Tag Archives: barely-remember

Caitlyn Jenner Is Not a Man in a Dress of the Day

He’s also a Man in a wig…or a Man on female hormones…or a man just cracking to the pressure Hollywood puts on a girl about her appearance or a man who is fucked up thanks to taking growth hormones in the 70s, who confuses his feelings with those of wanting to be a woman, identifying with a woman, but not actually chopping his dick off to be as close to a woman as possible, just in case he wants to go back to where he comes from. I was accused of being transphobic, the girl actually called me transphobic because I called a trans person a tranny…because that’s what we call them, at least in porn and the idea that a word to describe a chick with a dick, a concept in and of itself totally absurd and insane, is considered derogatory…but then I remember everything in the world is considered derogatory and I must force myself to ignore and embrace the comedy in this. I love this family photo of Brody Jenner,someone who has fucked more instagram models because he’s Brody Jenner and star of “the hills”, his mom, who looks more like a man thanks to shitty surgery and menopause, than his dad who has tits… I love that even Caitlyn Bruce Jenner said somethings that’s gone viral because it was disrespectful and insensitive to people who actually struggle with their gender…about not wanting to be “man in a dress”….because it is in it for wrong reasons…or superficial reasons…but in his defence the girls he has been surrounded by all this time are vapid superficial twats…and like the transphobic accuser said…who am I to say what Cailtyn Jenner is feeling…well I do know Caityln Bruce Jenner and its Gender is a shameless joker…and that’s what matters.. Nothing says Christmas like this… Read it’s statement HERE …. The post Caitlyn Jenner Is Not a Man in a Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Caitlyn Jenner Is Not a Man in a Dress of the Day

Abigail Clancy for Love Magazine Day 16 of the Day

Love Magazine is from the UK, so it’s only natural they’d use one of thier own for their shoot. Seeing as their take on America involved the instagram starlets everyone hates but still follow…was what I consider a bust…while Abigail Clancy, who goes by Abbey Clancy stripping…is a must.. That was a rhyming scheme for Christmas, because Abigail’s ass makes me poetic on this Christmas day…as nothing says Christmas like not recognizing that Christmas exists….but having a girl roll around a bed naked doesn’t need Jesus’ birth, it can happen always…and it does…on instagram… My first post on her was in 2007 HERE My first post on her shitty pussy slip was in 2014 HERE. It’s nice to see that in those 7 years she’s done so much….that you barely remember who she is… And now this…I call it a little fun day shooting to justify the life as a girl who doesn’t need to work because rich guys finance her life…and she deserves it. If you’ve seen other UK girls…she’s got her teeth, her skin isn’t gray, this is gold…so pay it market rate because if you don’t, someone else will. VIA LOVE MAGAZINE The post Abigail Clancy for Love Magazine Day 16 of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Abigail Clancy for Love Magazine Day 16 of the Day

All Of the Lindsay Lohan Ellen Von Unwerth No Tofu Pictures of the Day

Lindsay Lohan is everything. If there was a god…she would be Lindsay Lohan… I have always had a soft spot in my cold dead heart for Lindsay Lohan…I always felt bad for her being raped and exploited by her asshole parents, who were into more cocaine than her, leading to her falling the fuck apart, as most kids who don’t have good parents do…leaving her in a huge fucking pile of shit she couldn’t crawl out of… But I’ve always believed in her and her ability to excite me made me convinced she would win…I believed that if she didn’t fully self destruct, and die, you know from not eating and drugs being shoved down her throat by other idiots who were bringing her down with them….that there would be a comeback, there would be an Oscar, there would be a second coming of Lohan…and in the process maybe I’d be cumming to… I would go so far as to say that she’s the reason for this site…but maybe not…but I did used to leave her silly voicemails and I did used to text back and forth with her before we met and she didn’t want to fuck me…but she did dance then cry about some bullshit for me…in her hotel room…in what was the greatest night I barely remember thanks to being drunk… These pictures are amazing..by Ellen Von Unwerth….who is Amazing… The post All Of the Lindsay Lohan Ellen Von Unwerth No Tofu Pictures of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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All Of the Lindsay Lohan Ellen Von Unwerth No Tofu Pictures of the Day

Maria Menounos’ Cleavage Show Returns!

