Tag Archives: iskra-lawrence

Iskra Lawrence is a Flasher of the Day

I find Iskra Lawrence offensive. It’s like keep it in your damn pants girl…but I guess based on her eating habits and her body that has resulted from her eating habits…and a career that she’s created off her eating habits alone…she’s not quite one to have my will power…but instead just aggressively pushes her “fat is beauitful”…”give fat a chance” agenda on all of us…. I remember a time when naked fat chicks had their own fetish magazines for the fucking weirdos who were into that…I assume weirdos who had fat moms they wanted to fuck or who were raped as children by fat women in their lives…like the fat babysitter or the fat nanny and who were never able to get past that fetish….and sometimes they’d crack and buy a magazine or a fat woman to fuck after a night of drinking when self control was at a low.. BUT I know as a man married to a fat women, which I guess is like a racist saying “I have black friends’…or a homophobe saying “some of my best friends are cocksucking faggots”…I feel I can say fat is disgusting, it’s mushy, it’s unhealthy, it leads to diabetes and it should remain a fetish for weirdos or your last option for sex…and it should not be normalized or celebrated…and woman like Iskra Lawrence should not be seen as icons for a huge bowel movement…because anyone who knows fat chicks knows real fat chicks hate themselves too much to promote themselves and that this is some black face the fat chick version to get paid… I’ve said it before, and it’s all I got, but I am sure it’s true…every carb heavy meal she sucks down is 100 percent an attempt to get even fatter and make more noise…and not just when doing cannon balls at the public pool….

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Iskra Lawrence is a Flasher of the Day

Iskra Lawrence is a Flasher of the Day

I find Iskra Lawrence offensive. It’s like keep it in your damn pants girl…but I guess based on her eating habits and her body that has resulted from her eating habits…and a career that she’s created off her eating habits alone…she’s not quite one to have my will power…but instead just aggressively pushes her “fat is beauitful”…”give fat a chance” agenda on all of us…. I remember a time when naked fat chicks had their own fetish magazines for the fucking weirdos who were into that…I assume weirdos who had fat moms they wanted to fuck or who were raped as children by fat women in their lives…like the fat babysitter or the fat nanny and who were never able to get past that fetish….and sometimes they’d crack and buy a magazine or a fat woman to fuck after a night of drinking when self control was at a low.. BUT I know as a man married to a fat women, which I guess is like a racist saying “I have black friends’…or a homophobe saying “some of my best friends are cocksucking faggots”…I feel I can say fat is disgusting, it’s mushy, it’s unhealthy, it leads to diabetes and it should remain a fetish for weirdos or your last option for sex…and it should not be normalized or celebrated…and woman like Iskra Lawrence should not be seen as icons for a huge bowel movement…because anyone who knows fat chicks knows real fat chicks hate themselves too much to promote themselves and that this is some black face the fat chick version to get paid… I’ve said it before, and it’s all I got, but I am sure it’s true…every carb heavy meal she sucks down is 100 percent an attempt to get even fatter and make more noise…and not just when doing cannon balls at the public pool….

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Iskra Lawrence is a Flasher of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Titties in a Bikini of the Day

Iskra Lawrence I have the ability to get with the times and continue my fat chick content of the day, like I am a fat chick in slutty poses fetish site, which I am not, because I hate everything there is about fat chicks, I have made it my life work calling chicks who aren’t even nearly this fat fat, in hopes of bullying them into getting into shape, you know to give them the gift of living a longer and healthier life, because science has proven many times over that obesity kills, fat kills, that we are all going to die the fatter we get… But unfortunately, since society is lazy, fat comes easy, and products we are sold are bad for us, and information on nutrition and health is unavailable to us, and that info that is available to us, we choose to ignore because we like eating sugar, carbs, cake, whatever…it is we are addicted to that was created in a lab somewhere…for a billion dollar brand.. So people like Iskra Lawrence exist, they don’t just exist they thrive in this era….she was a fame seeking model who was skinny, who got rejected too many times and realized she could use fat to her advantage, and shot a viral video of her in her underwear in the subway, somethng that should get her arrested, but instead got her brand deals and made her rich, giving her an angle and something to post about…her talent…eating bad food and getting paid for it… Disgusting. The post Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Titties in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Titties in a Bikini of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Hard Nipples of the Day

People seem to love Iskra Lawrence…dudes find her hot, women find her inspiring…I think she is a clever marketer….and can respect that…but I can’t respect fat girls making it, getting paid or being celebrated….when it is terrible and unhealthy….I think she is a clever marketer…. She was a skinny aspiring model who never made it, who was told she was too big back when she was starving herself, who decided to fill the void with baked goods that she consistently posts about on her fat power instagram that has made her a lot of money and that has inspired many fat women that it’s ok to be fat…even if it’s not. But girl needed an angle Iskra Lawrence….and her reverse eating disorder…..slutting out…. Here are her thighs…. The post Iskra Lawrence Hard Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Iskra Lawrence Hard Nipples of the Day

