For my daughter’s 7th birthday she received a ticket to the Justin Bieber concert (with special guest Carly Rae Jepsen). Here’s her reaction when she opened the envelope and discovered where she was going. More here: Justin Bieber Concert Tickets Surprise for 7th Birthday
George Zimmerman’s autograph is being sold to fund his defense in the high-profile Trayvon Martin murder case … just in case you thought you’d heard everything. Yes, the man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin is sending personally signed thank-you cards to anyone who donates money to his legal defense fund. Each card will be individually signed by George, the identity of all donors will be kept confidential, and the envelope of the cards will not bear his name. Just in case you don’t want the mailman finding out. Why go this route? He’s burdened with hefty “living expenses and legal costs,” according to GZDefenseFund (dot) com, though this claim is debatable. Donors who support George Zimmerman ‘s self-defense claim have reportedly already raised hundreds of thousands for his defense and protection. In any case, Zimmerman will plead not guilty to second-degree murder, citing Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, at a hearing that could happen as soon as April.
My name is Madison, I’m 16 years old, and on October 6th in Oakland, California, I met Justin Bieber. Did I just write that? I still can’t fathom that it actually happened to me. I have entered so many contests, called so many radio stations, and waited in lines for hours just to have the possibility of seeing Justin. Here is the story of how my dreams came true. The day that Justin Bieber announced that Believe tour tickets were going on sale, I ran to my parents and begged them to do everything they could to get tickets. I saw the option of getting meet and greet tickets on the website, but I knew it would be practically an impossibility to get those tickets. Justin’s concert tickets sell out in a matter of minutes. What were the chances that my parents would be able to get the tickets in time? My dad is a junior high school teacher, and the Believe tour tickets were going on sale during a short recess break. It was a Thursday when the tickets went on sale. I ran to my dad’s classroom when recess started. I was praying that I would go into the room, he would scream and say “YOU’RE MEETING JUSTIN BIEBER!!!” But that didn’t happen. In fact, with a defeated look on his face, he told me it was going to be nearly impossible to get tickets. Understanding, but still disappointed, I started walking out of my dad’s classroom when he shouted, “Make sure you turn in the form that I signed for your field trip, I’ll give the form to your teacher during PE! Ohh, and about the Justin Bieber tickets, Miracles happen, Madison!” I shrugged that comment off, too disappointed to acknowledge it. The rest of the school day, I was dreaming about what I would do if I met Justin Bieber. I dreamed about what I would say and what he would say back to me. I kept growing sadder and sadder as the day went on, and I realized that I was dreaming for nothing. What was the point of dreaming about meeting Justin Bieber when it wasn’t going to happen anyways? The day dragged on until it was finally the last class of the day. High school PE. We were playing softball. I wasn’t very good but that’s beside the point. Just as the class was ending, an envelope was delivered to my PE teacher. It had my name on it, I knew what was in the envelope. My dad had told me earlier that he was going to give my field trip form to my teacher . I hastily grabbed the envelope. We were walking back to the girls locker room, envelope in one hand, softball bat in the other. One of my friends, Alexi, said “Maddy, what if the envelope had meet and greet tickets inside?” I laughed and said, “Yah, right! The tickets have definitely sold out already.” Alexi asked me, “Okay Maddy, then can I open the envelope?” “Sure go ahead, all that’s in the envelope is a field trip form,” I responded. Alexi shrugged and ripped open the envelope. I will never forget that moment. She screamed so loud, with the biggest smile on her face and I knew that scream could only mean one thing. The envelope had the tickets inside. In complete and utter shock, I threw the softball bat across the field, and started crying. We jumped up and down screaming and hugging each other. Alexi yelled “Look it’s second row, and YOU’RE MEETING HIM MADDY!” When I got home, I ran to my parents and my dad smiling told me, “Remember what I told you, miracles happen!” It was a long four months that I waited until the day of the concert. When we finally got to the concert, my mom and I waited in the meet and greet line for twenty minutes. Those were the longest twenty minutes of my life. I kept rehearsing to my mom what I was going to say. I practically had a speech memorized for Justin. Finally, the black curtain that he was hiding behind was opened, and I looked at Justin Bieber face to face. I mustered, “Hi Justin! I love you so much! You are my inspiration.” (The whole speech I had planned was completely erased from my memory as soon as I saw him). He smiled the most perfect smile and said “Awww sweetie! I love you so much too! CAN I HAVE A HUG?” HE. ASKED. ME. IF I. COULD. HAVE. A. HUG. We hugged for a good 5 seconds, which by the way was complete heaven, and then we took a picture. I walked away from him, and it was all over. As soon as I stepped out of the meet and greet room, I started sobbing. I was crying because I felt so incredibly blessed that out of all the girls who dream of meeting Justin Bieber, it happened to me . Please, don’t forget that miracles do happen. You will have your miracle. Mine happened on October 6, 2012. Yours is coming. Read more: My name is Madison, I’m 16 years old, and on October 6th…
Raccoon Eyes is back with a vengeance. Former Gossip Girl rebel and current Pretty Reckless frontwoman Taylor Momsen strips down for “Under the Water,” a new spoken-word video from her band. Produced by Amp Rock TV, the Pretty Reckless effort is part of a series of similarly artistic videos from big music names. The content is … interesting. Never one to shy away from pushing the envelope, Taylor Momsen is completely naked in the “Under the Water” video, waxing philosophical throughout. It was bound to happen. She’s 19 now, so don’t worry about that. Fortunately, her signature eyeliner is back with reinforcements. Take a look at the video below and see what you make of it … Pretty Reckless – Under the Water
The Oscars are a bore this year, but luckily Mr. Skin has come through with a fur-tastic slate of Peeper’s Choice nominudes for our 13th Annual Anatomy Awards ! The Anatomy Awards celebrate the year’s finest achievements in celebrity skin, and this year we’ve got some exceptional nominudes in the areas of Best Nudecomer and Best Nude Debut , as well as some stiff compeTITion for Best Breasts and Best TV Show . We’ll be opening the envelope to announce our winners on February 22, so for the next month we’re asking YOU to open your envelope and VOTE for your Peeper’s Choice in all our top categories. Every vote enters you to win a MacBook Air and other great prizes, so go check out the nominated nudes for FREE on our Anatomy Awards page , and check out the full list of nominudes after the jump!
