Tag Archives: the-authorities

Jessica Biel’s Sweet Booty Profile

I don’t watch Jay Leno, I’m not sure anyone under the age of sixty does, but I have to say I’m impressed with his choice of guests. Here’s Jessica Biel giving us a nice quality look at her sweet sweet booty as she gets molested by the old guy. I hope someone from the staff said something to the authorities about this, this kind of behavior is unacceptable from our talk show hosts. Although, I’m pretty sure if I had the chance to give Jessica a phony cheek kiss, I’d probably get a little grabby myself. So hot.

Florida Crazies: Miami Vice Pop Patriotic Pusherman On Independence Day

Add this guy to our Hall of Fame for craziest mugshots ! A man with an American flag painted over his entire face was arrested for drug possession just hours after July 4 in a Florida nightclub, giving a whole new meaning to the phrase “America, the beautiful.” Miami Beach police arrested Eric Oram Butkiewicz, 31, at the club LIV in the Fontainebleau Hotel when security guards informed the authorities he was dealing drugs, Miami NewTimes reports. “I possibly have three Xanax bars in my possession,” he reportedly told the police. The officers subsequently found 13 Xanax pills in his shirt pocket. Butkiewicz was then booked with a felony possession. His arraignment is set for Aug. 3. SMH. What is it with these drug dealers failing to understand the concept of staying SUBTLE?!?! Source

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Florida Crazies: Miami Vice Pop Patriotic Pusherman On Independence Day

Maria Menounos’ Big Old Ass Has a Cameltoe of the Day

I wonder if Maria Menounos’ pants jacked up her ass count as a cameltoe, you know, cuz she’s greek, and her asshole is her main vagina? Yes this is what I do with my time….I contemplate such life changing, important, observations….I am a modern day Leonardo Divinci or some philosopher or some shit…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Maria Menounos’ Big Old Ass Has a Cameltoe of the Day

Clara Alonso is Some Model Pussy in Elle Vietnam of the Day

Clara Alonso is a Spanish model….she’s 25…..and she’s in Elle Vietnam, a country that I have been to and appreciate….thanks to the food but more importantly the many prosititutes who I got to hang out with in the “lady bars”….who would wash their twats for me before letting me fuck them all I wanted for pretty much 10 dollars. I didn’t bother with the 10 year old hookers, or the boys dressed like girls…but there is something for everyone there…making you wonder why we bombed them in the first place…. Either way, Clara is fucking hot, and I like hot bitches with modeling contracts that validate their hotness and get them paid for their hotness, that stamp of approval, like a bad artless tattoo on a stripper, to remind you of what caliber woman you are dealing with…. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Clara Alonso is Some Model Pussy in Elle Vietnam of the Day

Rihanna Half Naked in Elle of the Day

Rihanna is in Elle and she ran off her mouth about some bullshit that I didn’t bother reading becausee Rihanna is some uneducated prostitute and anything that she comes up with is probably words designed by another motherfucker on her payroll….I have the inside scoop on the bitch from a friend who lives in Barbados…he told me that the Chris Brown beating was likely her hitting herself in the face to report him to the authorities to get him in trouble and ruin him cuz her crazy thought he was cheating on her….or some shit….he told me Bajan women are evil if you get on their wrong side….and they will fucking drag you through the mud…and piss on your face if needed….something I could see myself being into cuz I have no self respect and when Rihanna looks like this…amazing….I’d pretty much let her do whatver she wanted to me…including ripping off my penis in some tribal fucking ritual…shit would go viral andd I don’t need it, it’s pathetic and embarassing anyway, at least now I’d have an excuse….am I right people?! So here she is in Elle, half naked, looking good, reminding us she’s crazy, but can take a good beating and get over it, unlike all your “i was molest by my dad”…or “my boyfriend is abusive” fat chicks who can’t fucking let go….get over it. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Rihanna Half Naked in Elle of the Day

Rihanna Half Naked in Elle of the Day

Rihanna is in Elle and she ran off her mouth about some bullshit that I didn’t bother reading becausee Rihanna is some uneducated prostitute and anything that she comes up with is probably words designed by another motherfucker on her payroll….I have the inside scoop on the bitch from a friend who lives in Barbados…he told me that the Chris Brown beating was likely her hitting herself in the face to report him to the authorities to get him in trouble and ruin him cuz her crazy thought he was cheating on her….or some shit….he told me Bajan women are evil if you get on their wrong side….and they will fucking drag you through the mud…and piss on your face if needed….something I could see myself being into cuz I have no self respect and when Rihanna looks like this…amazing….I’d pretty much let her do whatver she wanted to me…including ripping off my penis in some tribal fucking ritual…shit would go viral andd I don’t need it, it’s pathetic and embarassing anyway, at least now I’d have an excuse….am I right people?! So here she is in Elle, half naked, looking good, reminding us she’s crazy, but can take a good beating and get over it, unlike all your “i was molest by my dad”…or “my boyfriend is abusive” fat chicks who can’t fucking let go….get over it. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

