‘Teen Mom 2’ cast member Jenelle stated she would never forgive her mother Barbara following their custody battle.
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Teen Mom 2 Anger: Will Jenelle Ever Forgive Barbara Following Their Custody Settlement?
‘Teen Mom 2’ cast member Jenelle stated she would never forgive her mother Barbara following their custody battle.
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Teen Mom 2 Anger: Will Jenelle Ever Forgive Barbara Following Their Custody Settlement?
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Tagged cast-member, celeb news, custody, following-their, live, mother, Music, stars, stated-she, TMZ
Sometimes, when it comes to Jenelle Evans, all you can do is just sigh, shake your head, and go “Oh, honey …” This is one of those times. In the current season of Teen Mom 2, we've been seeing Jenelle's relationship with her mother, Barbara, worsen as they get closer and closer to their big court date. A few years ago, Jenelle decided to stop doing heroin and start trying to be a mother, and ever since then, she and Barbara have been going to court to figure something out with the custody of poor Jace . After a bit of rescheduling — and after their lawyers managed to push back the final court date a few times — they finally settled the custody deal in May. We already know what happened, but in the world of Teen Mom 2, the big day is just a few weeks away. And things have been super, super tense. In last week's episode, we saw Jenelle show up at a restaurant where Barbara was trying to have dinner with friends and harass her until she felt she had to leave. She accused Barbara of being drunk , which obviously wasn't true, and then of driving drunk with Jace and a couple of other kids in the car. When her mom got sick of the accusations and left, Jenelle went to her house and banged on the doors and windows for two hours, then called the police. When she told this story, she seemed to think that she was in the right , and she and her fiancé, David Eason, insisted that the scene they'd made had ensured that Jenelle would get custody of Jace at their court date. It was really, really bizarre, and that theme continues in this sneak peek of the upcoming episode. In this clip, Jenelle and David are having a little chat about Barbara. The issue is that it's Mother's Day weekend, and Jenelle wants to spend the holiday with Jace — but Barbara won't respond to her phone calls. Which makes sense, considering what had just happened between them. “You know, it really upsets me that Jace isn't here,” she told David. “And all the other kids are here. You know, Maryssa's spending Mother's Day with her mom.” “Everyone's with their mom, but not my son.” Meanwhile, Jenelle's other son, Kaiser is playing unsupervised in another room, but he's apparently not who she's referring to here. “It's your mom's fault,” David remarks. “What a great mother.” Does anyone else think it's weird that David is commenting on someone else's parenting when he's facing jail time because he violated a restraining order in place against him for his own son? But yeah, sure, let's bash Barbara. David theorizes that Babs isn't letting Jenelle see Jace because of what happened at that restaurant, because she's “scared” that they're going to get more evidence against her for the custody case. He also says that Barbara “knows that she's probably gonna lose Jace,” so she's trying to get in a bunch of time with him before the hearing. Meanwhile, Jenelle says that they need to come up with a deal in court where “it has to be set in stone that she cannot hold Jace from me, and if she does, she gets contempt of court and goes to jail.” OK, so a few things here. One, obviously Barbara doesn't want Jace to go to Jenelle's for Mother's Day. She's the one who raised him, she's the one who parents him — she may not be his biological mother, but in all other ways, she is his mom. Two, shut up, David. Three, If Barbara has full custody of Jace and there's no visitation schedule in place — which is the case for this scene — she can hold him from whoever she wants. Why does Jenelle have such a hard time understand everything? Watch the tense scene in the video below:
Originally posted here:
Jenelle Evans: My Mom Deserves to Go to Jail!
