Tag Archives: black-culture

#JusticeForLenard: Funniest Reactions To Mo’Nique’s Deliciously Messy Breakfast Club Takeover

When Mo’Nique took her foot off of LeNard’s neck for a second and gave Angela Yee a piece pic.twitter.com/rWLrEQy4ge — Dré (@_Dre420) February 23, 2018 Mo’Nique’s “Breakfast Club” Appearance Shattered Twitter Her Royal Cryness Mo’Nique came through and shook the Breakfast Club table with more deliciously messy shenanigans that gave us YET ANOTHER glimpse into her kinda right/kinda wrong equal pay campaign and sent all of Twitter spiraling into the abyss. MoNique said “Lenard, you don't know the history of this business that you're in, you sit behind this microphone and TRY to be the guru of black culture… kno the history my brother” pic.twitter.com/bZyVJ4AAdg — THADDY (@ItsHippyPotter) February 23, 2018 Peep the hilarious Twitter chaos over Mo’Nique’s “Breakfast Club” takeover on the flip.

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#JusticeForLenard: Funniest Reactions To Mo’Nique’s Deliciously Messy Breakfast Club Takeover

Did You Know? Iggy Azalea Is Appropriating Publishing Rights From Jidenna’s Dandy Anthem “Classic Man”

Iggy Azalea Reveals That Her Song “Fancy” Was Sampled By Jidenna For “Classic Man” Just when you thought her foray into black culture was finally over, Aussie MC Iggy Azalea revealed to a Twitter follower that she is cashing checks off of another black man’s work. That’s right, for all of you who rode around thinking that Jidenna’s “Classic Man” sounded very similar to Iggy’s annoying hit “Fancy”, you were right. Word to OG Maco. Thanks, Jidenna for giving this broad more life…SMH Image via WENN

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Did You Know? Iggy Azalea Is Appropriating Publishing Rights From Jidenna’s Dandy Anthem “Classic Man”

Trashy Nicki Minaj Does High Fashion of the Day

I always find it interesting when a fashion brand, like Roberto Cavalli, who if you were to ask Roberto Cavalli, he would probably say it is top quality, luxury, and worthy of the insane prices they may charge, because they believe the fucking lie…decides to use Nicki Minaj, her implants, her ass implants, her cheesy and annoying pop image that I find offensive and mocking of black culture, but then again, I guess all of hip hop is, and people buy into it…not that Nicki Minaj is hip hop, according to Roberto Cavalli, she’s high fashion…even in her spread ass thong pics on her social media….that I’m sure Roberto Cavalli feels is trashy as fuck, but she’s got a big audience and it may sell product and really that’s what he’s paying for…which coincidentally is everything wrong in the world…better known as Nicki Minaj.

Originally posted here:
Trashy Nicki Minaj Does High Fashion of the Day

Miley Cyrus Can’t Twerk of the Day

Everyone is talking about Miley Cyrus. From Teddy Bear advocates who feel she has violated Teddy Bears by making them into PG-13, uncensored dance partners on MTV…because clearly they’ve never seen teddy based porn where teddy either has a strap on or gets cummed on…to everyone on my fucking Facebook feed. It’s at the point of annoying because of a few simple things…twerking is mainstream, college girls all twerk so Miley wasn’t shitting on black culture, she was just being a typical Disney chick…but more importantly it wasn’t hot…if anything…her twerk in and of itself was a shameful fucking twerk and that is what parents of her fans should really be appalled by…that and the lack of camel toe on her skinny little Beiber body… Here’s her dance from another angle and it’s pretty fucking bad.

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Miley Cyrus Can’t Twerk of the Day

WTF?!? A Photograph Surfaces Of A Man Looking EXACTLY Like Humpback Hov Chillin’ In Harlem In 1939!

Has the secret society been preserving Hova’s body or something?! Photograph Of Man Resembling Jay-Z In 1939 The folks at Buzzfeed have found something hilariously amazing, this photo was taken at The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture at the New York public library in 1939. If we didn’t know any better, we’d SWEAR that the man in the photo was Camel Carter ! That Illuminati healthcare plan must be some whole ‘nother level type isht. Image via Buzzfeed Continue reading

Method Man Tries To Clear Up Him Saying He Hates Natural Black Women “I Don’t Know What They’re Mad At!” [Video]

Method Man, Fareal-Fareal… you said what you felt. The real stupidity is cementing more of the stereotypes that black women must get their hair done-relaxed-permed to be beautiful! Then your ghetto a*s drops the “I like da waves.” Really? Wu Tang has always seemed to be a sickle of Black Culture in the Hip-Hop community, but Meth has always seemed like the worldly one of the bunch… According to Meth, ladies… you should have a perm to look gorgeous… because your natural hair is just-not-good-enough for that brother. Is that better, Meth?

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Method Man Tries To Clear Up Him Saying He Hates Natural Black Women “I Don’t Know What They’re Mad At!” [Video]