Tag Archives: markle

Dean McDermott is "Horrified and Disgusted" Over Child Body-Shamers

Dean McDermott is truly aghast at the moment. He’s nauseated. He’s angry. He’s simply at a loss for how strangers can act on the Internet. And while we’ve never exactly been a fan of Tori Spelling’s annoying husband, we must admit here: The guy has a point. Earlier this week, McDermott shared a photo of his wife and their five kids on Instagram, giving followers a look at a cute brood comprised of: Liam, 11, Stella, 10, Hattie, 7, Finn, 6, and Beau, 1. (Seriously, these two have A LOT of kids!) Expecting a few heart emojis at best and a simple lack of popularity on the post at worst, McDermott was subsequently taken aback by some of the comments alongside the photo. “Why do you let your kids get so fat?” one person asked, while another remarked on how they all looked “terrible.” Stunned by the criticism his kids encountered from these trolls, the 52-year old shot back as follows: I am absolutely horrified and disgusted by the comments being left about my children. Body shaming and bullying my children??!! What is wrong with you people??!! As mentioned previously, we’ve been rather critical of both McDermott and Spelling over the years, considering how often they seem to try and profit off their family. Not to mention how irritating it has become to continually track the status of their marriage. Like, are they getting divorced or not ?!? It’s an easy question. But we agree with Dean in this case. Call us crazy, but we think trashing a bunch of toddlers as overweight and/or unattractive is simply over the line and unacceptable. Good on McDermott for calling these losers out! The picture in question (below) was snapped of the family at a screening for the film A Dog’s Way Home, and Dean expounded in his clapback to offer some context about his family’s appearance. “For your information, we went from a long day at school to the movie. And I don’t know any child that is NOT disheveled at the end of the day. “Not to mention that just before this picture was taken, they were wrestling and running around with all the other kids that were at the movie.” He really didn’t need to justify the way everyone looks here, but we understand the instinct. McDermott wasn’t done, either: So I apologize we didn’t get the iron and steamer out to make them perfect for you. Their kids. They’re messy and dirty. That’s what they do. And what’s wrong with shopping at Target??!! Over half of America shops there. The way they grow out of clothing so quickly is astounding. Are we supposed to shop at Gucci?? These are kids folks. Messy stinky little bundles of fun, laughter and love. And this is how he wrapped up: They’re going through different growth phases, and even if our children are on the bigger side. Who cares. They’re happy and healthy and I’m sorry they don’t look like skinny supermodels. People come in all shapes and sizes. So who are you to judge. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for passing such horrible judgement on innocent beautiful children. Shame on you all!!!! Thank you to all the people who came to our defense. You’re all kind compassionate souls. Down with the haters!! Up with love!!

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Dean McDermott is "Horrified and Disgusted" Over Child Body-Shamers

Meghan Markle: Returning To Show Business?!

Despite Meghan Markle’s new life as a royal, there is still hope she will take a break from expensive gowns and tea and return to where it all began, the stage!  Yes, that’s right. If you missed her breakthrough role on  Suits , don’t fret. There is still a chance that you can catch the Duchess in a theatre near you!  Ok… well maybe just London’s National Theatre first. The Duchess of Sussex was announced as the new Royal Patron to the theatre that sits on the South Bank of the Thames, in London. The Queen herself passed down the patronage to Meghan after holding the role for 45 years.  I suspect the Queen knew exactly what she was doing and like us, would love to see Meghan grace the stage (and maybe one day screen) again soon.  The patronage reflects Meghan’s beliefs “I n using the arts to bring people from different backgrounds and communities together , according to the National Theatre.  Leading royal historian Robert Lacey told People  his thoughts and opinions on how it could happen.  He thinks “Meghan’s new patronage of the National Theatre presents fascinating opportunities” for the former star.  Of course, she may choose to stay involved from the audience, but I like to think the mom to be still has some spark left in her!  Lacey, a consultant for the Netflix hit The Crown says in this week’s issue of People , “if Meghan is ever missing the excitement of acting, this will put her back in touch with show business in a very creative way. It is tailor-made for her and she will throw herself into it.”  He also believes the Duchess will even take part at some point and be involved with productions or even directing something herself.  Lacey adds that “the National Theatre has quite a radical record of tackling the difficult social issues of the moment and for innovating new plays and productions – so that might be an area where she might add her influence.”  So, could the past actress-turned-Duchess REALLY come home to the stage? “It’s not out of the question that we’d see a member of the royal family performing on the stage of the National Theatre one day.”  Ok, universe! I’m talking to you, please make this happen!   View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

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Meghan Markle: Returning To Show Business?!

