Tag Archives: brent-bozell

Chris Matthews Accuses Sarah Palin of Aiding and Abetting Koran-burning Pastor

Chris Matthews on Thursday accused Sarah Palin of aiding and abetting Pastor Terry Jones, the man threatening to burn Korans on Saturday’s ninth anniversary of 9/11. For days, Matthews and his colleagues on MSNBC have been calling upon Republicans to speak out against Jones. On Wednesday, the former Alaska governor did exactly that at her Facebook page and at Twitter .  But this wasn’t enough for Matthews who repeatedly on the 5PM installment of “Hardball” attacked Palin for being too “soft” in her admonishment of Jones, and actually accused her of giving the Pastor the linkage between burning Korans and the controversy surrounding the Ground Zero mosque. Matthews also included House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Oh.) in his pathetic plot (video follows with transcript and commentary): CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Democratic strategist Steve McMahon joins us now, along with Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez. You know, this is one of those moments where, OK, I`m going to take you on, Leslie, here. Ready? LESLIE SANCHEZ, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: All right. MATTHEWS: I think that people like Boehner and Sarah Palin are the first people in the news cycle to put out the word there`s some linkage between burning the Koran on national — international television and the mosque a couple blocks away from the World Trade Centers. Honestly, was Matthews being intentionally naive or lying? The whole reason media have given Jones all this attention is because of the Ground Zero mosque. Any suggestion to the contrary is absurd:  MATTHEWS: And now these people down there, this minister, discovered, hey, this is handy. I will trade one for the other. It turns out the trade wasn`t real, but at least he`s pretending. Your thoughts about accomplices before — accessories before and after the fact here. SANCHEZ: I think that`s a stretch. (CROSSTALK) MATTHEWS: Why is that a stretch? SANCHEZ: Because — MATTHEWS: Have you ever heard these ministers talk about a link with the mosque before Mr. Boehner or Sarah Palin mentioned it? SANCHEZ: Well, I don`t read everything with the mosque. But let`s look at the realities. You have got 50 people in a garage that say these crazy things and, all of a sudden, we have all the networks, the president, and everybody responding to them. Look at it for what it really is. (CROSSTALK) MATTHEWS: So, is Sarah Palin one of the 50 crazy people in the mosque, or what? How disgraceful!  SANCHEZ: I think what is interesting is that Sarah Palin is brought up again. She puts a tweet out there. She starts talking about it, and everybody wants to say she has directed and shaped this debate. MATTHEWS: “People have a constitutional right to burn a Koran if they want to, but doing so is insensitive” — I would say it`s more than insensitive — “and an unnecessary provocation.” That`s pretty soft language compared to the way she talked about the mosque. Actually, why don’t we look at Palin’s entire posting at Facebook: Book burning is antithetical to American ideals. People have a constitutional right to burn a Koran if they want to, but doing so is insensitive and an unnecessary provocation – much like building a mosque at Ground Zero. I would hope that Pastor Terry Jones and his supporters will consider the ramifications of their planned book-burning event. It will feed the fire of caustic rhetoric and appear as nothing more than mean-spirited religious intolerance. Don’t feed that fire. If your ultimate point is to prove that the Christian teachings of mercy, justice, freedom, and equality provide the foundation on which our country stands, then your tactic to prove this point is totally counter-productive.  Our nation was founded in part by those fleeing religious persecution. Freedom of religion is integral to our charters of liberty. We don’t need to agree with each other on theological matters, but tolerating each other without unnecessarily provoking strife is how we ensure a civil society. In this as in all things, we should remember the Golden Rule. Isn’t that what the Ground Zero mosque debate has been about?  That seems like a pretty strong condemnation of Jones’s plan, doesn’t it? Yet Matthews never once read the entire thing to his viewers. Instead, he continued with his pathetic plot:  SANCHEZ: They`re — not judging her, it`s the fact — MATTHEWS: It`s insensitive? We have a travel alert. (CROSSTALK) SANCHEZ: But why pick out Sarah Palin? I guess that`s my point. MATTHEWS: Because I`m looking at the news that came in this morning. And, all of a sudden, she`s getting her fingers into this thing. Your thoughts, Steve. I think it`s incredible that she would be so soft — taking such a soft line on this guy burning the Koran, because you never attack to the right when you`re on the right. That`s what I think is going on here. Excuse me! Matthews and his network have been criticizing Republicans for not speaking out against this guy. Now that some have, he accuses them of aiding and abetting the Pastor! How pathetic:  SANCHEZ: But for what political purpose? That`s what I`m saying. (CROSSTALK) MATTHEWS: — with as far out, with as far out with the fringe as she can, because that`s her base. (CROSSTALK) STEVE MCMAHON, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: That`s right. It`s not just her base. It`s the people that are taking over the party. It`s the Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh — MATTHEWS: You can`t hurt by being friendly with the right. MCMAHON: –. base of the Republican Party. Exactly. You cannot be too far right, because especially if you`re thinking about running for president or if you want to have a controversial talk show on FOX, you need to do these things. And they generate headlines. They get people like us talking. And it works for Sarah Palin, who wants to be an entertainer and