Tag Archives: psych

The Bachelorette Preview: WTF is Luke Doing Here?!?

The Bachelorette may finally be done with Luke Parker. But this preview for next Monday night's all-new episode of the ABC series makes one thing unfortunately clear: Luke Parker is not done with The Bachelorette. Despite Hannah sending this sexist loser home this week, the footage featured on this page hones in first on the reaction of Parker's fellow suitors to his rejection. Needless to say, Tyler Cameron, Jed Wyatt and Peter Weber are pretty psyched about Hannah finally coming to her senses. “The Luke P. show's over, boys,” Tyler tells Jed and Peter in the sneak peek, to which Jed responds: “I've never been so stoked to see someone leave.” Hannah also seems more relaxed and content than ever “with Luke out of the picture,” as she puts it, adding: “It allows me to finally look at my other relationships.” One would think this would be the case, until one sees that Luke is on his way back to the mansion, despite Hannah giving him the very clear heave-ho just moments earlier. “Hannah thought there's no way I'd want to be with her after the last thing she told me, and she's sadly mistaken,” Luke says, referring to Hannah throwing in Luke's face the fact that she slept with two other guys on the show. Yes, folks, we're very sorry: Luke will return next week. “This isn't over for me yet. This my heart we're talking about here,” Luke tells Hannah, somehow expecting Brown to welcome him back with open arms we guess. But she does no such thing. “This isn't about your heart,” she screams at him in the explosive trailer. “F-cking leave!” Shortly after Hannah makes this declaration, the other three men surround Luke and tell him to seriously skip town right at that very moment… or else. Things get very close to getting very ugly and physical here. The camera cuts away at this point, however, giving us a glimpse at the upcoming Men Tell All special. On this week's emotional and controversial episode, Luke outed himself as a sexist pig, sex-shaming Hannah as follows: “If you told me you're going to have sex or you had sex with one or multiple of these guys I would be wanting to go home 100 percent.” Because Brown did have sex with one or multiple of these guys, and because Luke doesn't frickin own her, Hannah shoots back: “You're questioning me and you're judging me and feel like you have the right to when you don't at this point. “And I get when you care for somebody that you don't want to think about somebody being intimate with another person. But guess what, sex might be a sin out of marriage, pride is a sin, too, and I feel like this is a pride thing.” And later? After she fully tells Luke off and tells him to hit the road? “I don't owe you anything at this point. Do you not understand that? I have bent over backwards for this relationship, so I don't owe you anything.” Oh, yeah, and she also had sex on the show and “Jesus still loves me,” dude. Just amazing all around. Check out the promo now!

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The Bachelorette Preview: WTF is Luke Doing Here?!?

Elizabeth Hurley Naked of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley is an old lady who posts selfies of herself NAKED. Shocking, but not really, she’s been pretty consistent about the bikini pics on social media after years of barely existing…. The woman who tapped out mid-30s until her 50s, where I guess she decided to be a mom with a rich guy and is now back at it….to promote her bikinis, or to find a new rich husband, or to show off that she’s still hot despite being old I don’t know the psychology behind a woman who is using her sex appeal at an old age, but who used her sex appeal to get into Hugh Grant’s pants when she was young and when he was famous as fuck. He brought her to America. Fucked a Tranny cuz she’s a boring lay. She moved on and got acting work like Austin Powers…inflating her ego in a time she needed to be reaffirmed cuz her boyfriend fucked a tranny… I may be off on my timeline here…I am not the Liz Hurley Biographer… Now naked cuz she either thinks she’s hot or is trying to find a new rich husband…or maybe it actually markets her bathing suits… Or maybe she’s just inspirational, you know giving the instagram sluts hope that in 30 years they’ll be ok, or able to still monetize their bullshit lack of skill….getting naked or half naked into the FUTURE… All I really gotta say is WHERE THE FUCK are her nipples. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Elizabeth Hurley Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Elizabeth Hurley Naked of the Day

The Bachelorette Spoilers: Who Does Hannah Bang in the Fantasy Suite?

