Tag Archives: divorces-brad

10-Year Old Dresses as Donald Trump’s Hair for Halloween

Our apologies, Heidi Klum. But you no longer own Halloween. Yes, sure, you may dress like an old lady sometimes and like the insides of the human body at other times, but 10-year old Gage DeVader went out this year for the holiday as Donald Trump. Sorry, not Donald Trump. That costume idea would not be remotely original in 2016. He went out as Donald Trump’s HAIR. The costume was designed by the boy’s mother, Jessica DeVader, and it has become the talk of the Internet. DeVader, who hails from Kansas, told BuzzFeed that she glued fake grass table skirts in sections around an umbrella to achieve the perfect comb-over look. It really is amazing. Here’s a snapshot from the back: The enormous Make America Great Again baseball cap? Which is the icing on this creative sundae? It was constructed out of three sheets of poster board. And if you study these photos closely enough, you’ll see another wrinkle Jessica threw in to honor Trump. Although honor may be the wrong word choice here… “Gage’s shirt pays homage to Trump’s orange face!” DeVader says. This isn’t the first Halloween that Gage has gone all out for Halloween, either. “I would say our fun with Halloween began from the start,” DeVader told Buzzfeed. “I just wanted my son to learn to embrace his uniqueness and individuality. “Every year we come up with a ridiculous idea and he just goes for it!” Like that time he went as a Sharknado: And that time he went as Zoltar, the fortune telling amusement park game from the movie Big: “He’s such a fun kid with a great personality. I want to inspire him to think outside the box,” DeVader says. We love it. And we really needed it, especially in light of how some other folks have dressed as Trump this year. Check out Gage’s awesome costumes above and check out some fun celebrity ideas from this year below: View Slideshow: Halloween 2016: Celebrity Costumes Galore!

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10-Year Old Dresses as Donald Trump’s Hair for Halloween

Angelina Jolie: ALSO Being Investigated For Abuse?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt last month. The actress’ abrupt decision to end her marriage came after an incident aboard a private jet, during which Pitt was involved in an altercation with 15-year-old son Maddox. It remains unclear what exactly took place aboard the aircraft, but it was bad enough that it resulted in Pitt being investigated for child abuse . As of now, Jolie has sole physical custody of the kids, and Brad is allowed only supervised visits. That may soon change, however, as at least one former associate of the couple’s has come forward to reveal that he never witnessed any abusive behavior on Brad’s part, but did overhear Angie issuing threats of violence. An unnamed former bodyguard claims that he once heard Angelina threaten to “beat [Brad] to death” during a particularly heated argument. He adds, however, that he never saw her become physically abusive, and has no reason to believe that she ever did. It’s also important to note that the bodyguard doesn’t claim that Angelina ever made any threats to the children. If this is the sort of character testimony that Brad is relying on for his upcoming custody battle, he may be in trouble. Of course, several media outlets have reported in recent weeks that the Department of Child and Family Services investigation into Brad’s behavior has been expanded to include Angelina. It’s unclear, however, if the department is investigating claims against Angelina, or attempting to determine if she was abused by Brad. Last week, Jolie was interrogated by the FBI for several hours, but it is not believed that there is any reason for her to face criminal charges. So basically, we don’t know much more about this case than when we first found out about it six weeks ago. View Slideshow: Angelina Jolie Divorces Brad Pitt, Celebrities React in SHOCK Brad’s team has successfully muddied the waters, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s blameless of that Jolie is guilty. After all, he’s hired some of the best-known lawyers in Hollywood, and those folks pull in eight figures for a reason.

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Angelina Jolie: ALSO Being Investigated For Abuse?!

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Reach Temporary Settlement: Who Gets the Kids?

