Source: The Game during an appearance on VH1’s ‘The Amber Rose Show’ Amber gets to the bottom of The Game’s sexy social media posts and talks to him about hooking up with fans. F Yesterday (July 23) Amber Rose launched her new escapex app and to bolster its success the founder of the Slut Walk has announced that her fans won’t just get a social media platform to build on, but they’ll also get some financial backing. Designed to empower women who want to better themselves and their lives, escapex will also have a feature that involves Amber Rose coming out of pocket to help fund some of its users tuition costs, pay some others rent, and fund some business endeavors. Yeah, you read that right. Amber Rose’s going to be investing in people. According to Page Six , Rose feels that her Rosebud community deserves to be seen and heard and she’s doing what she can to help them do just that. “I wanted it to be very personal so it’s going to be full of content you can’t find on any of my other platforms,” Rose said in a news release. “I also know how amazing my fans are, so this gives me the opportunity to show them I see and hear them. I want to give back and build a tight-knit community in which they can all feel empowered to be themselves with the support of other members of the amazing Amber Rose community.” And as for getting funded personally by Rose, “Amber will be funding these projects on her own as she wants to support the individuals who have been supporting her along the way,” the rep told us. You can hate on a lot of things about Amber Rose’s lifestyle, but you really can’t hate on that.
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Amber Rose’s New App Will Be Putting Money In Its User’s Pockets For Life’s Bills