I live in Canada so I am used to people on Welfare and figure it’s just part of life, but it always makes me laugh at how mad Americans, especially that rich get about people on Welfare, it’s a system that is in place, people use it, deal with it…but for some reason they find it so fucking offensive that people get 180 dollars in food stamps and they call it piggy backing on the tax dollars of the nation…like the host really thinks that this dude is stealing 5 cents out of his motherfucking pocket, instead of looking at how corrupt the actual government is, in terms of Salary the officials get, in terms of travel expenses, in terms of the government being a fucking scam… I also like how dude suggests he works at In and Out Burger, then follows up saying how much he likes In and Out burger, because he’s probably paid by in and out burger…when no one over the age of 16 wants to work at In and Out Burger… The whole thing seems like a SNL Skit, it’s funny on a lot of levels…watch.
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Welfare Dude of the Day