a provocateur. I`m not sure it works very well if she wants to be the president of the United States. MATTHEWS: Do you think that`s a statement you could live with, Leslie, people have a constitutional right to burn a Koran if they want to? Do you like the phraseology there? People have a constitutional right to burn a Koran if they want to? Do you like that — The hypocrisy on display here was astonishing. For weeks, folks like Matthews have been telling the American people that the backers of the Ground Zero mosque have a Constitutional right to build it there, and this supersedes the public’s overwhelming opposition. By contrast, the conservative position has been to recognize the Constitutionality in play while questioning the wisdom of doing something that would offend so many Americans. As such, Palin – and Boehner as you’ll see in a bit – were making the exact same argument concerning Jones: he has the right to burn these Korans, but they wish he wouldn’t. Not only didn’t Matthews see the consistency in these positions, he was the one being inconsistent by now claiming Jones’s Constitutional rights were irrelevant and represented a “soft” position on Palin’s part. The net result is that the Constitution in Matthews’ mind must only protect those involved with the Ground Zero mosque but not Pastor Jones:  (CROSSTALK) SANCHEZ: First off, I`m not going to put Sarah Palin`s words in my mouth. Let`s put it that way. MATTHEWS: OK. Good. SANCHEZ: I can speak for myself. But I will say this much. I think you play too much into this game that Sarah Palin wants you to do, which is — talking from a conservative Republican perspective, I think we were very clear, both bipartisanly, from a bipartisan perspective, of how people felt about how ludicrous his statements were and his actions to be. MATTHEWS: Whose were? SANCHEZ: The reverend in this case. MATTHEWS: Sure. SANCHEZ: And I think why can`t we talk in solidarity about that? It`s all this — this ruse that it`s Sarah Palin pulling the strings – – (CROSSTALK) MATTHEWS: I just want to know — I will go back to my question — why did she throw him the life jacket and say, put this on, tie it to the mosque? Why did she do that? Why did Boehner do that? Nobody else was doing it in the media. I wasn`t drawing the connection. Then you’re either an idiot or a liar, Mr. Matthews, for there not only is a connection here, but also people like you and the rest of the media would have totally ignored Jones if the Ground Zero mosque wasn’t currently an issue:  SANCHEZ: She — MATTHEWS: These characters were sitting, were on the show right here, talking to me, both these pastors, Sapp and Jones — neither one of them mentioned the mosque. Both long interviews. I said, is there anyone who could appeal to, we could appeal to you to stop this? Or any — nobody mentioned the mosque until today, after these stories moved by your — people on the far right. Not on the right. People like Boehner, just a Republican golfer. (LAUGHTER) SANCHEZ: Well, the tan is important. But to be fair to that point, I think a lot of people were talking about it. If you want to see that`s a lifeline, I think you`re going to see it regardless of anything that I have to say. MCMAHON: It`s interesting — it`s interesting here, though, if people continue to draw a connection between the actions and the words of John Boehner and Sarah Palin and suggest that somehow the leaders of the Republican Party and the woman who is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for president — I mean, that`s why this makes so much news — if there`s some suggestion that the Republican Party is sort of behind this guy, and manipulating this guy, I think it further alienates the Republican Party — SANCHEZ: Further. MCMAHON: — from the majority of Americans who feel differently about this. (CROSSTALK) MATTHEWS: There`s a big difference between the difficult question of building a mosque a couple blocks from the World Trade Center, which I`ve always said on this program is a difficult question. I`ve admired Michael Bloomberg for the courageous position he`s taken given the fact of his job up there. But I think there`s two sides of that argument. Can we agree there`s no two sides to the argument about burning religious books on world television? Can we agree on it? No, we certainly can’t agree for they both involve folks exercising their Constitutional rights in a fashion that the majority of citizens find offensive. They are indeed the exact same issue, and any suggestion to the contrary demonstrates ignorance, willful dishonesty, or both:  MCMAHON: Yes. Yes, we can agree. MATTHEWS: OK. We just got the word that Gates — Secretary Gates did make a call to the reverend to try to smooth this thing out or end this thing. Maybe that was influential. Here`s John Boehner making the point I was trying to relate to here, conflating — there`s a word I don`t like, but it`s big these days on the right — conflating Koran-burning with the Islamic center near Ground Zero. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) REP. JOHN BOEHNER (R-OH), MINORITY LEADER: To Pastor Jones and those who want to build the mosque, just because you have a right to do something in America, does not mean it is the right thing to do. (END VIDEO CLIP) Exactly. And this is the same position the Right has taken concerning the Ground Zero mosque. Not surprisingly, Matthews was having none of it:  MATTHEWS: That was healthy. We call that in the NBA, an assist. (LAUGHTER) MATTHEWS: That`s called an assist. SANCHEZ: No, I mean — MATTHEWS: Or an alley-hoop actually. SANCHEZ: Wow. MATTHEWS: Get it near the top of the rim so the other guy can put it in.  I ask you: do you need a better example of liberal media bias? Matthews and his colleagues complain for days that Republicans aren’t doing anything to stop Jones from burning Korans on Saturday. Two top GOP figures do, and they’re accused of helping the Pastor. Makes you want to throw your television set out the window, doesn’t it? 

