Earlier today, we posted the first cast portrait for The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 6 . It features past regulars Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga, along with newcomers Teresa Aprea, Nicole Mauriello, and Amber Marchese. Oh, and Dina Manzo is also on her way back to the franchise that made her famous, announcing her return in the following trailer as only she can: The bitch is back and you can kiss my ass. The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 6 Promo Over the course of the new season, which premieres June 6, look for marriage strife to take center stage for more many of the women, while Teresa’s legal troubles send shockwaves through the series. “I obviously know what’s going on,” oldest daughter Gia says through tears at one point. As previously announced, Caroline Manzo and Jacqueline Laurita will not return. Kathy Wakile will stop by on occasion. Visit TV Fanatic to watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online and check out some memorable franchise moments here: Real Housewives: 11 Most Outrageous Quotes 1. Phaedra Parks on Education Phaedra has an advanced degree in booty. Don’t forget it!
Leave it to The Real Housewives of New Jersey to turn a “Horse Whisper to a Scream.” Read on as we recap who embraced their vulnerable side and who ended up looking like a horse’s ass in our THG +/- review. Jersey is still in the house at the Mirval Resort and Spa and it may never be the same again. But psychic advisors and gong therapy aren’t what Melissa envisioned for her birthday. “I’m done. I want a f**king cocktail by the pool in a bikini.” Plus 15. No one can say she’s not a girl who knows what she want. Everyone’s still recovering from the ghost whisperer when they all head out to see a horse whisperer. Funny thing is, Wyatt the equine therapist reads these Jersey housewives and their hubbies like the comic book characters they are. Plus 22. As they head towards the stables everyone comments on how refreshing it is. It’s a healing place. Or in Joe Guidice words, “It smells like sh*t.” Plus 7 for keeping it real Joe. We expect nothing less. Wyatt tells this motley crew that when they’re not being authentic, the horse can pick up on it. Energy is his language. I wouldn’t blame the poor creature if he took off at a full gallop and never looked back. Everyone thinks this is a bunch of hooey until Wyatt takes one look at Richie and tells him that he creates jokes so he doesn’t have to pay attention to what he feels. Plus 20. Nailed it. It also comes out that Richie has a lousy temper and yells at Kathy when he’s aggravated. Somehow the fact that he drives his wife to tears on a regular basis is a shocker to Richie even after decades of marriage. Minus 30 . OK. Show of hands…who thought Juicy Joe was taking a phone call from his mistress? Yeah, me too but it only turned out to be Milania. But the look on Teresa’s face made me wonder if she was worried too. The Gorgas and the Guidices can’t get the poor horse to raise his hoof. Not a good sign. But plus 27 to Joe Guidice for actually admitting that he’s scared about his legal issues and giving his horse technique another go. When Melissa doesn’t know how to handle the horse, she falls back on her instincts…or as Wyatt dubs it, her “whore on a stroll walk.” Plus 33 . This guy is good. He also explains that there’s a difference between being nice and being manipulative. If you’re being nice you’re not expecting anything in return. Ha! When was the last time that happened between Melissa and Teresa? In one of the most touching moments, Albert opens up about being abused as a child and Wyatt terms Caroline Manzo’s support of her husband a “thing of beauty.” Plus 22 . Then Caroline turns around and handles that horse like a pro. The aftermath of the day is even more telling. Kathy realizes her voice deserves to be heard, even when her husband and the other Housewives seem to drown her out. Of course Teresa describe this breakthrough as, “Kathy’s having one of her Marcia, Marcia, Marcia moments.” Minus 13 Damn Teresa. Heaven forbid it’s not all about you. As the rest of the group walks away with the knowledge that sometimes the more vulnerable you are, the better off you’ll be, Teresa and Melissa decide the therapy was a waste time. They don’t have any insecurities. ……OK. I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop laughing. Or should I be crying because I can’t decide whether that is funny or sad. At least Teresa made the effort to approach Jacqueline. Jacqueline admits that Teresa is like the horse. She’s afraid if she gets too close she might get kicked. Good analogy. But if Tre were a true friend she should have told Jacqueline her hair was a mess on camera. Just sayin… At least Teresa got something out of the day. What did Melissa learn? “That I can’t lift a horse’s leg.” So much for therapy. Episode total = +103! Season total = -343!