Meghan Markle Gets Called "Fat," Responds Like a Boss

Meghan Markle is very much used to criticism these days. She’s receiving it from exiled staffers. From estranged family members. And now, evidently, from random strangers in Great Britain. On Wednesday, the polarizing Duchess of Sussex was was meeting staff, volunteers and beneficiaries at her new patronage, the animal charity Mayhew, when some stupid lady pointed at her baby bump. Yes, her baby bump. By definition, of course, this means Markle has a baby growing inside of her womb and, therefore, isn’t overweight. She’s just, you know, growing a human being inside of her. But the former USA Network actress simply can’t catch a break these days. Along those lines, multiple outlets have reported that a woman standing near Markle pointed at her stomach yesterday and yelled:  Lovely lady, you are! May the good lord always bless you…And you’re a fat lady. Based on those words, it sounds like maybe, somehow, this was meant as a compliment. Which is how Markle responded to it at least, simply replying to the lady: I’ll take it! Heck, it may be the nicest thing anyone has said about the Royal Beauty in ages. Earlier this month, another underling allegedly resigned , marking the approximately 79th time some staffer has chosen to walk away from Kensington Palace rather than work under Markle. Prior to that, Meghan’s awful half-sister said some more cruel stuff . Through it all, however, Markle has kept her head up in public and approached every situation with a smile on her face. Just prior to this quasi confrontation with the sort of mean woman, in fact, Markle had a very nice exchange with a different lady in which she revealed her due date . Markle and Prince Harry will be welcoming their first child (EVER!) in late April or maybe early May. We can also confirm that they do not plan on finding out the gender prior to birth. Many questions still remain, of course. Will Kate Middleton wish her blood rival well after the baby is born? Who will be the kid’s godparent(s)? And what Royal name will be given?!? All we can do for now is speculate. But that’s sort of fun in itself. Go ahead and hypothesize, readers! View Slideshow: Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton Attend Church on Christmas: See! We’re Totally Best Friends!

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Meghan Markle Gets Called "Fat," Responds Like a Boss

Thomas Markle Jr.: Meghan’s Brother Arrested For Drunk Driving

Another day, another embarrassment for the Markle family. This time, it’s Thomas Markle Jr.’s turn to make Meghan’s in-laws even happier that they live an ocean away. TMZ is reporting that Thomas has been arrested by Oregon State Police for driving under the influence of alcohol. The incident occurred at 1:33 AM on Friday morning. Though police have not released Thomas’ BAC, they say the 52-year-old was “well over the legal limit” at the time of his arrest. Thomas was asked to take a breathalyzer after failing several field sobriety tests. According to TMZ his “impairment was obvious” to the arresting officers. Markle’s Chevy Silverado was impounded, and he was taken to the Grants Pass Sobering Center to dry out. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and unless Tom Jr. has some sort of lengthy rap sheet we don’t know about (which is entirely possible), he’ll probably escape from this situation with a slap on the wrist. But this is yet another indication that Meghan was incredibly lucky to break free from the rest of the Markle clan and reach the incredible heights she’s reached. If it’s not Samantha Markle slamming Meghan in the press, or Thomas Markle Sr. faking a heart attack, it’s Thomas Jr. dragging his family’s name through the mud with this sort of foolishness. The public was first introduced to Thomas back in April, when he penned an open letter  in which he warned Prince Harry against marrying Meghan. Hilariously, earlier this week, Thomas tried to make amends by inviting Meghan to his upcoming wedding . We’re guessing she was never planning on attending, but Thomas’ latest idiocy likely helped to confirm that she made the right decision by keeping her distance. Fortunately, the Royal Family of 2019 is a bit kinder and gentler than the monarchs of old. Queen Elizabeth II and company have reportedly been incredibly supportive throughout her family’s efforts to publicly humiliate her. So while it certainly sucks that Meghan was born into such an awful family, there’s some comfort in the fact that she married into a much, much better one. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

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Thomas Markle Jr.: Meghan’s Brother Arrested For Drunk Driving

Kim Kardashian: Meghan Markle and I Are Going to Be BEST Friends!

