Tag Archives: join-the-ranks

New Year, Nude You: 10 Women Who Should Take It Off in 2016

Now that 2016 has finally arrived and we’ve all made our Nude Year Resolutions, we’ve been reflecting on all the actresses that have stripped down in the past and all those who might strip down in the future. While it’s easy for us to guess who might join the ranks of other nudecomers in the coming months, there are a few others we can only pray and hope have resolved to grace us with skin one day. We can dream, right?

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New Year, Nude You: 10 Women Who Should Take It Off in 2016

J.J. Lane: Jumped By Thugs Outside The Bachelorette "Men Tell All" Taping!

JJ Lane, one of the guys from the 2015 season of The Bachelorette, was ambushed by a gang of hooligans outside the show’s Men Tell All taping. Production sources say JJ and a crew member from the long-running ABC reality series got jumped by a group of at least five thugs. Some things, even The Bachelorette spoilers cannot predict. According to reports, JJ and the staffer were attacked outside an after-party for the event for unknown reasons, and man, it got ugly. The two guys each took a few shots to the face, and the brawl continued until someone ran inside to grab fellow contestant Ben Zorn. Ben (not to be confused with The Bachelor Ben Higgins ) is a pretty large and ripped individual who was able to break up the ambush. JJ suffered two black eyes, and his suit was ruined, but witnesses say the guy put up a good fight, considering this was 5-on-2. He ended up in the ER because he was feeling ill, and friends were worried he had a concussion, but he appears to be alright. For some reason, no one decided to call the police after this. Witnesses believe the attackers were part of a gang, though it’s unclear which or why they would target a Bachelorette event. Maybe they really didn’t like the Brokeback Bachelor stunt?

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J.J. Lane: Jumped By Thugs Outside The Bachelorette "Men Tell All" Taping!

Taylor Swift: Trapped on Elevated Platform in Concert!

Taylor Swift was trapped on an elevated platform following a stage malfunction at her concert in Washington, D.C., Monday night. Fortunately, she did not join the ranks of singers falling off stage … because in her situation that would have been a very long fall. During a break in the music, Taylor's crew members informed her that the extendable stage she was standing on had just failed. “I’ll just be here forever, stuck up here,” a stranded Swift told her fans over the microphone, “unless I choose to jump down.” Ever the pro's pro, Tay gripped the railings for dear life but kept a smile on her face and her sense of humor the whole time.

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Taylor Swift: Trapped on Elevated Platform in Concert!

New W.E. Trailer: Double-Living in the Material World

Madonna reedited her new film W.E. after its mostly disastrous premiere at the Venice Film Festival a few months ago, and now it’s in new trailer, her watercolored royalty tale looks sleeker, sexier, and — phew — just as ridiculous. In terms of Madonna paramours, W.E. just made the admirable jump from Vanilla Ice to Dennis Rodman. Now there is something colorful and electric about its freakish antics.

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New W.E. Trailer: Double-Living in the Material World

Scarlett Johansson to Make Directorial Debut with Truman Capote Adaptation

Variety reports that Scarlett Johansson will soon join the ranks of actresses-turned-directors with Summer Crossing , Truman Capote’s first novella, about a 17-year-old Manhattan socialite who breaks away from her family and has an affair with a working class parking lot attendant in the summer of 1945. The Avengers star had discussed her directorial debut previously this fall, but with backers and The Deer Hunter producer Barry Spikings it seems the project is actually happening. Yes, but will it measure up to Jen Aniston and Demi Moore ‘s cancer dramas ? Gauntlet dropped, ScarJo. [ Variety ]

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Scarlett Johansson to Make Directorial Debut with Truman Capote Adaptation