The Real Housewives of New Jersey gives us “Scum One, Scum All” as the team builders run for cover. We recap all the therapy and mysterious black tar in our THG +/- review. We pick up right where we left off with Joe Gorga calling sister Teresa Giudice scum. Minus 20 . That really was out of line. Then Tre runs out to Juicy Joe who storms in looking for a fight but before he gets halfway there, Gorga charges him like a bull in a pasture. Minus 30 because I can’t tell what there’s more of in that room, testosterone or stupidity. Suddenly odd things start happening. Teresa runs out to call the cops. Do you really call the police on your own family? Melissa, Richie, and Kathy all jump in to the fray to try to pull these two idiots apart while Joe Gorga doesn’t just hit below the belt, he bites! Plus 16 because you just can’t make this stuff up. When they finally break apart the first thing Melissa does is run to Joe Gorga and put on his hat. That was weird, even for this crowd. Even weirder is the black gunk that’s everywhere…Juicy Joe’s face, Richie’s sweater. It’s as though they’ve all been tagged. Could it be Melissa’s mascara? Teresa’s eye-liner? Oh no. It’s even scarier than that. It’s Joe Gorga’s spray on hair! Plus 37 just because I can’t stop laughing. All of the money these fools are making on this show and he’s buying cheap spray-on hair? That’s priceless. Everyone storms off to their rooms. They all threaten to leave but no one actually does…except perhaps the team builders. They were never seen or heard from again. I guess the Middle East didn’t prepare Steve for Jersey after all. Richie and Rosie try to mend fences between the warring parties. Joe Gorga spends the evening in tears. And Juicy and Teresa destress by sharing a bath. Minus 50 . It’s going to take a while to scrub the gory details of Joe and Teresa’s “sexy time” from my brain. And the last thing I need to know is how Joe likes it rough and Tre doesn’t. Plus there isn’t a tip big enough to compensate that room service waiter who served them in the bathroom. Talk about taking full service to the extreme. The next day Dr. V, a “relationship expert” shows up. I rolled my eyes when the skinny little blonde with the too red lipstick walked in but surprisingly she seemed to know her stuff. Plus 12. In no time she had Teresa and her brother sharing a couch and crying their eyes out. I hope she brought tissues. In another odd turn of events, Caroline shows up…because Teresa called her for help. Not really sure how Caroline can make any of this better, but what’s one more guest at the table. Maybe Dr. V can help. Deep down I think Teresa and her brother want to reconcile and I honestly don’t think Juicy Joe cares much one way or the other. But Melissa’s going to be an issue and as much as I think she causes many of her own problems it’s a little hard to blame her. Teresa’s been behind rumors that she was a cheater and a stripper, plus she let Juicy ruin Joe Gorga’s spray on hair. Minus 10. That’s a little hard to get past. So do you think that the sister-in-laws will ever realize that all they really have to do is be civil to one another at holidays like everyone else and let the kids have play dates and life would be good? Nah…that’d be too easy. Episode total = -45! Season total = 382!
The Real Housewives of New Jersey found Melissa Gorga unknowingly “Drinking With the Enemy”. We recap the liars, cheaters, and so-called friends in our THG +/- review It all starts out innocent enough. Kathy’s cooking in her test kitchen and Rosie’s recounting how she had to pull her cartilage back into place after her meeting with Teresa. Minus 10. Did we really need to hear about that? Then Rosie shares Teresa’s idea of a retreat between the Guidices and Gorgas and invites the others along. Unsurprisingly there were not a lot of takers. Caroline rolls her eyes and Jacqueline proclaims she won’t join them in the gates of Hell. Plus 23 . I really couldn’t blame her. But even Jacqueline seemed to have bought a ticket on the crazy train. The way she tore that cell phone out of Kathy’s hand and wouldn’t give it back was surreal. Minus 12. Then she’s screaming over the speaker phone in the middle of a store and wouldn’t stop. As Kathy pointed out, there were “all kinds of crazy on both ends” of that call. Perhaps Teresa and Jacqueline really should just avoid one another in the future. but what fun would that be? I was wondering why Melissa’s so called friends were giving her such strange looks when she told them about her book deal. minus 22 . Don’t get me wrong. I think writing a book titled “Love Italian Style: Secrets to My Hot and Happy Marriage” is arrogant if nothing else but these are suppose to be her closest friends. Shouldn’t they have at least faked being reasonably happy for her? Apparently Melissa’s friends weren’t all that friendly. Jan, her former bridesmaid was happy to share with Kim D and Teresa that Melissa was supposedly cheating on her hubby. Minus 18 . Melissa and Teresa have some of the sleaziest friends. Put Jan, Kim D., and that scary looking realtor together that’s one creepy looking circle of friends. Or maybe it’s just way too much Botox all in one place. I was kind of surprised that Melissa confronted Kim D but I guess she had her own posse surrounding her at the time. Plus 11. Scarier was the way Jacqueline reacted. She couldn’t keep her mouth shut. Minus 9 . The slide into crazy town continued. However Melissa ended up with some of the best lines of the night, including telling Kim D: “This year I’m a cheater. Last year I’m a stripper. Next year I’m gonna murder all your kids.” and