Tag Archives: cry me a river

Oh: Aurora Colorado “Dark Knight” Shooter James Holmes Tries To Commit Suicide By Cracking His Head Open On Jail Cell Wall!!!

Dammit, and he’s still alive??? Aurora Dark Knight Shooter James Holmes Tries To Commit Suicide In Jail According to TMZ reports : James Holmes — the shooter in the Aurora movie theater massacre — was hospitalized after several “half-hearted” suicide attempts … this according to law enforcement. According to cops, Holmes ran headfirst into a jail cell wall on Tuesday … and while he sustained injuries … they were not life-threatening. Holmes also reportedly stood on the bed in his cell and fell backwards … in an apparent attempt to crack his skull open. He failed. Holmes — who killed 12 people and injured 58 more during his July 20 shooting rampage — has since been released from the hospital. Awwww, jail life is pretty tough huh azzhole? Google where your major arteries are so you’ll be better prepared next time. We’re sure the victims’ families back in Colorado won’t miss him if he’s successful one day. Image via AP

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Oh: Aurora Colorado “Dark Knight” Shooter James Holmes Tries To Commit Suicide By Cracking His Head Open On Jail Cell Wall!!!

Fox News Haters Accusing NBC Of Using Hurricane Benefit Concert To ‘Boost Obama’ [Video]

So now we can’t even have a fundraiser for Hurricane Sandy victims without getting some shade thrown at POTUS?!?! With the countdown at four days, the crazy azz morning crew over at ‘Fox and Friends’ is tryin’ to make something out of nothing. Whining about the ‘real reasons’ behind the concert and the rush to have it (uhmmm…maybe to raise money for ALL of the victims??), these fools just look like some super-haters. They stooped real low when they showed a clip of Kanye from the 2005 Katrina fundraiser…SMH. Images via youtube

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Fox News Haters Accusing NBC Of Using Hurricane Benefit Concert To ‘Boost Obama’ [Video]

SMH: Nanny Who Killed Two Kids Was Under Stress From Parents To Do More Housework Or Be Fired!!!

We can understand being stressed out but did she really have to kill the kids? Come on now! There’s new information regarding the heartbreaking story of two young children who were stabbed to death by their nanny. According to RadarOnline reports : We’ve got new details for you in the case of Yoselyn Ortega, the Manhattan nanny accused of violently killing 6-year-old Lucia Krim and her 2-year-old brother Leo last week. The NY Post reported that the parents of the murdered children, Marina and Kevin Krim, had given the 50-year-old an ultimatum to do better at her job, or they’d find someone else. “She was told that if she didn’t improve her work, she would be let go,” an insider said, adding those close to the situation reported that the nanny was having mental and financial issues and looked unhealthy in the month prior to the double-murder. Police said Ortega told some she was planning on seeking psychological help, though it’s unclear if she did. “There was friction between her and the family,” police told The NY Post, adding the nanny was also enraged at the prospects of adding an extra five hours housework to her job duties for extra payment. “They were asking her to clean, to do housework. She was unhappy about that,” police sources told the paper, adding Ortega said the extra time would have cut into her doctor’s schedule. “She said something like, ‘I’m paid to watch the children, not clean up and do housework,’” the source told the paper of the nanny’s statements in the wake of the double murder. This doesn’t excuse what happened, but still it’s a far cry from the portrait the dad’s mother painted of her, saying the nanny was treated like gold. Does this make you nervous to let someone else take care of your kids?

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SMH: Nanny Who Killed Two Kids Was Under Stress From Parents To Do More Housework Or Be Fired!!!

