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You Big Dummy!!! Ohio Man Arrested For Selling $100 Food Stamps On Facebook Using His Real Name And Number

Move them stamps ! Ohio Man Arrested For Selling Food Stamps On Facebook A man trying to sell his girlfriend’s food stamp card on Facebook now faces a felony charge. Via Journal News reports: Police said Derron Chamberlain posted on the social media site that he was selling his girlfriend’s food stamp card for $100. He also included his phone number for potential buyers to contact him, police said. “He did put his real information while he was doing this illegal act for everybody to see,” said Middletown Police Lt. Scott Reeve. Chamberlain, 35, of Plymouth Avenue, was excited, police said, when officers from the police department’s Special Operations Unit contacted him acting as potential buyers. “He kept calling back to the detectives to a point where they thought it was humorous how much he was calling back trying to make a deal happen,” Reeve said. About six hours after detectives called Chamberlain, they met him at Goldman Park, 1400 Highland St. Police said Chamberlain did not resist arrest and is charged with trafficking food stamps, a fifth-degree felony. “He didn’t realize he had done anything wrong,” Reeve said. “Even when they brought him into the police department and talked to him he was still surprised to find out it was illegal for him to sell his girlfriend’s food stamp card.” About $6.6 million is distributed monthly in Butler County via the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps. While benefits fraud is not a new crime, the lingering dismal economy and drug abuse, particularly heroin, has turned it into an epidemic, Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones told the Journal-News in January. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has said that food stamp fraud totals $750 million each year. An investigation launched from suspicion that Butler County’s skyrocketing food assistance dollars may be attributed in part to fraud, abuse and misuse has resulted in the arrest of hundreds and a taxpayer savings of $5.2 million since July 2012, the Journal-News reported earlier this year. The operation, manned by two Butler County sheriff’s detectives with help of state and federal agencies including the Secret Service and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, netted 116 violators between July 2012 and June 2013 and 100 from July to December 2013. Why the hell would you be dumb enough to use your real name and number to sell food stamps on Facebook??????!

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You Big Dummy!!! Ohio Man Arrested For Selling $100 Food Stamps On Facebook Using His Real Name And Number

The Jig Is Up: Apollo Nida Pleads Guilty To Bank Fraud & Identity Theft And Could Face Up To 30 Years In Prison

Welp. Apollo Nida Pleads Guilty To Bank Fraud & Identity Theft RHOA cast member Phaedra Parks’ husband Apollo Nida has been going through a legal whirlwind for the past few months after it was revealed that he was involved in a bank fraud scheme where he allegedly defrauded multiple people to the tune of over $2 million and now he’s finally stepping up to officially take the wrap for his part. via Atlanta Journal Constitution Apollo Nida, the husband of Phaedra Parks, today pled guilty to charges of mail, wire and bank fraud in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. In court, wearing a light-colored plaid jacket, Nida accepted charges that could land him in prison for up to 30 years and a fine of up to $1 million on top of restitution for an estimated $2.3 million he allegedly defrauded various individuals, financial institutions and government agencies. Alana Black, the assistant U.S. attorney, told Judge Pannell Nida’s scheme in detail. He opened a fake debt collection agency to gain access to databases full of individual’s personal information. He would then steal people’s ID and find unclaimed funds, refunds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, stolen U.S. treasury checks and refunds from fraudulent U.S. income tax returns. Nida had St. Julien open UPS mailboxes and bank checking accounts using those fake identities, deposit those checks, then pocket the money. Later, he created fake auto dealerships and then get auto loans for phantom cars. Nida said in court that he takes “full responsibility for my actions” and expressed regret for hurting his family and any individuals and institutions affected by his fraud. “It was a dumb situation I put myself in,” he said. As an explanation for the reasoning behind his shady shenanigans, Apollo claimed it was the pressure to keep up with Phaedra’s abundant stream of income following his prison stint that led him down the wrong path, but also made it clear that she knew nothing about his criminal antics. He did provide some context for his actions. In 2009, Nida had just left prison after five years for federal racketeering charges related to auto title fraud. He and Parks married and she soon signed on to be part of “Real Housewives of Atlanta.” He said she was making far more money than him and he felt pressure to keep up. Without easy legitimate ways to make quick money, he opted for this illegal scheme instead. But he claimed to her he was running a legitimate debt recovery firm and kept her firmly in the dark. Looks like things will be definitely be getting worse before they get better where Phaedra and Apollo are concerned. Photo Credit: Bravo TV

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The Jig Is Up: Apollo Nida Pleads Guilty To Bank Fraud & Identity Theft And Could Face Up To 30 Years In Prison

Is This Nutrient Actually Bad For You?

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People, particularly women, need calcium, right? Last year, a Swedish study published in the British Medical Journal linked calcium supplement use in women to an…

Is This Nutrient Actually Bad For You?

Kush Chronic-les: The History Of Mary Jane Prohibition Is Racist “Reefer Makes Darkies Think They’re As Good As White Men.”

