Tag Archives: michelle pfeiffer

Penelope Cruz and Her New Milk Filled Mom Tits of the Day

Pregnancy generally disgusts me. You know the idea of a woman’s body being destroyed for the sake of letting some creature grow inside them to carry on their genetics in some vain weird way. You know the worst STD around…. But there are perks…at least when the kid isn’t yours….the main one being that pregnant bitches can’t get knocked up by you when you’re fucking them cuz they are horny and their husbands don’t want to touch them for fear of hurting the baby….but also the new milk filled tits that give the husband who hasn’t fucked in months something to distract him from the sloppy ripped apart vagina his woman is left with…you know allowing him to feel like he’s with a new doughier woman for the first few months of the pregnancy…usually while she’s passed out from exhaustion…but it quickly loses it’s appeal…and in Penelope Cruz’s case…that hasn’t happened yet…since these are pretty much the first post-pregnancy pics I’ve bothered noticing…and them tits be delicious and nutritious… And that’s all I have to say about pregancy for now…

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Penelope Cruz and Her New Milk Filled Mom Tits of the Day

Hot Pussy at the Hall Pass Premiere of the Day

I was given tickets to the local premiere of Hall Pass. So the theater I was in didn’t have a red carpet and was filled with old ladies who won the shit on radio contests and shit…but even if I was at this premiere, the only thing that would have saved this movie would have been more of the baby sitters tits…That’s not to say I wouldn’t want to fuck the Blonde Australian …but I just can’t help but hate them for being part of what must be left over ejaculate that poored out of some Farrely brother wife’s asshole weeks after she gave him anal and was found and nurtured into the garbage that is this movie…if that makes sense…… The worst thing in all of it is that people hate being married and a hall pass could really be a revolutionary thing…and instead of showcasing that goodness, we were stuck watching two idiots fail at being men in what was probably some of the most embarrassing maybe even humilating way that wasn’t funny but just left me feeling sad…. I’m glad I saw it, I just wish people put more love into making movies that are actually good….maybe I’m just a hater…maybe this was the shittiest attempt at a movie review ever…I guess I’m no Siskel…. Here’s the Busty babysitter… Here’s the tight bodied Australian…. Here’s Alyssa Milano’s pregnant mom tits you’d probably stay happily married to even if she’s a bitch to me on Twitter like she was Denise Richards…I love how she’s playing the pregnancy up…

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Hot Pussy at the Hall Pass Premiere of the Day

Michelle Pfeiffer in the Trash of the Day

I’m not gonna lie – I love throwing bitches in the trash they belong in when I am done with them…It’s not my fault that girls I get with automatically become garbage with my taint and scenrt…well maybe it is but I’m not the one that made them desperate enough for 50 bucks, I’m just the one offering the shit… It’d be nice if real life imitated this masterpiece Michelle Pfeiffer is in with Zac Effron, you know when her sex appeal dwindles to the shit it has become, you can just remove her in the dumpster…not to sound psychotic or anything…I don’t want anyone dead or hurt…just in their rightful place…if that makes sense.. Here are the pics…of Catwoman gone Grandma and thrown out to be replaced by fresh vagine but it is still pornography to me….but then again I have a thing for bag ladies…they’re not judgemental behind the insanity…here are the pics….

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Michelle Pfeiffer in the Trash of the Day

Ricky Gervais To Drop By The Office

After seven seasons worth of speculation, The Office creator Ricky Gervais will reprise his role as David Brent, the clueless former manager of the U.K. series, on the U.S. adaptation next week. The showdown will take place on the January 27 episode, “The Seminar” and be very brief. Office show-runner Paul Lieberstein warns Vulture , that “if you don’t set your TiVo right, you’ll miss it.” Which means that maybe the encounter takes place in the episode tag? Either way, look out for Gervais’ first attempt to regain some of the statewide popularity he squandered last Sunday. [ TVline ]

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Ricky Gervais To Drop By The Office

Meow! A Brief History of Actresses Who Have Purr-formed Catwoman

Today, Waner Bros. announced that Anne Hathaway will be playing the role of Selina Kyle in Christopher Nolan’s upcoming Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises . Though it went unsaid in the press release, it’s a safe bet to assume that Kyle — who, in every other iteration of Batman, becomes Catwoman — will transform into Batman’s arch nemesis in this version, too. What does Hathaway have in store for her in terms of living up to the on-screen presence of Catwoman when she (we presume) dons her leather suit? Let’s take a look back at the history of other actresses to play Ms. Kyle on-screen.

The rest is here:
Meow! A Brief History of Actresses Who Have Purr-formed Catwoman

I Am Not Ready to Live in a World Where Michelle Pfeiffer Plays Chris Pine’s Mother

I am not ready to live in a world where Michelle Pfeiffer plays Chris Pine’s mother. That world is one we will reportedly live in, and soon, according to recent casting news. Nothing against Pine, a pleasant young talent I look forward to seeing in a smallish drama for once as opposed to smirky sci-fi/action-flick tentpole bombast. And nothing against Pfeiffer, whose choppy last decade of work overshadows her more historic demonstration of versatility and taste. (OK: Grease 2 and Scarface , but they weren’t her fault and everyone must start somewhere.) This may be a wonderful collaboration! All I’m saying is I am just not ready to live in a world… where Michelle Pfeiffer… plays Chris Pine’s mother.

I Am Not Ready to Live in a World Where Michelle Pfeiffer Plays Chris Pine’s Mother

Kat Von D’s Cat Dies in House Fire

Filed under: Kat Von D , R.I.P. Kat Von D suffered two devastating losses at the same time this weekend — when a fire ripped through her home in the Hollywood Hills … taking the life of her beloved cat Valentine in the process. Sources tell TMZ the house fire call came in at 11:23… Read more

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Kat Von D’s Cat Dies in House Fire

Rihanna — Married to the Mob?

Filed under: Rihanna , Beauty , Michelle Pfeiffer , We're Just Sayin' Here’s pop diva Rihanna at last night’s American Music Awards ( left ) — and Michelle Pfeiffer as Angela de Marco in the 1988 movie ” Married to the Mob ” ( righ t). Ooh na na. We’re just sayin’. Read more

Originally posted here:
Rihanna — Married to the Mob?

On VOD: This Fourth of July, Go Swimming with Sharks

It’s summertime in the world of on-demand movies, and there’s an extra charge that movies get and give from sun-baked seasonal alignment. In other words, you should be as lucky as I am to so vividly remember the summer of ’75, when Jaws came out…

Originally posted here:
On VOD: This Fourth of July, Go Swimming with Sharks

The 37th Sexiest Woman Over 50: Susan Lucci

Susan Lucci arrives at a fundraiser on March 2, 2008 in NYC.