Tag Archives: explosion

New Evidence Of Controlled Demolition On 9/11

(There are several videos click the link above to see them all) The International Center for 9/11 Studies has secured the release of hundreds of hours of video footage and tens of thousands of photographs used by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for its investigation of the collapse of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7. This material is being released to the Center under the Freedom of Information Act, in response to a lawsuit the Center filed against NIST. The Center filed a FOIA Request with NIST on January 26, 2009, seeking production of “all of the photographs and videos collected, reviewed, cited or in any other way used by NIST during its investigation of the World Trade Center building collapses.” Following several unsuccessful attempts to get NIST to even acknowledge receipt of the Request, the Center was forced to file a lawsuit on May 28, 2009. Shortly after the lawsuit was filed, the Request was assigned a reference number, and NIST began periodically releasing batches of responsive records. To date, the Center has received over 300 DVDs and several external hard disk drives that contain responsive records – more than 3 terabytes of data so far – and NIST has indicated that additional records will be released in the future. We are currently looking at the best ways to distribute these materials to interested researchers and journalists around the world. It has taken NIST more than 8 months so far to produce a partial archive of photographs and videos in their possession, but we hope to be more efficient in our efforts. Because of the huge volume of data, we are working on a wiki-style website to facilitate review and discussion of any interesting items that are discovered by researchers. Justin Keogh, our Chief Technical Officer, is preparing the website and materials for release. The first batch of materials we are releasing is a group of video clips sent to us on an external hard disk drive labeled “NIST WTC Investigation Cumulus Video Clips.” We believe NIST entered these clips into a searchable database called the Cumulus database, and used them as the basis for the investigation and reports. Researchers may be interested to see which video clips NIST determined were important to its investigation, and compare these clips to the raw footage we release at a later date. Justin will be posting more details about the data release in the next week or two. Any questions about the FOIA Request, lawsuit, or data release should be submitted via the Contact Us page at the Center’s website: http://www.ic911studies.org/Contact_Us.html Although the Center has extremely limited resources with which it can review this mountain of data, several interesting items have already been discovered. Below are five items the Center has uncovered so far. The items below have not been altered from the original provided by NIST, except in three cases where a short section of footage was extracted from a much longer video. Otherwise, no alterations have been made to the video or audio. For the best viewing experience, you should watch all of the videos below in the highest resolution available. We will supplement the list below in the coming days and weeks. 1. Video Footage of Explosion Before Collapse In the video below, at about the 0:59 mark, a high-pressure explosion occurs in one of the Twin Towers, below the impact zone, while the building is still standing. In the final report on the collapse of the Twin Towers issued by NIST, it appears to attempt an explanation for this explosion by suggesting it is a smoke puff resulting from a pressure pulse inside the building, perhaps from a collapsing wall or ceiling, or sudden opening of a door. (See NCSTAR1-5A, p. 52) However, as can be seen from the screen capture below, it isn’t merely smoke and dust being ejected. There appears to be a massive object being ejected along with the explosion. 2. Audio Evidence of Explosions During Collapse Several videos released to the Center have clear audio tracks that contain distinct sounds of explosions occurring at the World Trade Center. These audio tracks provide support to the many eyewitness statements referring to explosions occurring when the buildings collapsed. Explosions can be heard at the initiation of the South Tower collapse in the following two videos. The explosions are clear enough at normal volumes, but turning your speaker volume up a bit can help provide a full appreciation of the sound. added by: im1mjrpain

BP Fined a Record $50 Million for Texas Refinery Explosion

Photo via SymonSez To all those who’ve voiced concern that the federal government is just being too hard on poor ol’ BP (here’s looking at you Rep. Barton), perhaps you should take note of the following: There’s a reason that BP needs to be held accountable for considerable damage its caused. It’s called gross negligence, and not just in beginning a deep-water drilling operation it had no contingency plan for — but also in cases like that its Texas oil refinery, where safety protocol was treated like a joke, and subsequently, a 2005 explosion left 15… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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BP Fined a Record $50 Million for Texas Refinery Explosion

Financier Made $1 Billion Bet on Oil During BP Spill

Image via CNN The billionaire financier Carl Icahn snapped up $929 million worth of shares in oil-related energy companies in the months following the explosion at the Deepwater Horizon site , new reports are revealing. Icahn made the nearly $1 billion bet as shares in the industry were falling to all-time lows, and it’s thought that this investment helped the energy sector rebound in July. But what I want to focus on is the nature of Icahn’s bet: His $1 billion bet was based … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Financier Made $1 Billion Bet on Oil During BP Spill

