Tag Archives: thought-the-day

AM BUZZ: Amanda Bynes Attacks Drake, Tyson Beckford Strips Down & More

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Amber Rose Show Off Curves During Shopping Spree Amber Rose recently revealed that she lost 30 lbs of that baby weight by working out for…

AM BUZZ: Amanda Bynes Attacks Drake, Tyson Beckford Strips Down & More

Kim Kardashian Pleads For Privacy

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  We never thought the day would come that Kim Kardashian didn’t want cameras following her every move. But that day has arrived. Wer’re sure…

Kim Kardashian Pleads For Privacy

Kim Kardashian Pleads For Privacy

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  We never thought the day would come that Kim Kardashian didn’t want cameras following her every move. But that day has arrived. Wer’re sure…

Kim Kardashian Pleads For Privacy

My name is Lexie or future Mrs. Bieber. I am the tall blonde on…

My name is Lexie or future Mrs. Bieber. I am the tall blonde on the right with Justin. This is my Bieber experience. I never thought the day would come that I could write one of these. I am obsessed with MyBieberExperience. When reading everyone’s stories, it gave me hope but it made me think I’m not lucky enough or good things never happen to me. One day, that all changed. I heard that BieberFever helps beliebers dreams come true, so I had to join. After a few months I was able to get tickets. I just got home from the last day of school which was already a good day. Then my mom hands me the phone, it was my grandma. She told me she was able to get me four tickets to the Believe Tour. I started fan-girling, of course! I called my friend to tell her who was excited as well. My friend, Lauren, and I are the only beliebers at our school. We always get made fun of, but we don’t care. It’s the love toward Justin that I care about. I got the tickets which was SUPER exciting. Then the M&G contest was released. All you had to do was take a picture of your Bieber stuff, so I did. I entered my picture. All I had to do was wait. The day came that I would find out if I won or not. I had a basketball game first. I could hardly wait. I go out to the car and open my email to see if I won or not. All I read is “Congratulations”. I screamed and ran inside to Lauren. We start jumping up in down. I got zero sleep that night. I had to go to school first for a half-day. It was hard. A lot of girls who don’t even like Justin were getting jealous. They would said I don’t deserve it even though I’ve been by his side since ‘09. When we got to the arena we got to see Justin’s bus come up and his grandma waved to me. Then it was time for the M&G. We got in groups of 6. My friend, Lauren, and I went with these cute girls. We got to the curtain and I saw PAC and just said “Aww”. Then Kenny opened the curtain. I said hi to Kenny and he said hi back. I ran to Justin and said “I love you.” We hugged and he said he loved me too. We took a picture. I was shaking the whole time and Justin put his hand on my waist and I put my hand on his hand. Fredo said hi to me and waved as well. We walked out and I started crying, even though I told myself I’d never cry. Then it was time for the concert.  It was amazing. Cody waved and pointed at my friend and I. Carly pointed at us. Justin looked at the camera when I took a pic. -@LexieWilcox  Visit link: My name is Lexie or future Mrs. Bieber. I am the tall blonde on…

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My name is Lexie or future Mrs. Bieber. I am the tall blonde on…

My name is Pauline, I’m 16 and I live in Paris, France….

