Tag Archives: tom brokaw

NBC News Legend Tom Brokaw Diagnosed With Bone Marrow Cancer

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Sad news from the NBC community today as celebrated newsman Tom Brokaw revealed that he’s been diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. The 74-year-old Brokaw says he’s, “Optimistic about…

NBC News Legend Tom Brokaw Diagnosed With Bone Marrow Cancer

Matt Lauer Lectures: ‘Our Appetite for Oil’ Caused Spill

NBC’s Matt Lauer, on Tuesday’s Today show, blamed America’s “appetite for oil” as the reason for the spill in the Gulf and asked former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw if the country will finally “take away the proper message” from the mess? For his part Brokaw responded that he hoped “young people who are coming of age” and entering public service and the corporate world will view the spill as a “defining moment” and warned if they didn’t make the needed changes “we’re gonna have these kinds of ecological disasters in waves coming year after year.” The following exchange was aired on the June 29 Today show: MATT LAUER: Yeah I want to touch back on this oil spill as, before I let you go. You know we’re, we’re seeing the blame game. A lot of blame going around. We’re seeing the villainization of a major corporation. We’re seeing the limits of our technology- TOM BROKAW: Right. LAUER: -played out in front of our eyes. But on that live camera, right there, we’re seeing something else. We’re seeing our seeing our appetite for oil. And do you think at the end of all this Americans are gonna take away the proper message? BROKAW: I hope so. I really believe that younger people are gonna be much more affected by all of this than people of a certain age, that includes you and me. Because we’ve grown up used to the idea of having oil and relying on it. I think young people who are coming of age who may want to go into public service at some point or go into the corporate world, this is a defining moment in their lives and they’re going to be thinking about this in a much different fashion than the rest of us might. And I think if anything good comes out of that, that might be the case. A new generational wave of determination to find an alternative to fossil fuel. I think that the oil blow-out is a metaphor for our times. It’s complex. It’s everything that we’ve been told has turned out not to be true and it really is a signal to the rest of us that we’ve got to do something about energy and the future or we’re gonna have these kinds of ecological disasters in waves coming year after year, decade after decade.

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Matt Lauer Lectures: ‘Our Appetite for Oil’ Caused Spill

Bill Press: Glenn Beck Rally at Lincoln Memorial ‘Like Granting Al Qaeda Permission to Hold a Rally on Sept. 11 at Ground Zero’

It’s well known liberals don’t particularly care for Fox News host Glenn Beck, but wouldn’t be comparing him to al Qaeda be a bit much? On Sept. 11, 2001, al Qaeda attacks on the World Trade Center claimed the lives of over 2,700 people . So what does that have to do with Glenn Beck? Well according to liberal talker Bill Press, Beck’s plans to hold a rally at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28 are somehow akin to al Qaeda’s worldview. Press demanded the National Park Service revoke permission for Beck to hold a rally where Martin Luther King had given his “I have a dream” speech 47 years earlier. (h/t Outside the Beltway ) “In a slap at both President Lincoln and Dr. King, not to mention the American people, the National Park Service has given Glenn Beck permission to hold a Tea Party rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28 – 47 years to the day after Martin Luther King gave his magnificent ‘I Have A Dream’ speech,” Press wrote in a June 16 post on his blog . “If you ask me, that’s like granting al Qaeda permission to hold a rally on September 11 – at Ground Zero. What the hell were those bureaucrats at the Park Service thinking?” Press made similar remarks on his June 15 radio program , arguing the Lincoln Memorial was sacred and that it should not be “rented out like a cheap suit.” But even some of Press’ liberal audience had disagreed with the host, one suggesting if they had Press’ mentality 47 years ago, King might not have had the opportunity to speak at the memorial.