White uses green to keep the blacks blue … Marijuana Prohibition Has Racist Roots Via HuffingtonPost As the nation’s nearly 80-year history of pot prohibition slowly begins to crumble, starting with Colorado’s recent implementation of taxed and legalized recreational marijuana, critics of the increasingly popular policy shift are jumping to denounce the move. A number of white pundits and newspaper columnists have been among the most vocal, claiming that marijuana must remain illegal, despite their own prior use of it, because it supposedly makes people dumber. The columns themselves served as the most persuasive evidence of that point. And while such a correlation between pot use and intelligence has yet to be proven, one must be willing to ignore the racist roots of marijuana prohibition and the manner in which this unjust system of anti-drug enforcement still plays out today to make such a shallow argument in the first place. In a column for The Fix, Maia Szalavitz reminds us that Harry Anslinger, the father of the war on weed, fully embraced racism as a tool to demonize marijuana. As the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, a predecessor to the Drug Enforcement Administration, Anslinger institutionalized his belief that pot’s “effect on the degenerate races” made its prohibition a top priority. Here are just a few of his most famous (and most racist) quotes: “There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the U.S., and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others.” “Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.” Yes, you read that correctly. Meanwhile, states throughout the south began implementing drug laws as part of the explicitly racist Jim Crow system, with southern lawmakers being quite open about the racist motivations behind the laws. Sure, this was more than 75 years ago, but how much has actually changed today? The feds have stripped Anslinger’s offensive language from their official mission statements, but we are left with anti-drug policies that are hardly less racist in their application. According to a 2013 study by the American Civil Liberties Union, blacks across the nation were nearly four times more likely than whites to be arrested on charges of marijuana possession in 2010, despite data that suggested they use the drug at about the same rate. In some states, blacks were up to six times more likely to be arrested. This disparity isn’t new, and plays into broader arrest data: A study published in the journal Crime & Delinquency this month found that by the age of 23, nearly 50 percent of black males have been arrested, compared to 44 percent of Hispanic males and 38 percent of white males. In all, around 750,000 people are arrested for marijuana each year, with more than 650,000 of them for possession alone. (The U.S., of course, incarcerates a higher percentage of its population than any other nation in the world.) The stats here are beyond disturbing, because lord knows these white folks burn as much kush as any other race of people. Image via Shutterstock

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Kush Chronic-les: The History Of Mary Jane Prohibition Is Racist “Reefer Makes Darkies Think They’re As Good As White Men.”

Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison Confirm Separation

The stunning rumor is now a reality. It is all over for Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison . Courtney Stodden, Doug Hutchison Split The couple, who made nauseating headlines in 2011 when they got married despite a 35-year age difference, have released a joint statement in which they confirm their separation. “After two and a half years of marriage, Courtney and Doug have decided to become legally separated,” the pair said, via The Daily Mail. ” Courtney was married at a young age. Now, at nineteen, she’s interested in exploring life as an unmarried single young adult — with the freedom to explore her independence.” But while initial reports claimed Hutchison was heartbroken over the split, this statement claims he’s totally on board with his wife’s desire to date younger, hotter men independence. “Doug supports Courtney 100 percent,” the statement continued. “The two will share custody of their precious pup, Dourtney, remain living in the same house [for now] in separate bedrooms, and Doug will be co-managing Courtney’s career.” This set-up may sound odd, but both sides are allegedly all for it. They conclude: “We love each other very much, want for each other’s happiness, and will continue being the best of friends for life.” That’s all well and good. But it’s gonna be awkward when Doug is the cameraman behind the inevitable Courtney Stodden sex tape .

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Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison Confirm Separation

Rochelle Sapp, Daycare Owner, Kills Toddler For Not Taking Off Coat

Rochelle Sapp, a home daycare business owner in Iowa, is accused of throwing a toddler to the ground for failing to remove her coat last month. The three year-old, Autumn Elgersma, died from her injuries. On October 29, Sapp phoned Elgersma’s mother to tell her that her daughter had injured her head during a fall at the Orange City, Iowa, residence. She said the three-year-old had fallen down some stairs. Two days later, Elgersma died in Sioux Falls, S.D., children’s hospital while receiving treatment her for a skull fracture and brain swelling, reports indicate. Doctors said the injuries were inconsistent with a child falling down stairs, and police allege that Sapp, 33, later admitted throwing the girl to the ground . Sapp had been charged with willful injury and child endangerment resulting in serious injury, both felonies. New charges will be filed following an autopsy. Toddler Killed By Daycare Provider Autumn’s parents Philip and Jennifer Elgersma, said: “Our family is deeply saddened by the loss of our little girl. The prayers offered by others on our behalf are giving us the strength to get though this very difficult time.” “Autumn was a joy in our lives and we are blessed to have called her ours. We take comfort in the fact that she is now with her Savior, Jesus Christ.” “We ask for your continued thoughts and prayers for our family.” In the wake of this tragedy, according to the Sioux City Journal , neighbors remembered Autumn Elgersma as “a bubbly little girl who loved to be around people.” “She was just fun to be around, and we’re going to miss her a lot,” next-door neighbor Bev Rohrs told the newspaper. “She was just adorable, cute as a bug in a rug.” Last month, an Ohio daycare worker named Heather Koon was charged with raping children under her care, and filming the unspeakable acts to boot. Heather Koon Arrested For Raping Babies

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Rochelle Sapp, Daycare Owner, Kills Toddler For Not Taking Off Coat

XBox One: Unboxing the New Console!