As pregnant Duchess Meghan Markle defies the monarchy , she may find that she needs new friends. It turns out that she won’t have to look far, because Kim Kardashian is reportedly angling to befriend her. Kim believes that the way to worm her way into Meghan’s life is by finding the perfect royal baby present. Heat magazine reports that Kim Kardashian has concocted a scheme to become besties with the Duchess of Sussex. “Meghan’s baby isn’t even born yet,” an insider points out. That’s true — Meghan Markle is due some time in April. “But,” the source says. “Kim is already brainstorming an OTT present.” In this context, OTT stands for over the top . “Which she hopes,” the insider elaborates. “Will seal her long-held ambition.” Apparently, the source says, it has been Kim’s fondest wish “to make Meg a friend.” “Money is no object,” Kim has reportedly said on the subject. Well, that’s more or less a given when it comes to Kim, who is wealthy even by her very rich family’s impressive standards. “The arrival of the royal baby will be a perfect time for her to remind Meghan and Harry that she and Kanye are thoughtful people,” the insider says. Well, Kim is very thoughtful. Kanye is … complicated. “And, the source notes. “She’s looking to stand out from all the other celebrities.” According to the insider, Kim wants to draw attention to herself “with something truly impressive.” No, she is not referring to her butt. Apparently, Kim is going above and beyond as she tries to choose the most perfect royal baby gift. “She’s been getting her people to research everything,” the source reports. The insider says that they are pouring over possibilities “from diamond baby jewelry to crystal nursery decor.” That sounds a little gaudy, but … we’ve all seen the royal aesthetic. It was conceived before taste was invented. “Kim is convinced she and Meghan will be best friends one day,” the source claims. Interesting! That said, Kim has zero expectations that Meghan Markle is just going to wake up one day and want to hang out with Kim nonstop. “It’s very much a long-term project,” the insider explains. “And,” the source continues. “She’s chipping away.” The insider says that Kim is looking for ways “to impress her when the opportunities arise.” So, basically, this is like any seduction, just with a much higher budget. We can understand Kim’s alleged process here. Most of us have been there, even if we weren’t conscious of it when we were doing it. It’s not uncommon for people to deliberately make friends with someone who is super popular — or to try to make friends. Kim just has unlimited resources at her disposal while she tries to strategize. But will her wealth and fame be enough to impress her way into Meghan’s inner circle? That is a very tall order, these days. Meghan probably knows how to spot fake friends and inauthentic “new friends” a mile away. She’d have to, given what her life is like these days. But is this report about Kim’s ever-growing ambitions true? We … do not know. While it is easy to imagine that anyone might want to befriend Duchess Meghan, this report is entirely unconfirmed. We’ll take it with a grain of salt. And if it’s true … well, maybe we’ll actually feel sorry for Jonathan Cheban for being replaced. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

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Kim Kardashian: Meghan Markle and I Are Going to Be BEST Friends!

