Tag Archives: limited-options

Courtney Stodden Catches on Fire of the Day

Courtney Stodden the star of COURTNEY UNCOVERED , a masturbation video she staged that was her most important work…a creature who came out of some stripclub with some low level celebrity as his 16 year old bride, something that would have got him arrested in California, but didn’t because she was in her 30s…but all the tabloids went along with it…and at one point in her career, I even saw her getting her breasts scanned on TV to prove she didn’t have implants…THIS IS THE WORLD WE LIVE IN….fucked up.. Well, since mastering the media, while being a real disturbing, uncomfortable to watch, medicated mess…who looks 40…she’s gone onto catch herself on fire on social media…because I guess when you’ve used all your tactics to get talked about, from sex offense victim to clown tits to sex tape…you have limited options…and this is what you come up with…. I find it amazing, but I adore Courtney Stodden, and not just because her team invited me to her Halloween party once…an event I missed…but that has a lot to do with it…most of the low levels fucking hate me, but this one almost wanted to invite me in and that alone is more magical than her catching herself on fire while medicated… That said, she looks like a lot of fun…my kind of girl…half dead, destroyed and too fucked up to resist my cuddles…a goddess to some…terrifying to others…a good balance of both to me… The post Courtney Stodden Catches on Fire of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Courtney Stodden Catches on Fire of the Day

Natalie Portman’s in a Magazine of the Day

Natalie Portman is cute, even as a mom, but the real reason she’s famous is broken down to two reasons that I can think of, and have written before, because let’s face it, why more do I have to say about Natalie Portman, it’s not like we Summer together and I have this great story about use eating bagels together… The first reason I think she’s famous is because she’s Jewish. Jewish guys fucking love hot Jewish girls, it gives them hope that they too will find a hot one amongst the inbred troll looking ones…since there are only so many Jewish girls around…and as we know…any culture has a limited amount of hot girls and the hot girl to troll girl ratio is never favorable….always so many ugly girls compared to hot girls….for every race, culture, religion….so when they see her…it’s like OMG…I need that more than Sally down the street… When you’re not forced to marry a Jewish girl to make your family happy, you have more options…so the hot Jewish girl’s stock is valuable..she’s in high demand…That is why even the fattest most disgusting Jewish girl is a daddy’s girl with a bad attitude, because she knows she’ll be fine…married and mom…to a rich guy…because of limited options…rich guys that would rather be with Natalie Portmant.. The second reason is Star Wars…fans for life…set for life…it’s just one of those franchises.. Here she is in a magazine.. The post Natalie Portman’s in a Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Natalie Portman’s in a Magazine of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens is Fat and in a One Piece Bathing Suit Under Overalls of the Day

When fat and forced to go to the beach – you have limited options – one of them being to not go to the beach and to lock yourself up in your hotel room eating ice cream and french fries and cake from Room service and the other is to suck it up, put on some sheer looking thing and wear a pair of overalls to cover your recent weight gain, cuz you’re not quite fat enough for the one piece with the skirt bottom and a bed sheet to wrap around the whole thing, making you look like a piece of furniture, but you are too fat to look good on all founrs in a two piece…even though I think everyone looks good in a 2 piece…

Originally posted here:
Vanessa Hudgens is Fat and in a One Piece Bathing Suit Under Overalls of the Day

Alexandra Ella’s Legs Distract Me From Her Weird Fucking Face of the Day

This is a weird looking human…I don’t know who she is…possibly because she’s a weird looking human being…but since I am the information source to all you idiots, I decided to read her IMDB and the only thing I recognized was “Can’t Hardly Wait” where she played the important “Giggle Girl” who was uncredited….cuz everyone was distracted by Jennifer Love’s tits…but the girl does have legs in one of those late night encounters where you want to get off with another person cuz you are alone and crave human contact…and have limited options but figure you can focus on her good body parts to distract you from the mangled accidented face…. Here she is showing off leg at some event, where she wasn’t hired to scare the kids, but could have been….

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Alexandra Ella’s Legs Distract Me From Her Weird Fucking Face of the Day

Weekday Vegetarian: Making a Warm Weather Supper From Wilted Kale with Lemon and Garlic

Photo: Emma Alter I spent the weekend looking through a new cookbook from Williams-Sonoma called Cooking From the Farmers’ Market. I’ve only made a few things from it so far, but I’m enjoying it. It’s not a vegetarian cookbook, but the emphasis is on the fruits and vegetables that are available in the market. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Weekday Vegetarian: Making a Warm Weather Supper From Wilted Kale with Lemon and Garlic

Lessons From Apartment Therapy’s Small, Cool Kitchen Competition

Apartment Therapy runs the small, cool contests every year, including one for kitchens; cleverly, they break it into categories including owning (American kitchens where people go nuts) renting (where people have more limited options) and international (because they really are different) This year’s … Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the article here:
Lessons From Apartment Therapy’s Small, Cool Kitchen Competition