Tag Archives: muslims

A Lil Positivity: Uncle BDR Becomes Muslim For A Day To Teach Tolerance

Russell Simmons did his peaceful Hip-Hop guru thing on Sunday as part of a rally against an upcoming Congressional hearing that he and others say would basically study terrorism and Islam as one and the same. Some 300 people gathered in Times Square on Sunday to speak out against a planned congressional hearing on Muslim terrorism, criticizing it as xenophobic and saying that singling out Muslims, rather than extremists, is unfair. Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons and the imam who had led an effort to build an Islamic center near the World Trade Center site were among those who addressed the crowd. “Our real enemy is not Islam or Muslims,” said the imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf. “The enemy is extremism and radicalism and radical ideology.” The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Peter King, has said that affiliates of al-Qaeda are radicalizing some American Muslims. He’s planned hearings starting Thursday on the threat he says they pose. King, a Republican from New York’s Long Island, told CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday that he sees an international movement with elements in the United States of Muslims becoming more radical and identifying with terrorists. Speakers at the cold and drizzly Times Square rally said King was targeting Muslims unfairly. “American Muslims are as fully American as any other faith community,” said Rabbi Marc Schneier, founder of The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding. Singling out Muslim Americans “as the source of homegrown terrorism” is an injustice, he said. Democratic Congressman Andre Carson of Indiana, one of two Muslims in Congress, said he wanted to say “to the Peter Kings of the world: We will not take your xenophobic behavior.” Imam Shamsi Ali, the leader of the Islamic Cultural Center on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, said, “We are here today because we love this country. We are here today because we want to see America remain the most powerful and the most beautiful country in the world.” Simmons promised “to make sure that this rally is taken to the next generation and to a new age” by enlisting entertainers and sports figures to tweet about it, including Kim Kardashian, who tweeted Sunday that she stood with Simmons in “promoting love and compassion.” A smaller group rallied a few blocks away in support of King’s hearings. Which side of this debate are you on? Is it time to stop linking terrorism in America to Muslim Americans? Source

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A Lil Positivity: Uncle BDR Becomes Muslim For A Day To Teach Tolerance

Video: Murs & Terrace Martin – Fresh Kicks



Here’s the second visual from Murs and Terrace Martin’s collaborative effort Melrose, which is available today and has an awesome album cover btw (hit the jump). Previously: Murs & Terrace Martin – Melrose (Video) Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Nah Right Discovery Date : 08/02/2011 23:23 Number of articles : 2

Video: Murs & Terrace Martin – Fresh Kicks

Violence in Egypt


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I absolutely guarantee any and all readers, this is the future for Canada if we allow unchecked immigration and multiculturalism as policies. We nearly saw it with the Tamils in Ottawa and we will see it with Muslims as the reason Canada and as a rule, the US does not see this kind of political Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Vlad Tepes Discovery Date : 09/02/2011 00:51 Number of articles : 2

Violence in Egypt

Smoking Muslim Obama Lookalike Is the Tea Party’s Wet Dream [Video]

Meet Ilham Anas . He looks so much like Barack Obama , he’s become a TV star in his native Indonesia and fears assassination. Time interviewed him and showed Ilham in his natural state: smoking cigarettes and using a Muslim prayer rug. More

Video emerges of Taliban stoning a woman to death in Pakistan

WARNING: The video above is graphic, and beyond disturbing. It is footage of a woman dying under a barrage of stones. But it must be exposed: This is Sharia. This is an act Muhammad approved of and participated in, according to canonical Islamic sources including Sahih (“sound,” “reliable”) Bukhari. This is Islam's “justice,” “compassion,” and “mercy” which apologists will not repudiate, attempting to dodge the issue by assuring the uninformed (and maybe even trying to make themselves believe) that it is not an issue because it is not prescribed in the Qur'an itself. Click here for why that does not make a difference to the Muslims who have continued the practice over the centuries. And what was this woman's crime? Here is the back story. “Rare Video Shows Taliban Allegedly Stoning Woman to Death in Pakistan,” by Megan Chuchmach for ABC News, September 24: 'A rare video reportedly smuggled out of northwest Pakistan allegedly shows a woman being stoned to death by Taliban militants in the upper region of Orakzai. Al Aan, a Dubai-based pan-Arab television channel that focuses on women's issues, said it had obtained cellphone footage that it says shows a woman being executed because she was seen out with a man. The killing reportedly took place two months ago and was smuggled out by a Taliban member who attended the stoning, according to Al Aan. ABC News could not independently confirm the cellphone video's authenticity. The video, which seems to show a woman tethered to the ground as a group of men throw stones at her, is so graphic that ABC News cannot show it in its entirety. Parts of it air today on the 25th episode of “Brian Ross Investigates.” “It's difficult to know where and when it was shot,” says Gayle Lemmon, deputy director of the Women and Foreign Policy Program at the Council of Foreign Relations, in an interview with Ross, “It is consistent with videos that have been coming from Taliban-controlled areas since the '90s.” Lemmon says that when women “stray outside the line” in Taliban-controlled areas, they may “face severe punishment.” “Women are respected as carriers of the family honor,” says Lemmon, “but they also pay the price.”… Gee, what a great system: be “honored” or be killed! The ABC link has its own video, including a mostly dismal interview with Lemmon, who hedges on whether this has anything to do with Islam.' But we know better. added by: crystalman