I can’t remember the last time I got to do a post on  Maria Menounos , which I guess shouldn’t be too surprising, considering I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast — years of sitting with my nose an inch from my computer screen has pretty much fried my brain. But with the cleavage my favorite Greek hottie had on display at Cosmopolitan Magazine ‘s 50th Anniversary Party, I’m willing to risk further damage. Trust me, those funbags are worth every brain cell. Enjoy. » view all 11 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

More Yasmine Colt Bikinis Pictures

Good news: the Tuna Bump must be working, because I keep putting up pictures of Yasmine Colt and she keeps doing more killer bikini photoshoots for all of us to drool over. It’s like some kind of self-perpetuating cycle, and let’s just hope it never stops. Because I’m more than happy to keep this up until Yasmine runs out of bikini pictures, or until my limited attention span has me moving on to a new crush, whichever comes first. So let’s all just keep enjoying it until then. Photos: Fameflynet

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More Yasmine Colt Bikinis Pictures

More Yasmine Colt Bikinis Pictures

Good news: the Tuna Bump must be working, because I keep putting up pictures of Yasmine Colt and she keeps doing more killer bikini photoshoots for all of us to drool over. It’s like some kind of self-perpetuating cycle, and let’s just hope it never stops. Because I’m more than happy to keep this up until Yasmine runs out of bikini pictures, or until my limited attention span has me moving on to a new crush, whichever comes first. So let’s all just keep enjoying it until then. Photos: Fameflynet

More Yasmine Colt Bikinis Pictures

Alessandra Ambrosio’s Strong Leg Show

According to my sources, Madrid Fashion Week is going on now, and I guess I forgot, because I can barely remember what week it is on a regular basis, let alone what European fashion show we’re currently on. Anyway, as I’ve probably mentioned in the past, I don’t know a whole lot about fashion, but I know what I like. And this outfit that Alessandra Ambrosio ‘s got on is definitely an instant favorite of mine. I just wish we’d gotten to see what it looks like from the back. You know, for fashion reasons. Or whatever. » view all 14 photos Photos: WENN.com , Fameflynet

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Alessandra Ambrosio’s Strong Leg Show

Alessandra Ambrosio’s Strong Leg Show

According to my sources, Madrid Fashion Week is going on now, and I guess I forgot, because I can barely remember what week it is on a regular basis, let alone what European fashion show we’re currently on. Anyway, as I’ve probably mentioned in the past, I don’t know a whole lot about fashion, but I know what I like. And this outfit that Alessandra Ambrosio ‘s got on is definitely an instant favorite of mine. I just wish we’d gotten to see what it looks like from the back. You know, for fashion reasons. Or whatever. » view all 14 photos Photos: WENN.com , Fameflynet

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Alessandra Ambrosio’s Strong Leg Show

Katy Perry’s Hipster Boob Workout

I feel like I’ve seen these pictures of hipster dufus Katy Perry leaving the gym before. Many, many times before. Luckily for me my memory has been so ruined by booze and hours and hours of watching Saved By The Bell DVD’s that I barely remember posting them. At least her boobs look awesome, and I like the hundred dollar bill short shorts. I would like to… I was going to say cash that check, but that doesn’t make any sense… I would like to deposit that bill… Still not making much sense, but I think you perverts know where I’m going with this. Enjoy. more pictures of Katy Perry here

The new whores next door

I love you, honey! Hi, baby, I love you! …the twins can barely remember the line as they smootch the top of Hef’s balding old head. His remaining comb over sticks up and he reminds me of a naked baby bird

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The new whores next door