First Up – Martha Hunt Selfies in Lingerie with Alessandra Ambrosio of the Day…because Victoria’s Secret is that they create these women into being sex icons – exploiting them – and making them walk around in underwear like it’s clothes… If this was high school and you paid a girl in your class to come to class in her bra and panties, you’d likely be suspended. If this was a coffee shop and you convinced a homeless person to walk into the Stabucks in her bra and panties, all smelling of piss and shit, you’d probably get arrested. But when you’re a billion dollar brand, your sex work, becomes marketing work, and it’s all ok…the girls are into it, they are validated as hot and can lure men in from every angle…it’s a lottery win really…but still working… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE Second Up – Izabel Goulart’s in a Sports Bra in Brazil, all ripped, not being robbed at gun point like she was Ryan Lochte, because she still lives in Brazil, where she does fitness and eats lettuce all day…maybe even rocking some feces water parasites to keep the weight off – cuz this shit is skinny as fuck… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Victoria’s Secret Whores of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Victoria’s Secret Whores of the Day