Chris Matthews Accuses Sarah Palin of Aiding and Abetting Koran-burning Pastor

MRC President Brent Bozell Defends Americans Against Media Accusations of Bigotry

“The more Ronald Reagan was attacked like this, the stronger he got,” Media Research Center (MRC) founder and NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell explained on the September 10 Fox & Friends. “The more conservatives are being attacked this way, the stronger we’re getting.” Referring to insults directed at Americans who oppose the construction of a mosque close to Ground Zero, Bozell excoriated the liberal media for dismissing conservatives as bigots: “There are a lot of serious debates you can have, but to do this name calling…this is all the Left has left.” For the full segment’s MP3 audio, click here . To watch the segment, click here to download the WMV video file or click the play button in the embed above.

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MRC President Brent Bozell Defends Americans Against Media Accusations of Bigotry

Hannity, Bozell Take On MSM Ground Zero Mosque Bias on ‘Media Mash’

“This is one of those ever more obnoxious teaching moments that we’re getting from the left-wing press,” NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell complained on last night’s “Hannity” after watching a clip of MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell lament that Americans need to be more sensitive to minorities, not for the “burden” to be on Imam Feisal Rauf to assauge concerns about the planned Ground Zero mosque. Noting that polls show 70 percent of the American people oppose the Park 51 project planned just two blocks from Ground Zero, Bozell argued Mitchell’s complaint is just more evidence of the liberal media’s “worldview that is completely contrary” and out-of-touch with the American public. Besides Ground Zero mosque bias, The Media Research Center founder also reacted to NBC’s Chuck Todd passing along an unnamed “observer” who told him the 2010 midterms would be the “fear” election in contrast to the 2008 “hope” election: If you go back to every presidential campaign, it’s always fear against hope [in the media’s eyes]….And in the off-year election, it’s the same thing. Look at ’94. It was all about fear. It was all about fear and hatred on the Republican side, and about hope and change on the Democratic side. It’s always this [in the media’s mind]. So this is the pattern. And then he says sources tell him, look, this is the watercooler talking at MSNBC.  To watch the full segment, click the play button in the embed above at right, or click here to download the WMV video file. To listen to the segment, click here to download the MP3 audio file.

Originally posted here:
Hannity, Bozell Take On MSM Ground Zero Mosque Bias on ‘Media Mash’

Hannity, Bozell Tackle Media Bias Surrounding Ground Zero Mosque Issue

The mainstream media are telling us that “it’s the fringe that’s upset” about the Ground Zero mosque, but polling data show “it’s 70 percent of the American people,” NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted on Friday’s “Hannity” program. “That means every conservative, every moderate, and some liberals too” think the Ground Zero mosque is in extremely poor taste, leaving only “the far left and people still dropping acid,” who fail to see why it’s controversial, the Media Research Center founder quipped. “If Barack Obama runs on this in 2012, he will make Jimmy Carter look good by comparison…. This is how bad this position is, and everybody understands it except for the press,” Bozell argued later in the “Media Mash” segment. For the segment’s audio, click here to download the MP3. Click the play button on the embed above for video, or click here to download the WMV video file.

