Tag Archives: sabrina

Lara Stone by Juergen Teller of the Day

Lara Stone tried to sue me once – because I posted paparazzi pics of her on her Honeymoon, because her honeymoon was so fucking private and important that the paparazzi went to creep on her…and she felt the need to come after me…like I was the motherfucker in scuba gear creeping up on her in a bikini…thus making me hate her… But I do like Juergen Teller’s photographer, he’s pretty top tier, and when it features a topless Lara Stone and her big old nipples, thicker than she’s ever been, even though we’ve already seen her tits…I kind of don’t care that sue bothered threatening me with lawsuits, instead I just incorporate it into my masturation… “Oh yes babay, send me that Lawyer’s Letter, oh you’re so hot when you pay 500 Euros an hour to send me love letters….I just came”…

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Lara Stone by Juergen Teller of the Day

Sabrina Ioffreda for LUI Magazine of the Day

Sabrina Ioffreda is some model who has done nothing that I’ve noticed – not that I really notice anything when it comes to models unless they show their tits…but I assume that she’s well paid, as all models are, she’s probably European because of her insane last name, maybe even Swedish, because it sounds like an IKEA table name, which happens to be the only thing I know about Sweden, and probably the only thing to know about Sweden, other than this Sabrina Ioffreda who I don’t even know if she’s from Sweden but we’ll pretend. Fuck, google just told me she’s from Argentina…I shoulda known….I just thought Argentina only had cows…I am so bad at this…I am so stupid…I would blame the hangover but I am already drunk….fuck the dark hair should have given it away… Who cares about where she’s from, or what she’s giving away, since she’s giving all I really care away, and that’s her tits in my favorite titty magazine out of France called LUI This shoot is pretty next level

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Sabrina Ioffreda for LUI Magazine of the Day

Sabrina Ioffreda for LUI Magazine of the Day

Sabrina Ioffreda is some model who has done nothing that I’ve noticed – not that I really notice anything when it comes to models unless they show their tits…but I assume that she’s well paid, as all models are, she’s probably European because of her insane last name, maybe even Swedish, because it sounds like an IKEA table name, which happens to be the only thing I know about Sweden, and probably the only thing to know about Sweden, other than this Sabrina Ioffreda who I don’t even know if she’s from Sweden but we’ll pretend. Fuck, google just told me she’s from Argentina…I shoulda known….I just thought Argentina only had cows…I am so bad at this…I am so stupid…I would blame the hangover but I am already drunk….fuck the dark hair should have given it away… Who cares about where she’s from, or what she’s giving away, since she’s giving all I really care away, and that’s her tits in my favorite titty magazine out of France called LUI This shoot is pretty next level

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Sabrina Ioffreda for LUI Magazine of the Day

The 100 Season 2 Episode 2 Recap: Dark Times

It’s safe to say The 100 isn’t the most uplifting show on television. In fact, there wasn’t one individual who wasn’t in danger of some kind… or being misled … or taking a life-threatening risk during The 100 Season 2 Episode 2 . It’s true, Jasper and Monty. We’re sorry to break this to you, but you aren’t really in paradise. It’s mere a matter of time before you discover the true cost of that delicious chocolate cake. Watch The 100 Season 2 Episode 2 Online Among the highlights this week was the return to Wells. His death was stunning and terrible, but Jaha used the vision of his late son to find the courage to save his own life. Jaha’s arrival on the ground was a clear contrast to Abby and Kane’s landing. Jaha dropped in to the desert in the middle of night and looked up to see the stars. His arrival was dark. His journey will be far more dangerous and different than any of the other Arkers who came before him. He’s alone and, we assume, he’s very far from the others. Then there’s Kane. What an arrogant leader. What disdain-filled, condescending leader. He hasn’t learned anything at all from the happenings on the Ark, has he? Ultimately, Finn, Bellamy and a small group left Camp Jaha, armed with Abby’s assistance. Will the price they pay for this disobedience be worth it? Will they locate their friends? Or is it too late? Might it even be possibble for Bellamy, Clarke or Finn to oust Kane from power? And who out there would not love to see them try? Finally, let’s give all the props to Raven, considering the ordeal she has been through. Namely, surgery without any pain medication. Raven should be able to adjust well to any physical limitations and, as an engineer, she should be also able to remain useful, remaining busy and integral even if she can’t go out and fight. What did everyone else think of this installment? You can watch The 100 online via TV Fanatic and you can sound off on the latest events right here and now!

