Tag Archives: vision

Isaac Mizrahi Recaps Fashion Show: ‘There Was a Drama Over Who to Eliminate’

Isaac Mizrahi, who judges and mentors contestants on The Fashion Show: Ultimate Collection , always has more to say about each week’s results than what we see on TV. (Damn editors.) Since we didn’t catch up with Mizrahi last week, we’re reviewing two weeks of Fashion Show couture with him today — including a dated red-leather tribute to Mary J. Blige, a baggy denim ode to grunge, and one of the weirdest necklines you’ve ever seen.

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Isaac Mizrahi Recaps Fashion Show: ‘There Was a Drama Over Who to Eliminate’

Breaking: Heath Ledger Won’t Appear in The Dark Knight Rises

Or anything else for that matter. According to THR , a rumor that Christopher Nolan was going to use footage of Heath Ledger’s performance from The Dark Knight in the film’s sequel is total bunk. “We’re not doing that,” said Nolan’s wife and producing partner Emma Thomas. Phew ! Good thing that’s settled. [ THR /Heat Vision ]

Continued here:
Breaking: Heath Ledger Won’t Appear in The Dark Knight Rises

Today on Planet 100: Clinton’s Vision for the Economy is Clean (Video)

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Today on Planet 100: Clinton’s Vision for the Economy is Clean (Video)

Passion Play Duo Mitch Glazer and Kelly Lynch on Their 20-Year Road to Toronto

So the winged woman-meets-jazz trumpeter romantic fable Passion Play premiered Friday night here in Toronto, and say what you will about the headscrather of a story, the vision of Mickey Rourke in a love scene with Megan Fox — with wings — or Bill Murray’s hairpiece-aided deadpan gangster cutthroat. But nearly two decades after screenwriter Mitch Glazer began developing his directing debut (inspired in part by his wife, actress Kelly Lynch), it’s ultimate realization — with this cast on this stage all at once — prompts one to ask what’s worth waiting 20 years for? I mean, even Avatar only took 12 or so. Glazer and Lynch met Movieline this weekend to discuss.

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Passion Play Duo Mitch Glazer and Kelly Lynch on Their 20-Year Road to Toronto

3OH!3 Re-Create The Internet On The Internet In New ‘Double Vision’ Video

Clip is complete with banner ads and an arrow scrolling down the page that is the video. By James Montgomery 3OH!3 in their video for “Double Vision” Photo: Photo Finish Records When we last saw the guys in 3OH!3 , they were going green-screen crazy in the video for “My First Kiss,” a clip that took their patented brand of anti-subtlety to newfound heights. Simply put, it was a video all about kissing. A lot of kissing. In their new video for “Double Vision,” they’ve ditched the digital effects and gone DIY, with a clip that re-creates the sprawling ephemera of the Internet with a bunch of man-made tricks. In a lot of ways, it recalls the work of Michel Gondry, who eschews big-budget effects in favor of in-camera trickery and rough-hewn, eternally moving set pieces. And really, did you ever think you’d see a time when 3OH!3 would be compared to a noted French auteur? Working with director Evan Bernard (he of the Beastie Boys lyrical shout-out and eye-catching clips like Green Day’s “Minority” and the Ben Folds Five’s “Army”), 3OH!3 have done something pretty great with “Double Vision,” and it’s no stretch to say it’s their shining moment, video-wise at least. Because aside from the concept itself — let’s remake the Internet using only stuff found at most Home Depots — there are at least a dozen moments in the clip that are genuinely clever, too: subtle touches like the arrow icon that continually scrolls the screen downward (it’s controlled by a long while pipe held off-camera) and the rainbow-colored loading wheel Sean Foreman picks up and spins (while he freezes in place). There’s the way the “live” footage is presented — as video clips that only spring to life when they’re “clicked” on — and a bit that pays homage to the now-famous “Daft Hands” YouTube clip (and I’m pretty sure they got the “Daft Bodies” girls to do it). And while, sure, the inclusion of those “Plenty of Fish” ads — last seen in Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” video — is rather cloying, they’re at least done cleverly. And really, when you think about it, aren’t banner ads supposed to be annoying? (For maximum annoyance, Bernard should’ve cast some wenches to re-create those “Evony” ads.) So “Double Vision” works on many levels — it’s sort of “Inception-y” in that regard (the Internet … on the Internet) — and it’s because of all that wink-winkery that it works as well as it does. It’s a great concept, greatly executed. And it only proves that perhaps the guys in 3OH!3 would do well to show a little restraint now and then … a video doesn’t need hyper-color explosions and kissing co-eds to be successful. Though, for that to happen, they’d probably have to release a song called “Subtlety.” Who knows, maybe they’ll do it on their next record. What do you think of 3OH!3’s “Double Vision” video? Let us know in the comments. Related Artists 3OH!3

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3OH!3 Re-Create The Internet On The Internet In New ‘Double Vision’ Video

"Instant Oil Spill" Covers Your Favorite Websites in Crude

Screenshots from using InstantOilSpill Wonder what it’s like to be an endangered sea turtle in the Gulf of Mexico right now, to be bobbing along and suddenly your vision is filled with oil? A Cleaner Future has created Instant Oil Spill, an interactive website that provides just such a perspective by showing crude oil bubbling up on any website you choose to visit. Is it an eye-opener, or a time-waster?… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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"Instant Oil Spill" Covers Your Favorite Websites in Crude

Four Directors Up For Wicked Movie, But What Would Their Versions Be Like?

As my estimable colleague Kyle Buchanan reported yesterday , producers of the new Wicked movie musical have zeroed in on four possible directors for the film: Star Trek ‘s J.J. Abrams, Walk the Line ‘s James Mangold, Glee ‘s Ryan Murphy and Chicago ‘s Rob Marshall. But fortunately, my sister is dating a guy who is cousins with a girl who went to camp with this one dude who works in Universal’s mailroom, and was able to get me each director’s pitch for their vision of Wicked . Click ahead to experience the wonder.

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Four Directors Up For Wicked Movie, But What Would Their Versions Be Like?

Puma Teams Up with Biomega To Make Bikes. Again

Photo: The Pico by Puma Bike “PUMA Bikes redefine and reinvigorate the city ride with a bit of radicalism and a whole lot of practicality. They fold, they carry, they cruise. They’re everything and more, packed tight in a sweet, colorful ride.” Well, that’s how the marketing types for Puma and Biomega see it anyhow. What we see is another entrant in the human powered, urban mobility market and that has to be a positive move. If it gets people out their oil fuel cars, then we can turn a blind eye to a little extra robust PR. And when it comes down to it, a couple of models do conveniently fold, while some can be o… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Continued here:
Puma Teams Up with Biomega To Make Bikes. Again

Angry Environmentalists Greet G20 Economic Summit in Toronto (Slideshow)

On June 26 and 27, Canada hosted G20 , the billion dollar party designed to show the country at its best — G20 leaders from around the world expected to find a clean, peaceful city laid out to welcome them, before sitting down to discuss the issues of finance and the economies. Unfortunately, the vision everyone will remember is that of the torched police cars. Find more of the images scorched into the memory of anyone watching this weekend here:

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Angry Environmentalists Greet G20 Economic Summit in Toronto (Slideshow)

TV Bites: NBC Executives Banking on Rob Lowe to Lift Parks and Recreation