Tag Archives: came-out-today

Jim Carrey Fights Back Against Fox News Vitriol

The ongoing fight between Jim Carrey and gun rights advocates is heating up, as he released a statement today bashing Fox News. Carrey posted a Funny or Die exclusive video called Cold Dead Hand , which poked fun at gun rights advocates, the NRA, and gun rights icon Charlton Heston. Watch the video below, then read on to see how the fight escalated: Jim Carrey “Cold Dead Hand” Spoof The video enraged pro-gun people, and even prompted one eBay user to auction off a signed photo of Carrey in order to buy a gun . The video also got the attention of Fox News, with host Greg Guttfeld calling Carrey “the most pathetic tool on the face of the earth” Now, Carrey has lashed back at Fox News, releasing a statement referring to the network as “Fux News” and calling them “a media colostamy bag.” “Since I released my ‘Cold Dead Hand’ video on Funny or Die this week,” Carrey states, “I have watched Fux News rant, rave, bare its fangs and viciously slander me because of my stand against large magazines and assault rifles.” He continues, “I sincerely believe that in time, good people will lose patience with the petty and poisonous behavior of these bullies and Fux News will be remembered as nothing more than a giant culture fart that no amount of Garlique could cure.”

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Jim Carrey Fights Back Against Fox News Vitriol

Movie Week In Review: The Host with the Most

If last week’s Olympus Has Fallen wasn’t enough White House Takeover for you, another very similar film just released its first trailer this week. Check out a full recap of the week’s movie news, trailers, and premieres, via our friends at Movie Fanatic. The Week’s Biggest Trailer: On Wednesday, the first trailer for White House Down , starring Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx, came out. Yesterday, we saw a new Kick-Ass 2 red band trailer . Then today, the first 2 Guns trailer dropped, featuring Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg. The Week’s Biggest Casting News: An upcoming Young Adult adaptation added three relative-unknowns to the cast on Monday, as Ben Lloyd-Hughes, Ben Lamb and Christian Madsen join the Divergent cast . B.J. Novak was revealed to be in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 when director Marc Webb tweeted a still of the Office actor yesterday. And today, there’s some big news in the Marvel universe, as Robert Redford joined the cast of Captain America: The Winter Soldier . New Releases: G.I. Joe: Retaliation came out yesterday. According to this G.I. Joe: Retaliation review , it’s way better than the first film. The Host came out today. Read The Host review from our friends at Movie Fanatic. If you read our Temptation review , you know we didn’t much care for the film, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still go see it this weekend. The Place Beyond the Pines also came out Today. Check out The Place Beyond the Pines review . ffThe Week’s Biggest Trailers: The Week’s Biggest Trailers: The Week’s Biggest Trailers:

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Movie Week In Review: The Host with the Most

Justin Bieber Talks New Album, Confirms Mariah Yeater-Inspired Track

In case you’ve been trapped in a cave without Internet access for the past few weeks, Justin Bieber’s new album came out TODAY. It’s available RIGHT NOW. We won’t be offended if you run off and purchase it. Are you back? Okay. Good. In promotion of “Believe,” Justin called in to Ryan Seacrest’s radio show this morning and addressed a number of topics, first confirming that, yes, he did pen the track “Maria” after the Mariah Yeater baby scandal. “I couldn’t really talk about it when it was happening,” Bieber said of the tabloid circus. “Every interview I was like: ‘I can’t really talk about it.’ So, to be able to actually talk about it on the album is really awesome.” Why include the song on the CD? “People didn’t forget about it, it was still in the headline news. So, to be able to talk about it and really say my side of the story and really just express myself, I feel like that was the best way to do it.” Among many other subjects discussed by the Biebs… Which of his two fragrances does Selena Gomez like best? “I think she might like Girlfriend. I think my fans needs to go out and check it out and see what they think.” How has he remained so successful? “I always want to prove people wrong, of course, when people see someone come up so fast, and so young, singing pop music, they think how long can this really last? But, I was 15 when I recorded ‘Baby.’ So, I was young and I’m growing and I’m evolving and I’m changing. I have so many great mentors that I’m looking up to, to just help me be the best that I can be as an artist. I don’t see myself going anywhere for a long time.” Does he really have a studio in his van? “Yeah, it’s basically not for singing, but for me to make tracks and stuff, like a keyboard, and Logic, which is the program to make the stuff with.” Who are his influences? “I look up to different people as far musically, like Michael Jackson is someone who I look up to, but as far as in my personally life my mom is someone who I also look up to. Because she’s given up a lot and is a really strong woman.” ** ANOTHER REMINDER: THG is giving away free tickets to Justin’s concert in Arizona ! Go and apply now!

