It was already a he said, she said battle for the ages, but find a hat, then hold the f*%k onto it, ’cause Vienna Girardi is really taking it to Jake Pavelka now. In a new clip from Monday’s episode of The Bachelorette, which will feature a joint interview with the formerly engaged close, she drops this bomb on him: “You are the biggest fake liar I’ve ever met in my entire life.” BAM. Talk about getting owned. But Jake, not to sit there and be humiliated, snaps back, “Who’s the guy you had on Saturday night at the apartment?” That would be Greek star Gregory Michael , whose name is bleeped out in the clip, and whose affair with Vienna was supposedly the last straw for Jake. Jake and Vienna in “happier” times. [Photo:] On Good Morning America Friday, host-pimp Chris Harrison admits their first face-to-face encounter since their split was “definitely contentious.” In the first clip released yesterday, Girardi, a former Hooters waitress, defends herself for selling details about their love life to a tabloid, claiming she had to. “Jake felt really betrayed that she sold these very intimate stories,” Harrison adds. “That’s where it got heated. Jake really takes offense that he was sold out.” Among those stories he was so upset: That while we’ve all seen Vienna Girardi nude or close to it, Jake had no interest in hitting that for months on end! Follow the jump for to see the fake couple bicker for yourself: Vienna and Jake: Round 94 Whose side are you on in the Breakup of the Century?

See the article here:
Vienna Girardi to Jake Pavelka: You’re a Fake Liar!