Tag Archives: totally-adorable

Saint West: First Photo Leaked Online?!

It’s been over a month since Kim Kardashian welcomed her baby boy into the world, and we still haven’t seen a photo of little Saint West. And no, we don’t count the pic of Saint’s hand  that Kim posted earlier this month. We’re talking about something like this: That’s a photo that some believe to be our glimpse of His Holiness, Saint West. Frankly, we have our doubts. Yes, the pic shows a little girl who looks a lot like North sporting a Yeezus shirt and feeding a bottle to a much younger kid. However, we can’t be 100% sure that’s really North, and even if it is, there’s no clear indication that the other kid is Saint, and not some other random baby. The photo’s origin is what makes us the most suspicious. It didn’t appear on any sort of official social media account associated with the Kardashians or Yeezy. Instead, it popped up on an Instagram page with about half a million followers called Private Kanye . Lots of celebs have secret IG accounts meant just for family and friends, but: 1. We think ‘Ye could probably come up with a more low-key name for his than “Private Kanye”, and 2. If he has half a million followers, doesn’t that mean he failed at the “private” part? Anyway, there’s still a chance that this is the first photo of little Saint West. If that turns out to be the case, remember you saw it here first! If it’s a fake, um…blame the jerks who run Private Kanye! View Slideshow: 52 Totally Adorable North West Photos

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Saint West: First Photo Leaked Online?!

Kim Kardashian Shares Christmas Eve Photo, Reveals Post-Baby Body

People around the world are still on the edge of their seat, awaiting their first look at little Saint West . But Kim Kardashian has at least now gone ahead and given them a look at… well… HER. Following a couple of teases (such as a photo that depicted the back of her braided head ), Kardashian shared a photo on her official website/app this weekend, one that features a full frontal snapshot of the reality star. A clothed full frontal snapshot, we should say. We know it gets confusing with all those Kim Kardashian nude photos out there. In any case, Kim is posing here with her husband, Kanye West, and her daughter, North West, standing in front of a Christmas tree at her mom’s house. “For as long as I can remember, my mom has hosted a Christmas Eve party, and this year’s was SO amazing!” Kim wrote along with the picture. “She put so much thought into all of the incredible details and the whole night felt so festive and fun surrounded by our friends and family. “We even had reindeer in the yard for the kids! North wanted her hair braided just like mine so we matched the whole night.” Kardashian, of course, has made a big deal of late out of losing all her pregnancy weight. She’s already shed 17 pounds and she continues to set a terrible example for young women everywhere, making it appear as if regaining one’s bikini body is all that matters in life. As you can see here, Kim is facing the camera, but she’s also rocking some very high-waisted pants, keeping her figure mostly a secret. Kanye, meanwhile, is not smiling. Because Kanye West never smiles . View Slideshow: 52 Totally Adorable North West Photos

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Kim Kardashian Shares Christmas Eve Photo, Reveals Post-Baby Body

Kendall Jones Dresses as Walter Palmer for Halloween: Funny or Foul?

You might remember Kendall Jones as the teen who incurred the wrath of the Internet by posting graphic photos from her African hunting expeditions on Facebook. Kendall claims she inspired one of the most popular Halloween costumes of last year. We don’t recall seeing many Kendall Jones costumes, but we’ll take her word for it. Anyway, this year she’s keeping the trend going by dressing as another trigger-happy one-percenter who royally pissed off animal rights groups. Yes, that’s the now 20-year-old Kendall dressed as Walter Palmer – the Minnesota dentist who gained national infamy when it was revealed that he killed Cecil the Lion .  Kendall captioned the pic: “Since everyone wanted to dress up as me last year, guess who I am this year?! WALTER!! Lol ft. Cecil and a Koala climbing in the tree.” You’d think someone who’s actually been on safari in Africa would know that koalas are only found in Australia, but we digress. As you might have guessed, this photo has inspired some strong reactions from animal lovers, supporters of Jones and Palmer, and folks who are just weirded out by a “sexy” dentist-covered-in-blood costume. You can place us firmly in the third group. Thus far, there’s been no response from Palmer, and there probably never will be. Palmer has apologized for killing Cecil and seems intent on putting the incident behind him. Kendall, on the other hand, is clearly gonna keep trying for that 16th minute of fame.