Hari Raya greetings 2010

Celebration for Hari Raya Puasa starts at least a month ahead, during the fasting period of Ramadan. Women start to sew beautiful curtains and buy new clothes for the family. Some families also do renovation for the house so that the house would look better when the guests visit it during the festival. After fulfilling their one-month of fasting, the Muslims would be joyful to celebrate Hari Raya Puasa. On the morning of the festival, the Muslims would wear their new clothes and go to the mosqu

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Hari Raya greetings 2010

Inconvenient Truth: 10 Times More Hate Crimes Against Jews Than Muslims

If you believed the media, you would think that hate crimes against Muslims was a growing epidemic in America. Just Monday, the New York Times had a front page story hysterically noting a “torrent of anti-Muslim sentiments and a spate of vandalism.” “The knifing of a Muslim cab driver in New York City has also alarmed many American Muslims,” wrote Laurie Goodstein in the second paragraph of her article titled “American Muslims Ask, Will We Ever Belong?” Unfortunately, as Michael Doyle reported on August 28, the most recent data concerning hate crimes in this country paint a very different picture than what Goodstein and others in the media have been dishonestly portraying of late: Hate crimes directed against Muslims remain relatively rare, notwithstanding the notoriety gained by incidents such as recent vandalism at the Madera Islamic Center. Jews, lesbians, gay men and Caucasians, among others, are all more frequently the target of hate crimes, FBI records show. Reported anti-Muslim crimes have declined over recent years, though they still exceed what occurred prior to the 9-11 terrorist attacks. In 2008, 105 hate crime incidents against Muslims were reported nationwide. There were 10 times as many incidents that were recorded as anti-Jewish during the same year, the most recent for which figures are available. The San Francisco Examiner broke those numbers down a little further: According to the latest hate crime statistics available , there were 1,606 hate crime offenses motivated by religious bias in 2008. A closer look: 65.7 percent of them were committed against Jews. Against Muslims? 7.7 percent. Another interesting data point: 4.7 percent of hate crimes in 2008 were motivated by anti-Catholic bias. Another 3.7 percent were anti-Protestant. So from a raw numbers perspective, there were more hate crimes against Christians in America in 2008 than there were against Muslims. Given our large Christian population, it’s true that each Christian is far less likely to be victimized, but the numbers still show that religious haters have not been singling out Muslims. Some data provided by USA Today last November also helps to put this in perspective: The number of attacks on blacks increased 8% to 2,876, accounting for seven of every 10 race-motivated crimes. Hate crimes based on sexual orientation increased 3% to 1,297,although the number of people victimized went up 13% to 1,706. So, in 2008, the last year such statistics were available, there were 2,876 hate crimes against blacks, 1,297 against gays, and 1,055 against Jews. Yet, with only 105 such disgusting acts committed against Muslims, America’s media want you to believe this nation is Islamophobic. Consider their premise as you watch the following video of a pro-Palestinian rally that took place in Washington, D.C., Friday (h/t Right Scoop ): Imagine the wall-to-wall, 24 hour media coverage that would ensue if rabbis at a pro-Israel rally spoke with such vitriol about Muslims. On the flipside, filmmaker Oliver Stone in July said America’s “Jewish-dominated media” prevent Adolf Hitler from being portrayed in his proper context. The prior month, the historically anti-Semitic Helen Thomas said Jews should go back to Germany or Poland and “get the hell out of Palestine.” A month before that, Comedy Central’s website offered an astonishingly anti-Semitic video game wherein one character said, “You lied to me, Jew producer.”    A month before that, a report was released showing that anti-Semitic acts around the world had more than doubled in 2009 reaching levels never seen since figures started being kept on such things, and our media almost totally ignored these disturbing findings.  Yet America’s an Islamophobic nation – don’t you ever forget it!