Thomas Ravenel: Sued by Nanny For Sexual Assault, Cover-Up

Earlier this year, we reported that Thomas Ravenel was accused of sexually assaulting his children’s nanny  and then firing her. That harrowing account was the second accusation of rape to come out against him. Now, Nanny Dawn is suing Thomas over the assault — and the lawsuit also includes Bravo and NBC. Here’s why: RadarOnline reports that Ravenel’s children’s former nanny, Dawn Ledwell, is suing the disgraced former reality star for “assault, slander, and libel.” In court documents, Thomas is accused of having “violently and aggressively” ripped off her clothes in the January 2015 incident. He then allegedly forced his hand between her legs to assault her genitals, “causing severe and significant injuries.” Per the documents, Thomas then attempted “to engage in sexual intercourse” against her will. Ledwell’s team says that hs “conduct was so extreme and outrageous as to exceed all bounds of decency.” “And,” documents read, his behavior “must be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized community.” That’s all heinous, and we already know that Thomas Ravenel will go to trial over the alleged assault. But why are Bravo and NBC included in all of this? Court papers claim that the production company and network “created, permitted and encouraged Southern Charm plot lines.” These were plotlines, they say, “that focus on alcohol, sexual encounters.” “And,” documents accuse. “The concept that male cast members, including Defendant Ravenel, suffer from ‘Peter Pan Syndrome.'” The papers continue: “and they are the ‘Lost Boys’ and Charleston is their ‘Neverland.'” In the court documents, Ledwell says that, December of 2015, she informed an employee of “Corporate Defendants” about the allegations. The corporate defendants would be Bravo, NBCUniversal and Comcast. We have no idea what sort of employee her team means. However, the documents accuse that the companies “failed to investigate.” It may be difficult to prove that this matter was passed up the ladder to the appropriate individuals. But it sounds like the accusation is that executives didn’t want to stir the pot with a scandal and cared more about ratings than justice. Ledwell’s team believes that Thomas Ravenel knowingly benefitted from corporate greed. “Corporate Defendants and Ravenel have conspired with one another to deter the investigations of assaults committed by Defendant Ravenel,” documents read. Ledwell reports that she has not been contacted “since the public disclosure of the allegations of assault in or around May 4, 2018.” While Bravo did make it clear in 2018 that Thomas would never return to Southern Charm , this was only after the scandal came to light. Did execs feel that public pressure and #MeToo forced their hand, or was this just the first that the right people had learned of the allegations? A statement was released at the time of the allegations against Thomas Ravenel. “Haymaker, the production company for Southern Charm, and Bravo take allegations like these very seriously,” the statement read. It continued: “Haymaker is conducting an investigation, and once all the information is gathered and carefully reviewed, appropriate action will be taken.” Since then, of course, Thomas has not appeared on Southern Charm . Dawn Ledwell has requested a jury trial for the lawsuit. Proving sexual assault is extremely difficult in our legal system. Ledwell is already in the minority, in that her allegations led to an arrest. (The vast majority of sexual assaults are not even reported to police, and even fewer lead to arrests and trials) Proving this conspiracy to cover things up seems like a longshot, even if it is true. Unless there is an employee willing to blab or a particularly damning corporate email, it sounds very tricky. As always, we hope to see justice done. View Slideshow: Southern Charm Season 6: Everything We Know About the Return of Reality TV’s Most Scandalous Show!

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Thomas Ravenel: Sued by Nanny For Sexual Assault, Cover-Up

Kathie Lee Gifford Stuns Viewers, Confirms Departure from The Today Show

It will soon be the end of an era on The Today Show. An era defined by a lot of laughter, a great deal of banter and a $hitload of white wine. On Tuesday morning, Kathie Lee Gifford took Today viewers by shock when she announced her impending departure from a program she has co-anchored for 11 years. Sitting alongside close friend and Hoda Kotb during their shared third hour of the program, Gifford said the following: “I have something to share with everybody, and it’s bittersweet as these things always are. “It’s an exciting time for me, and I’m thrilled about all the projects that are coming up. But it’s also hard … because I love everybody here so much.” Growing emotional, Gifford continued as follows… “I’ve been in this business 120 years and never worked with a more beautiful group of people who just give, give, give, every day. “Four hours of live television every day, five days a week. “We have fun and we laugh and we support one another and we know each other’s kids names and we know when someone’s having a colonoscopy. “We know everything! We do life together.” Gifford will remain on air through her official 11-year anniversary, April 7, before taking her enormous wine glass and going home. The veteran host also signaled out Kotb in her farewell announcement. “You’re just so special, Hoda,” she said. “Thank you, thank you so much.” The Today Show, of course, has undergone a few drastic changes over the past two years. First, Matt Lauer was fired amidst accusations of sexual misconduct. Then, Megyn Kelly was let go for basically being a racist buffoon. Through it all, Gifford has helped keep things lighty and boozy during the show’s 11 a.m. hour. “As we all know, Kathie Lee’s plate has been overflowing lately with film, music and book projects, and after giving us eleven extraordinary years, she’s decided to focus her attention full-time on those other creative endeavors,” NBC News chief Noah Oppenheim wrote to the Today staff in a memo this morning. The executive also shared the following message from the 65-year-old herself: “In 2008, I joined the Today show family intending to spend one year. “But something unexpected happened along the way: I fell in love with a beautiful, talented, extraordinary Egyptian goddess named Hoda, and an amazing group of individuals who work tirelessly and joyfully at their jobs, many of them starting at midnight, creating an unprecedented four hours of live television. “I stayed year after year making a million memories with people I will never forget. I leave Today with a grateful heart but I’m truly excited for this new creative season in my life. “Many thanks to all the wonderful people who made the years fly by.” We don’t yet know what plans Today has to fill Gifford’s spot. But Gifford rose to stardom on Live with Regis and Kathie Lee and then took a break after leaving that wildly popular program in 2000. Kathie started her career as the “singing girl” on Name that Tune in 1977 and has been a consistent fixture on the small screen ever since. Concluded Gifford upon making her announcement on Tuesday: Thank you again everybody for loving us and supporting us. I know somebody wonderful will be sitting in this seat afterwards. I have my idea of who might be absolutely wonderful, but there’s a great pool of talent and beauty and heart around here, right within our own family. And if they come from outside the family they will soon become family because you all treat everybody that way.