“Father Oprah” Gets A TV Show

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Father Alberto Cutie , a bestselling author of self-help books and radio talk show host as well as a former Roman Catholic priest, will join the ranks of gabbers and host a daily show devoted to life matters. He is known in many circles as Father Oprah. 2011 BET Awards Disappoints Some & Angers Others “It’ll be everything from sex to salvation,” Father Alberto  is triumphing with a smile from the tv screen . Hopefully it’ll invite “greater dialog” with the audience, he added. Sorta Oprah meets Dr. Phil meets Bishop Sheen , the only other religious personnage who ever fronted a national TV show. (And that was in the 1950s!) The show is being licensed by Debmar-Mercury and the first station group to step up for a launch test is Fox. MTV’s New Crop Of Teen Moms Need To Be Looked After [OPINION] The show will preview on a number in July. The Fox test markets will include N.Y. and L.A., the country’s top two markets. Other non-Fox outlets may be invited to join the test as well. Father Alberto left the Roman Catholic Church two years ago over ideological differences and to marry the woman he loved. Cutie is now an Episcopal minister. Here is the trailer: What do you think? I really do want to know.

“Father Oprah” Gets A TV Show

Megan Fox Talks Playing A Prostitute In ‘Jonah Hex’

‘It’s a western and there were not really a lot of things that women did back then,’ Fox explains. By Kara Warner, with reporting by Joshua Horowitz Megan Fox Photo: Bill Sloyer/ MTV News From Audrey Hepburn in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” to Jodie Foster in “Taxi Driver” and Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman,” in Hollywood, playing a prostitute can seem like a rite of passage for many actresses. Screen vixen Megan Fox will join the ranks of A-listers cast as paid temptresses when “Jonah Hex” opens on Friday. Fox plays gun-toting, no-nonsense prostitute Lila in the Warner Bros. comic book adaptation. When MTV News caught up with the star, she suggested that all actors should at some point take on the role of lady of the night. (Actually, she even recommended it to our own Josh Horowitz, but added he might first consider shaving what she called his “Jaws” beard.) “Everyone should do it at least once,” said Fox, who endured her share of discomfort while filming in her character’s tight-fitting vintage corset. Fox explained that Lila’s occupation was reflective of the period in which “Jonah Hex” is set, a time when women were often forced into prostitution because of a dearth of alternative work options. “[The film] is not a spaghetti western but it’s a western and there were not really a lot of things that women did back then,” the 24-year-old told MTV News. “They did the child-rearing and as vocation or occupation — and unfortunately it was hard times — they were prostitutes. That’s just the reality of the time period.” What do you think of Megan taking on the gun-slinging role? Tell us in the comments! Check out everything we’ve got on “Jonah Hex.” For breaking comic book movie news, columns and more — updated around the clock — visit SplashPage.MTV.com . Related Videos MTV Rough Cut: Megan Fox In ‘Jonah Hex’ Related Photos ‘Jonah Hex’

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Megan Fox Talks Playing A Prostitute In ‘Jonah Hex’

David Otunga Would Marry Fiancee Jennifer Hudson In The Wrestling Ring

‘It would be quite a show,’ WWE star said, although Grammy and Oscar winner Hudson probably won’t go for it. By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Larry Carroll David Otunga Photo: MTV News A rumor that wrestling star David Otunga wanted to marry his superstar fianc

Chris Martin Who? Gwyneth Paltrow Stands by Her Woman

Nicole Kidman is apparently man enough for Gwyneth Paltrow. (The jury’s still out on whether a certain Coldplay frontman can lay claim to the same.) Her Goopness has signed on to…

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Chris Martin Who? Gwyneth Paltrow Stands by Her Woman

Miley Cyrus To Replace Mariah Carey On ‘Today’ Show

No reason has been given for Carey’s cancellation of August 28 show. By Jocelyn Vena Miley Cyrus Photo: Jeff Kravitz/ FilmMagic Miley Cyrus has been tapped to fill in for Mariah Carey , who canceled her upcoming “Today” show concert scheduled for August 28

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Miley Cyrus To Replace Mariah Carey On ‘Today’ Show