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The 100 Season 2 Episode 2 Recap: Dark Times

Ava London and Hank Baskett Totally Hooked Up, Achieved Orgasm Quickly, Friend Says

What really happened between Ava London and Hank Baskett, Kendra Wilkinson’s cheating husband, on the infamous night that lives in reality TV infamy? Hank has told a number of versions in the past six months, first telling his wife that it was all lie, then claiming he only went to her house to get weed. He’s also claimed it was a setup , and while extortion may or may not have taken place after the fact, the transsexual model’s best friend says he’s lying. Zhora Tillett, who was there that night, is dishing on the duo’s “steamy” sexual encounter, how it started, and what went down after Hank was finished … Zhora Tillett: Ava London, Hank Baskett Hooked Up! “I was there when he called Ava the first time. I was there when he got to the apartment. I was there while they were in the room together,” says Zhora. “I met him after he took a shower at the house,” Tillett stated , adding: “Hank Baskett and Ava Sabrina London had a sexual encounter.” Recent claims by Kendra and Hank that he was set up, and/or only met Ava by chance and went to her place to smoke weed, prompted her to speak out. Tillett says there’s no way that happened as he’d have you believe. Hank Baskett “was obviously at the apartment that day he met Ava,” Tillett said. “Even when he knew the story broke out, he thought it was me who sold the story.” He “is obviously lying about coming [over] to get drugs,” Tillett adds. “Drugs were never involved … we’ve never done drugs in that house so he’s obviously lying.” Like Ava London , she says it was Hank who initiated contact: “Ava and I were hanging out getting ready to go to the pool when Hank called. He said he was one of her fans, that he had seen her pictures and her videos online.” “He wanted to stop by and say hi and meet her in person. So he came over,” she said. “He wanted to meet her because he thought she was beautiful.” Tillett must not watch Kendra On Top online , because when he introduced himself as “Dave,” she insists she didn’t know his celebrity status whatsoever. Ava London: Hank Baskett’s (Alleged) Mistress 1. Ava Sabrina London Photo Ava Sabrina London is the model who says she had a fling with Hank Baskett. Do you believe her? At the same time, it was clear something was going on there. “When Hank came over at the house I was getting ready, I heard him and Ava talking outside… They got to know each other, and then they decided to go to the bedroom.” “When he walked in they were talking and then all of a sudden they were in the bedroom so obviously something sexual was going on,” Tillett claimed. “Ava told me that her and Hank went into the bedroom and things got steamy. He obviously wanted to undress her and he wanted to see if she was really a transsexual.” “Ava just told me she and Hank went in the bedroom, he undressed her, he undressed himself, he wanted to touch her penis, which obviously he did.” “They were touching each other, ‘cause you know they were messing around. They were fooling around… it was really quick… he didn’t take that much to orgasm.” Afterward, Hank showered, and met Zhora in a towel. “I obviously knew they were done doing … I heard the shower. I went out to grab a drink and two minutes later Hank came out of the bathroom with a towel around him.” “He introduced himself. He said he was Dave. I said I’m Zhora,” she said, noting that it was small talk. “We were just talking about ‘how’s your day is going.” Only later did she know who this mysterious Dave really was. “While Hank was getting dressed Ava told me that was Hank Baskett,” she said. “I really didn’t realize it was him that particular moment when he was in the apartment.” “After he left, that’s when I realized it was Hank Baskett.” On tomorrow night’s Kendra on Top Season 3 Episode 8 , fans will see the We TV reality star grill Hank about whether he knew he was cheating with a guy . To hear Ava and Zhora tell it, the whole time. Kendra on Top Clip – Spit it Out

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Ava London and Hank Baskett Totally Hooked Up, Achieved Orgasm Quickly, Friend Says

Joan Lunden: Bald and Beautiful on Cover of People Magazine

Former Good Morning America host Joan Lunden was diagnosed with breast cancer  back in June and in the months since, the beloved journalist has shared frequent updates on her treatment and served as an inspiration for fans whose lives have been impacted by the disease. Today, Lunden debuted her shaved-head look (she took matters into her own hands, rather than waiting for her hair to fall out from chemotherapy) on the cover of People magazine. More importantly, however, she shared her candid, stirring thoughts on her battle with cancer with a bracingly honest interview. “I could do nothing but that’s certainly not in my personality,” Lunden says. “I was handed an opportunity to learn everything I can about this to try and help others.” Joan opened up about her conversations with former GMA colleague and fellow  cancer survivor Robin Roberts , who influenced Lunden’s decision to shave her head: “Robin told me that waiting for your hair to fall out is excruciating. So I didn’t want to wait.” “I’m almost reluctant to say it because it sounds superficial, but when you lose your hair, it just affects the way you look at yourself in the mirror. You feel less feminine, pretty, or desirable, and that’s a hard thing to go through.” A hard thing to go through, and an aspect of treatment that many avoid talking about for fear of sounding vain. That’s why it’s a wonderful thing when an icon like Joan Lunden speaks so frankly about such a difficult time in her life. Celebrities Who Beat Cancer 1. Robin Roberts Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts beat breast cancer in 2007 and myelodysplastic syndrome in 2012-13.

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Joan Lunden: Bald and Beautiful on Cover of People Magazine

Ava London: Yes, Hank Baskett Cheated on Kendra With Me (and I Won’t Be the Last)!

