Tag Archives: cry me a river

Nicki Minaj Lands In Australia And Flight Attendant Starts Crying [Video]

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Full Basketball Wives (S.4 Ep 7): “Bottle Service” [Video]

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Full Basketball Wives (S.4 Ep 7): “Bottle Service” [Video]

Ho Sit Down: Aubrey Ho’Day Keeps Cryin’ About Arsenio Hall Callin’ Her A Stank A$$ Ho!!!

Aubrey O’Day Upset Over Being Called A Stank Ho By Arsenio Hall On “Celebrity Apprentice” If the shoe fits, wear it girl! Aubrey O’Day is crying a river about getting played out onscreen during a taping of the latest season of “Celebrity Apprentice,” but we’re having a hard time understanding why she’s so offended. According to USWeekly reports : Aubrey O’Day is fired — up! After the pop singer took sole credit for her team’s big win on The Celebrity Apprentice on April 1, Arsenio Hall, 56, lashed out at her. “I guess it’s flattering that I upset him so much,” the singer, 28, tells the new Us Weekly (on stands Friday) of Hall, who later referred to “her stank ass” and told teammates, “I Googled her and a naked picture with a gut popped up…f–k her!” O’Day, who dramatically fled the boardroom after Hall’s rant, adds that the former late-night host is just warming up. “Arsenio gets worse in the next episode, when he calls me a whore,” she reveals. “He doesn’t want strong women to have too much of a voice. Typical in this industry.” We’re pretty sure Arsenio doesn’t have a problem with strong women — just hoes. But hey, she is wasting too much time being upset about this. She should have just called him a down low nut guzzler and kept it movin’. More On Bossip! Itty Bitty Waists: These Ladies’ Cakes Look Even Bigger Because Their Waists Are So Tiny/span> Must Be The Money: The Most Regretful Celebrity Advertisements Of All Time Shady Swirl Hookup Gone Horribly Wrong: Ashton Kutcher Is Beefin’ With RihRih Because She Let The Paps Catch Her Creepin’! Video Emerges Saying Beyonce’s “Blue Ivy Is A Doll And Isn’t Real” And Footage Of Her Being Swarmed By Paps! [Video]

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Ho Sit Down: Aubrey Ho’Day Keeps Cryin’ About Arsenio Hall Callin’ Her A Stank A$$ Ho!!!

In Silly Azz White Folks News: Taylor Armstrong Says The Her Late Hubby Russell Tried To Drown Her In Front Of Her Friends, But She Still Stayed With Him!!

Seriously though??? Taylor Armstrong revealed in her memoir that her late husband, Russell, tried to drown her in a swimming pool along with two unnamed friends, and RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned their identities and confirmed that a police report was in fact filed. Jennifur Diamond and her husband at the time, Mark Alsentzer, were at Taylor and Russell’s home several years ago when he flew into a rage and badly injured Mark, but no one pressed charges because Taylor begged her BFF Jennifur not to, and both she and Mark agreed. According to Taylor’s book, Russell pretended he had left the group but was really listening to their conversation and after hearing Taylor say, “Just take care of Kennedy if anything happens,” Russell allegedly jumped out of the bushes and confronted her. “Russell was in a frenzy, and he had a wild look in his eyes. He hit Mark, and threw Jennifur, her dog and Taylor in the swimming pool and tried to drown Taylor. Taylor thought she was going to die as Russell held her under the water,” a source exclusively told RadarOnline.com. “Mark and Jennifur were able to pull Russell off of her and probably saved her life. The cops were called and a police report was filed. At that point Taylor hadn’t been receiving any therapy, and she begged and pleaded with her friends not to press charges. “Taylor had to cover her neck for several weeks because of the choke marks. She even had trouble speaking because of Russell’s strength when he tried to choke her.” Russell definitely had some loose screws, but he wasn’t about that “go-to-jail” life. “Mark got 16 stitches and had work done on his teeth because of what Russell did,” the insider said. “I can’t be sure that Russell gave them money to stay quiet, but he definitely gave them money to cover the expenses of Mark’s medical stuff which was somewhere around $12,000.” And although no charges were pressed, the incident created a temporary rift between Taylor and Jennifur, who refused to protect Taylor any longer when Russell got violent. “Jennifur was really, really upset and said that she couldn’t talk to Taylor anymore because the abusive situation was too much. They tried to get Taylor to leave Russell, but she didn’t want to give up her lifestyle,” the source said. This story just makes Taylor look even worse if you ask us. Beaten, berated, and damn-near drowned?!?! All to live in some big azz house and drive a certain kind of car?!?! SMMFH via RadarOnline More On Bossip! Diversity Deficient: The Top 10 Countries With The World’s Most Beautiful Women According To Traveler’s Digest It’s About To Be A Girl Fight: Karrueche Goes In On RihRih After Her Rice Cakes Comments… “I’m Angelina, You’re Jen. You See Where Brad Is At!” Lucky Wives: These Men Keep It Right, Tight And Chiseled For Their Spouses A “Lil Positivity”: San Francisco 49ers Vernon Davis And Business Partner Antone Barnes Are Changing Perceptions, Changing The Game, And Empowering The Black Community