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Kathie Lee Gifford Stuns Viewers, Confirms Departure from The Today Show

Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton: The Cause of Their Feud Revealed?

For weeks now, rumors of a feud between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle have been dominating tabloid headlines, and it doesn’t look like that’s likely to change anytime soon. Usually, narratives like this one are easy to dismiss, but this time, there’s real reason to believe the reports of royal discord are accurate. In fact, the situation is so dire that in an unprecedented move,  Kensington Palace issued a statement on the feud . And is if that weren’t confirmation enough, Harry and Meghan are now moving out of Kensington and into new digs on the Queen’s Windsor Estate. Royal sources have also confirmed that Harry and Meghan will not be spending Christmas with William and Kate , as is customary. So what happened? How did this all start? Getting along is not only a familial obligation for these four, it’s a huge part of their professional duty. There are numerous theories about what drove Kate and Meghan apart (sources seem to concur that they began feuding and then William and Harry followed suit). But if you stick with the most reliable sources and the most believable claims, the timeline of this epic battle goes something like this: According to The Daily Mail , last Christmas, Prince Charles became aware that Kate and Meg were not exactly besties. He arranged a peace summit at Will and Kate’s country estate at Anmer Hall — but things didn’t quite go according to plan. A source tells the Mail that William “voiced his concerns” about Meghan’s suitability as a royal mate, which led to a “ghastly row.” The situation was tense, but the couples were reportedly able to put their hostilities aside in time for Harry and Meghan’s wedding in May. But according to London tabloid The Sun , Meg and Kate locked horns during the planning process, as Kate was openly unhappy with the dresses Meghan had picked out for her and Princess Charlotte to wear. Apparently, there was yet another argument, and this time Meghan allegedly took her aggression out on members of Kate’s staff. “That’s unacceptable,” Kate reportedly snapped. “They’re my staff, and I speak to them.” One insider tells The Sun that Meghan and Kate are no longer angry with one another, but they’ve learned it’s best if they simply keep their distance. “It’s a tricky situation, but it was a one-off, and they are determined to maintain a positive relationship even though they are obviously very different in their approach,” says the source. So there you have it. The good news is, it sounds like the situation has stabilized. The bad news is, there might not be any more amusing clashes for a while. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

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Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton: The Cause of Their Feud Revealed?

Meghan Markle: FORCING the Royal Family to Deny Diva Rumors?