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Bill Press: Glenn Beck Rally at Lincoln Memorial ‘Like Granting Al Qaeda Permission to Hold a Rally on Sept. 11 at Ground Zero’

Networks Lauding ‘Brilliant’ Obama on Petraeus Move Are Skipping Over Ugly Anti-Surge Clips

While the television networks were doing an Obama Superiority Dance, proclaiming the president’s firing Gen. Stanley McChrystal and replacing him with Gen. David Petraeus was “brilliant,” something was missing in the coverage. That was a sense that if Petraeus is universally honored as the savior of Iraq, why do the networks all forget it was Obama and Biden who suggested Petraeus and his surge was a bad idea a few years ago? On NBC, Chuck Todd was promoting it as a “commander-in-chief moment.” Mr. Todd, please read a piece of this Meet the Press interview from September 7, 2008, with appreciation for fill-in host Tom Brokaw actually pushing new V.P. nominee Joe Biden about whether the surge and its architect deserved any credit for improvements in Iraq. Biden didn’t want to cry uncle: BROKAW: Here you were, just one year ago, on Meet the Press. This was your take on the surge at that time, so let’s listen to that, Senator. “I mean, the truth of the matter is this administration’s policy and the surge are a failure,” you said, “and that the surge, which was supposed to stop sectarian violence and – long enough to give political reconciliation, there has been no political reconciliation.” Then you went on to say earlier in the year, “General Petraeus believes that it is a good idea, the surge. He may be the only one who believes that. Virtually no one else believes it’s a good idea .” Well, at the time, John McCain did, and all the indications are the surge has worked up to a point. It’s not a victory, as Senator Lindsey Graham said the other night… BIDEN: Or as John McCain said. BROKAW: Or John McCain said, but the conditions are in place, and Anbar province, where you have been, where there had been so much difficulty, the Iraqis now have taken over that province. We have brigades that have Sunnis and Shia serving side by side… BIDEN: Not many. BROKAW: …fighting the terrorists. But it’s a process, and it’s beginning, and the surge made that possible, did it not? BIDEN: No. The surge helped make that–what made is possible in Anbar province is they did what I’d suggested two and a half years ago: gave local control. They turned over and they said to the Sunnis in Anbar province, “We promise you, don’t worry, you’re not going to have any Shia in here. There’s going to be no national forces in here. We’re going to train your forces to help you fight al-Qaeda.” And that you–what you had was the Awakening. The Awakening was not an awakening by us, it was an awakening of the Sunnis in Anbar province willing to fight. BROKAW: Cooperating with the Shia. BIDEN: Willing to fight. Cooperating with–no, they weren’t cooperating with Shiite. They didn’t cooperate with the Shiites. BROKAW: Once the Awakening got under way. BIDEN: No, no, no. No, they didn’t cooperate with the Shiites. It’s still–it’s a big problem, Tom. You got–we’re paying 300 bucks a month to each of those guys. Now the problem has been and the, and the promise was made by Maliki that they would be integrated into the overall military. That’s a process that is beginning in fits and starts now, but it’s far from over. Far from–look, the bottom line here is that it’s–let’s–the surge is over. Here’s the real point. Whether or not the surge worked is almost irrelevant now. We’re in a new deal. This is where the laugh track should have started. “Whether or not the surge worked is almost irrelevant now.” Except that you said Gen. Petraeus was a crazy lone wolf in arguing for it, and now Biden was looking silly. But he actually dug a bigger hole, crediting Obama and not Petraeus for successes in Iraq: BIDEN: What is the administration doing? They’re doing what Barack Obama has suggested over 14 months ago, turn responsibility over and draw down our troops. We’re about to get a deal from the president of the United States and Maliki, the head of the Iraqi government, that’s going to land on my desk as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee saying we’re going to set a timeline to draw down our forces. The only guy in America out of step is John McCain. John McCain’s saying no timeline. They’ve signed on to Barack Obama’s proposal. BROKAW: But the surge helped make that timeline possible, did it not? BIDEN: Well, it did help make it possible. It did help. But it’s not the reason. It can’t be that hard for Todd and NBC researchers to dig up their own footage and look at it again. Were Obama and Biden “brilliant” back then? Or do good reporters never remember what happened before last week?

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Networks Lauding ‘Brilliant’ Obama on Petraeus Move Are Skipping Over Ugly Anti-Surge Clips

Cops: Katt Williams Wasn’t Packin’ Heat

Filed under: Celebrity Justice Katt Williams did not have a shotgun on his person when police arrived at a Georgia Walmart earlier today, this according to the Newnan Police Department.

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Cops: Katt Williams Wasn’t Packin’ Heat

Tom Brokaw Involved in Fatal Car Crash

Filed under: Tom Brokaw TMZ has learned NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw was involved in a 3-car accident in New York today around 1:00 PM Eastern Time. Brokaw was in his car with his wife.

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Tom Brokaw Involved in Fatal Car Crash