Tag Archives: meghan

Meghan Markle: Forcing Harry to Choose Between Her and His Family?

If you’ve been paying attention to the British tabloid press (our condolences) and its coverage of Meghan Markle, then you’re familiar with this very tired refrain: Meghan is the Diva Duchess ; she’s too American; she’s breaching royal protocol left and right; Kate Middleton is leading the rebellion against her, and so forth … Given Meghan’s status as a “non-traditional” royal (make of that loaded and oft-used phrase what you will), some criticism from the press was to be expected. But for some reason, in recent weeks, outlets like The Sun have really stepped up their anti-Meg trash talk. Part of the reason for that, of course, is the highly-publicized Meghan vs. Kate feud . That conflict has proven popular for at least two reasons: 1. It sells papers (which is a very old-fashioned way of saying it makes for very clickable headlines). 2. The British press recently decided to stop criticizing Kate’s every move, and this situation gives them an opportunity to make things up to their new bestie. The latest anti-Meghan invective alleges that Meghan is interfering with Harry’s loyalty to his family. Specifically, she apparently stands accused of preventing him from upholding his royal duties. Yes, we’ve already been told that Meghan and Kate’s feud is affecting Harry and William’s relationship , now Meg is apparently standing between Harry and the country he holds so dear (insert a million eye-roll emojis). And what indication do we have of this subtle act of treason? Well, it turns out pregnant Meg doesn’t feel like getting drunk with the press. As is customary, numerous reporters and photographers followed Meg and Harry on their recent tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Tonga. However, the couple broke with tradition by failing to host regular cocktail hours for the press. “They basically blanked the media on this tour, which is very short-sighted,” Duncan Larcombe, former royal correspondent for The Sun , tells Page Six . Larcombe goes on to allege that Meg has changed Harry for the worse: “All of Harry’s staff have always thought he was fantastic, but the two of them [together] are high maintenance,” he told the tabloid. “What people love about Harry is that he wears his heart on his sleeve,” Larcombe added. “He’s down to earth, a normal guy trapped in the royal world, and he doesn’t take himself very seriously. But now he is.” Is it just us, or is this guy extremely butthurt to learn that royal correspondents no longer receive free martinis while on the world’s cushiest assignment? View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

Continued here:
Meghan Markle: Forcing Harry to Choose Between Her and His Family?

Meghan Markle: Did ANOTHER Royal Staffer Quit Because of the Diva Duchess?

In fairy tales and Hallmark movies, marrying a prince is usually a sign of a happy ending. But as Meghan Markle has spent the last eight months discovering, in real life, a royal wedding can be the start of a very difficult transition. The months since Meghan married Prince Harry have been marked by some dizzying highs ( Meghan is expecting her first child !), but also some painful lows. Most of the trouble has come from Meghan’s awful family, who have devoted themselves to attempting to destroy the duchess’ public image. But there have been reports of considerable strife within Kensington Palace, as well. In addition to Meghan’s alleged feud with Kate Middleton , there have numerous shakeups within the royal staff, several of which have been attributed to Meghan. The tabloid media has spilled a considerable amount of ink on the topic of Meghan driving royal staffers to quit. And while it’s true that two high-profile palace employees have resigned from their posts in the past three months, one was one was occupying an interim position and the other never blamed Meghan for her decision to quit. But now another highly-visible member of the royal staff has decided to step down, and you can be sure that Meghan will take the blame once again. According to London’s Sunday Times , a Scotland Yard officer who was assigned to be Meghan’s bodyguard lasted just six months in the job. Insiders say the issue was not the guard’s performance, but the fact that Meghan resents being watched so closely. “Unlike someone who has grown up in the royal family and has been used to having close protection from an early age, it can be constraining,” says a source. “Even though [Meghan] was a famous actress, she could still do what she wanted in the way of getting around freely.” The insider adds: “But in her current role she can’t go anywhere without her protection team, and that’s a massive constraining force on an individual like her.” So for the moment, it seems, Meghan is guard-less. We doubt that palace officials will permit that to be a permanent state of affairs — so hopefully they’ll be able to find Meghan a replacement who will allow her a bit more freedom. Unfortunately for the former Suits star, freedom is one of the amenities that’s typically sacrificed by members of the Royal Family. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

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Meghan Markle: Did ANOTHER Royal Staffer Quit Because of the Diva Duchess?