Our apologies to those who may have found that headline a bit crass. And to those who want to avoid Bachelorette spoilers . But folks – it’s fantasy suites week, which means it’s time to send the kids to bed and get straight down to business. Last week, Hannah was introduced to her finalists’ friends and families. (Or in the case of Luke P., a bunch of people he paid off to pretend he’s a decent human being.) Anyway, meeting the parents is great and all, but this week, she’ll make her acquaintance of an even more important influence in the life of her fiance-to-be. It’s a figure who looms (hopefully) large and probably makes many important decisions on her future husband’s behalf. We’re talking, of course, about his ding-a-ling. Now, if you’ve been keeping up with our Bachelorette spoilers , then you already know who receives Hannah’s final rose. But that doesn’t mean he’ll be the only one who gets her flower, if you know what we mean. (If you’d prefer to be surprised, read no further, because we’re about to get all spoiler-y up in here.)   Okay, so now that all the info-phobes have tossed their phones into the nearest body of water, it’s time to tell you that Kevin Spacey was dead the whole movie, and Bruce Willis was Keyser Soze. Just a little spoiler humor! But seriously, folks, we’ve known for quite some time that Luke P. gets sent home in large part because he slut-shamed Hannah  for having sex with one of the other guys. So that’s double good news: Hannah takes at least one finalist to pound town, and it’s not Luke P. We also know that Jed Wyatt proposes to Hannah in the finale , and she accepts. It was later revealed that Wyatt had a girlfriend waiting at home while filming the show, and Hannah has reportedly kicked him to the curb as a result. But that’s a separate issue entirely. During the filming of tonight’s fantasy suite episode, Hannah was still very much smitten with Jed. And so, when previews for the episode revealed that Hannah has sex with someone in a windmill, it was widely believed to be Wyatt. But according to spoiler master Reality Steve, that’s not the case . “In Monday’s episode, you’ll see that Peter is Windmill Sex guy,” Reality Steve writes. “And there is a condom in the room that they joke about since he was the one that had it in the console of his car.” Yes, Peter Weber is the guy who goes full Don Quixote and thrusts his lance in a windmill. (Sorry, we couldn’t resist.) (We’re not ruling out the possibility that Hannah bangs Jed as well, but Peter was the infamous Windmill Guy.) So, that’s where we stand heading into tonight, and given what we know about Jed, that may seem like a bit of a bummer. After all, Peter was a fan favorite from the start, and poor Hannah wound up with a dude who was secretly in a relationship. So in a way, we guess today’s revelation that Peter also had a secret girlfriend is bittersweet. Basically, Hannah would’ve wound up with a cheater regardless. The long and short of it? The folks in charge of casting really need to do a better job of weeding out the d-bags. View Slideshow: The Bachelorette Spoilers: Who Gets Exposed? Who Wins Hannah’s Heart? [UPDATED] Reality Steve also tweeted a bit about the Men Tell All special that was recorded last week and will air during the finale. Steve says it’ll basically be an hour-long Luke-bashing session, which is both totally unsurprising and totally welcome. At one point, Hannah even apologizes to America for allowing Luke to remain on the show for long. No need to say you’re sorry, Ms. Beast, but — actually on second thought, we’re gonna go ahead and accept that apology. View Slideshow: Hannah Brown Banged in a Windmill and Twitter Lost Its Mind

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The Bachelorette Spoilers: Who Does Hannah Bang in the Fantasy Suite?

Aubrey O’Day to Donald Trump Jr.: DUMP Kimberly Guilfoyle & Get Back With ME!