Reports in various tabloids have Meghan Markle feuding with Prince William , Duchess Kate, and the Queen herself. Kensington Palace has been shooting down these rumors left and right. But a new report says that it’s been at Meghan’s insistence, and that she wants to bring in a Hollywood publicist. RadarOnline   reports that Meghan is so tired of being portrayed as a demanding beast in the media that she wants to do damage control. “Meghan wants to hire a Hollywood publicist,” an insider claims. “She’s losing trust in her advisors,” the source says. The insider continues: and feels they are hanging her out to dry.” Yikes. Further breaks with tradition may not go over well — or have the effect that she reportedly wants. The rumors about Meghan Markle’s diva demands are constant. Some claim that she’s driving dedicated staffers to quit their jobs. Then there’s a recent story in which she allegedly made Kate Middleton break down into tears. She’s also said to have snapped at the other family’s staffers. But Kensington Palace, which rarely addresses these tabloid rumors unprompted, did address these incidents. “This never happened,” the Palace reported. According to the inside source that spoke to RadarOnline, however, the palace’s denial is just further evidence of Meghan’s obsession with publicity. “Meghan demanded that the palace comment and defend her,” the insider claims. “They don’t usually respond,” the source notes. The insider continues: “but she was freaking out, saying if they don’t respond she will.” So she’s allegedly using threats to handle things herself to change how the entire royal household operates. We’re also meant to believe that she is frustrated that Prince Harry won’t go on television to shoot down these rumors. “Harry is lovestruck,” the insider affirms. “But,” the source claims. “You can tell even he is getting exasperated. The insider says that Harry is on his last nerve “with the way she’s steamrolled over his life.” One would think that, if he didn’t like her impact on his life, he would not have married her. It’s alarming to hear of someone trodding all over their spouse’s family and turning an organization on its head. But is it true? We have to remember that there is no confirmation that any of this has taken place. In fact, nothing that we know for sure about Meghan makes this seem likely at all. All of this does sound like the behavior that we might expect from some people, however. Meghan’s evil half-sister Samantha Grant and her blundering father, Thomas Markle, sound like the sorts of people who would freak out about every tabloid story. We suspect that Kensington Palace and Meghan Markle are both of one mind about the rumors that come up about her. They’re ridiculous, but they don’t warrant anything more than a simple official denial, if that. Why? Because of course some people dislike Meghan. Maybe they feel that Harry’s wife should be British, or white. Others may not-so-secretly resent her because they themselves had harbored a crush on Prince Harry. So there are people who are eager to believe anything negative about her. And then there are people who are just plain bored, and want to hear something interesting about the Royal Family. Those folks should just strap in and wait for Meghan’s due date. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

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Meghan Markle: FORCING the Royal Family to Deny Diva Rumors?

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle: Look! Here’s PROOF We Don’t Despise Each Other!

Feud, schmeud. Rivalry, schmialry. Bad blood, schmad slood. We think you get the annoying point. But just to get a lot more specific and far less irritating: In the face of ongoing rumors that they totally hate each other and refuse to be in the same room together, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle have changed their holiday plans. Instead of the former and Prince William spending Christman with the Middletons in Bucklebury, People Magazine has confirmed that they’ll join the rest of the Royal Family in Norfolk with the Queen at Sandringham.  This includes, of course, Markle and Prince Harry. Quick! Someone prepare the Royal Boxing Gloves! As you very likely have heard about by now, Middleton and Markle do not get along. Allegedly. According to one recent report, Markle actually made Kate cry this past spring when Middleton was expecting her third baby and her figure was therefore not in pristine condition… … and yet Markle pressured her and bullied her during a dress fitting for her wedding to Harry. Could this be why Markle and Harry are moving far away from Kensington Palace? Yes, many Internet users believe. Per People Magazine, William and Kate will stay at their nearby resident of Anmer Hall with kids Prince George, 5, Princess Charlotte, 3, and 7-month-old Prince Louis for the upcoming holiday. The specifics on where Harry and Meghan are staying haven’t been provided “at this stage,” an insider tells the publication . Needless to write, however, considering that Harry and Meghan only just got married in May, this will be the first Christmas the Princess and the Duchesses all spend together as husbands and wives. What could go wrong?!? Typically, William and Kate alternative between spending this time of year with his loved ones and with her loved ones. They had been scheduled to hit up the Middletons this year, with Kate’s mom, Carole, recently talking about preparing the house for her grandchildren in her first-ever interview. She said that she likes to have as many Christmas trees as possible in her house, including one for each of her grandchildren’s rooms “so that they can decorate it themselves.” How sweet. And now, sadly, how fruitless. We continue to write about the supposed tension between Markle and Middleton, but we do wish to reiterate that we cannot confirm its validity. However, it is worth noting that Kensington Palace took the VERY unusual step of commenting on a story in The Sun last week. After that British newspaper reported on an argument between Kate and Meghan shortly before the latter’s nuptials on May 19, Royal sources responded and said the claim simply doesn’t have merit. ” This never happened ,” the Palace has now said of the alleged fight. Sure. Whatever you say, Palace. What WILL happen now, though, is Meghan and Kate spending Christmas as a family and every single person on the planet studying their faces to see just how real or fake their smiles look. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

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Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle: Look! Here’s PROOF We Don’t Despise Each Other!