Meghan Markle’s Brother: Sorry I Tried to Ruin Your Life! Come to My Wedding!

By now, you’ve likely heard about Meghan Markle’s awful family . If you’ve somehow remained blissfully unaware of these shifty-eyed grifters, allow us to fill you in and squash any optimism you may have been harboring about the nature of humanity. Basically, Samantha Markle is doing her best to ruin Meghan’s life, and she’s recruited her brother and father to assist in the effort.  It’s anyone’s guess as to why Samantha has decided to dedicate her waking hours to humiliating Meghan . We know she’s desperate for money and attention, and a few trashy outlets have paid her for interviews. But it often seems that there’s more than just simple greed at work here. Samantha really seems to be the sort of wicked royal semi-sibling we thought only existed in fairy tales. Fortunately, it seems that Meg’s half-brother Thomas Markle Jr. is motivated by slightly less sinister forces. He really just wanted to cash in on his sister’s fame (which is why he wrote an open letter to Prince Harry begging him not to marry Meghan), and it seems that now that he’s realized that’s never gonna happen, he’s trying to bury the hatchet. Thomas is set to marry fiancee Darlene Blount in March, and he’s made it clear that he’d like Meghan and Prince Harry to be guests of honor at the wedding. “‘Absolutely I think our wedding will bring the family closer together. It’s hopeful that if Meghan and Harry came and my father,” Thomas recently told The Daily Mail. “Meghan and Harry could spend some time together with him and that would be good.” Thomas says when he first informed Darlene that his sister was dating Prince Harry, she was understandably skeptical: “I remember that very well — Meghan and Harry had just started dating and I mentioned it to her and she looked at me like, ‘Yeah, who is this guy? Whatever! He’s crazy,'” he recalls. “But it turned out really nice and we’ve had a really good time ever since. [We’ve had] ups and downs but we’ve managed to make it so far.” “I thought he was completely crazy,” Darlene says of Thomas’ revelation. You still might not be wrong on that one, Darlene. Thomas Sr., meanwhile, says he has no intention of relenting in his obnoxious stalker-like efforts to form a relationship with his sister (something he showed zero interest in during the first 35 years of her life). “I’ll keep talking and I’ll probably get louder. Meghan and Harry’s silence empowers all the crazy tweets and insults against me and my family,” he said in a recent interview. “I’ve been quiet long enough. If they ever want to speak to me, maybe I’ll quieten down a little bit. But in the meantime, I’m not going to become a monk in a monastery and take a vow of silence.” In other Meghan news, it seems Snoop Dogg wants to smoke weed with the Duchess . They should probably wait until after Meghan gives birth in spring, but given the increasingly batsh-t behavior of her family, a Dutch for the Duchess. is definitely in order. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

Meghan Markle’s Brother: Sorry I Tried to Ruin Your Life! Come to My Wedding!

Meghan Markle & Kate Middleton on Christmas: See! We’re Totally BFFs!

Kensington Palace is really hoping that a picture says a thousand words. And it's now hoping those words are all very positive. Following weeks and weeks of rumors that claimed a major rivalry exists between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton , the Duchesses attended church together (with their husbands) in Sandringham on Christmas Day. Kate donned a festive red coat dress with a matching hat and shoes… while Meghan went with a deep navy dress and a Victoria Beckham coat with a matching fascinator. For once, however, attention wasnot on these women's fashion choices — but rather their facial expressions. Were they happy to be seen together? Did they make small talk? Were they friendly? Comfortable? Awkward? We've shared a number of photos below from the occasion and we'll leave it up to our readers to decide: Does these two totally hate each other or not? 1. Look at Us! BFFs! Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton attempted to quell rumors of a feud by attending church services together on Christmas Day. 2. Delighted Duchesses Kate and Meghan have no idea why you thought they hated each other. Look at them here at Sandringham! 3. Princes and Duchesses Pictured here: three prices and two duchesses. What a happy family, right? So they want everyone to think. 4. Quick! Think of a Caption! We’ll write our own placeholder here, but we’d love to hear your suggestions. What are Kate and Meghan saying to each other here? 5. Arm in Arm in Arm in Arm There’s been chatter that William and Harry are also at odds. Do you still believe that after seeing this photo? 6. Megs and Kates Cameras were all over Kate and Meghan as they strolled to church with their husbands. They were caught here, not looking totally thrilled. View Slideshow

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Meghan Markle & Kate Middleton on Christmas: See! We’re Totally BFFs!