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In Silly Azz White Folks News: Taylor Armstrong Says The Her Late Hubby Russell Tried To Drown Her In Front Of Her Friends, But She Still Stayed With Him!!

So Why Didn’t Halle Berry Bless Us With Her Hot Cakes During The Oscars?

We saw plenty of beautiful celebrities at the Oscars but conspicuously absent was our beloved Halle Berry…but why? It turns out that Halle’s foot is still broken from an accident where she was running after her daughter, Nahla, who was chasing a goat. This happened all the way back in September but she still hasn’t healed. Here are some pics of her trying to make it on her jacked up foot.

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So Why Didn’t Halle Berry Bless Us With Her Hot Cakes During The Oscars?

Ho Sit Down: Dr. Conrad Murray’s Banger Baby Mama Nicole Alvarez Begs Court To Release The “Thriller Killa”

Bish please… According to TMZ reports : Dr. Conrad Murray’s girlfriend is begging the court to let him out of jail pending his appeal … claiming he’s a “good father” to their toddler. Nicole Alvarez — who played the femme fatale during the trial — filed a declaration of support for Murray today … in which she says if Murray is released he will live with her and their 2-year-old son in Santa Monica. It’s not the most powerful or emotional letter. Alvarez says, “Dr. Murray is the father of my child” — and adds … he “has been our primary source of support.” It’s unclear how much support Murray can provide now — considering his medical license has been revoked. Murray’s hearing for bail pending appeal of his manslaughter conviction is scheduled for tomorrow morning in downtown L.A. You can’t release this guy, he’s killaaaaaaaaaa, he killed Miiiiike… Image via WENN More On Bossip! Smackdown! The Chris Brown/CM Punk Feud Is Getting Pretty Intense! “I Will Choke You” And Breezy Responds! Can’t Get It Up: 10 Foods That Might Be Choking The Life Out Of Your…Libido Tell ‘Em Why You Mad: Janet “Aunt Viv” Hubert Writes An Open Letter To Wendy Williams Blaming Her For Whitney Houston’s Downfall Cake Cake Cake Cake! The Stars With The Wildest Birthday Parties

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Ho Sit Down: Dr. Conrad Murray’s Banger Baby Mama Nicole Alvarez Begs Court To Release The “Thriller Killa”

WTF?!?! 11 Year-Old Thug Pulled A Gun On A Mother And Her 3 Year-Old While Riding A Portland Train

The mother was so shook that she didn’t want to be identified for fear that the boys friends would recognize her The mother on her way home from visiting the zoo with her son Thursday night said the 11-year-old boy who flashed a gun at her on a MAX train was harassing her… An argument started after a group of kids got on the train at the Skidmore Fountain station and one of them bumped the mother’s stroller. She said they started kicking it so hard that a soda on top of it fell on her child who was seated in the stroller. She said she tried to move to another seat but the group followed her and started cursing at her. Then the 11-year-old boy lifted his shirt and flashed a gun in his waistband. She said when he started to pull it out she backed away and he put the gun back. When it was all happening, the mother, who did not want to be identified, said she panicked at first, fearing the boy might use the gun. “He stands up and sticks his hand down his pants, and I don’t see anything particularly but I see more than his hand – more of bulge,” she said. “I don’t know exactly, but my instincts just told me what it was. … Yeah, it was a mamma bear instinct. I instantly got on the phone. I didn’t know what else to do.” The mother then called 911 while her friend distracted the kids. The train stopped at the Old Town/Chinatown stop and the 11-year-old was taken into custody after the mother pointed him out to police. After arresting the lil bastard, the police were shocked at what they found… Police said he had a loaded .22-caliber semiautomatic handgun in his waistband. They also said another boy on the train, a 13-year-old, had a BB gun in his backpack. He was also taken into custody. In court Friday the 11-year-old boy was in tears and kept his head down the entire time. The judge ordered the boy to be held in juvenile custody through the weekend. He faces six charges. Portland Police Bureau spokesman Sgt. Pete Simpson said in his 18-year career he’s never seen or heard of a case where an 11-year-old was armed and confrontational in public. “People in the community are scratching their head going, what in the world could be going on that an 11-year-old has a gun and that is his resolution to a conflict where you bump into a baby stroller to pull a gun,” he said. Cry us a muhfuggin river kid, if you ask us, the judge should sentence you to at LEAST 10 years in prison! Cry about that! Source More On Bossip! Twit Pic Of The Day: Rihanna Gets “Thug Life” Tattoo On Her Knuckles And Sends More Subliminal Tweets About Breezy Since You Love The Smut So Much: A Gallery Of Non-Black Ethnic X-Rated Bangers…Would You Wife Any? For The Stans: Beyonce Working Hard To Get That Pre-Blue Ivy Baawwwdy Back [Photos] Can You Spell That? Celebrity Kid Names That Are Way Weirder Than Blue Ivy Carter