On the surface, MTV’s Ex on the Beach is just another anonymous reality show in which scantily-clad twentysomethings down fishbowl-sized cocktails and compete to exchange fluids. And it might have gone down in flames alongside the disaster known as Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club , were it not for the producers’ brilliant idea of casting already-established nutjobs from previous series. Teen Mom has-been Farrah Abraham spiced up the first season with her unique blend of nonsensical word salad and porn star chicanery. And now, the similarly-psychotic Aubrey O’Day is being trotted out to spice up season 2: You might remember Aubrey from her role on Making the Band or as the ex-girlfriend of Jersey Shore ‘s Pauly D . But O’Day’s most recent tabloid headlines have to do with her affair with Donald Trump Jr. The president’s large adult son slept with O’Day several times while he was still married to Vanessa Trump. Don Jr. and Vanessa got divorced back in February, but Young Donald wasn’t single for long. He began dating Fox News anchor Kimberly Guilfoyle before the ink was dry on his divorce papers. And in case you were one of the very few people who wondered exactly what Aubrey thought about all of this, fear not!  Because we’re alive during the weirdest time in human history, you’re about to learn new details about the president’s son’s love life from an MTV reality show! According to a new report from TMZ, O’Day will talk about Don Jr. a lot during the upcoming season of Ex . And we’re guessing she didn’t need much coaxing in that direction, as DTJ seems to be her favorite topic of discussion! TMZ sources who have viewed footage from upcoming episodes say Aubrey sounds off on all things Trump whenever she’s given the opportunity. Apparently, she describes Don Jr. as her “soul mate,” and she bashes Guilfoyle as “crazy-looking.” At one point, Aubrey even begs Don Jr. to dump Guilfoyle so that the two of them can get back together. Something tells us that won’t be happening anytime soon. For one thing, Guilfoyle has the presidential seal of approval, and it’s been rumored that she and Lil Donnie are quite serious these days. On top of that, Vanessa Trump was pregnant during Don’s time with Aubrey, so you can bet he won’t be re-opening that scandalous chapter from his past with an election fast approaching. But hey, if you believe Aubrey, the Trump political dynasty will soon be coming to an end regardless. “The White House fiasco is about to be over,” she reportedly told MTV. Maybe Aubrey knows something we don’t. Or maybe she’s just planning to transition into a career political pundit once the reality gigs dry up! View Slideshow: Farrah Abraham Shuts Down Clothing Boutique: Is She Going Broke?

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Aubrey O’Day to Donald Trump Jr.: DUMP Kimberly Guilfoyle & Get Back With ME!

Duggars Hear It from Critics, Are Told to Stop Procreating for the Love of God!

The Duggar Family rose to fame on the reality show 19 Kids and Counting. That show was canceled years ago, of course, in the wake of the Josh Duggar molestation scandal — but the title did prove to be prophetic. And Counting . The family can sure say that again! Over the past several weeks, one Duggar woman after another has come out and excitedly announced that she is pregnant. Even by the standards of a group who believes females are only useful to their ability to raise a human being inside of their womb, this has been as astounding run of sperm successfully fertilizing eggs. For the official record? Jessa Duggar welcomed a girl named Ivy Jane this past spring. Josh Duggar and his wife, Anna, are expecting their sixth child. Joseph Duggar and wife Kendra have revealed a baby is on the way, while Lauren Swanson and Josiah Duggar have said the same. Joy Duggar and Austin Forsyth have a little boy or a girl on board. Heck, even semi-estranged cousin Amy Duggar is pregnant. It’s a lot to process and those who have followed the journeys of these couples over the years must be thrilled for all of these famous men and women. But there are also critics of the Duggars. There always have been. At this point, after 2019, there will be 17 (!!!!!) Duggar grandchildren in the family — and fewer than half of the Duggars are married. That’s mind-boggling on one hand, but it’s also infuriating on another, according to these aforementioned critics. Last week, Kendra and Joe Duggar told Us Weekly that they’re expecting a girl, but not all the responses to this article were positive; some were downright mean and judgmental, in fact. “Thank you next. Absolutely no one cares there’s way too many of them,” one user wrote, while another chimed in as follows: “The world is already over populated, stop.” Elsewhere, people compared a Duggar pregnancy to a sunny day in Los Angeles (sort of funny), suggesting it isn’t news worthy, while others went after the entire family, saying they only marry to reproduce. This is clearly true. But to each his or her own we suppose, right? We aren’t always huge fans of his women are treating with the strict confines of this family because it does often seem like they are just pieces of property, like members of an effed up cult. But overpopulation concerns?!? We do not share those. The Duggars themselves, for whatever it’s wort, do not seem phased by any of this criticism. They are frickin psyched to have all these girls entering their family in the near future. “Being parents ourselves is one of the most amazing experiences in life, however, we could have never anticipated the joy being grandparents brings us,” Jim Bob and Michelle said in a recent statement, concluding: “We cannot wait to meet these new little granddaughters!” View Slideshow: The Duggars: Who’s Courting? Pregnant? Next In Line? [MORE UPDATES!]

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Duggars Hear It from Critics, Are Told to Stop Procreating for the Love of God!

Ensley Eason: Is Jenelle Evans’ Daughter Miserable Without Her?