my favorite: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, go jump off the GWB.” (That’s the G eorge W ashington B ridge for those not in the know.) Plus 25. I’m certainly not wishing bodily harm on anyone but if I never had to lay eyes on Kim D again it would still be too soon. On the flip side we got to watch the Gorgas and the Wakiles attempt a sexy strip tease. Minus 15 because doing it with the other couple watching was just plain weird…and Rich really did look like someone shot him in the leg. Caroline appeared to be far away from all the fun. The problem was that even Albert was questioning her motives for staying in Hoboken. Minus 13 . It’s hard to convince anyone she’s not doing it to be closer to her kids. And on a side note…why did the Guidices need to make 800 lbs of sausage. Doesn’t that seem a little excessive? But it looks like the whole gang will be heading to a castle in the mountains next week. Is it a retreat, an intervention, or a ticking time bomb? Tune back in to find out. Episode total = -40! Season total = -237!
Alcide got mean. Bill got burned. Eric went undercover. Sookie met a new suitor. And Pam drank milk. HBO viewers took another trip to Bon Temps on the latest episode of True Blood Season 6 , with the following developments taking place throughout Episode 2, “The Sun.” Bill seemingly discovered the true meaning of his Lilith-like state. He can see the future! But that’s not great news for his undead friends, all of whom were burning in Bill’s vision. Eric tried to force the Governor’s hand by dorking out… only to learn about dangerous new technology the humans have in their battle for Louisiana. Sookie couldn’t resist the allure of another handsome young man faerie in trouble. Jason learned he has a faerie godfather. A wacky one at that, who knows a lot about Warlow. Alcide threw down with Sam over Emma. Pam and Tara bonded as the former lost her business. What did you think of the latest installment? Are you a fan of where the action is headed so far? Sound off on this True Blood episode now and give it a grade: A B C D F View Poll »
A good season finale opens the chest of things you didn’t know you’d been thinking all season. Tonight’s Season 6 finale of Mad Men did just that. While this season seemed as glacial as Matthew Weiner’s storytelling can get, and the finale wasn’t particularly revelatory (though it wasn’t uneventful), it really clued us in to what this season – and in fact, the whole show – is driving at. It’s about past vs. future. The future is volatile. It’s as uncertain as anything can get. Don is so scared of it that fact, he sabotages everything just to maintain some control over it. And the past, that pesky horrible flicker in the distant background, well it’s equally as disastrous, but in the end it’s just about the only thing we know for certain. Ignoring it only leads to more pain. In Care Of finds Don finally reaching the realization that if he doesn’t learn to restrain his self-destruction, his life will spiral. Don has been turning to drinking – and alone, no less – as a respite from his confused self-hatred. And finally, after ending up in the drunk tank for punching a minister, he decides “enough is enough.” Time to build a future. Of course, Don’s way of building a future is stealing it from someone else. He did it when he became Don Draper, and now he’s doing it with Stan Rizzo. Rizzo volunteers to be put on the Sunkist account in order that he can go to California and start a satellite agency, and when Don realizes he needs a shakeup, he figures that sounds like a good plan. Megan, of course, takes very little convincing. But when Ted tells Don that he wants to go to California himself, in order to escape his love for Peggy and keep his family together, it incites something profound. At first, Don says no. He’s sorry, but the gears are already in motion. Megan is being written off her show, plans are being made. But then, Don has a realization: Ted – this timid, scared man – is in danger of ruining his life. Like Don ruined his. During a pitch meeting with Hershey, Don reveals to the clients, and to his partners, some deeply locked away portions of his childhood that he’d never told anyone. He was raised in a whore house – not by a loving father like the version of himself in his pitch to Hershey – where nobody cared about him. The only sweetness in his life was the Hershey bar he earned from stealing money out of Johns’ wallets. This is not the first time Don has sabotaged a pitch meeting with his wild impulses, but it is the first time that he seems to have had a true catharsis doing it. Until this very moment, all of his erratic behavior has been destructive. It has been a way to influence the future – however negatively. Now, for the first time, he is embracing the past; dealing with his pain; confronting it, publicly. After Hershey leaves, he tells Ted he can have California. After all, Ted is trying to right his wrong. Not that he acted on his feelings for Peggy but that he has them in the first place. That’s a consideration Don never seems to have even realized existed. It’s big. And it hit Don hard. After an entire season of finding Ted to be an annoying pest that he could more or less walk all over, he now sees him as a man at a crossroads, and one that Don himself was on without even knowing it. So Don tells Megan that they’re not going to California after all. And of course Megan, who has always been just a piece of furniture unluckily positioned in Don’s blast radius, is justifiably upset. Final straws are being pulled. And just when Don has taken his first step toward