Tag Archives: know-the-bitch

Danielle Sharp Hot for Front Magazine of the Day

Front Magazine is doing things right…They are finding hot nobodies and turning them into their own celebrities….probably paying them very little…but making them get topless in the process…usually showing off some rocking fucking tits, reminding us that real celebrities are a fucking headache, especially when there are hot eager everyday chicks who want to be famous willing to a lot for exposure…..I dig it…especially when the tits involved are so abnormally huge…..and amazing….

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Danielle Sharp Hot for Front Magazine of the Day

Katy Perry for L’Uomo Vogue of the Day

Katy Perry is doing high fashion and it is hilarious…. This busty pop tart trash is not exploiting her busty….she’s just doing some futuristic robot shit…and looks like an idiot….trying too hard…which is kinda her thing… The only good thing about it is that her face looks better than ever….if only photoshop made masks people could wear to cover up their ugly…. The major fail in this shoot is that it isn’t topless….titties for fashion motherfuckers…..but that’s probably because Katy Perry isn’t a real model, she’s just pretending to be one, and that is unfortunate, cuz I’d like to see her topless…..but she knows she can’t show off he only thing she has going for her…the only thing authentic and mysterious that will keep people looking…..she probably also knows she has no business being in magazines….and if she doesn’t, maybe these pics will be a reminder… TO SEE SOME PICS OF HER BIG CLEAVAGE AT AN EVENT FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Katy Perry for L’Uomo Vogue of the Day

Lucy Mecklenburgh White Bikini of the Day

Lucy Mecklenburgh is on some show called the TOWNIES, which is some UK garbage that I assume is like Jersey Shore, but I don’t know what Sussex is, or why anyone cares about it, cuz I am not from the UK…I just know the bitch who is on the show self promoting herself was out in a white bikini, and that’s all it really takes to matter for me….I don’t give a fuck about body, shape or size…sure I like bitches fit and tight…but if they are half naked I’ll stare regardless of whether I like what I am seeing or not…cuz that’s all part of being a pervert….something I’m 80 percent sure I am…. To See The Rest of the Pics of Lucy Mecklenburgh in a White Bikini FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Lucy Mecklenburgh White Bikini of the Day

Mila Kunis Ass in Leggings of the Day

I find Mila Kunis amazing to look at. She’s probably the top girl in Hollywood as far as I’m concerned but I am tired of hearing losers whine about her fucking Ashton Kutcher, because they don’t know the bitch, and really who fucking cares who she’s fucking, it’s not like you’re a fucking candidate to visit her twat or something….this kind of behvior always weirds me out….. Sure, Ashton Kutcher is fucking annoying, he blocked me on Twitter in the beginning of Twitter along with one other dude, because he clearly has no sense of humor or good taste..takes life too seriously….proven by that whole Demi Moore bullshit….but more importantly proven everytime his successful ass opens its annoying fucking mouth….. But you know what, it is very possible that Mila Kunis sucks as a fucking human. Lots of good looking girls are lame and like lame guys who do lame things cuz they have no personality and no idea what’s up. It is very possible that she’s not funny, interesting, cool, she could easily be a bitch who always looks at herself in the mirror talking about hollywood and other uninteresting drivel that you would hate….you see cuz the Mila you think you know and love is a fucking character idiot…. It is very possible that her and Ashton Kutcher are equally fucking idiots who lucked out cuz the producer of 70s show was a pedophile who like underage kids with model like faces….who found love 10 years later cuz they came up together and get each other like no one else gets them who want to fuck…..meant to be together…true asshole love…. What we can hope for is that Mila Kunis got AIDS from Culkin who got it from Michael Jackson and sharing needles with street kids when he was all tormented in the 90s, that she gives to Ashton Kutcher when fucking during a Demi who banged everyone to get a career cuz she was ugly, herpes outbreak…because Ashton Kutcher HIV Positive makes him more tolerable knowing he is suffering….

Mila Kunis Ass in Leggings of the Day

Lindsay Lohan in Some Vintage Erotica Inspired Pics of the Day

Lohan might as well be dead. So these vintage inspired erotica pics will satisfy those of you who like jerking off to vintage erotica cuz you know the bitch in the picture is no more…likely dead…or in an old folks home…making the whole thing that much naughtier…but I’m into them thanks to her tits….because Lohan has great tits… You know what, whether she never works in Hollywood again…or the fact that she hasn’t worked in Hollywood for 5 years…or the fact that she’s 24 or 25 but her face looks like a 40 year old rich housewife all botoxed up…leading to real serious questions about what her vagina probably looks like…I haven’t given up on her… I think she’s gonna make a comeback….unfortunately not on my dick…because I burned that bridge many years ago after spending a night in her hotel…I have that affect on women…even crazy ones with great tits.

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Lindsay Lohan in Some Vintage Erotica Inspired Pics of the Day

Reese Witherspoon’s See Through Shirt Cuz She’s a Christian Harlot of the Day

Reese Witherspoon is the dumpy full of shit Jesus lover who got knocked up on the set of Cruel Intentions, forced a motherfucker to marry her, pumped out 10 kids, only to cheat on the motherfucker with another dude, all while pretending to be the wholesome church goer….and now she’s out showing off her gut like it is a veiled Italian widow….waiting to die….and that may be porn to you…but it’s not good to me…posting it anyway…

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Reese Witherspoon’s See Through Shirt Cuz She’s a Christian Harlot of the Day

Chloe Green’s Dumpy Rich Kid Body in a Bikini of the Day

Her dad is named Philip Green….he owns some major clothing stores….is a billionaire…and he lives like a billionaire…spoiling the shit out of his kids…hiring Destiny’s Child to play his son’s bar mitzvah…meaning there is no way this dumpy little pig in her bikini is anything but a spoiled little cunt….but then again…who knows…maybe she’s really wholesome, and not a whining little troll who has everything she is want, is never satisfied and just shits on everyone that comes her way….treating them like her employee…but I could be wrong…I don’t know the bitch…maybe she’s just fun cuz she doesn’t have to ever work….maybe she’s good to party with cuz she pays for everything…maybe she’s the friend who flies you around the world to a party…..but I do know she should spend some of that trust fund money on a personal trainer…I mean being in a fashion family, you’d think all that time next to models would rub off on her and make her starve herself like a normal socialite…. Here are her bikini pics.

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Chloe Green’s Dumpy Rich Kid Body in a Bikini of the Day