Cam Newton’s Dad Says His Son Needs To Change His B*tch Azz Attitude

You know when your Dad calls you out you’ve got some changes to make! No longer the flavor of the month, Panthers quarterback Cam Newton has mustered only one win in the first full month of the NFL season, with his team at 1-4 at the bye week. According to The Grio : Newton has come under criticism for a variety of things, including his demeanor at post-game press conferences following a loss. Even his father, Cecil, agrees that Cam needs to be a bit less deflated and downtrodden. “Is it something he needs to change?” Cecil Newton told WFNZ’s The Drive with Taylor and Marc. “Well yes I guess so.” “I know he hasn’t been responsive in some of his interviews [after losses] but he has been like that since he was seven years old,” said Cecil Newton, who explained that he did the spot in order to “take some of the heat off” Cam. “It’s difficult, there are some things that I don’t touch and don’t tell him what he should and shouldn’t do.” As to the things that are causing the Panthers to lose so many games, Cecil Newton agrees with coach Ron Rivera’s assessment of Cam. “I think he’s just pressing,” Cecil Newton said. “I think he’s maybe trying to do too much. I know my son, he is going to go back into the lab, tweak some things, work hard, and come out better. He is not in the business of making excuses. He is going to come back better.” Hope Cam knows how lucky he is to have a supportive Dad in his life and cuts the bull! Images via facebook/GQ

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Cam Newton’s Dad Says His Son Needs To Change His B*tch Azz Attitude

The Kiddie-Lover Side-Eye: Jerry Sandusky’s Claiming He’s The Victim!! [Audio]

This guy really has some damn nerve. And on the night before he’s sentenced for the Penn State scandal, Sandusky thought it was a good idea to share his side one more time. Releasing an overly-dramatic recorded statement from his cell, Sandusky chose to go on the defense and attacked everyone, from his victims, to the media…even the university, for the reason he’s still locked-up after being “falsely accused”. According to TMZ… In his statement, the disgraced ex football coach says, “A young man who was dramatic, a veteran accuser, and always sought attention, started everything.” Sandusky goes on to say the initial accuser “was joined by a well-orchestrated effort of the media, investigators, the system, Penn State, psychologists, civil attorneys and other accusers. They won. I’ve wondered what they really won: Attention, financial gain, prestige… will all be temporary.” Sandusky also rambles about his attorneys not having enough time to prepare for the trial — in which the jury found him guilty of 45 counts of child ____ deviance — and insinuates all his accusers came forward purely for financial gain. And there’s this odd claim … on the recording, Sandusky says his wife “has been his only partner that was after marriage. Our love continues.” Sandusky is scheduled to be sentenced tomorrow morning … and faces up to 400 years in prison. Wow…homeboy’s crazy! We’ll leave the rest of the comments for you to make…SMH Images via facebook/tmz

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The Kiddie-Lover Side-Eye: Jerry Sandusky’s Claiming He’s The Victim!! [Audio]

ChitChatter: Kimmy Cakes So In Love With Yeezy, She “Can’t Imagine Being With Anyone Else”

Is this a first? Or deja vu? With Kanye in Paris and Kim in Miami , the rumor mill is stirring up stories that the celebrity couple might be on the rocks, but Kimmy Cakes is pooh-poohing breakup talk by gushing about her hip-hop boo. Via US Weekly : When it comes to Kanye West, Kim Kardashian is in it for the long haul. In the November issue of England’s Tatler magazine, the 31-year-old E! reality star opens up about her stronger-than-ever romance with the “Mercy” rapper, 35. “It’s so nice to have a best friend in this game who understands everything you’re going through. Being with someone I’ve known for so many years is comforting.” (The stars were pals for years before taking their friendship to the next level earlier this spring.) “He’s been there through so many different stages of my life and before I was famous, so this relationship is a different thing entirely,” Kardashian continues. “It’s good to be aware that he definitely doesn’t want anything from me too, because he understands the business.” Kardashian — whose ex-husbands are music producer Damon Thomas and professional basketball player Kris Humphries — says West is The One. “I can’t even think about being with anyone else than the man I’m with,” she tells the magazine. Though she’s been known to idealize her previous boyfriends, Kardashian tells Tatler it’s different with West. “When I look back at interviews I gave [about previous boyfriends] saying, ‘We’re talking about marriage, etc.,’ it’s embarrassing. And I really believed it at the time!” She adds, “I’m such a hopeless romantic that I’ll always believe the next one is The One.” At least she realizes how stupid she sounds. Do you think Kanye really is “The One” for Kim, or do you think she’d be with anyone who’d keep her azz relevant?

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ChitChatter: Kimmy Cakes So In Love With Yeezy, She “Can’t Imagine Being With Anyone Else”

Break Ups: Karrueche Says ‘Keep It Real Breezy, You’ve Been Chopping Your “Friend” Rihanna’s Cakes To Smithereens!!!’

