Tag Archives: joint-interview

Moms Of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric, Garner and Tamir Rice Talk To CNN’s Anderson Cooper

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The mothers of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Tamir Rice came together for the first time on Dec. 12  to sit for a joint interview with…

Moms Of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric, Garner and Tamir Rice Talk To CNN’s Anderson Cooper

Power Couple: Barry-O And Hillary Clinton Sit Down With 60 Minutes For First Joint Interview

This lil’ political swirl is the backbone of our great country Barack Obama And Hillary Clinton Sit For Joint Interview With 60 Minutes President Obama praised Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a joint “60 Minutes” interview recorded Friday, calling his outgoing cabinet star one of the greatest chief diplomats in U.S. history. “I just wanted to have a chance to publicly say thank you, because I think Hillary will go down as one of the finest Secretaries of State we’ve had,” Obama said in the rare TV spot — the first time he’s done a joint interview with anyone besides his wife, Michelle, since reaching the White House. The interview — which was excerpted Friday and will be aired in full on Sunday — is a testament to the strength of the Obama-Clinton alliance that was forged following their bitter Democratic primary campaign in 2008. “In politics and in democracy, sometimes you win elections and sometimes you lose elections,” Clinton said, recounting what she’s told people the world over about the “improbable” alliance. “And I worked very hard and lost. And then President Obama asked me to be Secretary of State and I said yes. And why did I say yes? Because we both love our country.” Over the last four years, Clinton has traveled to 112 countries to rebuild an American brand left in tatters after the Iraq War — raising her 2016 White House prospects along the way. The POTUS went out of his way to shower ol’ Hill with compliments, possibly to further bolster her profile with the American people. “I can’t begrudge her wanting to take it easy for a little bit,” Obama said. “But I want the country to appreciate what an extraordinary role she’s played during the course of my administration. A lot of the successes we’ve had internationally have been because of her hard work.” Hillary could always return the favor if she was to become the first woman POTUS and offer Barry a gig on her cabinet. The interview will air on Sunday night. Image via AP

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Power Couple: Barry-O And Hillary Clinton Sit Down With 60 Minutes For First Joint Interview

Vienna Girardi to Jake Pavelka: You’re a Fake Liar!

It was already a he said, she said battle for the ages, but find a hat, then hold the f*%k onto it, ’cause Vienna Girardi is really taking it to Jake Pavelka now. In a new clip from Monday’s episode of The Bachelorette, which will feature a joint interview with the formerly engaged close, she drops this bomb on him: “You are the biggest fake liar I’ve ever met in my entire life.” BAM. Talk about getting owned. But Jake, not to sit there and be humiliated, snaps back, “Who’s the guy you had on Saturday night at the apartment?” That would be Greek star Gregory Michael , whose name is bleeped out in the clip, and whose affair with Vienna was supposedly the last straw for Jake. Jake and Vienna in “happier” times. [Photo: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com] On Good Morning America Friday, host-pimp Chris Harrison admits their first face-to-face encounter since their split was “definitely contentious.” In the first clip released yesterday, Girardi, a former Hooters waitress, defends herself for selling details about their love life to a tabloid, claiming she had to. “Jake felt really betrayed that she sold these very intimate stories,” Harrison adds. “That’s where it got heated. Jake really takes offense that he was sold out.” Among those stories he was so upset: That while we’ve all seen Vienna Girardi nude or close to it, Jake had no interest in hitting that for months on end! Follow the jump for to see the fake couple bicker for yourself: Vienna and Jake: Round 94 Whose side are you on in the Breakup of the Century?

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Vienna Girardi to Jake Pavelka: You’re a Fake Liar!

Vienna Girardi: Jake is a Fame-Obsessed Liar!

Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi’s emotionally-charged reunion is still days away from hitting the small screen on The Bachelorette, and it’s already ugly. Taped last Thursday, the former couple’s combative, instantly infamous joint interview is set to air July 5, and some new, heated details have emerged. According to a new ABC press release, Vienna Girardi and Jake Pavelka acknowledge that their romance is unfixable, and proceed to exchange insults. Bachelor host-pimp Chris Harrison can only look on in awe. The Jake and Vienna Circus rolls on. [Photo: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com] The gist: Girardi tells Jake Pavelka he’s a “liar” and a “fame whore,” while Pavelka says she’s jealous and undermines him. The Bachelor stars argue about who initiated the breakup, and Girardi denies she cheated with Gregory Michael. At one point, the airhead Floridian bursts into tears and stomps off the set, while reports from witnesses say that an enraged Jake makes a fist at her. Another insider who observed the confrontation told Us Weekly that Pavelka “couldn’t get a word out – it was very reflective of their relationship .” Mediator Harrison often had to tell Girardi, “Vienna, let him talk.” But “Vienna was on the defense,” a source adds. “She was trying to play victim.” As we see it, we’re the true victims in all of this.