Justin Bieber Talks New Album, Confirms Mariah Yeater-Inspired Track

Ron Paul’s Devastating Attack On Newt Gingrich


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Ron Paul isn’t going to be the Republican nominee for President, but he’s been running a far more polished, professional campaign than he did in 2008, and he’s been far less reticent to go after his opponents. Take a look, for example, at this web ad that just came out today: Ouch, just ouch. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Outside the Beltway Discovery Date : 30/11/2011 22:47 Number of articles : 3

Ron Paul’s Devastating Attack On Newt Gingrich

Ron Paul’s Devastating Attack On Newt Gingrich


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Ron Paul isn’t going to be the Republican nominee for President, but he’s been running a far more polished, professional campaign than he did in 2008, and he’s been far less reticent to go after his opponents. Take a look, for example, at this web ad that just came out today: Ouch, just ouch. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Outside the Beltway Discovery Date : 30/11/2011 22:47 Number of articles : 3

Ron Paul’s Devastating Attack On Newt Gingrich

Claudia Schiffer is the Hot Bitch Who Got Cheated On of the Day

Funny story came out today that Claudia Schiffer’s husband was fucking January Jones raw dog and knocking her up only to discover too late that January Jones wanted a baby and doesn’t believe in abortions, while Claudia Sciffer was at home picking up her kid from school everyday as he pretended he was just “working” on a movie with her….January Jones over Claudia Schiffer, I guess this proves the whole even fucking Claudia Schiffer gets boring for her husband argument people used to use in the 90s. What it comes down to is that models are supposed to marry older billionaire business men who want the trophy to feel accomplished, they aren’t supposed to mess with people in Hollywood. What is also comes down to is that dudes like to fuck and we aren’t that picky, and don’t really care if the bitch we are getting with is hotter than the one we have at home, we just like that we are getting it… Either way, here she is with her hot mom ex supermodel body in England, the calm before the scandal storm…and she’s looking hot to me…if she needs a dick to cry on, I volunteer mine mainly because like Patch Adams, it brings laughs and joy to those trying to find it in the scavanger hunt that is my sex life.

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Claudia Schiffer is the Hot Bitch Who Got Cheated On of the Day

Oksana Grigorieva Gets New Lawyer … and the Flu

Filed under: Oksana Grigorieva , Mel Gibson , Celebrity Justice Oksana Grigorieva has a new lawyer — #43 by our count — but she also has a sick feeling in her stomach. New York attorney Marty Garbus just got approval by an L.A. County Superior Court judge to appear on Oksana’s behalf.

Selena Gomez — Death Threats Over Bieber Kissy Pics

Filed under: Selena Gomez , Justin Bieber Selena Gomez may have put her life on the line during her romantic Caribbean vacay with Justin Bieber — because ever since pics surfaced of the kissy couple … she’s been getting death threats. The lethal photos came out today — showing Selena and… Read more

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Selena Gomez — Death Threats Over Bieber Kissy Pics

Eminem, Jay-Z Track ‘Syllables’ Leaks Online

The dated tune, titled ‘Syllables,’ also features Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Stat Quo and Cashis. By Jayson Rodriguez Eminem and Jay-Z Photo: Kevin Mazur/ WireImage Leave it to the last two Hottest MCs winner, Eminem and Jay-Z, to lament the lost art of lyricism in hip-hop. The two top-notch rappers — along with Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Stat Quo and Cashis — spit about catchy choruses and gimmicks taking over the game on “Syllables.” The track is a buried studio gem from old recording sessions that made its way online on Tuesday night. “If we got to dumb down our style and A-B-C it, then so be it,” Em raps over slow piano stabs. “‘Cause nowadays, these kids, geez/ Don’t give a sh– about lyrics, all they want to hear is a beat and that’s it/ Long as they can go to the club and get blitz, pick up some chicks and get some digits. “We don’t know a word to the verse, we only know the chorus,” he adds later. “‘Cause the chorus repeats the same four words for us.” It’s unclear when the song was recorded, although Cashis confirmed that the number was dated via a Twitter post . “I recorded it a while ago but it just came out today,” wrote the rapper. “Timing is everything.” The tune likely dates back to when Cashis was a newcomer on Shady Records (he and Stat Quo, an Aftermath signee, have since left the respective labels). Meanwhile, a track called “Topless” featuring Eminem and Nas also hit the Net on Tuesday night. A previous version of the song with Nas and T.I. has been circulating online for some time. Em and Tip both rap in cadences similar to Dr. Dre, a sign that their vocals are references for the producer. Related Artists Eminem Jay-Z

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Eminem, Jay-Z Track ‘Syllables’ Leaks Online

Candace Rae Does Playboy of the Day

I have always wanted to walk into one of the many stripclubs I have been to over the course of my life, and run into someone I know. I’ve thought it’d be so funny to get a lapdance from random people in my past whose life didn’t work out as planned and brought them to giving me lap dances for 10 dollars a song. I thought it’d be funny if it was girls who may have worked at a store I used to go to, or someone from the church group that used to give us warm soup in the park, maybe someone prude who used to judge me for being a pervert, an ex girlfriend or one of the hot girls from school who didn’t give me the time of day, because they had this false sense of talent, before reality set in. It hasn’t happened yet, but a girl I know did do Playboy and her pictures came out today. Her name is Candace Rae , she is my friend, and she’s finally got naked for me and the rest of the world to jerk off to. I am posting this to encourage her to get more naked for me when we hang out, because it took Playboy to actually get those panties off after at least a year of ignoring my constant requests…. So give her some love cuz she’s on my team…

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Candace Rae Does Playboy of the Day