Tag Archives: minutes-before

New China UFO Sighting Over Leshan City, Sichuan China

According to chines media report on July 26, 2010 citizens of Leshan City saw a Triangular UFO in the sky around 10 A.M. Three round illuminated discs shined in the sky, lasting for more than 10 minutes before disappearing. Professor Wang Sichao, from Purple Mountain Observatory of Chinese Academy of Science, said the identity of those discs still can't be determined before comprehensive analysis. added by: current_spider

Bruce Beresford-Redman — Cut Off

Filed under: Bruce Beresford-Redman , Celebrity Justice Just minutes before the big court hearing that could determine the custody of his children, former ” Survivor ” producer Bruce Beresford-Redman got the ol’ slice and dice … from a local barbershop. As he rolled in to get his hair cut, the photog asked,… Read more

Bruce Beresford-Redman — Cut Off

Amy Winehouse and Her Stupid Fake Tits of the Day

Last fall Amy Winehouse got breast implants as a distraction to what must have been a drug overdose. It was one of those those hopsitalized for actually dying on their bathroom floor for 8 minutes before paramedics revived her and her people had to come up with a reason for the hospitalization so they went with implants, since implants are socially acceptable, and since her people thought she should stack the fuck up since Amy Winehouse had lost her natural big tits to addiction and malnourishment thanks to drugs, and in trying to spin this into something realistic and not damaging to her image that I think is already so damaged they nickname it Haiti, they actually had to follow through and get her fake tits, and here are the pictures of the commitment she has to her cause….. And here are her jacked up tits in a different outfit, because despite having the most rancid pussy around, bitch is still a bitch and likes to change her clothes sometimes, but don’t let that fool you into thinking she is hygienic and doesn’t smell, cuz she worked so hard at giving up on herself that I’m sure she wouldn’t want us to think she’s cleanin’ up…and I’d still love to rub her crust all over me genitals…. Pics via Fame

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Amy Winehouse and Her Stupid Fake Tits of the Day

7.2 aftershock hits Chile during inauguration prep

Just about 20 minutes before Chile was set to inaugurate its new president, Sebasti

Mischa Barton Making Herself Look Alive of the Day

One of the bigger jokes that happened in Hollywood in the last 24 hours are these pictures of Mischa Barton trying to get herself made up, done up, cleaned up in this makeover. You see the last few months she’s been drinking hard, rockin’ a cocaine bloated face, she hasn’t been showering and I put her on the death watch, mainly because she looked like she was one night into a fatal overdose…like a fat swollen corpse but I guess she’s decided to step things up, shower and get her hair and make-up done, to show us that she’s not going to give up fully just yet, she’s gonna have at least one more night of beauty and glamor, where everyone notices her new clean hair and big fat tits, but I figure this look lasted a solid 20 minutes before she started sweating, jonesing leading to ripping lines in the taxi to get her fix…. One of the bigges jokes that’s happened in my life in the last 24 hours is that this is my fucking life….. Pics via Bauer

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Mischa Barton Making Herself Look Alive of the Day

Harry Potter Star Tom Felton Finds Love On Set

Harry Potter star Tom Felton has revealed that he found love while working on the hit series. Tom, 21, plays Draco Malfoy in the films and said that the job has given him more than just a boost to his career.  Tom met Jade Olivia on the set as she is a stunt co-ordinator.

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Harry Potter Star Tom Felton Finds Love On Set