Tag Archives: their-secret

Danielle Bregoli: Why Her Last Words to XXXTentacion Will Haunt Her Forever

On Monday, rapper XXXTentacion was shot dead in Miami . While some shed no tears over the death of a man accused of horrific abuse against his ex , others are in mourning. One of those grieving is Danielle Bregoli, whose Cash Me Ousside line spawned a meme and launched her very own rap career. She revealed her chilling final conversation with XXXTentacion, and the words that will haunt her for the rest of her life. Danielle Bregoli took to Instagram to share her grief. “Yesterday,” Danielle writes. “I lost one someone very important to me.” Before his passing, most fans of either of them weren’t even aware that the two were friends. Danielle explains: “x was not only a close friend but he was a inspiration.” Though she’s 5 years younger, she, too, is a rapper. “He gave me the best advice,” Danielle tells her fans. “And was always there for me when I needed him.” It sounds like she regarded him as a mentor. But things weren’t always good between them. Danielle says: “Even when we would argue or he would call me yelling and mad or disappointed because I did some dumb s–t he would always say ‘Ight I love you mamas’ before he hung up.” That sounds like quite the friendship. “The feeling of him being gone kills me,” Danielle confesses. “He would always be one call away.” The suddenness of that loss can really hit you. “And I hate the thought that when I’m in the need to talk to him when I’m upset he won’t be here to tell me everything’s gonna be okay,” Danielle says. Danielle also reveals, to her horror, what her last words to him were. “Bc of that dumb Trippie and 69 s–t,” she says. “Unfortunately the last call I had with x ended with me saying ‘i don’t ever wanna talk to you again’ and nothing is killing me right now more than that.” Danielle has recently been lamenting the toxic gangster imagery that some rappers project and even embrace as part of their brand, and the feuds that arise from it. But she must be plagued with so much undeserved guilt over those words. “And the crazy thing is,” Danielle says. “Sunday night I had the urge to call him and I forgot.” It happens. Danielle describes how she got the news: “Then yesterday afternoon I plugged my phone in in the car and randomly ‘sad’ came on then my phone buzzed i looked down and I had got the message saying he passed away.” That must have been a terrible experience. “I didn’t know what to say and my mind couldn’t process it,” she confesses. She says that, at first, it did not feel real. “I just couldn’t believe he was gone and I still can’t,” Danielle admits, adding the tag: #ripxxxtentacion” Danielle also revealed that XXXTentacion had made a video call to her. She didn’t give any context, but some of his last words to her were: “I was wrong. I was wrong,” the late rapper told her over a video call. XXXTentacion continues, saying: “I’m not afraid to admit I was wrong. I care about your emotions.” We don’t know the specific context, but it’s clear that 15-year-old Danielle and the late rapper had a close friendship. Danielle Bregoli may have risen to fame for being a barely-teenage troublemaker, but she has some serious words of wisdom to share. “This needs to be a wake-up call,”  Danielle tells   TMZ , to all of the rappers who try to present hardened or thuggish images of themselves. “People are gonna get a hold of them,” Danielle fears. “It’s not funny anymore. We’ve lost X ’cause of this.” She laments that so many individuals “want to act all big and bad.” “Is this what you all needed?” Danielle asks tearfully. “Now X is gone. Does this make any sense to you, now? Do you understand this is real life and not a f–king video game?” In video games, people can adopt new roles without real-world consequences. In real life, portraying yourself as a hardened criminal who doesn’t back down can lead to your death. Though we don’t know if XXXTentacion’s death was the result of anything of the sort. View Slideshow: Celebrities Who Died in 2018: In Memoriam

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Danielle Bregoli: Why Her Last Words to XXXTentacion Will Haunt Her Forever