finding himself. Megan leaves in a huff, possibly forever. And the next morning, Don shows up to work to find out he’s been unceremoniously canned. Another final straw has been pulled. So Don, without a wife or a job, has finally shed all the things that comprised his future. He has nothing left to destroy. Nobody to cheat on. No accounts to sabotage. Finally Don can work on his past. Sally, who told her father this season that she realized she knows nothing about him, is about to learn. The final scene of the season finds Don showing his three kids where he grew up. That he’s Dick Whitman. The secret that ruined his marriage with Betty, that threatened his job, that he has done countless horrible things to protect, is no longer a secret. It’s him. OTHER NOTES: It wouldn’t surprise me if Betty comes back into the picture next season. Weiner and his staff are great at making little things that seemed to just be scenery along the road turn out to be clues to major themes and plot details. The fact that Don and Betty had that nice little trip together as a family again, that they slept together again, compounded with Don’s embracing of his troubled past, suggests that him and Betty may get back together. Of course, it could also be a red herring. Poor Rizzo. Even when Don, who stole his idea, gives it away, he doesn’t even give it back to its rightful owner. He gives it to Ted. Peggy said something very poignant at the end of the episode. When Ted tells her she’ll realize he made the right decision, she tells him that it must be nice to be able to make decisions. Peggy has grown so much as a character, it’s tough to see her continue to be thrown around so much. SC&P is an entity without a spine now. Don is the entire reason the merger happened and the new business was created. He’s also the reason Sunkist won out over Ocean Spray. While he agreed to let Draper remain out of the new Name, Don really is the foundation of it. It will be very interesting to see what Don’s embracing of his past holds for his future. While he was told he could come back to work in a few months, that probably isn’t true. And for the sake of compelling storytelling, I hope it isn’t. The future is as uncertain as ever.
The Real Housewives of New Jersey gave us a confrontation between “Gym Rats.” We recap the foul mouthed tirades and insults in THG’s +/- review! Honestly, if you are buying a book from any of the Real Housewives for marriage advice, you should probably just file the divorce papers now. Or admit yourself to the nearest asylum because that’s just crazy. Minus 22 . Still, I’m sure Melissa Gorga ‘s book on having a happy marriage will sell with words of wisdom from husband Joe like, “The sex is important.” Sort of gives credence to Filomena Guidice’s words when she basically says that Melissa dresses like a prostitute. Maybe Joe picks out her clothes. Plus 10 to the publishers…who actually expect Melissa to write a little something before she starts cashing the checks. Right now that bible on marriage is looking more like a pamphlet. But Minus 18 for pushing her to add stories about her philandering father who was killed in a car accident when she was a teenager. Is it more heart they’re looking for…or more salaciousness? The entire cast of the show swears they’re done with Teresa Guidice but why can’t they stop talking about her. Minus 9. And if Jacqueline is wondering if Teresa’s a sociopath, then what the heck is Rosie? The woman can’t hold a conversation for more than five minutes without screaming and causing a ridiculous scene…even at her niece’s birthday party. One moment Victoria is giving a very sweet speech about sharing her birthday with her father, “the first man I ever loved.” And plus 15 to her. The girl seems to possess more tact and sense than most of her family. Moments later we hear Rosie spouting, “Take it up the ass, Teresa” and “I’m going to speak my mind. I don’t give a sh*t..” Minus 30 . I don’t mind her speaking her mind but does she have to sound like a foul mouthed truck driver every time she does it? You can’t blame Teresa for ruining that party. She wasn’t even there. The only people not talking about Teresa seem to be Caroline Manzo’s sons. Chris and Albie have a new venture. Imagine that people didn’t want to drink black water. Go figure. They’re opening their own restaurant in Hoboken called Little Town NJ. They’re following in their father’s footsteps and you now what…best of luck to them. Plus 10. But let’s get back to the gym. Where does Teresa get that incredibly gaudy work out wear? And you can tell that she’s serious about working out by her long flowing hair and full makeup. If you missed it, yes. I’m being sarcastic. Minus 9. Then T spots her brother across the room and things turn bad quick. Joe reminds Teresa of every horrible thing she’s said about his wife…which she mostly denies. Then he brings Teresa’s husband into it. At first I wanted to call foul but since Teresa’s always bashing his wife I guess turn around is fair play but when he threw out, “I respect my wife. I don’t call my wife a c**t” I began to think he’d gone too far. Minus 13. But it was Teresa who made laugh when she shot back with, “He didn’t call me that to my face.” So it’s OK if her husband calls her the C word to other people then. Maybe Melissa should write the down for her book. That’s just … incredibly sad. Minus 35 . I think that water bottle is the first thing Teresa has thrown all season. Plus 12 . It’s good to have things get back to normal. Somehow I don’t see a happy family reunion any time in the near future. EPISODE TOTAL: -89! SEASON TOTAL: – 166!