As you’ve likely heard by now, Jenelle Evans has lost custody of all of her children . It was a long overdue development that happened both gradually and abruptly. It was abrupt in the sense that CPS swooped in and removed the kids from Jenelle and David Eason’s home shortly after Eason shot and killed the family dog , thus prompting an investigation that revealed unsuitable living conditions. But the newly desolate conditions on The Land were also a long time in the making, as Jenelle had long ago lost custody of her eldest son, Jace, and David has a son hasn’t been permitted to see in years. Jace has been living with Barbara Evans since he was a baby, so even though Babs raised Jenelle, we can safely assume that she is capable of properly raising a child. These days, Jenelle’s 2-year-old daughter Ensley is also under Babs’ care. And for reasons that aren’t entirely clear, many believe the child is miserable at her grandmother’s home. Take, for example, the comments on a recent photo of Babs’ adoptive kids. “Myrtle Beach and I was not at the Winery,” Barbara captioned the pic. “Cardboard cutouts all over Broadway at the beach,” she added. Sounds innocent enough, right? Just a wholesome day of family fun (the guy in the pic is Jenelle’s brother Colin). Well, not in the eyes of some fans, who zeroed in on Ensley’s expression and took it as a sign that the toddler is being mistreated. “Poor Ensley looks so sad!!” wrote one follower. “Ensley looks like she’s worried about the potential crisis in the Middle East,” another person commented. “Poor little thing. It’s great how I can read minds on IG though, right?” another fan sarcastically quipped. Another Instagram user took the situation very seriously, writing: “I can’t help it … Ensley looks so unhappy. Something is not right!” And this, folks, is a prime example of the internet at its very worst. We’re sure some of these people think they’re helping, but really, they’re just drawing wild conclusions based on very little evidence. We’re sure the past few weeks have been very stressful for Ensley. But that doesn’t mean Babs is neglecting her or Jenelle was secretly some kind of super mom. Being placed in a new home would be stressful for any kid, but the authorities wouldn’t have done it if they didn’t consider it absolutely necessary. Fortunately, the majority of fans saw the situation for what it was and realized that 2-year-olds just get cranky sometimes: “She was probably just tired and [needs] a nap!!” one person commented. “Those kids are so lucky to have you in their lives!” someone else wrote before asking the valid question” “Where should they be if you weren’t there?  “Hey no judgment!! You stepped up when Jenelle couldn’t take care of her kids!” Eventually, Babs chimed in with an explanation for Ensley’s sour expression: “She’s hot, tired and on our way to eat.” She’s probably also sick of internet strangers psychoanalyzing her on the basis of a single photo! View Slideshow: Jenelle Evans & David Eason: Cops Have Been to The Land HOW MANY Times?!

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Ensley Eason: Is Jenelle Evans’ Daughter Miserable Without Her?

Dr. Patrice A. Harris Officially Becomes American Medical Association’s First Black Woman President

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B lack women are making historic moves in medicine. According to Atlanta Daily World Patrice A. Harris, M.D., M.A. , was sworn in as president of the American Medical Association; making her the first African American woman to be at the helm of the country’s largest collective of physicians and medical students. For the first time in its history the American Medical Association has a Black woman as president! https://t.co/mdvJbXoA2e — #becauseofthemwecan (@Becauseofthem) June 13, 2019 The inauguration ceremony took place in Chicago on Tuesday. During her inaugural speech, Dr. Harris highlighted the issues that she intends to address as she starts her new role. Amongst the things on her agenda are implementing effective strategies to improve healthcare education and training, combating the crisis surrounding chronic diseases, and eliminating barriers to quality patient care. Dr. Harris also hopes to push the conversations about mental health and diversity in the medical field forward. “We face big challenges in health care today, and the decisions we make now will move us forward in a future we help create,” she said in a statement, according to the news outlet. “We are no longer at a place where we can tolerate the disparities that plague communities of color, women, and the LGBTQ community. But we are not yet at a place where health equity is achieved e in those communities. I hope to be tangible evidence for young girls and young boys and girls from communities of color that you can aspire to be a physician. Not only that, you can aspire to be a leader in organized medicine.” Dr. Harris—who has served as an AMA board secretary and AMA board chair—has had a storied medical career thus far. Prior to being appointed to become president of the American Medical Association, she served as the chief health officer of Fulton County, Georgia and has worked with several healthcare organizations to advance their services. She also served as an adjunct professor in Emory University’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Several Black doctors are breaking barriers in the medical field. A group of African American medical professionals recently opened the first Black-owned urgent care center on the South Side of Chicago. SEE ALSO: Chicago Gets Its First Black-Owned Urgent Care Facility Lonnie G. Bunch III Makes History As Smithsonian’s First Black Secretary [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3854335″ overlay=”true”]