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Inconvenient Truth: 10 Times More Hate Crimes Against Jews Than Muslims

Islamist leader Burhan Hanif tells Aussie Muslims to ‘shun democracy’

LEADERS of the global Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir have called on Australian Muslims to spurn secular democracy and Western notions of moderate Islam and join the struggle for a transnational Islamic state. British Hizb ut-Tahrir leader Burhan Hanif told participants at a conference in western Sydney yesterday that democracy is “haram” (forbidden) for Muslims, whose political engagement should be be based purely on Islamic law. “We must adhere to Islam and Islam alone,” Mr Hanif told about 500 participants attending the convention in Lidcombe. “We should not be conned or succumb to the disingenuous and flawed narrative that the only way to engage politically is through the secular democratic process. It is prohibited and haram.” He said democracy was incompatible with Islam because the Koran insisted Allah was the sole lawmaker, and Muslim political involvement could not be based on “secular and erroneous concepts such as democracy and freedom”. His view was echoed by an Australian HT official, Wassim Dourehi, who told the conference Muslims should not support “any kafir (non-believer) political party”, because humans have no right to make laws. Mr Dourehi also urged Muslims to spurn the concept of moderate Islam promoted by governments in the West, including in “this godforsaken country” of Australia. “We need to reject this new secular version of Islam,” he said. “It is a perverted concoction of Western governments. “It is a perversion that seeks to wipe away the political aspects of Islam and localise our concerns. We must reject it and challenge the proponents of this aberration of Islam.” The conference, which followed the theme The struggle for Islam in the West' was the first major event held by the Australian branch of HT since a seminar in 2007 which coincided with calls for the group to be banned. HT is outlawed in much of the Middle East but operates legally in more than 40 countries, campaigning for the establishment of a caliphate or Islamic state. HT's platform rejects the use of violence in its quest for an Islamic state, but supports the military destruction of Israel. But the group's presence sparked angry protests outside as members of the Australian Protectionist Party (APP) yelled anti-Islam chants. The APP met in a small park to express their need to “protect” the Australian way of life. Conflict between the APP and HT amounted to an exchange of words, anti-Islam chants and the occasional drive-by of young Muslim men yelling obscenities from their car at the APP protesters. One passer-by, a young Muslim man, yelled at the APP group: “You people have absolutely no idea”, sparking a fiery exchange of accusations and finger-pointing. Nick Folkes, the Sydney organiser for the APP, believes that the HT should be banned in Australia and thinks that practising sharia law should be illegal in Australia. “Sharia law is an archaic legal system that treats woman as second-class citizens,” he said. “We're not asking them to change their skin colour or religion. But if they come here, they must reject sharia law.” added by: eden49

67% of NYC Residents Oppose Ground Zero Mosque According to NYT Poll

A new poll released by the New York Times Friday is sure to rock the liberal media’s world: “Two-thirds of New York City residents want a planned Muslim community center and mosque to be relocated to a less controversial site farther away from ground zero in Lower Manhattan.” Another finding likely to particularly upset the shills at MSNBC:  One-fifth of New Yorkers acknowledged animosity toward Muslims. Thirty-three percent said that compared with other American citizens, Muslims were more sympathetic to terrorists. And nearly 60 percent said people they know had negative feelings toward Muslims because of 9/11.   Here are more of the surprising details: Over all, 50 percent of those surveyed oppose building the project two blocks north of the World Trade Center site, even though a majority believe that the developers have the right to do so. Thirty-five percent favor it. The poll, however, reveals a more complicated portrait of the opposition in New York: 67 percent said that while Muslims had a right to construct the center near ground zero, they should find a different site. Most strikingly, 38 percent of those who expressed support for the plan to build it in Lower Manhattan said later in a follow-up question that they would prefer it be moved farther away, suggesting that even those who defend the plan question the wisdom of the location. And this is the point the mosque’s backers in the media – in particular the shills at MSNBC such as Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, and Ed Schultz – have missed: this issue isn’t about Constitutionality or rights.  Most people outside the liberal press are intelligent enough to understand that developers have the right to build this mosque if its zoning is approved. They just question the wisdom of doing so. If an overwhelming majority of New Yorkers can understand the difference between having the right to do something and whether or not it would be appropriate, why can’t media members? 

