2008 Miss Universe Japanese Hiroko Mima & 2008 Miss Trinidad & Tobago Anya Ayoung Chee
A sex tape which shows two Miss Universe delegates in a threesome with a man has surfaced causing huge embarrassment to the Miss Universe franchise. The two delegates in the sex tape are 2008 Miss Japan Hiroko Mima and 2008 Miss Trinidad and Tobago Anya Ayoung Chee.
Parts 2, 3 & 4 to follow shortly… Well you can see part 1 for yourself after the jump!
UPDATE: The second girl in the video is NOT Miss japan. Rather it is a close friend of the couple, photographer Wyatt Gallery and Miss Trinidad & Tobago Anya Ayoung Chee.
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Posted in Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged 2008, access, ace, add, allowscriptaccess, anya, apa, apes, ari, art, arts, ass, aus, ava, bag, bar, causing, censor, censored, couple, dad, del, delegates, diary, embarrassment, embed, end, face, file, follow, Franchise, friend, gallery, gate, Gates, girl, graph, hee, hiroko, holly, Hollywood, hot, huge, ing, Irl, japan, japanese, javascript, jump, King, lace, leg, Los, Man, mba, medi, media, men, mima, miss japan, miss trinidad, miss trinidad and tobago, miss universe, miss universe delegates, mpl, parts, pda, Photo, photog, photograph, photographer, place, play, player, port, press, ran, ranch, rap, red, rip, screen, script, sec, Sex, Sex Tape, short, show, shows, space, Street, support, surf, surface, swfobject, tail, tape, tapes, the sec, threesome, tobago, tree, tri, trinidad, true, type, uncensored, Universe, update, verse, video, wil, wood, woods, word, wyatt, young
Bernie Madoff , who was able to evade the SEC while stealing billions of dollars for decades, did not have a high opinion of the SEC’s investigative capabilities.
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‘If I Get Any More Solicitations For Charity, I’m Going to Kill Myself.’
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged bernie-madoff, conversation, crime, evidence, posts-tagged, questions, telephone, the sec, the-questions, too-brilliant, while-stealing