Kate Middleton: Meghan Markle Is Too American to Hang With Me!

By now, you’ve probably heard the reports of an intense and ongoing  feud between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton . While it’s true that the British tabloid press would probably have these two at each other’s throats even if they were the best of friends, there’s legitimate reason to believe Meg and Kate genuinely dislike one another. For starters, Kensington Palace issued a statement in the feud, which is a virtually unprecedented move by the Royals’ press secretaries. On top of that, Meg and Kate have both been suspiciously silent on the matter. It’s a curious situation, and it’s not hard to see why it’s captured the imagination of royal watchers the world over. Much ink has been spilled on the question of what caused the split, and it seems like — as is usually the case with fractured relationships — there were a number of contributing factors. Last week, we talked about the peace summit that Prince Charles hosted at Anmer Hall last Christmas in hopes of soothing what were then simmering tensions between the two duchesses. Yesterday, we discussed reports that relations broke down for good when Meghan and Kate fought over a dress (specifically, the fit of Princess Charlotte’s dress) just prior to Meg’s wedding. Now, we’re receiving word that there’s another barrier preventing Meghan and Kate from forming a friendship — and it’s been present since the first day they met. There have long been reports that Meghan is “too American” for the Royals’ liking, and it seems Kate finds her Yankee demeanor particularly troublesome. According to People magazine (long the most reliable source on this sort of royal gossip), Kate is often repulsed by Meghan’s brusque way of addressing palace staff. A source close to the situation tells People that royal aides “might not be used to the ‘say-it-as-you-see-it’ American mentality.” A different insider claims that Meghan learned early on that she needs to be outspoken and persistent if she’s going to accomplish the goals she has in mind as Duchess of Sussex. “The palace is a magical place, and it is also a place where all you hear is ‘no, no, no,’ ” says the source . Sounds to us less a matter of national identity and more a simple fact of two very different personalities occupying the same space. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

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Kate Middleton: Meghan Markle Is Too American to Hang With Me!

Meghan Markle-Kate Middleton Feud: Did It All Start Because of a Dress?

For months now, reports of a feud between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton have dominated tabloid headlines. Rumors of bad blood seem to surface every time two powerful women share the same space, and usually, they’re easily dismissed. This time, however, there appears to be some legitimacy to the reports of mutual animosity. In fact, in an unexpected and unprecedented move, Kensington Palace went so far as to issue a statement on the feud . The situation may have been exaggerated due to the British press’ apparent disdain for Meghan, but the fact remains, there’s real reason to believe Kate and Meghan are not exactly besties. Not surprisingly, the question of what started the tiff is on the minds of many royal watchers these days. We’ve known for a while that the bickering began around this time last year, but seemed to intensify just before Meghan’s wedding to Prince Harry . But what could inspire two women known the world over for their grace and dignity to resort to petty in-fighting just weeks before the most heavily-scrutinized social event of the year? Well, apparently, all it took was a dress. “There was an argument between Meghan and Kate over the fit of Princess Charlotte‘s dress,” a source confirmed to People magazine this week. “There were very few fittings for the bridesmaids,” the insider continued. “Everything was left to the last minute, and it was really stressful for everyone involved.” Now, that may sound like an absurd thing for these two to fall out over — and on its face, it certainly is — but anyone who’s ever had a relationship sour over something petty knows how these things can snowball. It starts with a fight over a dress, the next thing you know you’re lobbing passive aggressive personal attacks at high tea. (We assume high tea is the time when royals lock horns, though frankly, we have no idea what the hell it is.) Things escalated quickly, and Kate was reportedly “left in tears” following the altercation. Royal biographer and likely BS artist Robert Jobson claims the many wardrobe disputes left Harry bellowing, “What Meghan wants, Meghan gets!” And it seems that in the months since Harry and Meghan tied the knot, Meghan and Kate have mostly just kept their distance from one another. But hey, it was last Christmas that Prince Charles hosted a peace summit to try and strengthen Meghan and Kate’s relationship. Maybe this Christmas, the duchesses will decide to bury the hatchet for good. Here’s hoping. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

See the rest here:
Meghan Markle-Kate Middleton Feud: Did It All Start Because of a Dress?