Whether you are a XBox or Playstation fan, there’s no denying that the new consoles are exciting in their own right. True, there are pros and cons to either side but the fact that it’s next generation time is still exhilarating! There hasn’t been an “official” PS4 unboxing as of yet but today Major Nelson took to his blog to show us the Day 1 Edition of the XBox One. XBox One Day 1 Edition Unboxing Outside of the controller additions (the Day 1 logo and the chrome d-pad) it doesn’t appear that there is much different from this version than the regularly purchased editions.  An updated Kinect, with a wider range so you can use it in any room, better voice control capabilities, 500GB hard drive… all good things. The USB on the side is a little odd but I suppose that isn’t a make or break thing. Plus, a sticker!!! Your move Sony.

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XBox One: Unboxing the New Console!

Pitbull Saves Family, Loses Leg in Shotgun Blast

Forget having them fight each other (please, Michael Vick ). Pitbulls are much better off at fighting off intruders. In an incredible story from late last month in Virginia, a female pitbull named Lesteye sprung into action when a burglar broke into her family’s home. According to various reports, the canine leaped in front of a shotgun bullet meant for her owner, shattering her shoulder and tearing off soft tissue in the process. The pet had to have its leg amputated as a result of this life-saving move, but once the Atlantic Animal Hospital posted her story on Facebook, something else incredible happened: Donations poured in for the dog’s surgery. Over $1,000 was raised and Dr. Michele Leatherbury now says the pitbull has an “excellent” chance at living a healthy life. Learn more in this video: Pitbull Sacrifices Leg to Save Family

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Pitbull Saves Family, Loses Leg in Shotgun Blast

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters Reviews – Will Family Films Continue Box Office Dominance?

Family films have been the story of the summer. Well, family films and sequels. In some cases, family films that are sequels. Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters falls into that category. A sequel to 2010’s  Percy Jackson & The Olympians , this new film surely hopes to find the same kind of success that  Despicable Me 2  and  Monsters U  have had. Before we can see how they do at the box office, let’s check out what the Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters reviews have to say. Then you can compare them to the  We’re The Millers reviews and go from there! There are plenty of bad films to get riled up about in the summer. “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters” isn’t one of them. This is harmless tween-centric fun. — Peter Hartlaub,  San Francisco Chronicle For kids, Percy and pals are good company and the special effects are often fresh and eye-popping. There are further benefits for the few older fans on hand who love mythology. — Doris Toumarkine,  Film Journal International You might think it would be endlessly awesome being the offspring of an Olympian god, but it seems like kind of a drag, really, for young Percy Jackson. — Bruce Ingram,  Chicago Sun-Times Lerman is adroit at looking eager and battle-worthy but not too cocky in a film as much about character development as sword play. — Marsha McCreadie,  RogerEbert.com In Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, choosing the dumbest character is a colossal task. — Connie Ogle,  Miami Herald Tweens and young teens should be sufficiently distracted by the movie’s brisk pace and heroic mayhem – if they’re not too unnerved by its at times nightmarish imagery. — Gary Goldstein,  Los Angeles Times

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters Reviews – Will Family Films Continue Box Office Dominance?

Jesus Take The Wheel: 17-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth Then Stashes Dead Baby In The Trunk Of Her Car

This is horrible . Girls Leaves Dead Baby In Car According to Mail Online A 17-year-old girl told police she gave birth to a baby six months ago and stashed the tiny body in the trunk of her car after a mechanic made the grisly discovery yesterday. Shelby police Chief Charlie Roub said the girl told investigators last night she didn’t know she was pregnant and gave birth at home in late January or early February. It is not known if the baby was stillborn or born healthy. she wrapped it in a blanket and put it in the trunk. The baby’s body was found inside a copy paper box by an employee at the northern Ohio repair shop after he noticed a strange smell coming from the trunk. The girl is a local resident and student. She has not been taken into custody or arrested. The car, a Mazda, belongs to a family member, the chief said. They do not know the gender of the baby. An autopsy will determine the cause of death. The girl gave the police the name of the baby’s father but they do not think he knew she was pregnant. Mechanic Ronnie Hamilton said: ‘The odor was so bad I decided to get curious and open up the box and that’s when I noticed the baby’ Ronnie’s fiancee Mary Enderby told the Mansfield News Journal: ‘That same car was here last week with those girls getting it worked on. I told Ronnie there was something off about them.’ She said someone came back and picked up the car, but returned it to the garage on Tuesday around noon to have a shake in the rear end checked. ‘I have five children. I had my first one at age 15, and I don’t understand how somebody could do this,’ she said. ‘I was still in high school when I had my son. I gave him up for adoption. He turns 16 on Thursday.’ She needs some serious therapy. Shutterstock

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Jesus Take The Wheel: 17-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth Then Stashes Dead Baby In The Trunk Of Her Car