These shows were great at one point. But nowadays they're just circling the drain, preventing the inevitable. They should be put out of their misery before they are remembered as some of the worst shows around. SORRY NOT SORRY. 1. Grey’s Anatomy The series is entering a record-breaking 16th season at ABC, and despite a few good episodes, the series is starting to circle the drain. Ratings are starting to reflect the quality of the show, and it’s not in a good place creatively. It would be wise to bring the show to a close and allow the cast to move on to new projects. 2. Riverdale Riverdale started off well, with a coherent murder mystery. By the time Season 3 arrived, there were floating babies, teenagers running nightclubs, and underground boxing fights. It’s turned into a laughing stock and needs to end. 3. Arrow Arrow should not even be getting a short final season to wrap the story up. The writing has been abysmal on the show for around four years, and the ratings are dropping like a rock. The show could be wrapped up in a throwaway scene on one of the spinoffs. 4. Fear the Walking Dead As if killing off most of the original cast was not bad enough, the fifth season put the characters in a radiation-filled wasteland, and they made some more bad decisions. The scenes drag on for dear life as a result of the pitiful dialog. It’s time to go go. 5. Suits Suits has been circling the drain for years, to the point that nobody would care if USA Network decided to ditch the final season entirely. Nothing worth noting has happened since Meghan Markle and Patrick J. Adams ditched it. 6. How to Get Away with Murder This convoluted series which follows essentially the same format every single season should have been a one-season thing. The most recent fifth season was not only embarrassing to watch, but it proved the characters are getting dumber with age. View Slideshow
You know what sucks? Watching a TV show … only for your favorite character to get an unfulfilling conclusion. These 13 shows ruined the exit storylines for all of the below characters. We will never forget the way things panned out for them. We will never, EVER forgive them. 1. Daenerys Targaryen – Game of Thrones Daenerys went from being the breaker of chains to a tyrant who killed thousands of civilians in the battle of King’s Landing. She was subsequently murdered by her nephew/lover, Jon Snow. It was awful. 2. Lexa – The 100 Lexa was one of The 100’s best characters, and she was killed off thanks to a stray bullet during the show’s third season. This shocking development came as her relationship with Clarke was blossoming. It was a direction to take things, and it paved the way for many fans to boycott the show. 3. Roseanne Conner – Roseanne Roseanne Barr may have paved the way for her show to be canceled, but the spin-off which launched in the aftermath chose to kill the character off following a lethal drug overdose. It was not only too serious for such a lighthearted comedy, but it felt like a copout. 4. Maggie Green – The Walking Dead Lauren Cohan decided against renewing her contract as a series regular for The Walking Dead Season 9. As a result, the character of Maggie was written out of the series early into the season, but it was an off-screen departure. She took her son with the aim of helping emerging communities realize their full potential. There was no emotion attached to the exit because it happened off-screen. 5. Martin Riggs – Lethal Weapon Clayne Crawford was ousted from the series after two seasons following allegations of bad behavior. His character, Martin Riggs was fatally shot in a graveyard, and the show was never the same. It was canceled just one year later. 6. Madison Clark – Fear the Walking Dead Madison was ominously missing from the present timeline during the first half of Fear the Walking Dead Season 4, leading to many fans speculating that the lead character had died. This was confirmed in the midseason finale, which revealed that Madison sacrificed her own life for the good of the many. It was a terrible way for the lead character to go. A fan site even closed down for good because they decided the show was no longer the same for them. View Slideshow