Jill Duggar Says Nice Things About Marginal Husband, Shares Rare Wedding Photo

It’s been a week of ups, downs, insults and compliments for Derick Dillard. First, the homophobic ex-reality star was blasted by social media users on Father’s Day , considering he supports a President who advocates for tearing kids away from their parents at the border. While wife Jill Duggar praised the dad of her two sons for being a staunch Christian, many Internet users pointed out the hypocrisy of someone who claims to hold these types of religions values… … yet is also for the sort of cruel immigration policy espoused by Donald Trump. Think of ALL the children being held in a detention center, separated from their parents. Is that loving? Is it Godly? NOPE!” screamed on critic online. But we’re not here right now to wade into these kinds of controversial political waters. We’re here to point out that Dillard is at the center of another special occasion today: It’s the four-year anniversary of his wedding to Jill, who wed on June 21, 2014 in Springdale, Arkansas. In honor of the milestone, Jill shared a rare photo from the day she and Derick exchanged vows (and first kissed, per Duggar courtship rules ) and wrote a caption that reads as follows: This man is my favorite! @derickdillard I’m blessed beyond measure to have you as my hubby! #4yearanniversary Ihope God gives us many more years here together! I wanna #growoldtogether. She wasn’t done with the annoying hashtags, either, adding: #besthubbyever, #bestpapaever, #manofmydreams, #imspoiled and #sograteful. Of course, not everyone out there feels this way about Dillard. He was slammed by his very own cousin recently for failing to hold up Christian values , following Derick’s ongoing tirade against the LGBT community. If you’ll recall, Dillard was fired by TLC for constantly bashing transgender reality star Jazz Jennings last year. We could spend a long time reciting the list of mean and close-minded things Dillard has said. But we’d mostly just be repeating ourselves from past articles about him. So, instead, on his anniversary, we’ll go back in time a bit and recite details from his wedding instead. Based on a People Magazine article at the time, over 600 cupcakes, 3,000 chocolate-chip cookies and 3,000 root-beer floats were served at the reception for guests to enjoy. More than 100 immediate family members were in attendance, as were guests from more than 30 states, Jim Bob Duggar told the publication back then. Josh Duggar acted as emcee of the reception, pointing people to long folding tables filled with chocolate and vanilla cakes, as well as the tables with the wedding cake This was before it came out that he’s a messed up individual who molested two of his sisters . As for the first-ever spit-swap shared between the husband and wife on their big day? “It was worth the wait,” Jill told the magazine. How very sweet. Too bad we can’t say the same about her bigoted husband. View Slideshow: Duggar Family: Their Secret to Raking in Millions on the Side Revealed

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Jill Duggar Says Nice Things About Marginal Husband, Shares Rare Wedding Photo

Jim Bob Duggar: Using Money to Control His Family?

We all know that Jim Bob Duggar likes to maintain control of his massive family. Religion, isolation, and allegedly abuse are parts of that. Another part may be his wealth. Fans believe that he has a strategy to keep his married children from straying too far. Are fans right? Is he bribing his adult children to stay close to home in Arkansas? As we all know, Jim Bob’s grand design for humanity involves women not working except as obedient wives, dutiful mothers, and reality stars. In this economy, after a couple of decades of wage stagnation, supporting a massive family of children on only one income can be positively brutal. But fans think that they know how married Duggar children remain afloat despite the expenses of life. It’s more than just asking daddy — sorry, their father and former owner — for a handout. They suspect that he uses the money to control them. Specifically, to control where they live. Let’s look at a few examples. We’ll start, of course, with the worst of the batch. By the worst, we of course mean Josh Duggar, whose recent return to social media did not go over well. When Josh Duggar married Anna, Jim Bob rewarded that ill-fated (and yet still enduring) union. Josh and Anna moved into a house in Fayetville that had belonged to Grandma Mary. That house was only 15 minutes by car from the Duggar compound. But Johs and Anna didn’t stay there forever. Josh got a job with the Family Research Council, which the Southern Poverty Law Center designates as a hate group , To do that job, he moved to Maryland. When news broke that Josh had molested 5 little girls , including his own sisters, that his family had covered it up, and that he had cheated on his wife, he lost his job. Josh and his family now live in Siloam Springs, which is about 20 minutes away from Jim Bob. Now, we know that there isn’t the clearest connection between Jim Bob and their move back home. Maybe Josh wanted to be around the only people who wanted anything to do with him — which happens to include a few of his former victims. But Jill was the next to get married. She tied the knot with notorious homophobe Derick Dillard in 2014. After they were married, Jim Bob allowed them to reside in his 4,000 square foot, 4-bedroom $1.5 million “mini-mansion” property. Many fans believed that this “gift” may have been intended as a leash to keep the couple close to home. It is unclear if they had to pay rent or not, though Derick has implied that they did. Now that they have returned from their misadventurous mission trip in South America, they are living closer to where Derick went to school. Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald have lived in the Fayetville home that was once inhabited by Josh and Anna. In fact, Jim bob surprised Jessa and Ben by renovating the property while they were on their honeymoon. They must have been happy with it, because they have lived there for the past three-and-a-half years. Ultimately, they ended up paying Grandma Mary just one dollar for the home. (So that’s how Millennials can save up to buy a house — just have rich relatives who give one away!) Not everyone seems to live on Jim Bob’s dime, however. Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth lived in an RV, if you can imagine … but only while a property that Austin already owned was rennovated. When Gideon was born, they went ahead and moved in, even though the house remained a fixer-upper. In the mean time, 28-year-old John David, 28-year-old Jana, and 18-year-old Jason are already homeowners … but Jim Bob does not permit them to live away from “home” until they are married. Not everyone is a denizen of Arkansas, however. Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo have put down roots in Texas. So … are fans right? We would never accuse Jim Bob of being a nice person or a good parent, but it sounds like he provides his married children with homes when they need them. He might use any financial support as a means of control, but he uses all kinds of methods to control his family. Nothing about the real estate uses strikes us as particularly devious or unusual for a family with the means that the Duggars possess. But … we never know what conversations take place behind the scenes. Fans may still be right. The Duggars don’t talk about money that much, but they definitely care about it. View Slideshow: Duggar Family: Their Secret to Raking in Millions on the Side Revealed