Missy Elliot is known for her catchy lyrics and Timbaland produced beats but we’d be remissed if we said we didn’t notice her style. During an era where plus size women weren’t praised in entertainment, Missy pushed the envelope with her daytime look— track suits and heavy jewelry and her music video ensembles often consisting of a bald head, bold lipsticks and even garbage receptacles. Whether she’s rocking a trash bag or thousand dollar designer wear, Missy’s undeniably a standout, so in celebration of her birthday today let’s take a look back at her style. Click Here To Read The Rest At
Rihanna is no role model, and she’ll readily admit that – while hitting back at the PTC for criticizing the message of her new music video this week. The Parents Television Council condemned Rihanna’s “Man Down” video for depicting a premeditated murder and glorifying the revenge aspect. Outraged at the video’s violent content, the group also implied a double standard, saying Chris Brown would be condemned for a similar video. Rihanna Tweeted today in response: Rihanna – Man Down “I’m a 23 year old rockstar with NO KIDS! What’s up with everybody wantin me to be a parent? I’m just a girl, I can only be your/our voice!” “We have the freedom to make art, LET US! Its your job to make sure they dont turn out like US. U can’t hide kids from society or they’ll never learn how to adapt!” “This is the REAL WORLD.” While the content of her video pushes the envelope farther than most, she makes a reasonable point. It is a parent’s responsibility, is it not? Thoughts?
Rock duo joke to MTV News that surviving execution in clip parallels their ’15 years of playing music.’ By Aly Semigran, with reporting by Ade Mangum Middle Class Rut Photo: MTV News Middle Class Rut are not only a hard-rocking band — their no-holds-barred sound has drawn comparisons to Rage Against the Machine and Deftones — but also one determined to push the envelope thanks to an anxiety-inducing video for their single “New Low.” Just before being named MTV’s Push Artist of the Week , Middle Class Rut sat down with MTV News to discuss the video, a mini-movie of sorts which features bandmates Zack Lopez and Sean Stockham suffering various executions — ranging from a hanging to a firing squad — none of which actually result in death. “It’s funny, that song, when we wrote it, it was nothing like we’d ever done before,” Stockham explained of the single from their return-to-rock-roots debut album, No Name No Color. “Normally, it’s like, me hitting loud drums and [Lopez] hitting loud guitar and {both of] us screaming over it.” The track is “a total departure,” as Stockham put it, for the duo, and they wanted to stretch the limits with the video as well. “We didn’t want to do just a performance video. We wanted to do something different.” After recruiting a friend who “came up with something pretty cool,” Stockham and Lopez found something oddly familiar about the idea narrowly escaping death. Stockham explained, “I mean, the idea of going from one execution scenario to the next without actually ever dying? That sounded like our 15 years of playing music.” What do you think of Middle Class Rut’s video for “New Low”? Related Artists Middle Class Rut
Might you be the perfect woman for Kellan Lutz? On his heels of break up with 90210 star AnnaLynne McCord, the actor was asked what he looks for in a mate and told E! News: “[I want] a normal girl… I just want someone who can bowl, throw a football, and likes to be athletic. And really just loves life and is happy and smiles. It’s tough to find someone who can take a time out and just live.” Are you taking notes, ladies? If so, you could be waking up next to THIS some day soon. Lutz was also asked about close friend Ashley Greene dating Joe Jonas and gave the couple a major seal of hot approval: “Joe’s a good friend of mine. He’s a really cool guy. He’s one of the boys.”
Posted onDecember 7, 2010byBenny Hollywood|Comments Off on Portia de Rossi Turns Down Dancing With the Stars; Same-Sex Partner Idea Shelved For Now
Dancing With The Stars producers aren’t quite ready fora same-sex couple on the ballroom floor after Portia de Rossi didn’t pan out, according to reports. “If Portia agreed, this would have been a done deal,” an ABC insider says . Ellen DeGeneres’ actress wife “was the only star that really could have pulled this off without completely offending the program’s conservative viewers.” Ellen still dances a lot on her show, at least . Portia was rumored to be going Dancing next year, but turned down overtures from the network for unknown reasons. As a result, the show “isn’t in a rush to have a same-sex dancing couple just to get attention and publicity.” The show has a soft spot for stunt casting – Kate Gosselin and Bristol Palin are just the newest, best examples – but DWTS isn’t out to push the envelope. “With all the debate going on about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell now, this would have been the perfect time to do this,” one Hollywood casting director said. “Yet, Dancing With the Stars has never been about pushing the envelope. It’s a huge hit precisely because it doesn’t make anyone uncomfortable.” Some sources feel the backlash over Palin’s surprising finals run on the show caught producers by surprise and they’re looking to avoid conflict. “After Bristol, I predict it will be the most boring stars next season,” an insider says. “When you have a hit this big, everyone is scared to mess it up.” What do you think of same-sex DWTS partners?