My name is Pauline, I’m 16 and I live in Paris, France . I’ve been a belieber since 2009. I’ve seen Justin for the first time in February 2011 for the ‘Never Say Never 3D’ premiere in Paris. I waited 11 hours outside and I saw him 5 minutes but I was the happiest. I’ve been to the MWT in Paris but before, I waited the whole day in front of his hotel and I saw him less than a minute but I didn’t care, I was happy. The next time I saw him was in November 2011, it was very fast but I had the chance to get an autograph. I always did my best to see him even if it was only 5 minutes. I skipped school and I waited hours and hours in front of the hotel. When I’ve heard he will be back in Paris in June, I entered all the contests to win tickets for the NRJ Music Tour or to see him inside the radio but I lost all of them. Then I’ve entered to win a M&G but I was continuing to loose every contest. It was Wednesday and Justin was coming the next day. I was totally losing hope.  Thursday, I skipped school so I could go to his hotel. It was 11am and I saw on Twitter I lost another contest, there was only one contest left but I was totally hopeless. Someone tweeted me I was one of the winners! I was so happy, happy is not even the word, I was freaking out. It was incredible. The M&G was that Friday. I had to be in front of the back doors of Universal at 1pm. (But let’s go back to Thursday) Everything was crazy: I went to Justin’s hotel with my best friend and waited until 2am. Justin had a private showcase with only a few beliebers who won a contest and he had an accident, he ran into a glass door but he didn’t’ stop the show. We were all so worried, we saw Justin’s car going into the parking. Scooter came outside and told us what happened, he told us a doctor was coming to see Justin. My best friend and I went home. I didn’t really sleep, I was thinking about all the things I wanted to tell him during the M&G. The next day, 1st June 2012, my mom drove me to Universal and waited with me. She is so supportive and knows how much meeting Justin was to me . I really can’t thank her enough. A guy came out with a list of names and started reading it. We went in a room and waited, I met some amazing beliebers, I was so happy to be there. We were living this together and it was priceless. We waited 30 minutes and Justin came, I still can’t believe I met him. He was so sweet, he shook everyone’s hands. We talked with him, he told us he felt better than yesterday.  It was the moment of the picture, I was with two of my friends, I was near Justin, I always thought the day I will meet him, I will start crying but I didn’t. I was so happy, I was the most happiest girl in the world at this very moment. We asked him how he felt and he shows us his bump on his forehead and let us touch it. He was so sweet, you just have to look in his eyes to know how much he loves his fans. We took the picture and I asked for a hug and he said, “Of course come here.”  It was the most incredible thing ever. I was dreaming of this since 2009 and it was finally happening. It was a real hug, not just a 2 seconds hug, he cares about his fans. I remember saying, “I love you Justin” at the end and he told me he loved me back. I never wanted to let him go. It was the hardest part of the M&G. We were all speechless and happy. Justin was going to sing at the balcony so we ran outside and waited for him to sing. This day was one of the best day of my life. I know sometimes it’s hard to believe in “Never Say Never”, I know how sometimes you feel hopeless. But please, to everyone who didn’t meet Justin yet, you will. Dreams really do come true if you never stop believing, because of Justin I never gave up even if I felt hopeless. He is my inspiration and I love him with all my heart. I want to thanks Justin for everything. He truly is an amazing person. He loves us and he cares about us. So if you ever feel hopeless, remember I was too. – @itspauline_ Here’s my video when I met Justin.  Read the original: My name is Pauline, I’m 16 and I live in Paris, France….

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My name is Pauline, I’m 16 and I live in Paris, France….

My name is Alejandra, I’m 17 years old and I’m from…

My name is Alejandra, I’m 17 years old and I’m from Honduras. I’ve been supporting Justin since 2009. Justin’s music has helped me a lot in these years and that’s why I always wanted to meet him. My family, friends, almost all never took me seriously as a Belieber for the country where I live. I was on vacation with my family in LA for a week but I didn’t meet Justin, so I told my dad to let me stay another week because I had a feeling I would meet Justin. Tuesday August 14, we arrived at the studio where Justin was rehearsing for the Believe Tour. I saw Kenny in his car and then saw that Moshe was in the van, they told us that Justin was going to take pictures after he was done with lunch. We waited 45 minutes and then the van was parked in the driveway and Moshe went and opened the door to say something to Justin. He closed it and a couple of seconds later, Justin came out and said, “What’s up guys?”  I was thinking he looks like how he does in pictures, like an angel. He started taking pictures and some fans were pushing and Moshe then said, “One at a time.” After it was my turn and I said, “Can you sign my iPod?” and he said, “Yes pretty.” OMG I was so nervous and happy. Then we took the picture and asked him if I could get a hug and he said sure. Then he said, “A pleasure to meet you.” I was so happy, I cried so much because I achieved my goal even though people didn’t believe in me.  Dreams do come true if you believe in them and it’s one thing I learned from Justin. I never gave up on meeting him and he is the sweetest boy ever. Thank you to my friends for always giving me hope and love. I’m happy and proud to say I met Justin Bieber. My idol, my inspiration. -@BieberWet  Read more: My name is Alejandra, I’m 17 years old and I’m from…

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My name is Alejandra, I’m 17 years old and I’m from…