Ava Sabrina London, the transsexual model Hank Baskett with whom allegedly had a sexy fling while wife Kendra Wilkinson was pregnant, is again going on record about it. The rumor is true, she says, and he’ll likely do it to Kendra again! Wilkinson’s horror, shock, devastation and rage at the fact that Hank cheated on her with Ava is evident in the new season of WeTV’s Kendra on Top. Heck, it’s the only reason for the reality show, honestly. Because the details of the affair are so out there, and the teasers for the show so hilariously scripted and over the top, many fans think it could be a hoax. Not so, Ava London says. Not in your life. “He called me the evening after [the affair story broke] and asked how I could help him,” Ava reveals in a new interview with celebrity gossip magazine In Touch . Hank, who had previously tried to buy Ava’s silence, “asked me what I was going to say to the media, and I just told him that I was going to say the truth.” She said a lot, that’s for sure, and blew the lid off of Hank’s dirty secret. These Kendra on Top sneak peeks tell us how that supposedly went over. Kendra on Top Clip – Baskett Case Kendra on Top Teaser Ava says she has told the truth, as promised, from the start over the course of various interviews, and opines that she does not think she will be Hank’s last affair. If Hank is still together with Kendra , that is. That alone is the subject of great debate, as the couple has been seen together in public many times since the affair broke, and he hasn’t been kicked out. Nor has she filed for divorce, but some speculate that she is turning lemonade into lemons for the sake of a reality TV payday and may still file. In any case, Hank’s wife did not take it well. “He said Kendra broke down crying and locked herself in the bedroom. I feel extremely bad that she had to go through this,” London adds, amusingly. The man who became a woman but still has a penis goes on to add that, “I understand she loves him, but I believe he will do it again down the line.” More Ava London pics and videos below … Ava London: Hank Baskett’s (Alleged) Mistress 1. Ava Sabrina London Photo Ava Sabrina London is the model who says she had a fling with Hank Baskett. Do you believe her?

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Ava London: Yes, Hank Baskett Cheated on Kendra With Me (and I Won’t Be the Last)!

For Discussion: White Fox News Host Says ‘The Enemy Is Islamic So It’s Time to Start Profiling Muslims In America’

Should Muslims be profiled?? Fox News Host Says Muslims Should Be Profiled For what was deemed the “most controversial” topic ever discussed on Fox ’s Cashin’ In, all the guests seemed to agree: It’s time to start profiling Muslims in America. Via Raw Story reports: “While the administration buries its head in the sand,” host Eric Bolling said of alleged jihadist recruitment in the United States, “we know how to find terrorists among us: Profile, profile, profile.” M*A*S*H star-turned-investor Wayne Rogers agreed: “There’s no other way. You’ve got to do it. It’s stupid not to.” Co-panelist Jonathan Hoenig seconded the motion, perhaps going a bit further: We should have been profiling on September 12, 2001. Let’s take a trip down memory lane here: The last war this country won, we put Japanese-Americans in internment camps, we dropped nuclear bombs on residential city centers. So, yes, profiling would be at least a good start. It’s not on skin color, however, it’s on ideology: Muslim, Islamists, jihadist. That’s a good start but it’s only a start. We need to stop giving Korans to Gitmo prisoners, we need to stop having Ramadan and Iftar celebrations in the White House. We need to stop saying the enemy is not Islamic. They are. Bolling then rattled off historical terrorist attacks: The 1983 Beirut barracks bombing, the 1988 Pan Am Flight 103 bombing, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 9/11 attacks, and the Boston Marathon bombing. The “common thread” he found? “Muslim males.” And so: “Is it okay to say it’s time to start profiling Muslim males? I say, yes, it is.” Newly-minted Fox contributor Michelle Fields also concurred: We don’t have a problem with extreme Buddhists. We have a problem with extreme Muslims; to ignore that is not fair. This is to protect all Americans: Christian and Muslim Americans, everyone. Because they pose a danger to all of us. And if you’re a Muslim who’s going to Syria, yes, you should be tracked. We should know what you’re doing there, why you’re going there. I don’t think that that’s irresponsible. Do you think Muslims should be profiled???

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For Discussion: White Fox News Host Says ‘The Enemy Is Islamic So It’s Time to Start Profiling Muslims In America’

Woman Keyshia Cole Beat Up In Birdman’s Condo Is Cash Money Employee

That woman Keyshia Cole blessed with a fade may not even be sleeping with Birdman. The victim, Sabrina Mercadel, reportedly is actually a Cash Money Records employee…. Continue

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Woman Keyshia Cole Beat Up In Birdman’s Condo Is Cash Money Employee

A Family Affair: Meet Tisha Campbell Martin and Duane Martin’s Kidd

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A Family Affair: Meet Tisha Campbell Martin and Duane Martin’s Kidd