The Japanese have made a number of bizarre, occasionally frightening contributions to our popular culture: Pokemon, Hello Kitty, Super Mario Brothers 2… But now a Tokyo-based designer named Horestu Sato has created something that will make those terrifying black plague gas mask things that Mario threw radishes at look downright boring. (Seriously, WTF was up with that game?) At this point, it’s our medical duty to insist that if you’re currently under the influence of hallucinogens, you close out this post immediately, and do not click through the gallery below. Go look at dogs dressed like Game of Thrones characters or something, instead. For the rest of you, behold: The World’s Creepiest Cat Mask : View Slideshow: Cat Mask Photos: Prepare to be Terrified! The bad news is, the mask is currently just an art piece, and is not yet for sale. The good news is, you won’t be responsible for any major coronary events when you jump out at your family and friends with that monstrosity on your head. Sato says if there’s enough interest in the mask, he might mass produce them and sell them online. It could be a mighty lucrative enterprise. After all, the Internet loves cats, and when you love something, it’s only natural to want to wear its flesh as your own. Oh, sorry, that’s only if you’re Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. We get him mixed up with sane human beings all the time. Check out some adorable photos of cats napping to help push the sight of all those feline-human hybrids from your brain: View Slideshow: 9 Cats Who Have Perfected the Art of Napping
Originally posted here:
Lifelike Cat Mask is Here to Haunt Your Nightmares!