Tag Archives: popular-belief

Megan Fox’s Bra is Too Small of the Day

Despite popular belief, David from 90210 hasn’t killed off or caged Megan Fox, he hasn’t held her captive, although he might as well did, since marrying him has led her no where….if anything it has brought her into a bad place where she’s emotionally eating and unable to figure out that her old bra is too tight for her…maybe he is medicating her due to jealousy of her career, success, etc…or many he’s jus like most older guys who date young girls…controlling as fuck….or maybe she’s all medicated and confused on her own…cuz no one wants her anymore so she’s handling it badly….or maybe she’s just fucking pregnant and ready to have his kids, instead of pulling the Jesus Martinez and stepfathering the motherfuckers…. All this to say, Megan Fox lives…I’m not sure how good she still is, but it is good knowing when all crashes and burns this non-nude actor’s gonna be getting naked to just pay the mortgage and lifestyle and if that doesn’t bring you hope, then you have no fucking soul… Now stare and her titties getting squeezed tight by undergarmets like the little b-cup sluts they are….

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Megan Fox’s Bra is Too Small of the Day

Be Honest Ladies: Are You Wife Material??

What makes a woman wife material? If you were to ask 5 different guys this same question I assure you, you will get 5 different answers. There may be some similarities and universal traits of excellence that we’re all attracted to but there will also be individual quirks for each man. Contrary to popular belief men are not monolith nor are we these predictable stereotypes that some women create to make themselves feel better about the fact that no one is interested in putting a ring on their finger. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to determine if you are wife material… ( Continue reading )

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Be Honest Ladies: Are You Wife Material??

Obese Man Welded to Chair for 2 Years of the Day

No. Despite popular belief, this story wasn’t about me. You can stop sending your emails in. I’m not welded to a chair. I am just married to one and never get off my fat ass and sure sometimes there’s piss and shit all over this bitch from laziness and eagerness to get you the latest drunkenstepfather post…but I have the ability to get up if I really have to. I just don’t really like doing it…. That’s all I have to say about that. FOLLOW ME

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Obese Man Welded to Chair for 2 Years of the Day

Land Art Meets Clean Energy In 5,000 MW-Generating Desert Sculpture

Images: Decker Yeadon LLC Contrary to popular belief, green energy doesn’t have to be ugly , so it’s encouraging when we see architects, landscape designers, artists, engineers and scientists working together to transform large projects that could be potential eyesores into works of wonder. We have some estimates of how much of the earth’s surfaces might be needed by 2030 … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Land Art Meets Clean Energy In 5,000 MW-Generating Desert Sculpture

Playboy Offends Itself in ‘Shocking Breach’ of Standards

It must be difficult to offend a company that makes its money off pictures of naked women (to be fair, there are also articles … apparently). The folks at Playboy Portugal managed to do just that. On Wednesday, news broke that the Portuguese edition of Playboy magazine published several photographs depicting Jesus Christ observing pornographic scenes . On Thursday, the parent company, which licenses the Playboy name to international publishers, distanced itself from the controversy. “We did not see or approve the cover and pictorial in the July issue of Playboy Portugal,” Playboy’s vice president of public relations, Theresa Hennessy, reportedly told the gossip blog Gawker in an email. “It is a shocking breach of our standards, and we would not have allowed it to be published if we had seen it in advance. Hennessy told Gawker the magazine would be “terminating our agreement” with the Portuguese publisher. ( Visit Gawker for the full statement . Content warning: some readers may find Gawker’s photo offensive.) As of Friday morning, however, the Playboy website still listed Playboy Portugal among its 27 international editions. 

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Playboy Offends Itself in ‘Shocking Breach’ of Standards

Open Thread: Arizona Guilty of Enforcing the Law

There are, contrary to popular belief, a number of states with immigration laws similar to Arizona’s. They are not, of course, being sued by the Justice Department. Why ? California is NOT being sued by the Federal Government for it’s law regarding illegal immigration and law enforcement cooperation with detaining suspects who may be illegal aliens. California’s law forbids ANY entity from interfering with the enforcement of this law, but California does not enforce this law, instead Los Angeles is boycotting Arizona and the Obama administration is spending million in taxpayer dollars to tell a court that States cannot enforce Federal laws, despite Federal laws that urge and seek local and state cooperation. Why isn’t California being sued? THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE- California has no intention of enforcing this law while Arizona does. What’s your reaction?

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Open Thread: Arizona Guilty of Enforcing the Law

Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Steamy Hot Yoga

I have to admit, I do yoga. Unlike popular belief, I’m not a fat guy who sits in front of his computer all day. Ok, maybe most of the day. Anyway, there are no chicks like this in my class. If there were, I wouldn’t be in front of my computer right now. I’d be in every class possible with a very unique yoga pose called the pant tent. Steamy Hot Yoga Video More AmaTuna

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Hollywood Tuna’s AmaTuna Moment – Steamy Hot Yoga

Kate Gosselin — New York Eight of Mind

Filed under: Kate Gosselin , Paparazzi Photo , Jon & Kate With her prime time dance interpretations of ” Weekend at Bernie’s ” now over, Kate Gosselin and her 8 kids landed in NYC today. Contrary to popular belief, Kate doesn’t really have any baggage. Read more

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Kate Gosselin — New York Eight of Mind

Frozen vegetables ‘more nutritious than fresh produce’

The study found that fresh food goes through around a two-week distribution chain as it is bagged and packaged and delivered to sellers. Whereas frozen food, the study said, is frozen shortly after being harvested. On ice: Contrary to popular belief frozen vegetables can more nutritious than fresh greens Because of this, researchers said using frozen food in schools could be advantageous for children who eat primary school dinners as long as quality raw ingredients are used and food is stored and cooked correctly

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Frozen vegetables ‘more nutritious than fresh produce’

Hi! Welcome To The Swamp!

Contrary to popular belief, alligators are actually really friendly.

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Hi! Welcome To The Swamp!