Originally posted here:
Kendall Jones Dresses as Walter Palmer for Halloween: Funny or Foul?

Billboard Just Made a Blow Job Joke About North West

Look, we’re very familiar with the Kim Kardashian sex tape . We’re well aware that it’s easy to make fun of its star at all times and Kim Kardashian is absolutely fair game for any X-rated joke you’d wish to make. Here’s one, for example: You know how Kim Kardashian has gotten behind waist training as a supposedly legitimate way to lose weight? That’s sort of like how Ray J got behind her in their sex tape! See? Easy and hilarious. But that doesn’t mean it’s fair game, or anything that resembles fair game, to sexualize Kim’s daughter, just because her mom often poses naked . We bring all this up as a segue because Billboard Tweeted a link yesterday to a story about how North West was attending ballet class this week when she told paparazzi members to stop taking pictures of her. As you can see above, Billboard ran this story along with a photo of North eating a lollipop, writing as a caption to the image: “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” The Tweet has since been taking down, but not before Twitter users slammed Billboard for being “reprehensible” and “disgusting,” among other insults. Can you blame this criticism? The magazine did just imply that a toddler likes to give oral sex in the same way her mother does, didn’t it? If there’s another way to interpret the Tweet posted above, by all means… let’s hear it! View Slideshow: 51 Totally Adorable North West Photos

Originally posted here:
Billboard Just Made a Blow Job Joke About North West

North West Plays in Pumpkin Patch, Remains Precious

Mock her for the Kim Kardashian sex tape . Criticize her for so often posing naked and for becoming rich and famous despite a lack of talent. But give Kim Kardashian credit for one thing: North West is really, really cute. With Halloween just around the corner, and with fans wondering whether North will once again dress like a smelly animal , Kim has shared a new picture of her daughter getting into the holiday spirit. It features little North and a friend hanging out in a pumpkin patch. “bff’s at the pumpkin patch,” Kardashian wrote as a straightforward caption to this image. Kim, of course, can finally breathe a little easier because former brother-in-law Lamar Odom is on the mend. Kardashian had flown down to Las Vegas with other members of her family as soon as Lamar was hospitalized last Tuesday, presumably due to a stroke suffered as a result of a drug overdose. She remained by both her sister Khloe’s side and also Odom’s side for a few days, even taking a break from updating her official website as a result of the health scare. But Lamar started showing signs of life over the weekend, prompting Kim to Tweet that God is good and for her to return here to social media. We appreciate that she had the good taste to do so with a cute picture of her daughter and not with some close-up of her giant cleavage. View Slideshow: 51 Totally Adorable North West Photos

North West Plays in Pumpkin Patch, Remains Precious

North West and Ellen DeGeneres: Unexpected BFF Alert!

Well, this is downright adorable. On the same day Kim Kardashian sat down with Ellen DeGeneres and talked to the host about Kanye West running for President, the comedian spent time backstage with someone especially close to her guest… … daughter North West! In one of the cutest Instagram photos ever shared by Kardashian, little North is playing My Little Pony with DeGeneres, who is very focused on the precious task at hand. “Who saw @TheEllenShow today? Well this is right before I went on…Northie & Ellen brushing My Little Pony’s hair lol,” the reality star captioned the photograph. Kim and Kanye, of course, are expecting their second child in December. We know it will be a boy and perhaps we also now know what he will be named. Maybe. “I do like the name Easton, Easton West,” the mommy-to-be said. “I don’t think my husband likes that name, but I do like it.” Why not, Kanye? Just go with it at this point. Get as crazy as you can get. The famous couple’s next child is actually due on Christmas Day . Here’s a look at the best 50 – yes, 50!!!! – North West photos posted by her parents over the years: View Slideshow: 50 Totally Adorable North West Photos

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North West and Ellen DeGeneres: Unexpected BFF Alert!