Well, the Long Night has been averted, and the Night King and his army are officially vanquished. Whether you were thrilled by the Battle of Winterfell or you’re one of the many who spent 90 minutes fiddling with the brightness settings on their TV in hopes of actually seeing some of the action, it’s now time to move on to the next conflict — the last war, as Daenerys calls it. And if Sunday’s episode didn’t do it for you, we have good news and some bad news: The good — with the longest battle sequence in TV history behind us, it’s back to the sex, wine, and political intrigue that set GoT apart in its earlier, less expensive seasons. The bad — at least some of the action will take place at Winterfell again this week … and there’s a whole lot of sword-slinging yet to come. Here are some-newly released photos from the episode, which we will now compulsively dissect in a frivolous search for useful information: Apparently, Jon Snow emerged from the Battle of Winterfell with just the slightest of scratches. The plot armor is strong with this one. We kid, of course. Killing off Jon while Melisandre was still around would’ve been a waste of time, and no one wants to see Aegon freakin’ Targaryen sidelined with an Ace bandage on his swording elbow during the war against Cersei. An unscathed Jon was always a foregone conclusion, and we’re okay with that. Of course, a lot of folks weren’t as lucky as our core group of heroes. Here, Arya and others pay their respects to the many who were cut down by the Night King’s army of the dead. They’d better get those final words in fast because even with the Night King gone, you can never be too careful when it comes to disposing of corpses. As many fans have already pointed out, the torchbearers here represent the various groups who fell in battle (Grey Worm for the Unsullied, Dany for the Dothraki, etc). And not that’s the only indication that a considerable amount of thought went into this funeral pyre ceremony. Dany’s dragons could’ve easily torched the whole lot with one deep breath. So it looks like we’re in for a tender moment before the bloodshed — of course, this is still Game of Thrones , so it’s a tender moment involving a pile of dead bodies. Speaking of Dany’s dragons — yes, the two that were still on the side of the living survived the Battle of Winterfell. Now, it’s time to go wreak some havoc and reign hellfire on King’s Landing! And if you’re anything like us, you’ve been waiting quite some time for Cersei, Euron, and the walking nightmare fuel that is the Mountain to get lit up like Christmas trees. Yes, waiting for Dany and company down south is the current occupant of the Iron Throne and her sidepiece of the moment. (She may not be on the greatest terms with Jaime right now, but you know Cersei is kicking Euron to the curb as soon as she sees her brother/boo.) No one gets serious with a dude named Euron. Especially when he looks like what would happen if Bam Margera got super into pirate cosplay. So there you have it — everything we know so far about the Game of Thrones S09E04 — title TBA because HBO is just messing with us this season. Feel free to come back to this spot on Sunday night and point out how wrong all our assumptions were. View Slideshow: Game of Thrones Photos: Bring It On, White Walkers!
Source: SplashNews / Splash News Kevin Hunter’s Divorce Papers Were Wrapped Like A Present Wendy Williams showed her true wiles when serving dirty dogging hubby Kevin Hunter with his walking papers! According to Love B. Scott reports , Wendy served Kevin by disguising the divorce papers as a present wrapped with big bows. “When Kevin excitedly opened the box, thinking it was a gift of some sort, the process server uttered those famous words, ‘you have been served.’” The source continues, “Kevin is now persona non-grata at ‘The Wendy Williams Show.’ The passcodes have been changed and his access to the building has been revoked. Wendy has instructed staff to not let him anywhere near her.” There’s more though. Apparently when Hunter wasn’t allowed into production offices, he allegedly “went off, cursing and screaming.” Sounds like she served him right alright.
Sunday’s season finale of The Walking Dead was a slow-paced installment that showed viewers how our heroes braved their toughest winter yet. The episode kicked off with a stunning revelation: The Kingdom was no more, and had fallen in the aftermath of Alpha butchering over ten individuals from the communities. With a blizzard fast approaching, we learned that the settlement was wrecked as a result of failing pipes, and it was all but burnt to the ground. The goal of the episode was to weather the storm and lead the Kingdommers to the Hilltop, you know because most of the body count had been people from there. Months had passed since the pike incident, and Yumiko admitted to Michonne that there was an issue with the managing of all things Hilltop in the aftermath of Tara losing her spot as leader. There was even a Maggie mention. Lauren Cohan’s alter ego had not been answering any of the letters sent to her, leading them to believe something was amiss. Would the show really off Maggie off-screen? It’s doubtful. Then there was Lydia who was struggling to fit in with the groups in the aftermath of Henry’s demise. Alden was all about making her feel unwelcome. Daryl defended her and even told Carol that