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged again-during, alaskan bush people, brown, celeb news, custody, Hollywood, instagram, jenelle evans, mother, news update, phone, scene, video, watch-the-tense
Has Leah Messer found a special new man in her life? If you watch Teen Mom 2 online , you’re well aware that the twice-married mother of three has had a long, turbulent romantic history. One that’s continuing with this handsome dude? “I just love his face!” Leah captioned this image. Indeed, it’s a nice face. One worthy of a heart-eyed and kissing emoji, which she also added along with a tag of the mystery man’s name. Brian Gravely, according to his Instagram account, owns Famous Superstars, a South Carolina-based tumbling and cheerleading school. Given her daughters’ interest in those activities, it would make sense that Leah Messer might have made his acquaintance somehow. And while she clearly loves him … it’s not like that . Leah took to Twitter to set the record straight about Brian … who had better not be her mystery man, as far as his spouse is concerned! Yes, Brian is already married, and hopefully his husband got a kick out of this as much as the oft-maligned MTV reality star did. Despite being linked to Scotty Ayre this spring, Leah has largely been taking time off from dating to focus on herself and her daughters. That sigh of relief is from all of Teen Mom Nation. The last confirmed romance Messer was in was with T.R. Dues , a personal trainer she met following her divorce from Jeremy Calvert. That union lasted a decently long time, though he was reluctant to appear on her social media accounts, let alone be filmed for MTV. They were rumored to be living together and his two kids were “considered to be a part of Leah’s family,” though things fizzled eventually. The combination of her divorce from Calvert and her custody battle with her first ex-husband, Corey Simms, both led to serious strain. “She wants to look like a stable single mom to the judge in order for her to get her girls back,” a source close to her said at the time. T.R. Dues may have paid the price for that, as “Leah knows that it doesn’t look good for her to have a new man in the house already.” Jeremy allegedly had some strong opinions about this setup as well, especially since he shares his only daughter, Adalynn, with Leah. Says another family source: “When mutual friends told Jeremy about this new guy, he called Leah and flipped out for letting a stranger hang around Addie.” Leah initially denied the relationship with Dues, saying that it wasn’t official, only to confess later that something’s going on,” an insider said. As we said, Messer and Dues parted ways before it became a thing – a thing that impacted her custody situation with either ex, anyway. Speaking of Calvert, his own dalliances with Messer after their divorce may have resulted in the end of his subsequent engagement. In a sneak peek for Teen Mom 2 (the new season of which begins tonight on MTV), we learned that Brooke Wehr read his phone records . He explains to Leah on FaceTime that after this occurred, he “came home to all my sh-t just being everywhere” ’cause Brooke “lost her sh-t.” Gonna be a crazy season. View Slideshow: Teen Mom Couples: RANKED From Worst to First!
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Brian Gravely: Dating Leah Messer?!
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Earlier this week, Jenelle Evans had her big court date concerning the custody of her oldest son, Jace. And it did not go well. Jace has been living with Jenelle’s mother, the lovely Barbara Evans, since he was just a few months old. Jenelle signed over custody to her, and she’s been raising him ever since. But for the past several months, Jenelle’s been going on and on about regaining custody of the boy, and on Wednesday, the final decision was made . Instead of going to trial, Jenelle and Barbara opted for mediation, and they agreed on an official set of terms. According to the new agreement, Barbara maintains full custody, but Jace will stay with Jenelle every other weekend, and for a while during his summer breaks. They also came up with a handy set of rules for when Jace is with either of them: things like drug use, excessive drinking, and the physical punishment of Jace by anyone but Jenelle or Barb are no longer allowed. Once again, this was all decided on in mediation. Jenelle agreed to every bit of this. But, as she revealed in a Twitter rant this morning, all is not as it seems. In her first tweet, Jenelle made a reference to a quote Barbara had made in a statement, a quote about how she’d agreed to the mediation because she was scared of going to trial. “It would have been awful for her,” Barbara said, adding that “There are a lot of things that people don’t know about Jenelle.” “‘Jenelle was afraid of her secrets being exposed,'” our favorite Teen Mom trainwreck tweeted. “No there’s a reason and plan behind every action I make.” “Funny I was ready with my lawyer and my mom kept offering me an agreement when I wanted to go to trial,” she continued. “But thanks Barbara for the new book idea . Let’s see who has secrets.” She also claims that when they left mediation, a judge said “Barbara from this day forward… you need to think about the child and not yourself all the time.” “Should have taken it to trial but it’s ok… always have to remain positive.” When asked why she didn’t go to trial, Jenelle said that “there’s always a plan behind my decisions.” And when someone told her to grow up, she wrote “Nope it’s about the truth. He should be with his mom, judge didn’t even hear our case cuz we settled. I’m not the bad one, you’ll see.” So this is all just pure craziness, but let’s try to break this down. In this wacky little rant, which was quickly deleted, she keeps playing the victim, saying that she wanted to go to trial and the judge didn’t even hear her case. But she agreed to the new visitation agreement. If she wanted to go to trial, she could have, she just had to refuse to budge on her request for full custody. It’s wonderful that she was able to work this new deal out with Barbara, because it’s definitely what’s best for Jace, but she’s acting like she was somehow wronged. What’s this plan she keeps talking about? If she really wants full custody, then what kind of plan would have stopped her, besides Barbara’s claim that she’s scared of an actual trial? And does she really expect us to believe that a judge told Barbara to stop thinking about herself all the time ? So many questions, so few answers. Guess we’ll just have to wait for Jenelle’s Babs tell-all to figure it all out! View Slideshow: Teen Mom 2: 19 Things You Don’t Know About The Moms!
