OK, so granted, I don’t know a whole lot more about Elisabeth van Tergouw here than the last time we saw this Dutch hottie, but thanks to this latest set of pictures we got from her, I’ve been able to find out something very important: that she looks every bit as hot in lingerie as she does in a bikini. See, now this is exactly the kind of hard-hitting investigative journalism that’s going to win me that Pulitzer someday. Especially if the voters like hotties in lingerie as much as the rest of us do. » view all 11 photos
On February 7…I posted a picture of Nina Agdal Grabbing her tit for a magazine called THE EDITORIALIST ..I probably wrote something very witty and amazing…that’s why I am internet famous and no one cares about me and you’re not… You know about her disabled looking face that reminds me of a work program that Adam Levine took advantage of because it was disabled and couldn’t fend for itself…because otherwise we have to accept she fucked him by choice…meaning she’s into that kind of piece of shit…which may not be her immigrant fault…but she should know better… Well, apparently there’s a video from the shoot with nipples and here it is…
Every now and then I think it is important to stare at Jennifer Aniston’s vagina in a bikini bottom, to try to understand why no one wants to knock her up, when even disgusting girls get knocked up, there must be something very wrong with her uterus, or maybe she just does it greek, cuz anal is the best form of birth control, and anal, if done right, can make a bitch cum more than a numb vagina can….and anal is part of her heritage…but I like to think that the real reason she’s an old maid…isn’t her cunt, but the fact that she is a cunt….discuss. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
Carmen Electra needs better management. I realize the stars who were representing her in the 90s when she successfully made the move from girl in Playboy to girl on MTV who made a lot of money…something very few girls have done before her….but it was back in the Pam Anderson / Jenny McCarthy/ Hef was booking hot enough girls for the mag, cuz he wasn’t a senile fuck who developed a love for manly lookin’ bitches with bad hair and bad tits, that if you’ve ever seen Playboy the last 3 years, you can probably agree with…unless you are one of Hef’s girls and this makes you sad and feel bad about yourself, which is should…. But what ever this hanging on to what she had strategy is, it is horrible. She’s staging self shot bikinii pics at her house, these are the third or fourth self-produced trying to be sexy acting like she’s not 40 in the last 2 months, hoping to get noticed, and this time she recruited a UFC girl with a huge fan base to join her, in efforts to steal some of her fans and get noticded… It is pathetic…but not as pathetic as some of her club night appearances…. Sometimes, it is time to hang up the thong and retire gracefully….this is one of those times. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
I was going to look this Billie Faiers chick up, I haven’t got a clue who the hell she is, but then I got distracted by something very large and squishy in the pictures and never seemed to get around to it. I’ve never heard of her and I don’t think anyone really cares who she is, so I’m just going to assume she’s on some silly British soap opera. They always have big breasted blondes on those things. Keep up the good work.
This bitch is practically 90…at least she might as well be you know since when a bitch turns 55 I generally slot them in senior citizen too old oto jerk off to…. That was until this freak of nature, unlike the toeless freak of nature with no eyelids I used to hang with, you know the bad genetics raised by the nuclear plant kind freak of nature, this freak of nature is hot as fuck…and there’s something very confusing about this….I won’t look into it too much….but she’s re-inventing old, dry, unfertile, used up, loose skinned, near death stagnant twat….the good kind of freak of nature…. No matter how much it confuses me – i like. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
Coco proves that ridiculous is not always a good thing…sometimes it is annoying, awkward, weird, disgusting, vile, fat, sloppy, clown-like, but there’s something very important to learn from her and that is that if you’re willing to show off your fat ass, people will not only watch you do it, but one may be a celebrity who gives you the good life, pretending your whoring is love…..reminding you that if you never put it out there…you may be missing out on that meal ticket. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US
Christian Louboutin: Celebrating 20 Years and the Launch of the Book from BARNEY’S NY/ Michelle Chu on Vimeo . There’s something very satisfying about seeing how things get made. Remember that Sesame Street video where you see how a crayon gets made? It’s awesome. So we loved this video Barneys just released which reveals how their new, fantastic, Louboutin windows were constructed. They’re up to… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Fashionista Discovery Date : 28/10/2011 17:15 Number of articles : 2
I’m not up to date on Jessica Biel’s work schedule, but whatever it is she’s working on now looks absolutely terrible. I have no idea what it is, but if they decided to make her character a disgustingly pregnant chick who wears velour tracksuits, it’s already got my vote for worst movie of the year. Jessica should have roles that involve short skirts, tight pants and possibly a tasteful girl on girl scene in a hot tub. Nothing too raunchy, something very tender between two gorgeous females. Jessica Biel in a fat suit… Big mistake.
Most of us instinctively know that something very important — historic, even — going on in Wisconsin. Well, there is something historic going on in Wisconsin. It is the first salvo in a battle that is going to preoccupy the rest of our lives, for we live in a very unique time in human history Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Big Government Discovery Date : 06/03/2011 19:10 Number of articles : 3