Dr. Patrice A. Harris Officially Becomes American Medical Association’s First Black Woman President

Kailyn Lowry Flaunts Bikini Body, Brushes Off the Haters

Sadly, not everyone on the Internet is a fan of Kailyn Lowry. The long-time reality star has often garnered a bunch of hate from trolls on social media. But at least Lowry can take solace in the following fact: She has at least one fan from within the MTV family, as Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi just proved with a very nice Instagram comment. What connection do Snooki and Lowry have with each other? And how is this related to the latter's latest sexy snapshot by the pool? Scroll down to find out! 1. Ohhh! La! La! Looking great, Kailyn! The Teen Mom star is rocking a bikini here, one she bought off Snooki’s bathing suit line. 2. Wait, Snooki Has a Bikini Line? Within her Snooki Shop, you know! It’s called the “Snookini.” 3. Can We See Some Examples? You know it. Here you go. 4. YAS bitch As you can also see here, Snooki was pretty psyched to see Lowry wearing her apparell… and looking hawt while doing so. 5. Not Everyone Was a Fan, However Like we said previously, people often suck on the Internet. 6. Sadly, Lowry Has Dealt with Body-Shamers Before A lot, in fact. She’s at least become an expert in dealing with these terrible people. View Slideshow

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Kailyn Lowry Flaunts Bikini Body, Brushes Off the Haters

Jenelle Evans Shares Unsettling Video of Nugget and Her Kids: What is WRONG with Her?!

Jenelle Evans has made some bad choices in her time. That much is undeniable. We'd be here all day if we tried to recount each and every time she screwed up, so let's just go ahead and say that her biggest mistake in her whole entire life was probably getting with David Eason. Mostly because he's a disgusting human being, but also because during her time with him, he's caused her to continue to make some seriously questionable decisions. You know, like if she'd never married David, then he never could have killed her dog , and he never would have gotten all the kids removed from their care . She probably would have married a different terrible dude, maybe even someone worse than David, but let's just focus on this timeline. Because this timeline is getting real, real bad. After Jenelle and David lost custody temporarily, they managed to hold things together — for a little bit, anyway. But as we saw earlier this week, they simply cannot hold it together anymore. That's why we've seen Jenelle fighting with her mom outside the courthouse in front of paparazzi, and that's why we've seen David flip Nathan off , also in front of paparazzi. These are all just really awful choices for them to be making during this crucial time. If they really want to regain custody, they need to be on their best behavior, and this just is not it. And if all the courthouse feuding wasn't bad enough, Jenelle's gone and released a new video on her YouTube channel that, considering everything, is just downright disturbing. The video, which you can watch in full below, went up earlier this morning, and it's titled “Getting Chickens and Chicks.. FIRST TIME.” Yep, she's still trying to make that “homestead” thing happen . It's not going to happen. So we're not going to go through the whole entire video because it really is mostly about chickens, but there are definitely more than a few interesting bits besides all that. For instance, at the beginning we see Jenelle sitting outside, talking about gardening, and who is sitting beside her, being so good and sweet? Nugget. Believe it or not, Nugget can be seen several times throughout the video, following everyone around because she was a family dog, and that's what they do. What's especially heartbreaking is that most of the time Nugget appears, she's keeping close to the kids, and, of course, not being the least big aggressive towards any of them. Oh yeah, because the kids are there, too — Ensley, Kaiser, Jace, and Maryssa are all heavily featured here. Also heavily featured are the original Eason chickens, many of which are no longer with us since they were killed by Jax, Jenelle's pitbull, because she didn't supervise them and she never bothered to try to train her dog. It's just … it's weird, right? Obviously Jenelle's got a lot of extra free time now that all the kids are gone, so she's just chilling at home, editing the footage from “happier times” when the family was altogether. That's one thing, but the fact that she uploaded this to YouTube and didn't realize how inappropriate it is now with everything that's happened is honestly concerning. And judging by the comments on the video so far, people are very concerned. “Psycho husband,” one person wrote. “Kissing chickens one minute and then shooting his dog the next.” Someone else referenced an already classic comment Barbara made during her fight with Jenelle at the courthouse with “It's a shame how fake this video is as a happy family … your mom's right! 'It's all for the cameras!!!'” “Seriously, I can't believe u post videos like this when u have lost ur kids, ur psycho husband shot ur pet dog!!!!” yet another outraged Teen Mom fan told her. “Totally sick beyond words.” Finally, one person summed everything up pretty well with “What's wrong with you???? You have no business with animals! The only animal you should be concerned with is the one you are married to!” We wish we could say we're surprised that Jenelle made such a poor choice in sharing this, but really nothing she does anymore is all that surprising. Watch Jenelle pretend to have a happy family in the video below:

Jenelle Evans Shares Unsettling Video of Nugget and Her Kids: What is WRONG with Her?!