Eva Mendes: Tight-Lipped About Ryan Gosling Romance

Eva Mendes isn’t one to gab about her love life and we don’t expect her to change any time soon, despite the rumors swirling regarding the topic. In a recent interview for Violet Grey, the 39-year-old stunner avoided any attempts to get her to open up about her relationship with Ryan Gosling. When asked where she would like to die, Eva revealed: “In a bowl of penne arrabiata… or what about Disneyland, isn’t that the happiest place on earth?” Her interview kindly disagreed, saying, “I think the happiest place on earth is in the arms of Ryan Gosling.” Eva responded… with a laugh.  According to reports, this gorgeous couple is on a break for the time being, with her jealousy issues believed to be the primary cause of the tumult. Their possible breakup of course brings hope to the many Notebook fans out there filled with hope for a Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams reunion . Could the McGosling rumors be true? Or just a pipe dream? Sigh. Oh, how we long for the simple pleasures of 2005!

The rest is here:
Eva Mendes: Tight-Lipped About Ryan Gosling Romance

Jon Gosselin Slams Kate Gosselin, Feuds with Liz Jannetta, Scratches Himself on Couples Therapy

Jon Gosselin tore his ex-wife Kate a new one on VH1’s Couples Therapy, which he’s starring on this season, on its most recent episode last night. The reality star, who has been on the warpath against his infamous former spouse, is now in a relationship with Liz Jannetta. At least for the short term. Viewers of the most recent episode not only saw Jon rail against Kate, but Liz appearing to be the new Kate, baiting and belittling her man. Awkward. During a group therapy session with host and TV therapist Dr. Jenn Berman, Jon said of living with Kate Gosselin , “My marriage was very non-affectionate.” “It was like 10 years of a business transaction. So many kids, you’re like, ‘We don’t have time to work on our marriage.’ There was always an emptiness.” Jon denied that he wrecked the marriage by having an affair, or multiple as he was accused of back in the day, implying it was broken in the first place. “The biggest misconception is the reason for the divorce is that I cheated on my wife,” he says.” But I didn’t. I mean, I knew [my marriage] was over January 17, 2009.” “That was the definitive day. I just knew.” Why? “I always felt like I did Kate’s task list. ‘Here’s the post-it note. This is what you have to do, this is how you’re a good husband, this is how you’re going to behave.'” “Okay, [I thought], ‘I’m going to complete these tasks and she’ll love me because I do these things.’ January 16, 2009 was when I did all my stuff.” “I went out to a bar and stayed out ’til 4 o’clock in the morning. When I came home that morning, she said nothing. So I did it the next night.” Jon got divorced in December of that year, and says that his insecurity issues from being married to Kate Gosselin haunt him now with Liz Jannetta . Jannetta, for her part, said that bothered her. As did the fact that, “We took a little break and within a couple weeks, he had someone else living with him.” Addressing Jon directly, she said she lost a lot of trust over that, and, “You slept with a couple people and then you had someone move in with you.” Jon pointed out to her she’d had sex with someone else while they were broken up, too, but Janetta was unmoved, proceeding to lay into him some more: “I question a lot. If he says he’s on his way and he shows up an hour and a half later I’ll ask him what he was doing. He immediately gets defensive.” Later, Liz accused Jon of masturbating. Seriously. Jon was lying in bed and when Jannetta walked into the room, she shouted, “You f–king pussy! “Your legs are wide open and your hands are down your pants: It’s humiliating,” she huffed on camera as Gosselin protested, “I wasn’t doing anything!” “I’m lying there scratching myself and Liz thinks I’m masturbating,” he told the VH1 cameras, while his outraged partner huffed, “You are such a jerk.” “You want to ‘get off’? You ask me! I’m ready to throw up, actually.” Later, Gosselin said he was sad that she didn’t believe him. Jon Gosselin Wants Custody of Kids Jon then said in a confessional segment, “I was hurt she didn’t believe me, didn’t want to be intimate with me, and then was making a joke about it.” “When Liz laughs at me, I feel devalued as a human being because my word and my voice doesn’t matter, like a child. That reminds me of my marriage.” For her part, Liz laughed to the camera at that comment by Jon, responding, “Please don’t play the victim all the time. Man, say something, you f–king p–sy!” These two are starting to make Farrah Abraham look downright normal … and she’s the one who went on a show called Couples Therapy solo, people.

