Now

Former Heisman Trophy Finalist Arrested

Filed under: Chris Perry , TMZ Sports , Celebrity Justice TMZ has learned former NFL running back Chris Perry was arrested in Brooklyn yesterday, after cops say he got in a fist fight with a family member. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Perry — a 2003 Heisman Trophy finalist — was arrested in his… Read more

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Former Heisman Trophy Finalist Arrested

Tim Tebow’s Super Bowl Ad — That Was It?

Filed under: TMZ Sports After weeks of hype and outrage, the Super Bowl commercial with Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow finally aired Sunday night — so what was all the fuss about?The ad, paid for by Focus on the Family, features Tim and his mom — but doesn’t make mention … Permalink

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Tim Tebow’s Super Bowl Ad — That Was It?

Colt McCoy: Engaged to Rachel Glandorf!

Colt McCoy may have fallen short of a national championship last week, but the two-time Heisman Trophy finalist popped the question in Longhorn fashion. The University of Texas quarterback, who just wrapped his senior season, brought Rachel Glandorf to Darrell K

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Colt McCoy: Engaged to Rachel Glandorf!