Tag Archives: the-challenges

Sylvester Stallone Calls ‘Bullet To The Head’ Ax Fight ‘A Bad Idea’

Action legend explained to MTV News the challenges of headlining a movie at the premiere. By Kevin P. Sullivan Sylvester Stallone Photo: MTV News

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Sylvester Stallone Calls ‘Bullet To The Head’ Ax Fight ‘A Bad Idea’

Jason Alexander Apologizes for Homophobic Cricket Diss

Like Michael Richards before him, Jason Alexander has struggled to find show business success following Seinfeld . Also like Michael Richards before him, the actor now finds himself in a bit of controversy. But Alexander at least avoided any kind of racist rant for the ages . Appearing on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson Friday, Alexander was asked about his feelings on cricket and responded as follows: “It’s the pitch… It’s not like a manly baseball pitch; it’s a queer British gay pitch.” The phrasing led to a number of Twitter followers, along with members of GLAAD, coming down on Alexander, who then released a statement that apologized for the remark. “I should know better,” he said. “My daily life is filled with gay men and women, both socially and professionally. I am profoundly aware of the challenges these friends of mine face and I have openly advocated on their behalf. “So, I can only apologize and I do. In comedy, timing is everything. And when a group of people are still fighting so hard for understanding, acceptance, dignity and essential rights–the time for some kinds of laughs has not yet come. I hope my realization brings some comfort.” Very well said indeed. Do you think Alexander should have apologized?

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Jason Alexander Apologizes for Homophobic Cricket Diss

Albo learns: YouTube will find you out


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It seems that the Liberal Party has caught out Federal Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese of ripping off lines from a Michael Douglas movie in a recent address to the National Press Club in what serves as another example of how the internet will always find you out. A video uploaded to YouTube by LiberalPartyTV shows Albanese talking about the challenges Australia is facing, and using the answer… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : ZDNet Discovery Date : 25/01/2012 05:59 Number of articles : 2

Albo learns: YouTube will find you out

Twilight Scribe Melissa Rosenberg On Sopranos-esque Penoza and Jessica Jones vs. Wonder Woman

Now that the Twilight film franchise is drawing to a close (with $1.8 billion in receipts and counting, not including the projected $125 million opening predicted for this weekend’s Breaking Dawn – Part 1 ), series screenwriter and Dexter veteran Melissa Rosenberg has turned her attention to a sizable slate of television projects. Talking with Movieline today, Rosenberg delved into the Sopranos esque qualities of her newly announced female-led crime drama Penoza and discussed the challenges of bringing a Jessica Jones superheroine series into a post- Birds of Prey / Wonder Woman world.

Excerpt from:
Twilight Scribe Melissa Rosenberg On Sopranos-esque Penoza and Jessica Jones vs. Wonder Woman

Brooklyn Botanical Garden Celebrates its Centennial with a Bee-Day Party

Image Credit: Brooklyn Botanical Garden The Brooklyn Botanical Garden is turning 100 tomorrow, and you’re invited to a day of music, dance, films and education, all about one of our favorite populations…bees! The free, day-long event is not only a celebration of the research and service of the BBG, but also an effort to educate the public about the challenges facing bees globally, most importantly colony collapse disorder and

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Brooklyn Botanical Garden Celebrates its Centennial with a Bee-Day Party

The Today Show and The View

When I interned at Saturday Night Live during my college days, I never thought I would be back at 30 Rockefeller Center to be a guest on the world famous Today Show. Seeing such a highly produced piece of television this close gives you a greater appreciation for the hundreds of staff and technicians who make a production like this appear so effortless as we all watch from home. Saturday Night Live was one thing, but this happens every single day! The dedication of the staff on these shows is a wonder to see first hand. And the on screen talent couldn’t appear more relaxed during the whole lead up to the show. Clearly, years in front of the camera really prepare you for the challenges live television presents. The View has a bit of a different approach since they’re tape delayed, but I enjoyed meeting the ladies and crew just as much. It was especially helpful to have such a supportive audience during the interview. It was an enormous honor to meet the Today Show and View crews and I’m glad these were my first stops on the book tour. Song of the Day: “Ooh La La” by Goldfrapp

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The Today Show and The View

Watch The Bachelorette Season 6 Episode 2 – Week 2

Watch The Bachelorette S6E2:

Natalie White: Survivor Heroes vs Villains Preview – Jan. 31 at 8/7c

Survivor Preview: Heroes vs. Villains airs Sunday, Jan. 31 at 8/7c

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Natalie White: Survivor Heroes vs Villains Preview – Jan. 31 at 8/7c

Access Hollywood – Sam Worthington Goes Native in ‘Avatar’

Sam chats about the challenges of working on “Avatar,” immersing himself in a new world, and filming his kissing scene with co-star Zoe Saldana. Add this to your queue Added: Tue Dec 15 09:57:05 UTC 2009 Air date: Mon Dec 14 00:00:00 UTC 2009 Duration: 03:29

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Access Hollywood – Sam Worthington Goes Native in ‘Avatar’

Access Hollywood – Stanley Tucci: It Was Difficult Playing the Killer in ‘the Lovely Bones’

Stanley, who’s character, George Harvey, kills Susie Salmon in “The Lovely Bones,” talks about the challenges he faced in bringing a demented character like that to life. Add this to your queue Added: Sat Dec 12 03:30:08 UTC 2009 Air date: Fri Dec 11 00:00:00 UTC 2009 Duration: 04:22

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Access Hollywood – Stanley Tucci: It Was Difficult Playing the Killer in ‘the Lovely Bones’