See the original post here:
Jon Gosselin Slams Kate Gosselin, Feuds with Liz Jannetta, Scratches Himself on Couples Therapy

Justin Bieber Gets Arrested: Who’s the Real Victim?

Justin Bieber may have been arrested for DUI yesterday , but can we please take a moment to acknowledge the real victims here. That’s what Jimmy Kimmel last night, reading a few Tweets from Beliebers on air and taking note of one that didn’t wish to “disrespect” the situation, but, well… “Now even criminals in jail get to meet Justin, while we’re still here,” one heartbroken wrote. To which Kimmel hilariously replied: “No one’s talking about the real victims here: the people who aren’t in jail meeting Justin Bieber.” Oh yes, as you might expect, Bieber’s arrest, Bieber’s court hearing and Bieber’s mug shot were all prime material for late-night talk show hosts across the dial. Check out their quips, barbs and general mockery now: Late Night Hosts Slam Justin Bieber Open Slideshow 1. Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Justin Bieber Arrest, Tweets Jimmy Kimmel goes to town here on the Justin Bieber scandal. Watch him make fun of a few choices fan Tweets now. View As List 1. Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Justin Bieber Arrest, Tweets Jimmy Kimmel goes to town here on the Justin Bieber scandal. Watch him make fun of a few choices fan Tweets now. 2. Jimmy Fallon Jokes About Justin Bieber Jimmy Fallon jumps on the anti-Justin Bieber bandwagon in this monologue. Watch him crack some jokes at the artist’s expense. 3. Conan O’Brien Mocks Justin Bieber Conan O’Brien takes on the Justin Bieber arrest in this hilarious talk show segment. Watch the singer floss his teeth with cold hard cash. 4. Jay Leno Cracks Wise About Justin Bieber Jay Leno has some fun here at Justin Bieber’s expense. All late-night talk show hosts took shots at the singer.

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Justin Bieber Gets Arrested: Who’s the Real Victim?

North West and Penelope Disick: Adorable BFFs!

ADORABLE FAMOUS BABY ALERT! Kim Kardashian took to Instagram today and sent a very clear message to Joan Rivers, essentially telling the comedian: WTH is wrong with you?!? Shortly after Rivers blasted North West as “ugly” during a recent stand-up set, the reality star posted a positively awww-inspiring photo of the seventh-month old and cousin Penelope. “BFF’S,” Kim wrote as a caption to the following image, which depicts the cute offspring of Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick cuddling up on a chair. Seriously, Joan. Take a close look at that picture. And if that’s somehow not sufficient, scroll through this gallery of North West photos … and then take a long walk off a short pier. 8 Totally Adorable North West Photos Open Slideshow 1. North West Pics How adorable is North West??!? Hate on Kim Kardashian, but give it up here for her child. View As List 1. North West Pics How adorable is North West??!? Hate on Kim Kardashian, but give it up here for her child. 2. Kanye and Nori Well, this is downright adorable. Kanye West poses with daughter North West. 3. North West Close Up It’s another photo of North West! This little girl really is very cute, don’t you think? 4. North West Image It’s a new photo of North West! Kim Kardashian does have herself one cute daughter, huh? 5. North West and Riccardo Tisci It’s a photo of North West and Kim Kardashian’s stylist. This is definitely one cute baby! 6. North West Hand Photo It’s another North West photo! Kendall Jenner snapped this one of her niece’s cute little hand. 7. North West Picture It’s a new photo of North West! Kim Kardashian posted this shot to Instagram in early October 2013. 8. Kim Kardashian Baby Photo It’s the first-ever photo of North West! Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have finally given us a look at their baby. 9. North West and Penelope AWWWW! North West and cousin Penelope are totally best friends. This is an adorable shot of the kids.

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North West and Penelope Disick: Adorable BFFs!