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Vienna Girardi: Jake is a Fame-Obsessed Liar!

Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi: The Evolution of a Fake Relationship

Since it was so obvious The Bachelor stars Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi were a terrible match, few were caught off guard by their breakup this week. The way their entire “relationship” (term used more loosely than Vienna’s morals) has played out since The Bachelor finale has us wondering, however: Has the whole thing been a sham? Sources close to the pair say Vienna’s quotes in Star are true, and Jake is a prude who hasn’t been intimate with her in months. But there’s more … “They haven’t even been a real couple for a while,” an insider tells E! Online , adding, “They’ve been pretty much playing it up in front of the cameras.” Why do such a thing? “Because they both want to be famous, and it’s good for their reputations and the reputation of the show [ The Bachelor ].” While we’re not willing to suggest flat-out that Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi staged their relationship, this theory might explain … Why Vienna had an interview lined up with Star to announce how she painfully, gut-wrenchingly broke up with Jake … a whole day earlier The couple’s over-the-top PDA and previous reports that Vienna is a stalker , especially while Jake was shooting Dancing With the Stars . The pair going out of their way to prove to the world they were really in love, then reap the rewards (big PR) of a very public breakup . Here’s an addendum to that last bullet point. ABC says in a statement that “Jake and Vienna will be doing a joint interview for ABC to air shortly.” More Jake and Vienna on TV. Who would have guessed. In his cover story in People , Jake Pavelka continues to play the victim, saying there were “trust issues” between himself and his fake fiancee. The star adds: “I’m still the same guy that believes in love. What I’ve learned is, it doesn’t matter if you love somebody – that doesn’t fill 95 percent of the relationship.” So five percent of a relationship is love? What’s the rest, fake photo ops and trying to get on every reality TV show? Great priorities. No wonder he won’t put out.

Go here to see the original:
Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi: The Evolution of a Fake Relationship

Kate Gosselin: The Next Bachelorette?

Because two reality shows are never enough for a mother of eight, Kate Gosselin is reportedly pitching another in which she focuses on nabbing a new husband. “Kate’s working on a deal to do a new reality dating series on ABC,” a Gosselin insider reveals to Life & Style . “Kate would love to have someone new in her life.” After divorcing Jon Gosselin last year following a public implosion, Kate “really misses the companionship. She wishes she had a man around to help her out.” In the proposed show, the reloaded Kate Plus 8 star will be matched up with single dads – or, in another scenario, could wind up as the star of The Bachelorette! The magazine’s anonymous claim that this is being discussed is clearly baseless, but at the same time, she was ratings gold for ABC’s Dancing with the Stars . FORESHADOWING? Kate Gosselin and The Bachelorette star Ali Fedotowsky in a joint interview with Jimmy Kimmel earlier this spring. Might Kate follow in Ali’s reality TV dating footsteps? Would it be a stretch to have her star on another highly-rated reality franchise on the same network? Oh yes, but crazier things have happened. We’re just sayin’. If we were the betting type, and we’ve been known to lose money on asinine bets before, we’d wager that there’s now way in hell Kate stars on The Bachelorette . Still, we can absolutely see another dating show tailored to fit the mother of eight. What we aren’t sure is why any guy would appear on it. Maybe that’s unfair. Would you date Kate? Sorry, but we gotta ask … Kate Gosselin: Would you hit it?

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Kate Gosselin: The Next Bachelorette?

Nazril Ariel and Luna Maya

In a joint interview with TVOne, Nazril Ariel and Luna Maya said they were victims of defamation and urged fans not to jump to conclusions. But they did not clearly deny it was them in the video. Indonesian teen heart-throb Nazril Ariel and his model girlfriend Luna Maya expressed shock Monday over an X-rated video that has appeared on the Internet apparently showing them having s-ex. The explicit but grainy video, which appears to have been shot by Ariel during the act, is one of two s-exy c

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Nazril Ariel and Luna Maya

Fergie: Betrayed by Josh Duhamel?

According to Fergie and the Black Eyed Peas, “tonight’s gonna be a good night.” Unfortunately for that singer, Nicole Forrester felt the same way about an evening she spent with Fergie’s husband, Josh Duhamel. On an Atlanta radio show this week, the 34-year stripper stood by her claim that she bedded the Transformers star a few weeks ago, saying of an October rendezvous: “We did hook up and had lots of sex and we had a really, really good time.” In the latest issue of Us Weekly , Forrester’s attorney claims his client has text messages and polygraph results that back up her claim.

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Fergie: Betrayed by Josh Duhamel?

Hailey Glassman, Jon Gosselin Continue TV Feud

Hailey Glassman is single, but not yet ready to mingle . Apparently, she’s got more televised bashing of Jon Gosselin she wants to get out of the way first.

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Hailey Glassman, Jon Gosselin Continue TV Feud