Things are getting super predictable in the Big Brother house and that’s down to the fact there are just a handful of houseguests left. James knew he would need to work both sides of the house to try and ensure he made it out of the eviction. We picked up pretty quickly with the nominations ceremony and the nominations were no shocker. Paul nominated Corey and Nicole for eviction. Surprisingly, this was the first time Nicole was on the block this season. In her season, she was evicted twice, so this shows she has changed her game play this season. With Nicorey on the block, James knew the veto holder would hold all the power and if one of Nicorey won, he would be going home. Nicole was first out of the competition and it came down to Paul and Corey. It was a tense segment of the episode because it would make or break one of their chances for the prize. It’s crazy that Corey is actually playing the game now. He just lay in bed with Nicole all summer long. Maybe that was part of his plan all along. Who would have thought that he would sit around all summer and play when he really needed to? Not me. He and Nicole have played very similar games, but Nicole seems to be taking the brunt of it from the jury members. When we picked up with them, Michelle proved she was obsessed with Nicole by drawing multiple pictures of her as a snake. Seriously, the chick is deluded to be blaming Nicole. Michelle only has herself to blame for being in the jury house. You have to win competitions and have a good social game to make it in the Big Brother house. Beyond being a super fan, Michelle brought nothing but tears and tantrums to the house. Natalie’s arrival paved the way for the biggest jury bust up yet. Something seemed off about the way Paulie started being rude to Natalie. It seemed scripted, and Da’vonne was only happy to join in on the arguing. It appears that Zakiyah and Paul are now very much paired up again and that’s rubbed the women the wrong way. Security had to step in when Paulie brought Da’vonne’s daughter into the argument and things got very heated. I genuinely thought Da’vonne was going to beat Paulie up right here. He was clearly taken aback by her being all up in his grill, but he kind of deserved it. He’s treated the women of the house like crap all season long. Heck, even Julie Chen seemed shocked by all of the events. The jury was rocked by the arrival of Victor, who most thought would go on to win the whole thing. Da’vonne spoke to the camera and confirmed that Nicole has been playing the game when she needs to. Might Nicole actually win the whole thing? When we picked back up with the main house, James evicted Corey. View Slideshow: 12 Big Brother Houseguests We Loved… Or Loved to Hate When he got out of the house, Corey revealed that he was shocked James took him out. That leaves us with our final three houseguests of the season! Who do you think will win it all? Hit the comments below! View Slideshow: 10 Best Reality TV Meltdowns EVER
Read more:
Big Brother Recap: Who Made Final Three?