My name is Adriana and I’m from Adelaide, Australia. I never…

My name is Adriana and I’m from Adelaide, Australia . I never ever thought the day would come where I would be writing my own Bieber experience. A few months before Justin’s concert, I found out that bieberfever.com was having a contest to win meet and greets for Justin’s show in our city. I begged mum to let me join and she agreed. The task was to promote the website. I right away started promoting it in every possible. I stuck up signs everywhere, tweeted it and all of that kind of stuff. Two weeks before the concert I started sending my email in a few times a day. Then 2 days before the concert, I sent it in about 10 times a day because I was scared that they weren’t gonna see my video. It said on the website that we would have been contacted within 24 hours of the show, so I was thinking if I won I would have been contacted Wednesday as the show was Thursday. Wednesday came and I had no email, so obviously I had lost . All that hard work for nothing. My friend Isabelle said she had a feeling that the emails probably haven’t been sent out yet, and guess what, she was right! On Thursday 5 th May, the day it all began! 7:20am Isabelle rang my house phone to tell me I had won. I was sleeping at the time so mum came in and woke me up and told me that I had won! I straight away got out of bed and took the phone off mum and was like, ‘WHAT WE WON?’ I was so excited! I had to get myself organized, I still didn’t know what I was gonna wear! The day went by so slowly. Finally it was 2:30pm and I knew what I was wearing.   At 3pm we went to the entertainment center and waited. It was finally 5:00 so we waited in this corridor while the security spoke about the rules. The line was getting shorter and shorter and I was so nervous to meet him. The security said, “Okay I need another 4 people”, so Isabelle, Sarah, Bella and I went in. We waited at the door and we all looked in and there he was! As we walked in he said, “Hey girls”. I can’t even describe how I was feeling at this point. The girls hugged him, then I did. I didn’t want to let go of him. Once we had our photo, we tried to talk to him but the security told us we had to leave. I still couldn’t believe it.. I just met Justin Bieber?! The concert was so amazing. Still today I can’t believe I have met Justin Bieber! My dreams have come true!! Dream big and never say never, that’s all I’ve got to say!! -@AdriLovesBiebs Read the original here: My name is Adriana and I’m from Adelaide, Australia. I never…

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My name is Adriana and I’m from Adelaide, Australia. I never…

Linnea Pihl Tits for Costume of the Day

Here is some bitch with a crazy immigrant name modeling topless for some magazine or lingerie company I didn’t bother looking up called Costume. The nice thing about models is that you never really know how old they are because modeling agencies usually keep their birthdays secret, and modeling agencies usually do most of their recruiting when a bitch is 14, meaning for all you know, these could be some 16 year old immigrant tits being shown off for fashion, cuz the immigrant wants to do whatever it takes to get ahead, you know to live a life away from the immigrant hell she is from, that whole American dream without being an actual hooker shit, which may seem too young to already be using tits for money, but I figure it’s never too early to get started on your future financial security, especially if you manage to do it in a way that doesn’t get flagged as a kiddie pornographer, since in every other business, teenage tits is a fucking crime, even though relatively freshly sprouted teenage tits are anything but a crime….they are just perkier than adult tits….making them a small taste of heaven…not that this bitch is underage…but you just never really know and that adds enough excitement to my terminally boring existence….to go on another day.

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Linnea Pihl Tits for Costume of the Day

Juliette Lewis Crackhead Bikini Pics of the Day

Here are some pictures of Juliette Lewis proving that hard drug use usually results in a pretty skinny and toned body and shit is a lot more fun than going the gym or trying stupid trendy diets like the master cleanse. You never see a fat crackwhore, at least I haven’t when wandering the streets looking for something to try to impregnate on the cheaps even though I know their weak, dying on the inside uteruses can’t sustain our child, that’s probably what makes it so fun, like playing some kind of real life videogame with my dick… The unfortunate thing in all this is that I can’t help but want to contribute to her ass tattoo with my jizz. Seriously, I never thought the day I try jerking off to Juliette Lewis and her dirty lookin’ almost 40 would come, but more importantly, I never thought I’d share that low point with anyone, it’s one of those secret people you masturbate and don’t talk about, like when you do it to your sister when she’s changing…If you know what I mean…

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Juliette Lewis Crackhead Bikini Pics of the Day

Rotten Tuna: Megan Fox

I never thought the day would come that I would be featuring one of the greatest hotties of all time Megan Fox in one of my Rotten Tuna segments. This is a sad day at Hollywoodtuna, my penis is at half mast. Here she is out the other day in a serious period outfit, probably buying tampons, looking absolutely depressing. I don’t mean that she looks sad, I mean that she’s depressing me and my job is to look at hot chicks all day so that’s not an easy thing to do. She better make it up to me soon.