Is Bill truly bad? Who the heck is Jason’s new mysterious friend? Did Jessica make a terrible decision? And can Alcide’s body truly be that ridiculously ripped? Yes, True Blood Season 6 kicked off tonight with more questions than answers, as Bill was taken over by Lilith (again) to end the hour, while viewers witnessed a number of changing relationships… from Jason telling off his sister to Pam being put in her place by Eric. We were also introduced to Governor Burrell of Louisiana, a man who has laid down the gauntlet in his state when it comes to human/vampire relations. But can you really blame him? Consider all we learned on the premiere, recall all the naked body parts that flashed across our screen, and grade the return of True Blood now: A B C D F View Poll »
“It’s My Party and I’ll Fight if I Want To” shows that no The Real Housewives of New Jersey birthday party is complete without some drama, even if the party is for a 12 year old. We try and make sense of the lies and catty comments in our THG +/- review. Gia Giudice is turning 12. At 12 I think I had 10 kids at my party. Gia’s parents rented a club for 100 people. Does anyone else get the feeling the girl is already smarter than both of her parents? Hopefully she doesn’t inherit her mother’s fashion sense. Purple zebra spandex. Minus 8 . Even at the gym that should be unacceptable. With her birthday looming Joe Giudice takes his little girl out for some daddy / daughter time. When he started lecturing the pre-teen on spending more time with her family I wanted groaned. Minus 10 . It’s really no surprise she’d rather spend more time with her friends than her bratty little sisters, especially when Milania’s telling her she’s got “a hairy grill.” Minus 15. Awkward! There’s a daddy / daughter moment they won’t soon forget. Of course Teresa doesn’t want Gia to talk to boys and plans to take her to the doctor in her teen years to check if she’s still a virgin! Joe’s advice to his daughter is “don’t give boys anything they want” and never kiss them. I can’t even imagine how warped the kid’s perception of sex is going to be as she grows up. But Teresa’s got other issues. Her Dad is back in the hospital and it’s got the family in turmoil. Apparently Joe Gorga can’t go visit his dad because he’s ill himself. Minus 33. Do we really have to hear about every bowel movement Joe is having? Charming as ever Joe tells his wife and kids, “I had some soup and it came right out of my ass.” Talk about over sharing. Melissa Gorga’s off at the gym making fun of Kathy who can’t get through her workout routine. Minus 11 . Always nice to look down your nose at your out of shape friends. Melissa says she’s taking Antonia to the hospital to visit her father-in-law. Then she tells Kathy that she has a sore throat and can’t go…but she looked plenty healthy at the gym. Later she swears to Teresa that she went. Well, which is it? Did she go or didn’t she? Honestly, I’m confused. Minus 18. Teresa jumps all over Melissa at Gia’s party. Can’t these two women just stay away from one another? There were over 100 people there. Let the kids play and go to your separate corners already. Of course Teresa’s got her minions with her…Linda and Kim D. Can we have Kim D’s plastic surgeon put on a New Jersey’s Worst Doctors list as a public service? The woman is beginning to resemble the walking dead. Neither Kim D or Linda would give Melissa the time of day if the cameras weren’t rolling. They’ll tear into anyone for their 15 minutes of fame, as witnessed when Jacqueline and Kathy were spotted at the gym… Linda – “Jacqueline’s fat ass hasn’t seen the inside of a gym in 8 months.” Kim D – “What about Kathy’s fat ass?” We can always count on you to keep it classy ladies. Minus 25. Kathy’s got more to worry about than her weight. First off, what was that outfit she was wearing in her driveway? The hat, the vest, the boots. It was just plain bad. Minus 8. Then she’s got Rosie and Richie and Joey all laughing at her in her own home…and not for her wardrobe. Rosie wants to be the fun aunt. Easy to do when she uses someone else’s Ferrari without their permission. Minus 15. I’ll admit, the evil part of me wished they would have banged up a fender or something. I’ll bet Rich wouldn’t be smiling and laughing then. Did anyone else laugh along with Jacqueline when Caroline told her Teresa expected an apology. Plus 37 to Jacqueline. She’s got more than enough on her plate. She certainly doesn’t need anybody else’s family drama. And has the Manzo mansion been turned into a petting zoo? Dogs, pigs, snakes in the basement. No wonder Albert is never home. Maybe Caroline needs to deal with her own crazy family and leave the Gorgas and the Giudices alone. Who am I kidding? Like that’s going to happen…. Episode total = -106! Season total = -77!