Meghan Markle and Queen Clash Over How to Handle Her Awful Dad

This week, Thomas Markle lamented that Meghan had ghosted him , and announced that only Queen Elizabeth II can mend his broken family. We now know that this disgusting betrayal of Meghan’s boundaries may have ruined his chances of reconciliation. See, Meghan had hoped to resolve tension with the Queen by getting back in touch with her father, but he just destroyed his chances. A new, in-depth profile by Vanity Fair tracks the breakdown of the Markle family. The most interesting revelation is that the Queen was so concerned about Thomas Markle’s paid photo ops and his interviews that she wanted to step in. “She was very concerned that it [the Markle situation] was spiraling out of control,” a royal insider reveals. “Which,” the source admits. “It was.” That is true. There is nothing about Meghan’s relatives on her father’s side that seems remotely under control. “Buckingham Palace wanted to be able to do something,” the insider adds. According to the source, the Queenw anted to take action “and be proactive and make the situation go away.” “It was a direction from the Queen,” the insider notes. “So her courtiers were under strict instructions to sort it out.” The royal family has dealt with scandals before. They take their responsibility as essentially very wealthy mascots very seriously. “But,” the source reveals. “Kensington Palace was not singing from the same hymn sheet,” That is a hilarious euphemism for disagreement. “And that was because the message was coming from Meghan,” the insider explains. Meghan, filled with embarrassment and shame that her family was being a royal terror, didn’t want to burden her in-laws. “She didn’t want to engage,” the source says. “And,” the insider continues, Meghan “thought that she could handle it on her own.” Apparently, this difference of opinion caused a little bit of tension between the two courts. Fittingly, it sounds like the sort of royal drama you’d get on a BBC production rather than on HBO. Meghan didn’t want the tension, however, so she was reportedly prepared to begin speaking with her father on a trial basis. She would have the strict condition that he not open his yap and resume blabbing to any media outlet that would listen. Unfortunately, just days before this report was released but very likely after Meghan had resolved to resume contact, Thomas was back on TV. Thomas Markle appeared on Good Morning Britain to talk incessantly about any topic that came up. Admittedly, it was nice of him to give Piers Morgan the rare opportunity to not be the worst person on the show. But this was a terrible thing to do to his daughter, whose alleged plan to resume contact with him blew up in her face. Thomas rambled on, claiming that Meghan and Harry believe whatever they read in tabloids about what he says. He openly wondered why Meghan hasnt’ contacted him. As anyone on the planet can tell him, it’s because he cannot be trusted to not blabber to the nearest camera. The monarchy is old and fairly unique. But family drama is as common as families. It takes different forms, but it exists. Some very toxic people have called out and insisted that Meghan should speak to Thomas simply because he’s her father. In fact, some morons have even claimed that Meghan’s silence is killing her dad . She doesn’t owe her dad the time of day. And after the way that he has disparaged her in the news and crossed her carefully laid boundaries, he’ll be lucky if she ever sends him a postcard. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle: 19 Cruelest Things Her Own Family Has Said About the Duchess

See original here:
Meghan Markle and Queen Clash Over How to Handle Her Awful Dad

Thomas Markle: Meghan Ghosted Me and Only the Queen Can Help!