Henry saw something in her, so they should honor him by allowing her to stay with them. Carol admitted that she only saw Henry when she looked at Lydia. With the storm brewing, it emerged that they would have to stay out all night if they wanted to survive. Ezekiel managed to get Daryl alone and asked him to move on from the Hilltop because he wanted to make a fresh start with Carol in their new digs and that Daryl would just complicate matters. Daryl seemingly agreed, and everyone decided to rest up in the Sanctuary before they got to the next checkpoint. This storm was really messing with them. Carol and Daryl chatted once there, and Carol wanted to know what Ezekiel said to her BFF. Carol said that Ezekiel wanted to blame Daryl because he didn’t want to blame her. The former badass admitted that she was losing herself again. “I’m really trying to hang on, but I don’t know what I’m doing,” she said. That’s when things got gnarly. The storm was worse than anybody anticipated and they needed to make it to Hilltop that night or they would die trying to get there when the weather got worse. Carol said they could just walk through the frozen river and be there, but Ezekiel knew that was straight through Alpha’s territory and that it could cause more problems. “Those borders are hers, not ours,” Carol quipped. Ezekiel and Michonne went at it because they made a mistake by letting so many people into the Kingdom. “That woman… was able to walk among us because we didn’t know each other,” she said. “We can never let that happen again.” While that was going down, Lydia disappeared, and Carol told the others to go over the pond while she looked for her. Zombies emerged from the snow, and things got more deadly … if that was possible. Carol found Lydia and the teen tried to get Henry’s mom to kill her. “Everything’s gonna be better when I’m gone,” said the teen, but Carol killed a walker behind her and said that she had a lot of life left to live. While the residents of Alexandria stayed put, there was a whole lot of drama for them. The solar panels were not working, so the team rallied up in a small house and set a fire. Negan was with them, and he couldn’t help but poke fun at the love triangle going on between Rosita, Siddiq, Eugene, and Gabriel. Before we knew it, the fire blew up because the chimney was not cleaned, and the group went on a mission to Aaron’s house. Judith broke off because Dog escaped, and Negan made it his mission to save the child and her dog. He was injured along the way. The next morning, our heroes arrived at Hilltop, and Carol called off her engagement to Ezekiel. “I will never stop loving you,” he said. “And I’ll never regret the fairy tale,” she replied. Carol left Ezekiel behind and went to Alexandria with Michonne and Daryl. Once they arrived, a snowball fight ensued between the two kids and all the adults. We took another small time jump, and it was spring! The Whisperers were back in their own land, and Beta had some big words. “The time away has been good for the pack and for you,” Beta told Alpha. “But I’ve made mistakes I can’t make again,” she said. “I’ll need to be stronger for what comes next.” Beta then gave his master a few whacks to inflict some pain on her. As the episode drew to a close, a staticky message came through the radio, saying “Is anyone out there?” What did you think of the finale? Hit the comments. The Walking Dead Season 10 gets underway this fall! View Slideshow: The Walking Dead Season 9: What’s About to Go Down?
Source: DJDM/ / WENN Via Bossip : Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez got engaged over the weekend, but not everyone is happy for them. Last night Jose Canseco tweeted claims that Rodriguez has been messing with his ex-wife Jessica behind J.Lo’s back: Watching “World of Dance” watching J.Lo text Alex Rodriguez little does she know that he is cheating on her with my ex-wife Jessica poor girl she has no idea who he really is. Text “RICKEY”to 71007 to join the Rickey Smiley Morning Show mobile club for exclusive news. ( Terms and conditions ). Watching World of Dance watching J.Lo text Alex Rodriguez little does she know that he is cheating on her with my ex-wife Jessica poor girl she has no idea who he really is — Jose Canseco (@JoseCanseco) March 11, 2019 He continued: I was there a few months back with her when he called her on her phone — Jose Canseco (@JoseCanseco) March 11, 2019 He said, “Alex Rodriguez stop being a piece of sh** stop cheating on Jennifer Lopez.” Canseco also challenged Rodriguez to a boxing or an MMA match. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit Alex Rodriguez I challenge you to a boxing match or an MMA match anytime you want — Jose Canseco (@JoseCanseco) March 11, 2019 SEE ALSO: Jennifer Lopez & Alex Rodriguez Are Engaged, See Her Huge Diamond Ring! [PHOTOS] I am willing to take a polygraph to prove that what I'm saying about Alex Rodriguez is 100% accurate — Jose Canseco (@JoseCanseco) March 11, 2019 It sounds like Canseco is trying to bait A-Rod into wrestling or something. Do you believe there is any truth to what he’s saying? [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”1801422″ overlay=”true”] ALSO TRENDING ON RICKEYSMILEYMORNINGSHOW.COM: “I Didn’t Think That I Would Live Through That.” Tami Roman Details Being Kidnapped, Held Hostage And Sexually Abused [VIDEO] YBN Almighty Jay Caught The Fade, Robbed By NYC Goons [VIDEO] Meagan Good Responds To Throwback Picture Of Khloe Kardashian Walking Her On A Leash
Source: The Washington Post / Getty It’s a sad day for Jeopardy fans as we just learned that the long-time host, Alex Trebek , was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Trebek intends to finish out this season of the game show despite his condition, according to TMZ . “Anything beyond that is up in the air.” Trebek has been hosting Jeopardy since 1984, but the Ontario native began his TV career in 1961 at Canadian Broadcasting Corporation where he reported news and events. He went to host a live music show and then a high school quiz show called “Reach For the Top,” which eventually launched his career in game show hosting. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit TMZ reports: Alex moved to the U.S. in 1973 and became the host of a new NBC show called “The Wizard of Odds” … then worked on a variety of game shows until the early ’80s before landing the “Jeopardy!” gig, which was actually a revival of an old show. It was a hit, and he’s been doing it ever since … often with his classic mustache. When he shaved his mustache off in the early 2000s, it made headlines. Back in 2018, Trebek took medical leave for a surgery to remove blood clots in his brain after a bad fall and in the past, suffered mild heart attacks, but that didn’t stop his drive. Text “RICKEY” to 71007 to join the Rickey Smiley Morning Show mobile club for exclusive news. ( Terms and conditions ). The legendary game show host is in our prayers! ALSO TRENDING ON RICKEYSMILEYMORNINGSHOW.COM : R.Kelly Sits Down with Gayle King in Explosive Interview [VIDEO] ‘Sister, Sister’ Star Marques Houston Is Engaged [PHOTOS] Meagan Good Responds To Throwback Picture Of Khloe Kardashian Walking Her On A Leash
Join Our Text Club To Get The Latest Music, Entertainment, Contests And Breaking News On Your Phone. Text NOW to 60796 to join! Source: Patricia Schlein/ / WENN The fallout from the Jordyn Woods / Tristan Thompson / Khloe Kardashian saga has put Woods in a spotlight nobody thought she wanted to be thrust in. Woods has been reportedly cut from all businesses associated with the Kardashian family. She previously teamed up with ex-best friend Kylie Jenner on her makeup line and had her own page on Khloe’s Good American fashion site but as of today, Woods’ page had been scrubbed and removed from the site. Insiders allege that Woods ruined any potential opportunity of working for or with the company. It doesn’t end there. Even though Kylie and Jordyn are at an odds due to her alleged hookup with Thompson, Jenner revoked her former friend’s security clearance for the gated neighborhood she resides in. If you recall, the drama began at a house party earlier this month when Woods was reportedly caught kissing Thompson, prompting a confession to Khloe and the whole thing being ended between her and Thompson. On Tuesday, Woods shared video of her walking towards a set — that of Jada Pinkett Smith ‘s Red Table Talk where she’ll no doubt speak about everything that’s happened in her life in the past few weeks and share accountability for what happened. Looks like Jordyn Woods is at ‘Red Table Talk’ to tell her side. — Karen Civil (@KarenCivil) February 26, 2019 Jordyn Woods going on Red Table Talk — Jasmyn Lawson (@JasmynBeKnowing) February 26, 2019 RELATED: Report: Jordyn Woods Blaming Tristan Thompson Hook-Up on the Alcohol RELATED: As Jordyn Woods Moves Out Of Kylie’s House, Khloe Posts About Betrayal On Instagram RELATED: Who Is Jordyn Woods?: 25 Flame Photos Of Tristan Thompson’s Latest Thotiana