The Bachelorette Spoilers: Shocking Conclusion to Luke P. vs. Luke S. Feud REVEALED!

Even before Hannah Brown’s season began, you didn’t need The Bachelorette spoilers to tell you that Luke Parker is a psychopath. You can’t keep that kind of insanity a secret. People were warning her about Luke even before he got out of the limo, petrified that it would be to whom Hannah Brown is engaged . (Actually, he climbed on top of the limo and snarled like a wild beast, which should have been all the red flag she needed.) The usually-chill Nick Viall called Luke out as a dangerous narcissist early on, and viewers quickly realized that was no exaggeration. Few reality shows have attracted as many douche bros as The Bachelorette , and Luke might be the douchiest of them all — which is really saying something. If you’ve been reading Bachelorette spoilers, you know that sadly, Luke’s con job is working like a charm, and Hannah won’t be 86-ing him anytime soon. (This is the point in the article where we inform you that further spoilers are coming.) (And if you wish to be surprised by the Bachelorette finale like it’s Game of Thrones or some s–t, you should read no further.) Luke makes it all the way to Hannah’s final four , which is especially shocking given his behavior on Monday night’s show. As you may recall (who could forget?) Luke P. bodyslammed Luke S. following a particularly intense rugby game. (Luke P. tried to make it sound like the slam happened mid-game, but that was not the case.) The moment was caught on camera, but Hannah didn’t witness it herself. Then, for some reason, she’s decided not to believe the other 14 guys in the house who have repeatedly told her that Luke P. is the absolute worst. Yeah. It make zero sense. As you may have figured out, this situation doesn’t have a happy ending. According to the guru  of spoilers Reality Steve, Luke P. moves on following next week’s rose ceremony (the episode will air on Tuesday due to a scheduling conflict with the NBA Finals). Luke S.? He does not. But before you get prematurely furious at Hannah for sending the wrong Luke home, you should know that it wasn’t her decision. Reality Steve is reporting that Luke S. TOOK HIMSELF OUT OF THE RUNNING and went home prior to the rose ceremony. Frankly, given the extent to which Hannah has allowed herself to be manipulated by Luke Parker, we don’t blame him. In fact, we wish all the remaining contestants would take themselves out of the running. Not that we wish her any ill will. But if that’s what it took in order to help Hannah realize she’s allowing a full-blown lunatic to stay on the show? Then yes. As we said earlier, Bachelorette villains are nothing new, but the Luke situation is unprecedented. Host Chris Harrison even felt the need to indirectly address the insanity in a recent interview: “There’s gonna be villains, and it’s not your typical villain,” he said. “It’s not the typical bad guy that’s like a flash in the pan and goes away … although there are those too.” “What really creates the drama, what really drives this entire season and may dictate how this ends for Hannah and kind of reflects and affects the rest of her life is the drama lasts, and it’s about people she cares about,” Harrison added. “It’s not just oh here’s the bad guy, he’s gone. “This thing festers and has to deal with the entire kind of undertone to the season. So that’s what’s really going to shape the season, and what I think people are going to take away.” Wow. Usually, Harrison alerts us when there’s one rose remaining and otherwise keeps his commentary to himself. View Slideshow: The Bachelorette Spoilers: Check Out the Lucky Guy Who Wins Hannah’s Heart! [UPDATED] On social media, Hannah is taking a lot of flak for not seeing through Luke P.’s BS, but to be fair, hindsight is 20-20 and the guy is a master manipulator. Fortunately, these days, Hannah is engaged to someone else – and you can jump into the gallery above to find out which lucky guy earned her final rose.

See the original post here:
The Bachelorette Spoilers: Shocking Conclusion to Luke P. vs. Luke S. Feud REVEALED!