Meghan Markle's terrible family is at it again. First, Samantha Grant was roasting Meghan and Harry's Christmas card . Such a class act. Now, Thomas Markle is whining about being “ghosted” by Meghan — and begging the Queen to intercede. Watch: Thomas Markle appeared on  Good Morning Britain , presumably so that he and Piers Morgan could have a which-of-us-is-worse contest. “I have been ghosted,” Thomas laments with the most hilarious-yet-accurate phrasing he could have possibly found. “I am very disappointed by it,” he announces. Continuing, Thomas expresses bewilderment: “I am not sure why it is happening.” Imagine seeing a sunburnt guy laying out in the sun, wondering why he keeps getting sunburns. It's because of what you're doing right now, idiot. “I [have] been reaching out,” Thomas claims. “I have been trying to reach out for several weeks,” Thomas reports. “Every day [I] send a text,” he says. “I just haven't got anything back.” There is a more than decent chance that whatever number he's contacting isn't being seen by Meghan, at Meghan's own request. “I just keep asking for her to respond back to me,” Thomas whines. “And I haven't got any response back.” “I have sent letters,” he adds. What's next? Messenger pigeons? Telegrams? Skywriting? In addition to appearing baffled as to why his total inability to shut up has caused his daughter to ghost him, Thomas says he wants in. “There has to be a place for me,” Thomas imagines. He wants to be in Meghan's life, even though every one of his actions says otherwise. Thomas apparently thinks that their familial relation should somehow excuse his behavior, saying: “I'm her father.” He wants to be involved with future generations of the family, too. “I will be the grandfather to the children,” Thomas points out. Biologically, he will be their grandfather. Socially? Not if he keeps giving interviews and blabbing to anyone who will listen. “All I can say is that I'm here,” Thomas says. “She knows it,” he continues. “And I've reached out to her.” In the past, he tried passing off a letter on Doria Ragland, Meghan's mother, to give to Meghan. These days, it looks like Doria isn't taking his calls, either. Thomas says that he's hurt “and I need her to reach back to me.” “I love her very much,” Thomas claims. At one point in the long, long interview — of which we have only included several minutes, for your sakes — he addresses Meghan directly. “I love you very much, you're my daughter and I'd really like to hear from you,” Thomas pleads. “Whatever differences or problems we have,” he argues. “We should be able to work them out.” “We're family,” he says. “Please reach out to me.” He asks for help from more than just Meghan, however. Hilariously, Thomas even tries to address the Queen herself to intercede on this matter. “I would think that she would want to resolve family problems,” Thomas says. “All families, royal or otherwise, are the same.” They're really not. “And,” Thomas argues. “They should all be together certainly around the holidays.” It is when addressing the Queen that Thomas shows his true colors. Implied in his words is the promise that, if Meghan is simply forced to yield to his demands and give him whatever access he wants, he'll hush. That would be a welcome break from the scandal that his constant whining causes.

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Thomas Markle: Meghan Ghosted Me and Only the Queen Can Help!

Sounds Like Sum Bunni is Sorry For Tryna Bone Offset

Summer Bunni understands why Cardi B may be hopping mad at her right now. The heretofore unknown Instagram model totally gets why it wasn’t cool for Offset to stick his carrot into her hole, but she wants to at least reach out to Cardi and try to make things right. First, a quick refresher: Cardi B announced on Tuesday night that she had split from Offset , her baby daddy and her husband of about a year. She said the couple simply fell out of love and would remain business partners and friends and sounded very calm and collected about the whole thing. About 24 hours later, however, TMZ obtained text messages seemingly sent from Offset to the aforementioned Summer Bunni . As you can see below, it’s pretty clear Offset is trying to arrange for a threesome between Bunni and a rapper named Cuban Doll. The exchange allegedly took place in June, just a few weeks before Cardi gave birth to a daughter named Kulture. To back up the legitmacy of this text exchange, TMZ also published the following FaceTime photo of Offset, which was sent to them by a rival of Cuban Doll who wanted to out her role in this unethical mess. It doesn’t pain Offset in a very positive light. Neither Cardi B nor Offset have commented on this threesome/cheating rumor. But Summer Bunni has taken to Instagram and also spoken to TMZ, acknowledging in both places that she definitely slept with Offset during his marriage to Cardi. “I have not messed with Offset since he had his baby. I didn’t know how serious his marriage was, you know … I feel ashamed,” she said through tears to TMZ, adding in this interview: “To Cardi B and to her fans and to her family and to her situation: “These were never my intentions and I never wanted to break up a happy home or be a cause of someone just saying, like, ’F—k it,’ to get a divorce or anything like that.” According to TMZ, Cardi was maybe a little upset after learning that Offset cheated on her. But she sort of expected it from him. What truly set her off, an insider claims, is that he wanted to have this threesome with Cuban Doll, a Latin rapper who some believe tries to copy Cardi’s style and appearance. She simply couldn’t handle that part of the sexual equation. Summer, meanwhile, says she has NOT reached out to Cardi, but does have a message for her: I would like her to know that I’m a very genuine person and I’m not here to break up her family, or mess up what she has going on with her husband and I’m very sorry that this has happened. I’m very sorry that I didn’t think about my worth as a young lady and I just hope that she can overcome this. I know that her and Offset actually do have love for each other; I can tell. So I just hope that, with this, she can just focus on her love for Offset. There was also the above message, shared to socia media by the Bun shortly after her name went viral for all the wrong reasons. It reads: Goodmorning, a quick letter to the fans, followers and social media outlets. During the last 48 hours, I haven’t enjoyed the social media frenzy. Not only is it draining but humbling. I will always be woman enough to admit when I’m wrong, and in this situation I was. Seeing another woman’s pain does not bring me joy, nor do I think it’s funny. I’ve always been for women supporting each other but in this situation not only myself but others have failed. I separated myself from certain situations and people for a reason. This is not a letter for sympathy but acknowledgement to everyone whom has questions. Going into 2019 focused and dedicated to becoming a better me. Thank y’all – Summer.