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Jenelle Evans: It’s OK, I Didn’t Want Custody of Jace Anyway!
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Tagged art, car, celeb news, custody, hillary-clinton, Hollywood, jenelle, jenelle evans, jenelle-opens, Lawyer, time, TMZ, Victim
Jenelle Evans is known for a lot of things. She’s known for getting arrested practically a billion times , and for her love of drugs and her willingness to throw down at literally any opportunity. But no one would know anything about any of that if she hadn’t gotten pregnant at the tender age of 16. Back then, she gave birth to a little boy she named Jace, and after struggling for a few months, she officially signed over custody to her mother, Barbara. Barbara cared for Jace while Jenelle ran off to party with her friends, and when she bounced around from terrible dude to terrible dude. When she was off getting high with her boyfriends, Barbara stepped up, and now, nearly eight years later, Jace seems to be doing well. And so it just makes sense that Jenelle would try to rip the poor kid away from the only parental figure he’s ever known to drag him off to live with her. For the past few years, Jenelle has been talking about getting Jace back — though sometimes it seems like she wants custody of him just to hurt her mother. But, believe it or not (just kidding, you’ll definitely believe it), this is the first time in years that she doesn’t have any pending charges against her. So it’s high time to get that kid, right?! After months of continuations, today was finally the big day: the day Jenelle and Barbara would go to court and a judge would offer a final ruling on the custody of poor Jace. And it sounds like it was a roller coaster of a day. First of all, Jenelle did not get custody. And thank goodness for that. According to a report from The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Jenelle and Barb had mediation instead of the actual trial, and they were able to work out a new plan for Jace. Barb, out of the kindness of her heart, was willing to share custody, and right now that means that they’ll set up an official schedule for visitation. This will undoubtedly be a relief for both of them, as they’ve both threatened to withhold Jace from the other in the past. The plan is for everyone to try out this new plan for a while, and if it goes well, Jenelle will go back to court and attempt to get full custody. And if this isn’t dramatic enough for you, know that MTV was filming before and after the official proceedings, and Jenelle was seen crying. Look, there really isn’t any great solution with this. It would be wonderful if Jace could live with his mother and his two younger siblings and have just the best life, but Jenelle still has quite a few hot mess tendencies about her. Not to mention she lives with David Eason, who has legal troubles of his own — enough that he’s allegedly not even allowed to see his own son. It’s all just a great big tragic mess, isn’t it? View Slideshow: Teen Mom & Teen Mom 2: The Complete Babies and Children Guide!
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Jenelle Evans: Did She Just Get Custody of Her Oldest Son?!