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67% of NYC Residents Oppose Ground Zero Mosque According to NYT Poll

CAIR Suggests Tea Party, GOP Are Behind Nationwide Anti-Muslim Campaign

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is putting some of the blame on both the Tea Party and the Republican Party for what it sees as a growing tide of anti-Muslim anger.  CAIR officials said the rise in “Islamophobia” stems from the controversy surrounding the Islamic center and mosque that Muslims plan to build a few blocks from Ground Zero.   “We’ve seen a really strong uptick in Islamophobia recently – primarily sparked by the controversy over the Manhattan Islamic center,” Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s chief spokesman, told reporters at a press conference Wednesday. “We’ve seen hate vandalism at mosques in California; in Tennessee, we had an arson attack; at a mosque in Arlington, Texas, we had an arson attack; and something that wasn’t even reported nationwide, in May we had a bomb attack at a mosque in Jacksonville, Florida,” he said.   Hooper said the attacks could be driven by many factors: “The question is, why? Is it tied to the November elections? Is it tied to the rise of the Tea Party movement? Is it tied to the economy?” he asked. “I think it’s pretty clear that it’s been sparked…by these hate groups and their opposition to the Islamic community center in Manhattan.”   CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad was even more direct, saying that the Tea Party and the GOP have given the “green light” to a nationwide campaign to deny Muslims their civil rights and ultimately expel them from the United States.   “[W]e used to deal with individual cases of Islamophobia, harassments, and discrimination against Muslims,” Awad said. “Today, and in the past few months – almost maybe one year, we can say one year — we have seen an organized effort, we have seen organizations built to fight the presence of Muslims in the United States and to deny Muslims’ right to freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and even to be an elected official.   “Unfortunately, this is done, we believe, for political convenience and reasons. The Pamela Gellers and Robert Spencers, they’re trying to spool religious hatred against Muslims for obvious reasons – because they do not want Muslims to be in the United States,” Awad said. (Geller, a blogger, is executive director of Stop Islamization of America; Spencer, a columnist, is director of Jihad Watch and has written a number of books critical of Islam.)   Awad named the GOP and the Tea Party movement as the groups responsible for the anti-Muslim campaign.   “Secondly, yes it is a mid-term election year, and unfortunately the Tea Party and the Republican Party have given the green light for these people to defame and stereotype Muslims, and unfortunately as we’ve said, these have led to violence against Muslims.”   Awad called on local, state, and federal authorities “to provide extra protection for the Muslim community in the next days and weeks based on the kind of hysteria that we’re seeing.”   Hooper said the nationwide anti-Muslim sentiment had drowned out any reasonable discussion of the Ground Zero mosque (the Park51 center).   When CNSNews.com asked whether CAIR agreed with Park51 planner Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf that America was an “accessory to the crime” of 9/11 and that Osama bin Laden was “made in the USA,” Hooper said that a reasonable debate was no longer possible.    He also called the Park51 project a “test case” for religious freedom. “It’s gone way beyond whether you think the project is wise, is a good project, whether you think the sponsors are the best sponsors or they’re not — it’s gone way beyond that,” he said.   “It’s now a litmus test, a test case for religious freedom in America. Whatever questions you would have for the imam, those should be addressed to him – but again, it’s no longer limited to the imam or to the sponsors of the project. It’s now a test case.”   Asked whether there is any legitimacy to the debate over Park51, Hooper repeated his assertion that anti-Muslim “hysteria” had turned the project into a test of religious freedom itself.   Awad, however, called it a “false assumption” that Islam and 9/11 are connected. He said it really doesn’t matter where the Islamic center is built.   “We’ve been asked this question several times, and unfortunately the whole nation has been consumed into this [question] about sensitivities and having a so-called mosque on Ground Zero,” he said.    “Well, (a) it is not a mosque; it is not on Ground Zero, it is two blocks [away]. There are so many buildings between Ground Zero and that building…and second, we totally reject the false assumption that our faith, Islam, has to do anything with 9/11. So submitting to this false assumption is really condemning our own faith in the 9/11 attacks and this is really a collective guilt that we do not submit to.” Crossposted at NB sister site CNSNews.com

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CAIR Suggests Tea Party, GOP Are Behind Nationwide Anti-Muslim Campaign