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WTF?!?! 11 Year-Old Thug Pulled A Gun On A Mother And Her 3 Year-Old While Riding A Portland Train

Cry Me A River: Joe “To Hide A Predator” Paterno Says He Kept His Mouth Shut About Jerry Sandusky’s Nasty A$$ Because He Was Shook And Overwhelmed

GEEEEEEET TFOHWTBS! In his first extensive interview since being fired, Paterno shared his side of the 2002 episode. He became a flashpoint for criticism in November because he did not contact the police about the suspected assault, which was reported to him by a graduate assistant. Paterno instead relayed the allegations to the athletic director and another top university official. “I didn’t know exactly how to handle it, and I was afraid to do something that might jeopardize what the university procedure was,” Paterno told The Washington Post. “So I backed away and turned it over to some other people, people I thought would have a little more expertise than I did. It didn’t work out that way.” The athletic director, Tim Curley, and the university official, Gary Schultz, have been charged with failure to report the 2002 episode to police. They also are charged with lying to a grand jury about their knowledge of the matter. Paterno said that he had “no inkling” that Sandusky, who has been charged with more than 50 counts of sexual abuse against boys, might have been engaged in deviant behavior. Paterno declined to judge Sandusky or his other former Penn State colleagues. Which makes you just as bad as the rest of them, Coach Paterno. SMDH. Source More On Bossip! Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner: Here Are Some Current And Future Celebrity Stepdads Handling Their Biz With The Kids Out Of Pocket Old Heads: Mama Jones Starts Twitter War With Olivia???? Canada Dry: Tattoo Artist Claims That Drake Waited In His Car And Sent His Bodyguards To Confront Him Elsewhere In The World: J.R. Smith’s Sister Goes H.A.M. In The Stands At Chinese Game, Choking Out Broads And Catching Fade With An Old Head!

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Cry Me A River: Joe “To Hide A Predator” Paterno Says He Kept His Mouth Shut About Jerry Sandusky’s Nasty A$$ Because He Was Shook And Overwhelmed

Cry Me A River: Amber Rose Breaks Down Into Tears On When Discussing The Bullying She Faced After Kanye Put Her On Blast!! [Video]

It’s hard out here for a bangin’ blonde bada$$… Yesterday, Amber Rose sat down with Sway on MTV’s RapFix. During the interview Sway asked her how her relationship is with Wiz Khalifa after dealing with such a public break-up with her isht-talkin’ ex Kanye West. By now, we’ve all heard The Louis Vuitton Don’s numerous songs, verses, and spontaneous on-stage “freestyle” rants about how the whole messy situation went bad. Clearly the hate that Amber endured over the past year has taken a toll on her, and when confronted with questions the emotions started to pour out… Hit the flip to watch the clip from the interview

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Cry Me A River: Amber Rose Breaks Down Into Tears On When Discussing The Bullying She Faced After Kanye Put Her On Blast!! [Video]

Cry Me A River: Amber Rose Breaks Down Into Tears On When Discussing The Bullying She Faced After Kanye Put Her On Blast!! [Video]

It’s hard out here for a bangin’ blonde bada$$… Yesterday, Amber Rose sat down with Sway on MTV’s RapFix. During the interview Sway asked her how her relationship is with Wiz Khalifa after dealing with such a public break-up with her isht-talkin’ ex Kanye West. By now, we’ve all heard The Louis Vuitton Don’s numerous songs, verses, and spontaneous on-stage “freestyle” rants about how the whole messy situation went bad. Clearly the hate that Amber endured over the past year has taken a toll on her, and when confronted with questions the emotions started to pour out… Hit the flip to watch the clip from the interview

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Cry Me A River: Amber Rose Breaks Down Into Tears On When Discussing The Bullying She Faced After Kanye Put Her On Blast!! [Video]