More here:
Hannity, Bozell Tackle Media Bias Surrounding Ground Zero Mosque Issue

‘The Other Guys’: Will Ferrell Lecturing On Economics…Really?

The last thing I was worrying about was that The Other Guys would be too preachy. Sure, Will Ferrell has a long history of deep, thought-provoking critiques of society and culture, so that should have been my big concern. Also subtitles. And having the last shot of the film be the word “Fin” superimposed over the freeze-framed image of a crying child alone on a beach symbolizing death or something. You know, sometimes you just want to go, have a drink or two, or three, or ten, and then sit in a movie theater and tune out the seemingly endless parades of nimrods, pinkos and sanctimonious deadbeats who make up so much of our society today. You just want some guys to come on the screen and to do and say some funny stuff. Maybe you want an explosion or two, perhaps a gratuitous shower scene – strike that, as shower scenes are never gratuitous. Unless it’s a dude. Or Kathy Bates. The point is the last thing you want after a Dos XX prep and handing over $11.75 each for yourself and your life partner/designated driver is for a bunch of Hollywood half-wits to stop the fun to give you a PowerPoint briefing on their insights into modern politics – without even the PowerPoint. And it appears that this is exactly what The Other Guys intends to do . Look. Will Ferrell is an intermittently amusing guy with a bizarre sense of humor and an ability to be oddly compelling in his usual role as an utterly unself-aware buffoon. However, I’d put my level of eagerness to drop $23.50 for the privilege of hearing out his political views at somewhere between passing a kidney stone made of broken glass and helping Ernest Borgnine with his bi-monthly Brazilian wax. Someone out there might be interested in seeing Ferrell’s phallocentric George Bush play – they pimped the stupid thing on HBO enough – but I’m not one of them. I have plenty of geniuses providing me the full benefit of their lefty echo-chamber reinforced clichés on Twitter every day. I don’t need to pay for them – there are countless dumbasses out there who give it away for free. The problem isn’t that Will Ferrell wants to talk about politics on stage or on the screen. It’s that I don’t want to see it in The Other Guys. Let’s leave out the fact that the message itself appears to be a confused mishmash of pseudo-populist ire and hazily understood recent history. I just don’t want to deal with it in a Will Ferrell comedy. Hell, I’m not being unreasonable here. I’m willing to tolerate having that Marky Mark guy in the movie – that’s a major concession for a straight man. So, now I and I’m guessing a significant number of other conservative folks are going to have to sit this one out. Will the filmakers even notice? Perhaps, perhaps not. But the consequences of alienating at least half your audience with some free-form pinko propagandizing will only grow more consequential over time. Now, not so many years ago – before sites like Big Hollywood, as here , let the cat out of the bag on lefty sucker-punchery – our number would have been small. No one would think to warn us, mostly because to the extent that most mainstream critics would notice these politics they would probably find them not nearly leftist enough. Even now, the Rolling Stone review – yeah, Rolling Stone is still a thing, if you can believe it – does not even mention The Other Guys’ politics. Hacky puff- pieces whitewash it. But then, “Hollywood journalism” is a contradiction in terms – like the phrases “Democratic fiscal responsibility” and “Lady Gaga’s talent.” If it weren’t for the alternative media, we’d have walked into the theaters, sat down, quietly popped the tops on our beers – everyone does that, right? – and stared wide-eyed and smiling until … WHAM! The liberal sucker punch would have landed. And we never saw it coming. Well, we see it coming now, and there are quite a few of us who are a bit reluctant to walk right into a left cross. The point is not that Hollywood should not make left-wing movies – though it shouldn’t, considering leftism’s unbroken track record of total failure and human misery. The point is that it should not cater to the delusions of the pampered stars and producers who think that years of toiling in detergent commercials and taking roles as “Second Delivery Man” before hitting it big have provided them with unique, valuable insights that simply must be shared with their unwilling, unsuspecting audience. You want to make a left-wing film? Make it, but be honest about it. Let people know. Spread the word. Sit there during one of those insipid Access Hollywood pseudo-interviews, tent your fingers, lean your enormous movie star head into the camera and say, “In this movie, I don’t hold back my poorly articulated thoughts about how the ownership of the means of production should reside in the hands of the proletariat. Plus, I do some really hilarious bits involving farting nuns.” If I want preaching, I’ll go to church. When I go to a Will Ferrell movie, I want to laugh. I want to drink my beer, not feel like I need to huck it at the screen. And, while you’re at it, no subtitles or “Fin” freeze-frames either. Crossposted at Big Hollywood .