Ariana Grande did not attend the 2019 Grammy Awards . As previously detailed, the popular pop star got into a beef with producers over her planned performance, eventually canceling it altogether and skipping the ceremony completely. But while Grande wasn’t in attendance on Sunday night, she clearly tuned in to the event at home. And, boy, was she angry about it! Grande live-Tweeted a significant portion of the telecast. After winning Best Pop Vocal Album for “Sweetener,” for example, Ariana wrote: “I know I’m not there tonight (trust, I tried and still truly wished it had worked out tbh) and I know I said I try not to put too much weight into these things, but f-ck. “This is wild and beautiful. Thank you so much.” She also thanked her collaborators and professional partners, as you can see below: However, Grande’s good mood didn’t last. When it came to the Best Rap Album category, Grande expressed her extreme frustration at Cardi B taking home the top prize over her late ex-boyfriend, Mac Miller. Especially because the Recording Academy had invited Miller’s grieving parents to attend the show. “Trash. F-ck. Bullsh-t. Literal bullsh-t,” Grande Tweeted in response to this result, quickly clarifying that she did not mean to throw any shade at Cardi B: “Nothing to do w her. good for her. i promise. i’m sorry,” she wrote. The singer went on to explain that she was upset on behalf of Miller’s family, who flew out to Los Angeles specifically for the Grammys. “Y’all invited Mac’s parents out and you didn’t give him an award are y’all DUMB? @RecordingAcademy,” a fan tweeted, to which Grande replied: “This. this is what i meant. karen was gonna have a green suit made.” Grande eventually deleted all Tweets related to Miller’s loss. Miller tragically passed away from a drug overdose in September of 2018. He and Grande dated for about two years and only broke up a few months before he died. For whatever it’s worth, Miller was honored during the In Memoriam segment of the show. Last Thursday, meanwhile, Grande blased Grammys producer Ken Ehrlich for saying that Ariana couldn’t perform at the event because she didn’t have time to “pull together” a set. Sources have said Ariana was actually pissed that producers told her NOT to sing the track “7 Rings” due to some plagirism rumors surrounding the hit. “I’ve kept my mouth shut but now you’re lying about me,” Grande fired back on Twitter, adding: “I can pull together a performance over night and you know that, Ken. “it was when my creativity & self expression was stifled by you, that i decided not to attend. i hope the show is exactly what you want it to be and more.” She added: “I offered 3 different songs. it’s about collaboration. it’s about feeling supported. it’s about art and honesty. not politics. not doing favors or playing games. “it’s just a game y’all.. and i’m sorry but that’s not what music is to me.”
The Walking Dead returned to the air Sunday night, and it was an hour that was filled with twists and a whole lot of zombie goodness. A lot was left up in the air after the shock death of Jesus at the hands of The Whisperers, but one of the more pressing questions surrounded what became of Negan. The supervillain managed to escape from his jail cell in Alexandria thanks to someone leaving it unlocked. Judith was shocked to see him scaling the wall to escape but realized that she was best to leave him to his own devices. She thought he would return in the end, but did that ring true? This is the man who murdered a bunch of our heroes, so it’s difficult to imagine redemption being on the cards for him. Stranger things have happened on this show. Negan did return to the Sanctuary, but there was little to see. The place he once yelled orders from afar was a ghost town. His world as he knew it was over. In a shocking turn of events, he returned to Alexandria. Everyone needs to keep an eye on him at this stage because he’s probably looking for the time to strike. When he does, it will spell doom for a bunch of characters. Hell, maybe he’ll be able to help out with The Whisperers. The Hilltop, meanwhile, started off the hour wondering what happened to the search party. Yeah, the same search party that was ambushed by The Whisperers. Jist as Luke and Alden launched another search party to investigate, the OG team returned … with a body. Jesus was definitely dead, so there’s no chance of him popping back up down the line. The only good news here is that they brought one of The Whisperers back with them. The woman did not want to reveal too much, and that was too be expected from someone who is part of the new band of villains. As such, bringing her back was a big waste of time because it’s only going to make the rest of her crew want to find her before she dies. With The Whisperers hiding in plain sight as zombies, it’s certainly difficult to find them. Away from the Hilltop, Alden and Luke found themselves in a bit of a pickle. They walk straight into a group of the new villains before a woman appears in her full zombie get up. “Trail ends here,” she says. Yikes. In another big twist, Rosita revealed she was carrying Siddiq’s child, and Eugene is going to be super pissed. What are your thoughts on the episode? Hit the comments below. The Walking Dead airs Sundays on AMC. View Slideshow: The Walking Dead Season 9: What’s About to Go Down?