Just two weeks ago, who would have thought that we’d be talking about drug testing and therapy sessions when it comes to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. But here we are. Incredibly, shockingly, sadly… here we are. Sources have confirmed to TMZ that Jolie and Pitt have reached a temporary settlement in their bitter divorce battle. The actor and the actress sat down this week with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, along with their personal attorneys, to hash out the details. Jolie, of course, filed to divorce Pitt on September 19. At the time, she cited “irreconcilable difference” as the basis for the couple’s legal split, stating for the record that she and Pitt had separated on September 15. The day before that separation date, Pitt allegedly got drunk on board a private airplane… and at least verbally abused his 15-year old son, Maddox. Some have even said that Pitt physically abused Maddox , an accusation that has led to an FBI investigation and talk that Pitt is a terrible parent. So that brings us today. View Slideshow: Angelina Jolie Divorces Brad Pitt, Celebrities React in SHOCK Sources familiar with the estranged couple’s situation tell DCFS that it made its recommendations and that the celebrities were faced with two options by the organization: Agree to their deal… or fight it out in court. Both sides have apparently agrees to the settlement laid out by DCFS. And these are the terms of the settlement, per TMZ insiders: Angelina gets full physical custody of the six children. Brad has been granted visitation rights, but only with strings attached. The first visit will be with a therapist present, with the therapist in possession of the power to either allow Brad future, unmonitored visits … or insist on being present whenever he’s around the kids. Pitt will be subject to random drug/alcohol testing. As has been stated throughout the Internet, Jolie thinks Pitt has problem with alcohol and marijuana. According to law enforcement sources, the actor’s initial test was negative for drugs and alcohol . Brad and Angelina will each submit to individual counseling. Moreover, Pitt, Jolie and the kids will undergo family counseling as a group. Brad Pitt Issues New Statement on “Family Situation” Jolie is reportedly thrilled with the arrangement, which makes sense. Her priority from the get-go has been to essentially take the kids away from Pitt. She sought full physical custody in her divorce papers. She’s also been adamant (per third party sources and reports) that Pitt needs help with substance abuse. It’s worth noting, however, that this agreement will only last for three weeks. There’s still a lot more to go in the long run for these two. At that juncture, three weeks from now, DCFS could impose new ground rules or conceivably turn the matter over to the courts. Until then, all will remain quiet and calm between the couple. But not on the Internet, of course. Expect plenty of chatter surrounding Bragelina to continue today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year…

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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Reach Temporary Settlement: Who Gets the Kids?

Brad Pitt: Angelina Jolie is Too Busy to Be a Mom!

Ever since the world learned that Angelina Jolie had filed for divorce from Brad Pitt , the tabloid press has been churning out a non-stop string of mostly made-up reasons that the A-list couple decided to part ways. Things started off plausibly enough with various outlets blaming Pitt’s drug use . It wasn’t long, however, before the rumor mill jumped the shark with theories about Angelina cheating with Johnny Depp .  The truth seems to be that Angie’s decision to split is related to Brad being investigated for child abuse , but the Internet is still having fun speculating, dammit, and we’re not about to let a little thing like the truth get in the way of some solid gossip! The latest theory comes to us courtesy of TMZ (who, to be fair, has been pretty accurate on all things Brangie up to this point). The site claims that Brad felt Angelina was simply too focused on philanthropy and charity work. Yes, apparently they felt that rumors about Brad physically and verbally abusing his kids weren’t damaging enough to his reputation. So decided to toss “He hates the Third World!” into the mix. According to unnamed sources, Brad felt that Angelina was overly concerned with saving the world, to the detriment of her relationships with her children. The insiders say Pitt felt that Jolie was fully “obsessed with becoming the head of the United Nations” and that her ambition had “caused major marital issues.” It seems that Brad not only felt that Angelina’s commitment to helping citizens of war-torn and impoverished nations was preventing her from spending time with her children, he was also concerned about her traveling with the kids to unsafe regions. Apparently, Jolie recently took her older kids to Lebanon and Iraq. Brad reluctantly signed off on the trip, but he reportedly drew the line when Angelina proposed taking the children to Syria. Obviously, it’s anyone’s guess as to whether that argument really went down, but if there’s any truth to this story, you can count us as squarely Team Brad. There’s a reason Syrians are fleeing the country in droves. It’s not really a great field trip destination. View Slideshow: Angelina Jolie Divorces Brad Pitt, Celebrities React in SHOCK But hey, we’re glad that the current geo-political climate has entered #BrokenBrangelina fray. Now all we need is space travel to somehow get involved.

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Brad Pitt: Angelina Jolie is Too Busy to Be a Mom!

Brad Pitt: Investigated For Child Abuse!

Brad Pitt is officially under investigation by the LAPD and the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services. This is not a drill. The star allegedly became verbally abusive and physical with his children, the agencies have learned, in an incident last week. That, not a random  Selena Gomez photo or salacious  Marion Cotillard affair , is what reportedly the final straw in his imploding marriage. According to TMZ, sources say this was the very incident that triggered  Jolie to file for divorce from Pitt  days after it happened.  Pitt, Jolie and their six children were on a flight a week ago Wednesday when he is said to have gotten hammered on a private jet. Brad allegedly went wild , screaming and getting physical with the kids, far beyond the point of typical parent-child confrontation. The plane landed at an airport around 8 p.m., at which point witnesses claim Pitt took his rant outside the plane and onto the tarmac. He even tried leaving in one of the fuel trucks. As for how this became an official investigation? Sources say somebody, either on the plane or the tarmac, anonymously reported it. That’s all it takes for an incident to be looked into by the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services, or most state equivalents. It’s a real inquiry; Brad and Angelina have already been interviewed and DCFS plans to interview the kids as well as part of the case. Angelina Jolie Divorces Brad Pitt The investigation is ongoing, and the LAPD has the case, which is routine when anyone reports an allegation of child abuse.  Whether it turns into anything is unclear, and unlikely, unless there’s surefire evidence of Brad being totally abusive and out of control. Yes, there have been rumors of Brad living on whiskey and drinking too much, but so much of what we think we know, we don’t know. We do not know the specifics of the alleged abuse, only that it was both verbal and physical and took place as described above. In the absence of hard proof, and/or Angelina or the children pursuing the matter aggressively, it’s doubtful Brad will be in any trouble. Doubtful, but not impossible. Stay tuned. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Divorce: How Much is at Stake? The 52-year-old actor has not commented on the investigation, but a source close to Pitt says the allegations are garbage. “He takes the matter very seriously and says he did not commit any abuse of his children,” the insider tells TMZ, adding:  “It’s unfortunate,” the insider says, the way that “people involved are continuing to present him in the worst possible light.” What do you think? Are you buying it? View Slideshow: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: A Romance Retrospective Press coverage and social media rumors run rampant in situations like this, and perhaps never more so than with Brangelina’s split. It’s like the moon landing of celebrity gossip, but with that comes the challenge of trying to formulate any sort of concrete understanding. We may have to wait a long time to know for sure what caused the split, but one explanation seems to be popping up more than most: Brad’s substance abuse, temper, questionable parenting methods and general conflict in lifestyles with Angelina that made her want out. Is that officially what happened? Of course not, but if we’re forced to guess based on the more credible reports, it seems most plausible. View Slideshow: Angelina Jolie Divorces Brad Pitt, Celebrities React in SHOCK

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Brad Pitt: Investigated For Child Abuse!

Brad Pitt "Married a Lunatic" & "Lives on Whiskey," Celebrity Sources Say

By now, you’ve almost certainly heard the news that Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt . Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Divorce: How Much is at Stake? Press coverage and social media rumors have been everywhere, but in the nearly two full days since the separation was announced, we’ve come no closer to any concrete understanding of what drove one of Hollywood’s most celebrated couples apart. It might be quite some time before we find out exactly what prompted Jolie to take steps toward legally ending her marriage (just a few days after separating Pitt, no less) but there’s one explanation that seems to be popping up more than any other. And now it’s being corroborated by both the most reliable names in the celebrity gossip game ( People , TMZ, Us Weekly , etc.) and even a couple celebrities who are willing to be named. According to the consensus from folks who are happy to stick their neck out a bit and be held accountable for their stories, Brad wasn’t cheating with Marion Cotillard or anything quite so sexy and scandalous as all that. Rather, all signs seem to indicate that it was Pitt’s drug use  and quick temper coupled with just a general conflict in lifestyles that prompted Angie to pull the plug. And who are the celebrities who are backing up this version of events? Well, before we go any further, we should note that we’re using the term “celebrity” very loosely here, and only one of the two whistleblowers seems to have any genuine insider knowledge about the situation. We’ll start with Chelsea Handler (* pauses for customary tossing of smartphones and laptops out the nearest window *), who, as usual showed up to spew bile all over the scene and turn non-believers to stone with her icy glare:  Chelsea weighs in. #brangelina pic.twitter.com/mCZsP5AHIy — Chelsea (@Chelseashow) September 21, 2016 “Brad and Angelina always said they wouldn’t get married until everyone could get married. And always said I wouldn’t get married until they got divorced,” Chelsea joked (we think that qualifies as a joke) in a video posted to her social media pages today.  “There are rumors that part of the problem Brad was drinking and smoking too much weed,” she continued. “I wonder why he needed to self-medicate … Oh, yeah, because he married a f–king lunatic, that’s why!” Wit, thy name is Chelsea. It’s worth noting that Handler is close friends with Jennifer Aniston, which might explain the slight bias apparent in her comments. A slightly more reliable and significantly less grating account of Brad and Angie butting heads over his substance abuse comes to us courtesy of actor Richard Bohringer who spoke about the experience of working with Pitt and Jolie on the 2015 film By the Sea . “They are curious, these American stars,”  Bohringer told the French magazine Closer. “Brad Pitt, he lives on whiskey. She is a funny girl. They’re a funny couple.” So there you have it. View Slideshow: Angelina Jolie Divorces Brad Pitt, Celebrities React in SHOCK Angie was crazy and Brad was drunk. We say get back together, and get the E! network on the phone! You crazy kids are sitting on soft-scripted reality gold!

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Brad Pitt "Married a Lunatic" & "Lives on Whiskey," Celebrity Sources Say