See the article here:
Sounds Like Sum Bunni is Sorry For Tryna Bone Offset

Meghan Markle’s Weed-Dealing Nephew: Samantha Markle Sucks!

The battling Markles are at it again. Fortunately, this time they’re focusing their negativity on one another instead of dragging Meghan into yet another messy situation. You may have heard about Meghan’s awful family , led by her horrendous half-siblings, Samantha Markle and Thomas Markle Jr. But do you recall — the most chillaxed Markle of all? Okay, so technically Tyler Dooley isn’t a Markle, but he is the son of Thomas Markle Jr., who shall henceforth be referred to as TMJ, because we wish his jaw would lock shut. Tyler is a “cannabis farmer” who currently stars on a British reality show, which is basically Big Brother , except all of the contestants have sort of tie to the Royal Family. As a result, Tyler has been receiving a lot of attention from the British press, despite the fact that he seems to have no real ties to Meghan. “It was never like we had a super tight-knit family before to be honest,” Tyler said in a recent interview with The Sun . “But the fact that now the whole world gets to see how my father or Aunt Samantha behaves, it is like an open wound for everyone to see.” Yes, Tyler claimed he’s always known that his dad and his aunt were scumbags, but he’s pained by the fact that they’ve decided to flaunt their scumbaggery to the world: “That’s the hardest part, the fact that there is no privacy. It is hard to deal with. It is embarrassing and sad all at the same time,” Dooley said. “My father and Aunt Samantha have sold my grandfather out, sold my family out, sold Meghan out. It has been hard to deal with.” “The only family I have left now are my mom, brother and grandfather.” Tyler went on to reveal that he finds out about Samantha Markle’s latest attempts to ruin Meghan’s life the same way as the rest of us: “We are still close and fine but for the rest of my family, their lives are lived out in the tabloids and that is the hardest thing. “I have to read what’s going on in my family in the news because I don’t even speak to them.” Though he says he’s still tight with his grandfather — Meghan’s dad, Thomas Markle — Tyler is admittedly a bit of an outsider in the Markle clan. Still, his shenanigans provide a welcome distraction from the recent Meghan news, which keeps growing increasingly dark. In addition to the reports about the ongoing feud between Meghan and Kate Middleton, there are new reports about who’s leaking all this royal gossip to the press. The latest to be accused is Prince Andrew, and conspiracy theorists think he’s keeping the press informed on Kate and Meghan’s feud so as to distract from the pedophilia scandal involving his longtime friend Jeffrey Epstein. Like we said, things are getting weird across the pond. Season 37 of The Crown should be pretty wild. Since Meghan apparently doesn’t age, she should be able to play herself. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle vs. Kate Middleton Feud: Tearing William and Harry Apart?!

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Meghan Markle’s Weed-Dealing Nephew: Samantha Markle Sucks!