Continued here:
Rihanna Half Naked in Elle of the Day

All the trappings of a police state


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Imagine living in a place where the authorities can record everything you say or do without your consent, however if you do the same – for your own protection – that’s a felony punishable by up to 15 years in jail. Sound like a place you’d want to live? In fact, that’s precisely the case Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : QandO Discovery Date : 01/09/2011 14:42 Number of articles : 3

All the trappings of a police state

Unbeweaveable! Thieves Target Hair Salons For Pricey Weaves

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Theft of human hair extensions and wigs is apparently on the rise. Some robberies have ended in death, while others have perplexed cops completely: it seems thieves would rather walk out with hair than cash. According to the New York Times , once stolen, the hair is typically sold on the street or on the Internet, including eBay, shop owners and the police say. In recent weeks, packages of hair that may have sold for $80 or $100 retail have sold for as little as $25 out of car trunks in the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Houston, the authorities said. The most expensive hair type — and the one in highest demand by thieves and paying customers alike — is remy hair, which unlike most other varieties is sold with its outermost cuticle layer intact. This allows it to look more natural and to last longer without tangling. Remy hair from Indian women is the most popular. (Remy hair extensions can cost as much as $200 per package and the average person requires at least two packages.) Two years ago, at the Beauty One hair supply store in Chicago, thieves went after the store’s cash. But last month, they bypassed the register altogether and took just the hair, which was valued at $90,000. What do you ladies think of this? WBW Honors: Madame C.J. Walker WTF! Magazine Claims Black Women Are “Less Attractive”

Unbeweaveable! Thieves Target Hair Salons For Pricey Weaves

Heidi Montag’s Boobs At The Zoo

I’m annoyed with myself for posting so many pictures of Heidi Montag this week, especially the ones that include her retarded husband, but I love her big new boobs so I can’t help myself. They’re like crack to me, I can’t get enough of them. Here they are stuffed nicely into a little tank top while she takes them on a day trip to the zoo. Can you believe she was thinking about having these things removed? We almost had to call in the authorities to lock her up in an insane asylum.

Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston Reflect on Hilariously Staged Engagement

Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston recently got engaged . Again. While we don’t doubt that the parents of 18-month-old son Tripp are genuine in their feelings for each other, they’re clearly milking the reconciliation for all it’s worth, even putting celebrity gossip coverage ahead of family. In a poignant sit-down with Us Weekly , Bristol Palin reveals that her mother Sarah Palin “doesn’t really approve” of her surprise engagement to Levi. Perhaps because she wasn’t told beforehand? Just a guess. “She’s apprehensive and concerned. She doesn’t want to see me get hurt again,” says Bristol. “My mom is not 100 percent backing us up right now.” How did Bristol and Levi break the news to Sarah? Over the phone. “She knew Levi and I had been talking, but she wanted to know if Levi was really sincere about this,” says Bristol, admitting Us knew before her folks . “I told her we were working on our relationship for Tripp, and she told me, ‘Actions speak louder than words.’ She’s going to wait to see if he changes.” “People are more worried for me than excited for me,” she confesses. Sarah Palin’s feud with Levi is infamous, and her feelings evident in a vapid statement not congratulating them, but saying “Bristol believes in redemption and forgiveness to a degree most of us struggle to put in practice in our daily lives.” Follow the jump for a video of the magazine’s interview with the probably soon-to-be newlyweds. WARNING : It’s easily a 9.5 out of 10 on the Cheese Meter. We can only imagine with their future reality show is going to be like: <object classid=”clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000″ id=”ooyalaPlayer_4qbmc_gbv9bm13″ width=”500″ height=”250″ codebase=”http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab”><param name=”movie” value=”http://player.ooyala.com/player.swf?embedCode=E3eG9rMTqEY8kPqV5j69M4Qo2InFMA4t&version=2″ /><param name=”bgcolor” value=”#000000″ /><param name=”allowScriptAccess” value=”always” /><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true” /><param name=”flashvars” value=”embedType=noscriptObjectTag&embedCode=E3eG9rMTqEY8kPqV5j69M4Qo2InFMA4t&autoplay=1&browserPlacement=right200px” /><embed src=”http://player.ooyala.com/player.swf?embedCode=E3eG9rMTqEY8kPqV5j69M4Qo2InFMA4t&version=2″ mce_src=”http://player.ooyala.com/player.swf?embedCode=E3eG9rMTqEY8kPqV5j69M4Qo2InFMA4t&version=2″ bgcolor=”#000000″ width=”600″ height=”300″ name=”ooyalaPlayer_4qbmc_gbv9bm13″ align=”middle” play=”true” loop=”false” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” flashvars=”&embedCode=E3eG9rMTqEY8kPqV5j69M4Qo2InFMA4t&autoplay=1&browserPlacement=right200px” pluginspage=”http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer”></embed></object> Bristol and Levi Interview

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Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston Reflect on Hilariously Staged Engagement