Tag Archives: bottle-service

Ava Sambora in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Ava Sambora is my kind of rich kid…broken and misguided as fuck…young and hot in her bathing suit but working her social media the same way a low level instagram model does… She’s not even with the big brands, or leveraging her family contacts, but instead has worked with a straight up escort agency that brings in international stripper looking girls and gets them clients to fuck to pay their rent…as they pose for water…. It’s so fucking weird to me…when the formula is so simple, you’d think a young babe like this wouldn’t have to bottom feed the way she does to get noticed…like a bottle service girl in some small town who dates the only black guy does…cheesy shoots, to be the next bootleg Kardashian fake tits and face looking stripper bitches…seems like a fucking fail.. Her dad is Bon Jovi member – Her Mom hooker Heather Locklear – which in the 90s was for Rockers what all these other fake ass and face sluts on the interneg are for rappers passing through…but Ava is already rich, she doesn’t need to go the same dick sucking route other girls need to go… Not that I’m hating her bikini pic…keep em coming…so I keep coming… The post Ava Sambora in a Bathing Suit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ava Sambora in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Ashley Tisdale’s Self Produced Instagram Shoot of the Day

Every personality, from famous to garbage slut bottle service girl, has a “lifestyle blog”…where they talk about themselves, their trips, their favorite restaurants or meals, and their favorite outfits…because it’s the best way to leverage their social media fans who jerk off to them…to sell campaigns to brands…so that they can make more money than they already do…all while being Narscisstic pieces of fucking shit… So these idiots are flooding instagram with them same shoots, the same boring fucking content, the same piss colored images, featuring themselves.. Meaning they hire hair and make-up, they hire a photographer, so that they can model their broken down faces, in stupid model poses, to appease their fucking egos.. When all Tisdale should be working on is hiring a new plastic surgeon to fix that nose. This is beyond obnoxious, yet they keep doing it…because I guess people keep consuming this shit.. What a fucking loser..this is so bootleg and desperate…just do the fucking sex tape you idiot….that’s what people want to see…not her broken down face in dumb outfits…these people are so insane… The post Ashley Tisdale’s Self Produced Instagram Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ashley Tisdale’s Self Produced Instagram Shoot of the Day

Anais Pouliot For Love and lemons of the Day

Anais Pouliot is a model from Montreal, who is obviously too good for Montreal, which isn’t saying much, most homeless people are too good for Montreal, but she’s not homeless, she’s out making money after she moved to New York to do lingerie campaigns…where if she stayed here, she’d probably be a bottle service girl, or a stripper, like all the other hot girls, which I guess isn’t all that much different than being a lingerie model, but it has a more prestige and status… Not that it matters, what matters is that french girls, especailly when they think and are too good to me, which isn’t saying much, most homeless people are too good for me, is french based, and probably broken, and probably into anal on the first date, if she wasn’t with an American dude for a passport and his money, thanks to American dudes with money, loving lingerie models even the low level ones… All this to say, at least she’s not an instagram model/ The post Anais Pouliot For Love and lemons of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anais Pouliot For Love and lemons of the Day

Tall, Awkward, Rich, Famous, Jennifer Lawrence in a Bikini of the Day

In case you were wondering…Jennifer Lawrence looks better naked than in a bikini, or clothed…. You see there was a few years in Jenner Lawrence’s career where I just found her an irritating, overrated, scam of an “actress”, constantly playing an idiot in public, so that when she performed in movies, people would be like “Shit she’s good”…in comparison to her real life retard behavior… I was like “she’s not even hot, she’s just big and bulky”… THen she leaked the nudes, and boom, love happened…the weirdo awkward bitch making millions for selling out, while also starring in huge fucking Brad Cooper movies, was amazing nude..she was slutty enough to take nudes…and looked good nude…and I figured there is no way she didn’t leak them herself, in a way to maintain being a victim… The world moves fast, no one cared a week after they happened, we see porn all day everyday, we don’t need Jennifer Lawrence nude, it’s not the 90s when nude celebs was a thing, because now nude neighbors and girls I went to school with, or who work at the bar nude is what we care about… So seeing her in a bikini, looking average at best, reminds me…that she should be naked…not clothed… That’s it. The post Tall, Awkward, Rich, Famous, Jennifer Lawrence in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Tall, Awkward, Rich, Famous, Jennifer Lawrence in a Bikini of the Day


I wonder how many times I said “I hope that fucking asshole from Ed Hardy Dies, so that these loud, trashy, mid 2000s clothes that made him a millionaire a few times over, dressing cheesy coke head women beating assholes in bottle service or the gym dancing to Tiesto…who don’t know they are faggots, because if they did, they would have better taste”….back when Ed Hardy was a thing… Well he died of cancer, which is less fun and glamorous than a drug overdose in bottle service with his cheesy bros who made his shirts famous… He was 57 years old and worth over 250 million dollars…because he figured out how to make and market garbage people would eat up…probably from working as a designer for other brands…and realized how he could make a ton of fucking money doing it…so he did… He created a fucking style, trend and paved the way for assholes everywhere to look in the mirror before going out, flexing and really thinking they looked goood.. All this to say…Ed Hardy will never die…it will forever live in a dark place in my heart…and Christian Audigier had the last laugh becaue you know as well as I know that he probably hated the shirts as much as we did…he just loved every dollar they made him….he turend shit into gold… RIP Motherfucker Ed Hardy will never die…Here he is tanned with a model…because #goals… Ed Hardy will never die…Here’s Ashley Tisdale’s ass in 2008 wearing her Ed Hardy because she was paid to, or maybe because she thought it was cool and has no taste because she’s a robot.. The post RIP MOTHERFUCKER the CHRISTIAN AUDIGIER EDITION Of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Stoners Love When Wasps Eat Bees of the Day

Sure, nature can be pretty fascinating, I mean at least a lot more fascinating than watching a bunch of assholes trying to get laid in the club, because animals actually fuck each other up…and not go to jail for it, while I can just pretend all those assholes with their bottle service and gold digging girls dancing on tables would be eaten in half by some other species while listening to bad music…. But I don’t think I’d be filming it like it mattered…or more importantly getting as excited about it as these guys, but it still made me laugh and I am ready for the Auto Tune…

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Stoners Love When Wasps Eat Bees of the Day

Kirsten Dunst Story of the Day

Kirsten Dunst has been in Montreal for the last month. I live in Montreal. I haven’t seen her, bumped into her, or had sex with her accidentally and the whole thing is very disappointing, not because I find Kirsten Dunst hot, but because I used to like her big tits on her skinny body 10 years ago, and figure that I’d do it for Old Times, and really how many people would be able to say “I banged Kirsten Dunst”….well, I’m sure a lot of people can, but no one I know… A lot of people I know have seen her. They all say she looks like shit and the most latest Dunst story is that she was in a bar sitting at the “bottle service” booth with an old man who is apparently her boyfriend. They told her she had to buy a bottle to stay at the table, and expecting the star treatment, bitch got up and said “I prefer hip hop music anyway” and left to find herself some black cock to speak to her in rhyme over beats…and I realize that story is garbage…but I’ve got limited resources and this is all the scoop I can manage….. Pics via Fame

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Kirsten Dunst Story of the Day