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Jim Bob Duggar: Using Money to Control His Family?

31 Best Cat Photos of All Time, Because We Said So

Those of you allergic to man’s best feline companions: Avert your eyes! This post is all about cats . (I cannot be the only person SO allergic to cats that the mere thought of them makes me break out in hives, can I? Pleasesayno.) From silly to serious to downright adorable, cats give us some of the best memes and images on the web. Probably because the Internet runs on cats and this is their secret plot to take over the world. WE’RE ON TO YOUR SHENANIGANS, CATS! In an attempt to subvert their plans to rule the universe, we’ve compiled a list of the 31 best cat photos of all time so that when you see a cat threatening to overthrow you with cute, you’ll know. Be prepared, you guys. Cats are coming for you. 31 Best Cat Photos of All Time 1. Inception Cat It’s a cat…holding a kitten…which is holding a kitten. Is the top still spinning? Someone get Leo D. on the phone ASAP.

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31 Best Cat Photos of All Time, Because We Said So

TV Nudity Report: Rachel Shelley on Strike Back

So far this season Strike Back has featured some pretty notable nippage as Karen David , Alexandra Moen , Jennifer Tanarez and Orla O’Rourke all bared their secret agent glands for the camera. But last night The L Word ‘s Rachel Shelley blew ’em all right out of the water with a spectacular set of suckle stalks that may very well be the Nips of the Year . Remember Rachael when Anatomy Awards season comes around, folks- they’re that good. Members can see more from Rachel Shelley and the rest of the nude gang on our Strike Back page, right here at MrSkin.com!

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TV Nudity Report: Rachel Shelley on Strike Back

Katsia Zinga in her Lingerie of the Day

This is supposed to be the new Victoria’s Secret pussy, her name is Katsia Zinga. I don’t know if her family has been abducted in order for Victoria’s Secret to recruit her in their secret society human sex trade I want to fuck, but I can assume they imported her after showing her pics of all the immigrants before her who are now really fucking rich and respected….and really I kinda like what they do…cuz pussy like this is spectacular and knowing they are essentially slaves taken from their lives and homes for promises of a life better than working a the whorehouse or a sweatshop is fucking porn to me…

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Katsia Zinga in her Lingerie of the Day

Kirsten Dunst Looks Like Death of the Day

I don’t know what Hollywood does to bitches, but I do know that all the hot pussy from the last decade ends up lookin’ grey, haggard and like they are about to fucking die. This shit is worse than the time I kidnapped a girl I met at the bus stop and didn’t want her to ever leave me so I just fed her GHB daily wiping her out and making her unable to ever leave me, it was love motherfuckers, don’t judge.. But seriously, I don’t understand what type of shit this bitch has put into herself the last few years, but I do know that based on the way she looks, she won’t have much longer to go before being reunited with her friend DJ AM, Brittany Murphey, Estelle Getty, Michael Jackson, Josh Hartnett and Heath Ledger in the bahamas on their secret island hide out…. Pics via Bauer

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Kirsten Dunst Looks Like Death of the Day