Tag Archives: infinity-ward

Call of Duty: Find Makarov trailer is absurdly impressive



#More Videos The Find Makarov fan film has finally been revealed today, by way of an incredibly stunning trailer. Despite being mostly made up of live-action re-enactments from Infinity Ward’s Modern Warfare games, the sheer quality of the production is worthy of a golf clap, at the very least. Check out the trailer and let us know what you reckon. I’m not usually a big follower of fan films, but this… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Destructoid Discovery Date : 02/03/2011 17:30 Number of articles : 3

Call of Duty: Find Makarov trailer is absurdly impressive

Activsion Files Lawsuit Against Ex-Infinity Ward Leadership — Hint: They’re Upset

Activision is not taking kindly to the legal accusations from the former heads of Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward. The LA Times acquired the Activision counterargument, filed this morning, and it shows a publisher fully prepared to take on both Vince Zampella and Jason West. The suit, which says Activision will withhold future royalty payments the duo are seeking, claims Vince and Zampella both “morphed from valued, responsible executives into insubordinate and self-serving schemers who attempted to hijack Activision’s assets for their own personal gain.” Electronic Arts came up in a memo acquired by G4 when the news first broke. Activision suspected West and Zameplla were in discussions with the major Activision competitor, and while Activision doesn’t call out EA by name in the suit, they allude to the supposed discussions. Activision alleges the two went “on a secret trip by private jet to Northern California, arranged by their Hollywood agent [West and Zampella are now represented by the powerful Creative Arts Agency], to meet with the most senior executives of Activision’s closest competitor.” Clearly, Activision isn’t about to pay the demands of their former developer royalty without a fight. How these legal filings interfere with West and Zampella forming a new studio are unknown. Source: LA Times Have something to share? Sitting on a news tip? E-mail me . You can also follow me on Twitter . Activision – Infinity Ward – Twitter – Northern California – Royalties

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Activsion Files Lawsuit Against Ex-Infinity Ward Leadership — Hint: They’re Upset

Red Dead Redemption’s Multiplayer Inspires Us

Like all sane, right-thinking people, G4 is very excited by the imminent release of Red Dead Redemption . Particularly, the game’s multiplayer , form-your-own-posse feature. But you can’t be a cool gang in the Old West without a badass name. Below, please find a photo of G4’s brainstorm whiteboard: In list form: Quiet Burp: The Story of Boring The Mild Bunch Sons of Mediocrity Disco Donnie And the Crew The Get-Along Gang! The Ample Dumping

What One Former Infinity Ward Employee Thinks Of Ex-IW CEO Vince Zampella

What do Infinity Ward employees think of their bosses? We have a small slice of insight via a recent Linkedin recommendation for former Infinity Ward studio head and CEO Vince Zampella. The recommendation was penned on March 2 (the same period when the original Infinity Ward news was coming to light) by Jesse Heinig, a production coordinator at Infinity Ward from 2004 to 2005. Infinity Ward released Call of Duty 2 in October 2005. Heinig would have been present at Infinity Ward during the company’s hurried rush to finish development on Call of Duty 2 for Activision, a release timed to Xbox 360’s launch that fall. The game was received to stellar reviews. “I had the pleasure of working briefly for Vince and seeing his skills first-hand,” said Heinig, now a freelance writer at WhiteWolf, the company behind a number of major RPGs, including Vampire: The Requiem . “Vince’s history in the game development business should already be legendary. How he, Grant Collier, and Jason West forged Infinity Ward by turning around the talent from a team that was overworked and unhappy with their previous conditions.” Grant Collier is also a former president of Infinity Ward, who left to assume a mysterious “special projects” role within Activision. Jason West, the most recent president, left alongside Zampella. Activision is alleging “insubordination” related to Zampella and West, a claim currently involved in litigation. The state of Infinity Ward after the studio leadership departure remains an open question. It certainly doesn’t comes as much of a surprise other veteran employees are leaving the company , but it’s unknown if these now ex-Infinity Ward employees will follow their former leaders once again. “How this team proceeded to build one of the most successful and enduring franchises of this generation of video games,” he continued. “How the IW studio became synonymous with serious code and good gameplay. Vince is one of the few professionals that I’d call a visionary, in the most fundamental sense of the word: He has a powerful vision and he organizes a team to see it through. He’s able to juggle different divisions seamlessly, handle high-level meetings and interfaces between the team on the ground and the demands of the production studio, and still keep an eye on the final product.” Heinig went on to praise Zampella directly on Linkedin, saying he has “a real imagination” and “knows the ins and outs of what makes gameplay fun and engaging, not just a cost analysis.” He eventually proclaims Zampella doesn’t need his recommendation, citing an interesting industry rumor. “Don’t just take my word for it,” said Heinig. “Rumor in the industry is that EA [Electronic Arts] placed a million-dollar bounty for snapping up any IW studio lead, like Vince. Just the fact that the rumor is out there should speak volumes about how badly people want Vince working on their products.” I hadn’t heard of a million-dollar bounty, but the EA connection isn’t new. An internal Activision memo acquired by G4 showed Activision was seeking e-mails and other documentation about conversations. Have something to share? Sitting on a news tip? E-mail me . You can also follow me on Twitter . Infinity Ward – Activision – Video game – Jason West – Electronic Arts