Breezy might say he and Rihanna are “just friends” but Karrueche knows better. According to TMZ reports : Chris Brown’s ex-girlfriend ain’t buyin’ that Chris is “just friends” with Rihanna … telling her peeps she’s convinced they were bangin’ behind her back. We spoke to multiple sources connected to Karrueche Tran … who tell us KT feels betrayed by Chris because he had promised her that she was the only woman in his life … especially when she probed him about his feelings toward Rihanna. We’re told Karrueche had suspected something was up between the two of them for weeks because Chris was acting differently — going to clubs alone, acting distant and ramping up his public appearances with Rihanna. Sources say Karrueche told friends she truly loved Chris … and felt that the relationship was great until Rihanna let Brown back into her life. Aw poor thang… Hate to say it but the writing has been on the walls. Homegirl should have said her goodbyes months ago. How embarrassing.

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Break Ups: Karrueche Says ‘Keep It Real Breezy, You’ve Been Chopping Your “Friend” Rihanna’s Cakes To Smithereens!!!’

Watch As The Bounty Boys Nab Couple Deep In Crystal “M-E-T-H-O-D” Game! [Video]

Don’t cry now about going back to Oklahoma! It’s also painfully obvious to us that these two are gonna get some other people cracked and tell the truth, the whole truth, so help them God. youtube

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Watch As The Bounty Boys Nab Couple Deep In Crystal “M-E-T-H-O-D” Game! [Video]

Twitter Files: Roscoe Dash Continues His Pathetic Rant, Exposes Meek Mill’s Direct Messages Squashing Beef!!

Roscoe still actin’ like a lil’ hoe Roscoe Dash Continues Twitter Rant Over Uncredited Writing As we reported yesterday , Roscoe Dash took to Twitter to air out Kanye West, Wale, Miguel, Meek Mill and other artists who failed to credit the mohawk-rockin’ ATLien for his contributions to their songs. While a majority of the “tweef” took place during the evening, Mr. Dash returned to Twitter shortly before midnight with “photographic evidence” that he is a brilliant genius songwriter that has been taken advantage of by his peers. What he should have tweeted pictures of is contracts and signed agreements that he was to be paid and credited for his “work”. Get ya business in order dumba$$!!! The worst part of this whole spectacle that Roscoe is putting on is that even if what he says is 100% true, these pictures and twitter shenanigans make him look stupider than a ninja with a mohaw-…oh yeah SMMFH. Hit the flipper to peep what Roscoe was “All The Way Turnt Up” about…

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Twitter Files: Roscoe Dash Continues His Pathetic Rant, Exposes Meek Mill’s Direct Messages Squashing Beef!!

Rob Kardashian Cries And Calls KimmyCakes “The Most Selfish Person” During Family Therapy Session [Video]

Rob can’t take the stress of being the least successful Kardashian any longer. The youngest and only “Man” of the clan, Rob broke down during a group therapy session on the latest episode of ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’. “Right now, there’s some issues between us,” Rob admitted when urging his family to attend therapy with Dr. Nicki Monti. Most of the brood was on board, but convincing Kim to go was a different story. “Therapy’s not for me. I’m a very logical person so if I’m acting crazy, I know why,” Kim said begrudgingly after being dragged along. “I don’t really want to talk to a stranger about my family problems.” In the end, it was Kim who was targeted by her siblings in the first of a two-part episode. “Kim is the most selfish person and doesn’t want to ever include me,” Rob admitted, after getting into a blowout fight with his sister, accusing her of hampering and interfering with his career. Jenner told the group she doesn’t “mean any harm” by favoring Kim, but Khloe and Kourtney felt otherwise, and told their mother as much during the explosive therapy session. “I don’t know why my mom finds it a shock to think she favors Kim,” Khloe said. “We’re not just my mom’s clients, we’re her children!” Peep the vid. Do you feel Rob’s pain or does he need to grow some cojones?: Source Images via WENN

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Rob Kardashian Cries And Calls KimmyCakes “The Most Selfish Person” During Family Therapy Session [Video]