Iggy Azalea Fat Fake Ass in a Thong of the Day

What the world needs now, more than anything, is Iggy Azalea fake ass in a thong doing a booty pop…. You know because it’s the single most important thing going on in the world, fuck the Olympics, School Shooting, Gun Laws, people going broke, scamming….it’s about some obscure, non-famous, who has no official hit songs, scammer…and her scamming ass…screaming for attention trying to make it all about her… She’s trash and plays that up…and this is nothing to jerk off to…but I feel compelled to post it and have no idea why…seriously no one cares about Iggy Azalea, even when she tries so hard to make them care, she’s just a bottom of the barrel bottom feeding piece of shit who probably doesn’t realize when she does shit thanks to nerve damage from all the ass injections to get black people to like her and take her seriously.. The post Iggy Azalea Fat Fake Ass in a Thong of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Iggy Azalea Fat Fake Ass in a Thong of the Day

Nina Agdal in a Bikini of the Day

Nina Agdal is garbage, she’s this monster of a woman with a monster head, who I guess is proportionate so in photos looks hot, but her shoulders are that of a linebacker… That said, I guess there’s life after Leonardo DiCaprio…a person Nina Agdal at the tail end of her SI Swim career took a shot on, like she was the hot one from Russia who landed Brad Cooper, the Hollywood life, a good one….but it just didn’t work like that because our friend Leo is a homo, and even if he’s not he can do better… Either way, her and her waterhead have found new cock to fill her in the form of Christie Brinkley’s rich as fuck son, because after Billy Joel, she had kids with a billionaire, and he’s just getting up in this harder than a pervert orderly at the retard home being given the night shift diaper duty on a MUTE retard… I once knew an actual retard girl who would always disappear for weeks at a time, and come home pregant…it happened 4 times….and I figure Nina Agdal is like that.. Nina encouraging Iskra Lawrence to do Fitness with her….SOME FAT CAMP FOR FUCKING MOOCHES Here are some more shots of Iskra getting wet….BECAUSE ELEPHANTS LOVE PLAYING IN WATER…. The post Nina Agdal in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Nina Agdal in a Bikini of the Day

Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Ass of the Day

Iskra Lawrence is a clever marketer… She saw opportunity to get the fame she always wanted and she did it in an unconventional, yet obvious, I’m onto her, kind of way.. So she was a skinny enough, aspiring model, told she was too fat in her younger egotistical years where she felt she was hot enough to be a model… Then she realized that fat was trendy, and if she polarized her fat with being real fat, but still fuckable, she could get the model work she always wanted by default….especially if she whined about how unfair modeling is, so that in some retribution, they companies come back to prove her wrong by hiring her when she’s fat… And that whole fat confidence, cuz she knows she’s doing it for money, and will eventually go skinny again, you know ride the trend, but a revolutionary, leading the revolt, lobbying for the fat chicks everywhere…is because she made herself fat on purpose to get famous… And it worked… Here she is showing off how confident she is….now that she’s making that money being a fat chick, because what it comes down to is that it was always about the fame and money and now she can do it by actively tryng to stay fat, it’s her character she created and is winning with….but it’s a lie…actual fat chicks hate themselves too much to feel empowered or to do the shit this fat chick does… The post Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Ass of the Day

Whooty And The Blowfish: Iskra Lawrence Flosses Her Yammy Yoga Moves On The Beach In Mexico

Splash News Instagram Model Iskra Lawrence Enjoys Tulum, Mexico With Friends Thicky Thicky Insta Bae Iskra Lawrence is currently in Tulum, putting her swimsuit bawwwwwwwdy and yoga moves to work. Splash News Iskra brought some friends along for the trip. Check out more photos below, then hit the flip for more!

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Whooty And The Blowfish: Iskra Lawrence Flosses Her Yammy Yoga Moves On The Beach In Mexico

Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Titties of the Day

Iskra Lawrence is a big girl who is making moves, which I know is against the whole philosophy of big girls, who you’d think are more into sitting and eating chips / cake all day, but this one, this one wants to be famous, known, seen, and thinks she’s hot enough to pull it off, and I guess she is…even though her thighs are terrifying… Her early career was attempting and failing to be an actual model, back when she was skinny, because she was average looking at best…something that she likes to talk about all the time “I wasn’t always this fat”….but now that she is fat, she’s finally happy….when really it was just a viral stunt to get her noticed, and noticed she was, and here she now is. tits out…. MIRACLES Happen, if you have the right timing…in your decision and angling of gaining weight, despite the impending DIABETES…that could easily come at her and will…it always does…but she’ll be rich enoug to deal with it at the time it does happen…with all her fame and glory..from being a chick who gained weight…weird. Here is her big girl booty in jeans The post Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Titties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Titties of the Day

MAX & Iskra Lawrence Preach The Power Of Body Positivity

Watch MAX perform “TK” on ‘TRL’ on January 30, 2018. Iskra Lawrence also makes a guest appearance.

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MAX & Iskra Lawrence Preach The Power Of Body Positivity