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‘The Other Guys’: Will Ferrell Lecturing On Economics…Really?

‘Media Mash’: Networks Celebrate Obama’s Birthday, CBS’s Smith Lobs Softball in Interview

After watching a highlight reel of network news reporters lamenting how President Obama was spending his 49th birthday alone and that the office is discernibly graying his hair, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Fox News viewers last night that the same media outlets ignored how, the day before Obama’s birthday, “The voters of Missouri absolutely crushed, clobbered, masaquered his ObamaCare program by 71 to 29 percent.” Bozell appeared on the August 5 edition of Sean Hannity’s program for the latest installment of “Media Mash,” a look at the media’s most egregious bias of the past week. The second topic in last night’s segment was this doozy from CBS’s Harry Smith: HARRY SMITH to President Obama:  Do you feel sometimes that your administration is not given the credit it deserves? President OBAMA: Yes. “You know, this wah-wah whining has got to stop. What they’re saying is that the media aren’t pro-Obama enough,” Bozell observed, adding: Look, the Obama people have got the political defibrillators out. He’s at 41 percent [approval] in the polls. George Bush didn’t get this low until the second term after Katrina…. They’re in an absolute free-fall. So what do they doing?  First they go to “The View,” and then they go to Harry Smith. It’s a likely progression.  For the full segment, click here for MP3 audio . To watch the video, click the play button on the embed above or click here to download the WMV video file . 

The rest is here:
‘Media Mash’: Networks Celebrate Obama’s Birthday, CBS’s Smith Lobs Softball in Interview

Bozell: The Price Is Right — Newsweek Only Worth $1

Managing Editor’s Note: NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell issued the following statement about The Washington Post Company selling Newsweek to the guy from RoboCop Sidney Harman, for a grand total of one dollar : There’s something entirely believable about the Newsweek sale.  A left-winger pretending to be centrist sold it to another left-winger pretending to be centrist. Newsweek is a dying magazine because no one wants to read their left-wing propaganda masquerading as ‘news.’ The $1 price tag, then, is probably just about right. For more information on the sale, read the NewsBusters’ story here .

Read more:
Bozell: The Price Is Right — Newsweek Only Worth $1

MRC-TV: Bozell Discusses Obama’s NASA Chief on ‘Fox & Friends’

“You would think that if you are NASA, your mandate is return us to the moon, take us to Mars…. No, according to the President of the United States, the mandate of NASA is to make Muslim people feel better about themselves,” NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell quipped this morning on “Fox & Friends.” The Media Research Center founder was referring to the under-reported story of how NASA administrator Charles Bolden told Arab news network al-Jazeera in an interview that President Obama had tasked him with outreach to the Muslim world to “find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.” “We have to hitch a ride with the Russians if we want to go to outer space, but the mandate of NASA is to make Muslims feel better about themselves. You figure that one out,” Bozell complained, adding, “You’d think that might be a news story.” For the full “Fox & Friends” appearance, click here for MP3 or here for WMV video , or watch the embedded video above at right.

Go here to see the original:
MRC-TV: Bozell Discusses Obama’s NASA Chief on ‘Fox & Friends’

MRC-TV: Brent Bozell on Hannity’s ‘Media Mash;’ Discusses Coverage of Oil Spill, Kagan Hearings, and Obama Agenda

Appearing on FNC’s “Hannity” on Thursday, Media Research Center President and NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell discussed the media’s left-wing slant on the latest issues during the weekly “Media Mash” segment. The first topic was NBC’s Matt Lauer fretting that Americans would not learn the “proper message” from the oil spill and curb their “appetite for oil.” Mr. Bozell pointed out that the media had learned nothing from the ClimateGate scandal and noted their determination to bring an end to offshore oil drilling. Another topic of discussion was the media’s fawning coverage of Elena Kagan, particularly by ABC’s Claire Shipman, who spoke of the Supreme Court nominee’s “personal charm” Bozell observed that he had never seen such a one-sided profile of someone in his life. The segment wrapped up with a look at NBC’s Chris Matthews and a panel of liberal pundits all describing President Obama’s left-wing policies as a “positive” in the November elections. Host Sean Hannity remarked “How about negative?” Bozell joked that the liberal panelists might be working for the RNC because of their encouragement for Obama to continue down such an unpopular road.   For the full segment, watch the video above or listen to the audio here .

Read the original post:
MRC-TV: Brent Bozell on Hannity’s ‘Media Mash;’ Discusses Coverage of Oil Spill, Kagan Hearings, and Obama Agenda