Go here to read the rest:
What One Former Infinity Ward Employee Thinks Of Ex-IW CEO Vince Zampella

Infinity Ward Loses Two More — One Lead Designer, One Software Engineer

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward, who recently lost leadership over an internal dispute with publisher Activision that’s now in litigation, has last two more employees. Kotaku originally broke the news, citing the Linkedin profiles of lead designer Todd Alderman and software engineer Francesco Gigliotti . Both Linkedin profiles reflect working at Infinity Ward as part of their “past” employment status. Neither has updated with their future plans. Alderman has worked at Infinity Ward for more than eight years. Gigliotti had been at the studio for nearly as long, clocking in just under eight years with the Modern Warfare developer. It’s unclear if Alderman and Gigliotti have left as a consequence of former Infinity Ward studio heads Vince Zampella and Jason West leaving. An internal Activision memo obtained by G4 indicated Activision suspected Zampella and West were in conversations with Electronic Arts. I’m a little late on reporting this one, but I wanted to make sure G4 readers were aware of the latest developments. Keep your eyes on G4 for more, as the status of Infinity Ward changes. Source: Kotaku Have something to share? Sitting on a news tip? E-mail me . You can also follow me on Twitter . infinityward – Activision – call-of-duty-modern-warfare-2 – LinkedIn – Jason West

See the rest here:
Infinity Ward Loses Two More — One Lead Designer, One Software Engineer

DICE Content With Never Charging For DLC

Infinity Ward and DICE both released downloadable content packs for their respective military shooters yesterday. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ’s Stimulus Package hit Xbox 360, while Battlefield: Bad Company 2 ’s VIP Map Pack released for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The biggest difference between the two batches of DLC? Price. While the MW2 Stimulus Package cost 1200 Microsoft Points ($15), DICE released their DLC for free (unless you buy Bad Company 2 used in which case you have to throw down $15 to buy a VIP code to download the DLC). Ultimately, the pricing decision is the publisher’s call; in this case, EA and Activision. But as DICE senior producer Patrick Bach told Xbox World 360 magazine (via Computer and Videogames ), the free DLC approach initially came from DICE. “We don’t ever want to charge for our maps and insisted to EA that this attitude was crucial when it came to keeping our community happy and playing together,” said Bach. DICE has said they have more DLC plans in the works, and, clearly, if they have their way, it will continue to be free. However, despite Bach’s insistence that “We’re owned by EA but we’re still very much DICE,” if EA calls for a price tag for DLC, it’s hard to imagine DICE really being able to do anything about it. Thankfully, DICE has the fans love on their side, and that is always the most desirable shield to have when it comes to dealing with major publishers eyeing that bottom line. If DICE decided to charge for Bad Company 2 DLC, what would you be willing to pay for it? Do you think the MW2 DLC is overpriced or worth every cent? Source: CVG

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release Time: March 30 is the release date. It is now available for all the xbox and Playstation gaming junkies worldwide! The first installment is now here and is available for downloading now. This is the day you’ve been waiting for with 5 new maps as part of the map packs set. The recently released Battlefield: Bad Company 2 has got its second free map pack today, and is available for all PC players and Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 players who have the VIP code. The VIP code came with every new version of the game, so if you bought yourself a used copy then you probably won’t have one. But fear not- you can buy them from the in-game store to get access to the free VIP downloads. It is being released today along with Infinity Ward’s Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package that is only available for Xbox LIVE for about 30 days before coming to other formats. The Stimulus Package is available for 1200 Microsoft Points (£10.20). The Bad Company 2 map pack features maps already on the game but allows them to be used in different modes- Africa Harbor can now be played on Conquest and Laguna Presas can now be enjoyed on Rush mode. Here’s a trailer of it: Click here to view the embedded video. Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading