Tag Archives: donor

Jesus Take The Wheel: 6-Year-Old Boy Found Bloody And Missing His Eyeballs After Being Attacked By Organ Traffickers In China

This is so sad… An innocent little boy got jacked for his eyeballs! Via Sky News reports : A six-year-old boy has had his eyes gouged out in an attack believed to have been carried out by an organ trafficker in China. The child was found covered in blood three to four hours after he went missing while playing outside, according to a television report. “He had blood all over his face. His eyelids were turned inside out. And inside, his eyeballs were not there,” his father told Shanxi Television. The boy was drugged and “lost consciousness” before the attacker removed his eyes, state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) said on its account on Sina Weibo, China’s version of Twitter. It was claimed that the boy’s eyes were found nearby but the corneas were missing. Police in Fenxi, in the northern province of Shanxi, have offered a 100,000 yuan (£10,500) reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspect, believed to be a woman. Pictures showed the heavily-bandaged child being taken from an operating theatre and being placed in a hospital bed as family members stood crying by his bedside. About 300,000 patients in China need transplants each year, but only about 10,000 people can get them due to a lack of donors, state media said. Seven people were jailed last year when a teenager sold a kidney for an illicit transplant operation and used the proceeds to buy an iPhone and iPad. Children’s organs are usually more expensive on the black market, an organ trafficker told Sina Internet news portal in 2010, as “most people think the younger the donor is, the better the quality of organs”. This is just crazy, and now this precious innocent life is scarred forever. We’re definitely praying over this one. YouTube Continue reading

Donna Savattere: Meet Dan Marino’s Baby Mama!

For many years, the Miami Dolphins tried hard to keep Dan Marino protected in the pocket. Unfortunately for this record-breaking quarterback, he failed to heed the same action when having an affair many years ago with Donna Savattere, as news dropped this week that Marino fathered a baby out of wedlock with that CBS employee. So, who the heck is Donna Savattere? A few facts about the mother of Marino’s seven-year old daughter… She was a 35-year old CBS Sports production assistant in that network’s Manhattan studio when she slept with Marino. She got married to Nahill Younis in Sagaponack, New York in 2009. Aside from Marino’s daughter, Chloe, she has a son with Younis. Marino paid Savattere million to relocate to Texas, but she’s back in NYC now. She has been involved with Southhampton Fresh Air Home, a facility for physically challenged children.

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Donna Savattere: Meet Dan Marino’s Baby Mama!

Robert Menendez Reimburses Donor For Trips to Maybe Have Sex With Prostitutes

Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) says he has reimbursed a prominent Florida political donor $58,500 for two controversial trips he took back in 2010. Menendez traveled on the donor’s plane to the Dominican Republic in 2010, and was accused of engaging in sex with prostitutes while in that country. He denied those claims, and there had been no public disclosure of the two trips until now, when he reimbursed Salomon Melgen for the travel costs. “The senator paid for the two trips out of his personal account and no reporting requirements apply,” Menendez spokeswoman Tricia Enright said Wednesday. The FBI searched the West Palm Beach, Fla., office Melgen, an eye doctor, this week; it was unclear if the raid was at all related to Robert Menendez. A third trip by Menendez aboard Melgen’s plane, a campaign fundraising journey to the donor’s residence in the Dominican Republic, took place in May 2010. That trip was reported to the Federal Election Commission. The trip, for fundraising from the community of Americans in the region, took Menendez to Puerto Rico as well as the Dominican Republic, said his office. Menendez categorized the other two trips as personal. The first was August 6-9, 2010, a round trip from South Florida to the Dominican Republic. The second was September 3-6, 2010, from New Jersey to the D.R. and back. Menendez could’ve invoked a “friendship exemption” regarding the personal trips, which would’ve required him to report the travel to the Senate Ethics Committee as a gift. Instead, Menendez chose to reimburse the full cost of the two trips. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) turned aside questions about Menendez Thursday, saying they should be directed to the New Jersey Democrat instead. On Tuesday, before the disclosures about the FBI raid and the trips, he had expressed skepticism about the allegations, telling reporters to consider the source. White House press secretary Jay Carney declined to answer when asked whether President Barack Obama still has full faith and confidence in Menendez. “I don’t have anything for you on that,” Carney told reporters Thursday. The Daily Caller, a conservative website, reported shortly before the November election that Menendez traveled on Melgen’s plane to have sex with prostitutes. Some New Jersey Republicans filed a complaint with the Senate Ethics Committee last fall in the wake of the shocking allegations by The Daily Caller. In response, Menendez’s staff members searched records for trips by the senator and found the two additional trips that hadn’t been reimbursed. On Tuesday, Menendez became chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, succeeding Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), who is now Secretary of State.

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Robert Menendez Reimburses Donor For Trips to Maybe Have Sex With Prostitutes

8 Racist Cartoons Targeting President Obama [PHOTOS]

It’s no secret that President Obama is not a hero in the Republican circle, but the matter of his race is where America should draw the line. Yes, Obama is the country’s first Black president, and political pundits, conservative cartoonist, and all around racists, love to jump and attack his skin color… Continue

8 Racist Cartoons Targeting President Obama [PHOTOS]

For Discussion: Should Gay Men Be Allowed To Donate Blood?

No blood donation for Frank Ocean ? The American Red Cross says power outages created by recent storms in the East and Midwest cut blood donations, which were already low this summer. In June there was a nationwide shortfall, with donations down more than 10% across the country. “We are asking people to please call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit us at redcrossblood.org to find a way to donate if they can,” said Stephanie Millian, Red Cross director of biomedical communications. “We need people’s help.” One group that would like to help, but legally can’t, may be moving one step closer to eligibility. Since the 1980s, when the AIDS epidemic decimated their community, gay men — or MSMs (men who have sex with men) as they are called by federal agencies — have not been allowed to donate blood. In June, a group of 64 U.S. legislators led by Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Illinois, and Sen. John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, sent a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services encouraging it to move forward with a study that may lead to the end of the decades-old ban. “We remain concerned that a blanket deferral of MSM for any length of time both perpetuates the unwarranted discrimination against the bisexual and gay community and prevents healthy men from donating blood without a definitive finding of added benefit to the safety of the blood supply,” the letter said. “This is a matter of life and death and we are turning away over 50,000 healthy men who want to donate blood,” Quigley told CNN. “A straight person who has unsafe sex with multiple partners can give blood, and that creates a greater risk than a gay person in a monogamous relationship.” The policy started at a time when people didn’t know how the deadly virus that causes AIDS spread. At the time, there wasn’t a good test to detect whether HIV was present in donated blood, and HIV was getting into the nation’s blood supply. They knew this because hemophiliacs who were getting blood transfusions started showing symptoms of AIDS. What scientists also knew was that a disproportionate number of gay men were affected by the virus. To eliminate risk, the Food and Drug Administration added a screening question to the federal guidelines. Blood banks were instructed to ask male donors if they had had sex with a man, even once, since 1977. The FDA regards 1977 as the beginning of the AIDS epidemic in the United States. If the potential donor responded “yes,” he would automatically be removed from the donor pool for life. No similar questions were asked to screen out donors who engaged in other potentially risky sexual behavior. Donors weren’t asked about the number of partners they had, nor were they asked if their sexual partners had engaged in unprotected sex with other HIV positive partners. “While the Red Cross is obligated by law to follow the FDA guidelines, we continue to work with the AABB (formerly known as the American Association of Blood Banks) to push through policies that would be much more fair and consistent among donors who engage in similar risk activities,” Millian said. Scientists can now screen for most instances of HIV within days of infection, and the nation’s blood banks have called a lifetime ban “medically and scientifically unwarranted.” Men who have sex with men still are disproportionately affected by the virus and account for nearly half the approximately 1.2 million people living with HIV in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But it is a person’s behavior, not their sexual orientation, that puts them at risk say health experts. While he is a gay man, Adam Denney thinks he would be the perfect candidate to donate blood. He doesn’t use IV drugs. He practices safer sex. He even educates people on how to prevent new HIV infections as a regular volunteer educator with AIDS Volunteers Inc. in Lexington, Kentucky. He thinks his exclusion is unfair. “Yes, gay men are still a high-risk community, but so are minority women, and there are no standards prohibiting them from donating. There would be rightful outrage against that kind of blanket population ban,” Denney said. “I am banned based on one reason only, my sexual orientation. It’s totally discriminatory.” When Denney went to donate at a blood drive on the Eastern Kentucky University Campus a few years ago, he said he knew what likely would happen when the nurses asked the sexual history question. “I did know what I was getting into, but I was shocked by how it felt to be rejected,” he said. “It was almost like they thought I wasn’t important enough to give blood, like because I was gay I didn’t count. It was a horrible feeling.” Nathan Schaefer with GMHC, an AIDS service organization, said Denney normally would be the type of donor blood banks are hungry for. Studies show those who give blood when they are young become regular lifetime donors, something most blood banks are struggling to find these days. GMHC has been fighting to change the ban for years. In 2010 GMHC joined a coalition of other nonprofits to encourage Congress to send a letter to HHS to end the ban, which some members of congress did. In June of that year, HHS brought together an independent panel of experts. The Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability reviewed the policy and decided to keep it and concluded the ban was “suboptimal,” because it allows high-risk individuals to donate while keeping low-risk donors out. However, the expert committee also concluded “available scientific data are inadequate to support change to a specific alternate policy.” The panel suggested the policy not be changed and recommended further evaluation. HHS then promised to conduct feasibility studies to determine if there was a subset of the gay male population that would pose little or no threat to the blood supply. “We finally got them to stop defending the policy at the very least, which was pretty significant,” Schaefer said. The HHS is still determining the criteria for which part of the population to study. GMHC suggested the population to consider should include gay men who have had only one sex partner in the past six months. Spain and Italy, two countries with more progressive donor policies, hold everyone to that standard regardless of sexual orientation. Schaefer takes the point one step further. “A straight person could donate today after having unprotected sex with hundreds of partners, and in the United States they won’t ask about that behavior,” he said. He added that four out of five gay men are HIV negative, which he estimated means 2 million additional people could be blood donors. A 2010 study by the Williams Institute at the University of California-Los Angeles estimated that if gay men who had not had sexual contact for the past 12 months were allowed to donate blood, more than 53,000 additional men would likely make more than 89,000 blood donations. That number may seem small, but blood banks say it could help enormously, especially now, when blood supply shortages are common. After Denney was denied the chance to donate, he asked some of his friends to help him demonstrate outside the blood drive. They produced signs to raise awareness about the ban and distributed educational material. They also escorted people to the drive, because they wanted people to continue to donate. “A lot of people in the Bible Belt assume you have AIDS if you are a gay man,” he said. “We wanted them to understand that is not the case. We are banned based on an outdated policy. When people questioned us, I told them about how I always heard that people who donate blood are heroes. Gay men want to be heroes, too.” What do you think? Should this ban be lifted? Source

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For Discussion: Should Gay Men Be Allowed To Donate Blood?

Romney Donor on Obama’s ‘Enemies List’: They’re Stalking My Kids (Video)


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Romney donor Frank VanderSloot, one of the eight men detailed by the president’s “Truth Team” by the campaign, was on with Greta Van Susteren on Friday night. Frank is discovering what it means to be on a president’s “enemies list.” … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 12/05/2012 17:29 Number of articles : 2

Romney Donor on Obama’s ‘Enemies List’: They’re Stalking My Kids (Video)

REVIEW: Sex Is Messy — Even Without Pie — in American Reunion

It ought to be no fun watching characters you came to know as randy, unruly high school students turn into grown-ups with jobs, families and crappy sex lives. That’s what happens to real-life people; why subject fictional characters to it? But somehow American Reunion — the third movie sequel to Paul and Chris Weitz’s hall-of-fame teen sex comedy 1999 American Pie — makes the harsh reality jolt almost painless. The picture is devilishly entertaining, not least because it’s laced with just the sort of dumb raunchy jokes you hate yourself for laughing at. But it also preserves, to a degree, the elemental sweetness that made the original (though not the two subsequent sequels) so distinctive: In the first movie, embarrassment and awkwardness over sex results not just in a mess in the kitchen, but in painful and unbridgeable rifts between people. In American Reunion , that awkwardness may have lessened somewhat, but it hasn’t completely gone away. You can think you’re trading old problems for new ones, only to find that the old ones are perennial – they just find different ways to flourish in your life. That’s a discomforting idea in the midst of a picture that trades mostly in gags about tube socks’ being used for illicit personal business, nostalgia for the mind-blowing oral sex of yore (meaning high school) and men who, as they near middle age with all its attendant spare tires and love handles, can’t help looking hungrily at the nubile teenage babes they used to be able to attract. Directors Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg (the masterminds behind the always-silly but also surprisingly progressive Harold and Kumar franchise) are perhaps more comfortable dealing with ridiculous sex jokes than they are with raw human feeling. Still, American Reunion chugs along with brash confidence, unembarrassed about how crude and goofy it is. Dumb cheerfulness – in the face of life’s big quandaries, no less — is its big selling point. Jason Biggs and Alyson Hannigan are back as Jim and Michelle; they’ve managed to survive a few years of married life and now have a toddler son, which means, of course, that their sex life has taken a nosedive. Still, they’re looking forward to getting away from it all at a weekend reunion with the high school old gang: Kevin (Thomas Ian Nicholas) is now a stay-at-home architect whose life is ruled by his significant other; Oz (Chris Klein) is a smooth TV sports analyst with a pneumatic blonde girlfriend; no one even knows where Eddie Kaye Thomas’s Finch is (though he makes the most glamorous entrance of the bunch, perched on a motorcycle and swathed in mystery); and Stifler (Seann William Scott) is still being vulgar, horny, annoying Stifler, so much so that he hasn’t even been told about the reunion. That doesn’t stop him from showing up, and he proceeds to work all kinds of satyr-like mischief. The girls show up too, and characteristically, they seem to have evolved further than the guys have. Oz’s old squeeze Heather (Mena Suvari) arrives on the arm of her surgeon-boyfriend, only to realize she’s still captivated by her ex-boyfriend’s luminous guilelessness (which he’s held onto even though he’s now a show-biz guy). And Kevin melts at the sight of Vicky (Tara Reid), even though he’s clearly happy with his bossy wife. Meanwhile, Michelle bemoans her moribund sex life, and a new character, Selena (Dania Ramirez), arrives on the scene to serve as a love interest for one character who truly deserves one. The sordid silliness that ensues includes Jim’s being seduced by the now-comely young woman for whom he used to baby-sit; Stifler showing up in full party regalia, an “Orgasm Donor” T-shirt; the marvelous Eugene Levy, in an array of short-sleeved dad shirts, attempting to re-enter the dating game (he has a great moment where he asks, earnestly, if a “vadge” is half a vagina); and Jennifer Coolidge as the legendary vixen known only as Stifler’s Mom, who spends her few small scenes relaxing (and almost audibly purring) on a divan as she waits for her next victim to enter her lair. It’s all as ludicrous as you’d expect, but everybody goes away having learned a little something about life, love and assorted unorthodox sexual practices. The plot takes a few missteps: Eddie Kaye Thomas’s Finch – who, in the first movie, was a debonair misfit high-schooler in an ascot – is given a cool backstory that’s ultimately taken away from him, a grave mistake. But mostly, Hurwitz and Schlossberg (who also wrote the script, based on Adam Herz’s original characters) allow everyone the appropriate amount of dignity – and remember, these guys don’t need much. Least of all Scott’s Stifler, who, in all his wickedness, really is the movie’s heart and soul, so pure in his Stiflerness that it’s impossible to revile him without loving him too. At one point he flips through the yearbook and reminisces about a favorite sexual conquest: “She was the mouth that got away!” he says wistfully. But he too is forced to reckon with some mind-blowing realities: The look on his face when he learns that two – or more! – of his fellow lacrosse-team members are gay is that of a kid who’s just seen Santa Claus getting it on with mom. His disbelief is so pure and naïve that it’s almost not funny — but in the end, of course it is. And the movie gives him, and his lacrosse-player pals, a clever and welcome moment of grace. American Reunion is suitably generous toward its characters. For those who are turned off by such blatant displays of humanity, there are also dick jokes. You see, everybody wins.

REVIEW: Sex Is Messy — Even Without Pie — in American Reunion

Top Girls Injecting Themselves with Syringes Fetish Videos on Youtube of the Day

Have you ever been walking through the gutter and come across a girl, all covered in filth, trying to inject herself with a needle, giving you a raging boner cuz you know in a few seconds, when the drugs hit, she’ll be so out of it, that she’ll let you fuck her? Yeah, me neither… But I assume girls injecting themselves with anything is a fetish to some, and what better place to find fetish videos than YOUTUBE, our favorite Google Owned, publicly traded company..Hypocrites. Here are the videos… Big Cleavage – Lots of Crosses – Chick on Chick – Injection.. More Girl on Girl Injection Female to Male Tranny Injection So much belly skin…. Hot Girl Gets Injection in Ass Some Titty in a White Shirt Inection How emo indy kid in the stomach Anal Injection – Genderless – All Anus I Would Hate to Get a Donor Egg From This… I would prefer this donor egg on my face… Fake Doctor Injection Porn Scene Not So Hot Ass Injection Girl Ass Injection in another Language

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Top Girls Injecting Themselves with Syringes Fetish Videos on Youtube of the Day

Rachel Maddow On David Kato’s Murder


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“Will the donor countries that Uganda relies on so heavily say publicly, ‘We are paying attention to this murder. Do not disappear David Kato’s murder or we will make you a pariah for it’. Given American citizens’ vile involvement in this, maybe the United States can take the lead.” Subscribe to Joe.My.God. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Joe. My. God. Discovery Date : 05/02/2011 05:41 Number of articles : 2

Rachel Maddow On David Kato’s Murder

BIG NEWS: Stem cell transplant has cured HIV infection in ‘Berlin patient’, say doctors

Doctors who carried out a stem cell transplant on an HIV-infected man with leukaemia in 2007 say they now believe the man to have been cured of HIV infection as a result of the treatment, which introduced stem cells which happened to be resistant to HIV infection. The man received bone marrow from a donor who had natural resistance to HIV infection; this was due to a genetic profile which led to the CCR5 co-receptor being absent from his cells. The most common variety of HIV uses CCR5 as its ‘docking station’, attaching to it in order to enter and infect CD4 cells, and people with this mutation are almost completely protected against infection. The case was first reported at the 2008 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Boston, and Berlin doctors subsequently published a detailed case history in the New England Journal of Medicine in February 2009. They have now published a follow-up report in the journal Blood, arguing that based on the results of extensive tests, “It is reasonable to conclude that cure of HIV infection has been achieved in this patient.” The case history The 'Berlin patient' is an HIV-positive man who developed acute myeloid leukaemia, received successful treatment and subsequently experienced a relapse in 2007 that required a transplant of stem cells. Doctors chose stem cells from an individual who had an unusual genetic profile: a mutation inherited from both parents that resulted in CD4 cells that lacked the CCR5 receptor. This mutation, called CCR5 delta 32 homozygosity, is present in less than 1% of Caucasians in northern and western Europe, and is associated with a reduced risk of becoming infected with HIV. This is because all new infecting viruses need to use the CCR5 receptor on CD4 cells when infecting an immune system cell of the CD4 type. Later in the course of HIV infection another type of virus emerges that can use the CXCR4 receptor instead. Before the stem cell transplant the patient received chemotherapy treatment that destroyed most immune cells and total body irradiation, and also received immunosuppressive drugs to prevent rejection of the stem cells. Antiretroviral therapy was halted on the day of the transplant, and the patient had to receive a second stem cell transplant 13 days after the first one, due to a further relapse of leukaemia. The patient continued to receive immunosuppressive treatment to prevent rejection for 38 months, and at 5, 24 and 29 months post-transplant colon biopsies were taken to investigate possible graft-versus-host disease in the intestine. At each investigation additional samples were taken to check for signs of HIV infection in the abundant immune cells of the gut wall. During the 38 month follow-up period the donor CD4 cells repopulated the mucosal immune system of the gut, to such an extent that the frequency of CD4 cells was almost twice as high as in HIV-negative healthy controls, and this phenomenon was also seen in a control group of ten HIV-negative individuals who received stem cell transfers. The repopulation of CD4 cells was accompanied by the complete disappearance of host CD4 cells, and after two years the patient had the CD4 count of a healthy adult of the same age. One of the challenges for any approach to curing HIV infection is long-lived immune system cells, which need to be cleared before a patient can be cured. In the case of the Berlin patient CCR5-bearing macrophages could not be detected after 38 months, suggesting that chemotherapy had destroyed these longer-lived cells, and that they had also been replaced by donor cells… (More in the link) added by: rhetoricallyineffective