The Real Housewives of New Jersey had “A Manzo of Her Word” but it was a little boy who stole the show. We recap the smiles and tears in this week’s THG +/- review. Someone completely stole the show this week and it wasn’t a housewife. It wasn’t even one of their husbands. It was a little boy who learned to say I love you, Mommy . Plus 50 . To be honest at first it appeared that little Nick was only repeating the words to get the lollipop but when Chris Laurita said that it had been over 18 months since his wife had heard those words from her son, I couldn’t help but be moved, no matter what the child’s motivation. Housewives usually doesn’t require its audience to use that part of the brain, nevermind their hearts. It was almost disconcerting. Not to fear. There’s still plenty of the normal nonsense to fill the hour. Especially when we get to visit with Teresa and her kids. At least they weren’t cursing at one another this week. Plus 18. But can any of them communicate without screaming? Gia seems to think she’s in charge. Milania basically tells everyone else where to get off, and Gabriella looked like she was zoning out as a means of escape. Minus 12. I couldn’t say that I blamed her. Caroline’s daughter, Lauren said that the Guidice kids were being raised by wolves. I think that might be an insult to wolves. They have more sense . Teresa’s still hanging out with Kim D. Minus 22. Why is this woman back on my TV screen? These shows always breed the hangers on, looking for more than their 15 minutes of fame. Caroline called a summit meeting with Teresa and then she ordered an iced tea. You’d think alcohol would be mandatory to get through that meal. How funny was it when Caroline told Teresa that she was sent by Joe and Teresa shot back with, “He’s really scraping the bottom of the barrel.” Plus 18 . Teresa was right. Caroline is preachy but she’s also right. Life is short. Why let the stupid stuff take over? Now if she could only use that advice to mend fences with her own sister. And what is up with Fran? She looked like a heavier clone of Dina. And she moved in along with her stray pets. Minus 8 . Caroline’s husband Albert is a saint. Is there any way they can write Kathy out of the show? She’s generally boring and her husband Rich has become intolerable. Even Kathy seems to have grown weary of his frat boy antics. When Kathy told her husband that she was trying to raise Joseph to be a gentleman, all i could think was that it would have helped if she’d married one. Plus 13 when she tells her daughter to stick with school so she’ll have better options than Kathy did. Of course if we lost Kathy then we’d also lose Rosie. Hmm…I’m not sure where that lands in the points system. Did Rosie really have to join in on the guys poker game? Just because she’s a lesbian doesn’t make her one of the boys. Minus 9. But then we wouldn’t have had Joe Gorga telling Rosie she couldn’t write off all men if she’d never tried one. That earned a serious eye roll but I wouldn’t expect anything less from Joe. Of course he needs to start expecting less. Mush less when it comes to selling his giant McMansion. A 10,000 square foot house on 2 & 1/2 acres. Minus 15 . It sounds like someone was overcompensating. It was funny to watch the faux marble crumble and the fixtures fall off as Joe and Melissa crowed about their masterpiece. And shouldn’t their realtor have told them that having their kids around for the open house doesn’t make it feel more homey…it reminds people that it’s your home. Minus 10. But I think I’ll keep my $3.8 million in the bank and out of the Jersey real estate market, at least until next week. Episode total = +11! Season total = +29!