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Tagged bennyhollywood, children-guide, custody, friends, Gossip, Hollywood, hollywood update, jack-donaghy, jenelle, kids, mother, past, stars
Robin Thicke Calls Cops On Paula Patton Robin Thicke and Paula Patton’s custody fight is still heating up! We previously reported a California judge denied Paula Patton’s request to limit Robin’s joint custody of their young 6-year-old son, Julian. Patton claimed Robin excessively disciplined their son and was in the wrong for the alleged abuse. Paula also claimed that she was worried about Robin’s drinking and drug use over the years , as well as how he punished their son at his Hollyweird home. Robin vehemently denied abusing Julian but admitted to spanking their young son. Now the singer is firing back reports TMZ . Robin called th police to Paula Patton’s home yesterday morning because she allegedly violated their custody order by not allowing her ex to take their son. Watch the video footage of the confrontation below: On Friday morning Robin went to Paula’s Malibu home with L.A. County Sheriff’s deputies and the court order. We’re told the deputies went inside the house and spoke with Julian and he said he was scared of his dad and didn’t want to go with him. You see Paula in the video — obtained by TMZ. Robin is out of frame. The deputies explain they will not take the child against his will. One source connected with Robin says the couple is now close to reaching some middle ground on how to deal with the custody issues. Swirl gone sour!
Swirl Gone Sour: Robin Thicke Calls Cops On Paula Patton After Child Abuse Allegations
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Tagged Celebrity Gossip, custody, halloween, hollyweird, Hollywood, House, sheriff, stars, video, what the hell???, wife, young
Houston police say that officers have shot a suspect who opened fire in the city on Monday morning, taking him into custody before he could take any lives. According to Houston Office of Emergency Management spokesman Michael Walter, a minimum of nine individuals were transported to hospitals with injuries from the shooting. The incident took place near Wesleyan Street and Bissonnet Street. The statuses of those injured are unknown at the moment. There are no reports of any other shooters at this time, per the Houston Police Department official Tweeter feed. It wrote the following shortly after apprehending the suspect, whose name has not yet been released: An emergency alert went out this morning that stated the shooting scene was believed to have been contained to the area of a strip mall. The alert told residents in the area to stay far away. Authorities have not released further details regarding the shooting, according to CNN and other outlets. But KTRK reports that firefighters and police officers swarmed the scene once gunfire broke out. UPDATE : At least one victim is in critical condition, while another is in serious condition. The conditions of the other victims remain unknown. We’re also learned that the suspect was an attorney and that authorities are investigating whether issues at his law firm led to the shooting. A bomb squad reportedly searched the suspect’s vehicle and found “additional weapons inside,” the police now confirm. One witness, Antwon Wilson, told ABC 13 that he was caught in the crossfire. And he’ll never forget the experience. “I literally heard the gunshots past my face,” he told the station. “It’s a hard pill to swallow.” We will continue to update this story as more news breaks.
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Houston Shooting: 9 Injured, Suspect in Custody
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Chris brown and his baby mama Nia Guzman are going through some custody issues over their daughter Royalty. According to tmz Nia would like to…
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Chris brown and his baby mama Nia Guzman are going through some custody issues over their daughter Royalty. According to tmz Nia would like to…
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Currently, Leah Messer is in rehab undergoing treatment for a number of issues. Members of Leah’s family have insisted that the troubled Teen Mom star is not on drugs, and is instead suffering from severe emotional distress. Her mother has stated that Leah is in rehab for stress and depression , but others in her inner circle know otherwise, and Leah’s drug abuse was exposed in a recent preview for the new season of Teen Mom 2. Unfortunately, the timing couldn’t be worse for Leah, whose two baby daddies might begin an aggressive campaign to strip her of all her parental rights before she even leaves treatment. According to Radar Online, Jeremy Calvert has already hired a lawyer in hopes of winning sole custody of his daughter, and Corey Simms might follow suit. Jeremy’s plan was to swoop in once Leah went to rehab and get an emergency hearing,” says one insider. “Corey was considering it, too.” One insider says Calvert and Simms have been convinced by Leah’s family to put the custody battle on hold until after she’s completed rehab. Other sources say Calvert is going full-steam ahead. Either way, Leah might be heading back to a rather stressful environment after her treatment is through. View Slideshow: Leah Messer Photos: Through the Years
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Leah Messer to Lose Custody of Kids While in Rehab?!
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Tagged bennyhollywood, corey-simms, custody, custody-battle, Gossip, medium, parental, poi, sesame street, stressful, troubled, years