The Truth about the Gulf Oil Spill, and FACTS to back it up

What is really going on in the Gulf of Mexico? I will give you the facts and let you “connect the dots.” Keep in mind the well-documented history of “false flag” events which are indicative of the “Hegelian Dialectic” (i.e., problem, reaction, solution). Click HERE for an overview of this technique as well as over 70 historical examples. Before the Explosion We now know (through witness testimony from Tyrone Benton) that there were cracks reported in the drill casing two weeks prior to the disaster and that it was leaking, but BP did nothing about it. (LINK) Hours before the explosion, Deepwater Horizon installation manager Jimmy Harrell was witnessed by other rig workers screaming “Are you ****ing happy? Are you ****ing happy? The rig’s on fire! I told you this was going to happen!” (LINK) Goldman Sachs sold 44% of their total holdings, 4,680,822 shares of BP stock in the first quarter of 2010. The investment firm earned about USD $266 million on the sale. (LINK) Contrary to popular opinion, the Deepwater Horizon (Mississippi Canyon 252) oil rig that exploded is not the property of BP, but rather is the property of Transocean. (LINK) Both companies are financially directed by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and UBS investment bankers, all operating in the Rothschild League of banks. (LINK) BP CEO Tony Hayward sold


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Viral Video Film School Goes to The Webbys

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Viral Video Film School Goes to The Webbys


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That’s Gay: Bryan’s Proud of Sex-Obsessed Religious Nuts

That’s Gay’s Bryan Safi loves how much anti-gay zealots are obsessed with gay sex.

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That’s Gay: Bryan’s Proud of Sex-Obsessed Religious Nuts

Before Oil Spill, It Was Unclear Who Was in Charge of Rig – The New York Times

PART ONE… http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/06/us/06rig.html?hp June 5, 2010 Before Oil Spill, It Was Unclear Who Was in Charge of Rig By IAN URBINA NEW ORLEANS — Over six days in May, far from the familiar choreography of Washington hearings, federal investigators grilled workers involved in the Deepwater Horizon disaster in a chilly, sterile conference room at a hotel near the airport here. The six-member panel of Coast Guard and Minerals Management Service officials pressed for answers about what occurred on the rig on April 20 before it exploded. They wanted to know who was in charge, and heard conflicting answers. They pushed for more insight into an argument on the rig that day between a manager for BP, the well’s owner, and one for Transocean, the rig’s owner, and asked Curt R. Kuchta, the rig’s captain, how the crew knew who was in charge. “It’s pretty well understood amongst the crew who’s in charge,” he said. “How do they know that?” a Coast Guard investigator asked. “I guess, I don’t know,” Captain Kuchta said. “But it’s pretty well — everyone knows.” Looking annoyed, Capt. Hung Nguyen of the Coast Guard, one of the chief federal investigators, shook his head. The exchange confirmed an observation he had made earlier in the day at the hearing. “A lot of activities seem not very tightly coordinated in the way that would make me comfortable,” he said. “Maybe that’s just the way of business out there.” Investigators have focused on the minute-to-minute decisions and breakdowns to understand what led to the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon, killing 11 people and setting off the largest oil spill in United States history and an environmental disaster. But the lack of coordination was not limited to the day of the explosion. New government and BP documents, interviews with experts and testimony by witnesses provide the clearest indication to date that a hodgepodge of oversight agencies granted exceptions to rules, allowed risks to accumulate and made a disaster more likely on the rig, particularly with a mix of different companies operating on the Deepwater whose interests were not always in sync. And in the aftermath, arguments about who is in charge of the cleanup — often a signal that no one is in charge — have led to delays, distractions and disagreements over how to cap the well and defend the coastline. As a result, with oil continuing to gush a mile below the surface in the Gulf of Mexico, the laws of physics are largely in control, creating the daunting challenge of trying to plug a hole at depths where equipment is straining under more than a ton of pressure per square inch. Tad W. Patzek, chairman of the Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Department at the University of Texas, Austin, has analyzed reports of what led to the explosion. “It’s a very complex operation in which the human element has not been aligned with the complexity of the system,” he said in an interview last week. His conclusion could also apply to what occurred long before the disaster. CONTINUED… added by: EthicalVegan

60 Minutes Interview with BP whistleblower: "I survived to tell this story"

In case you missed this riveting 60 Minutes report last night on the BP Oil spill in the Gulf, it is worth your time. This, by the way, is the sort of investigative journalism that people worry about losing when they talk about plummeting ad sales, and deep budget cuts. Moreover, the BP Oil spill is just the sort of story that is going to require a long dedicated look; it’s already becoming quite clear that the roots of the problem are long and may lead to places people would rather not be uncovered, and that there are likely a lot of contributing factors here that the people in charge are (not surprisingly) not disclosing. For the segment, Scott Pelley conducted a long interview with survivor Mike Williams who provided a graphic description of his escape and also told Pelley that the there had been plenty of warnings, for weeks beforehand, leading up to the explosion. Specifically, there was “trouble from the start” and four weeks before the actual explosion, due to delays that were themselves a direct result of trying to rush the process, a “vital piece of safety equipment was damaged.” Alas, what it mostly sounds like is another instance of profit taking precedence over responsible action. Sadly, there’s a lot more, including the fact that on the day of the explosion some officials were flown in for a ceremony to celebrate the rig’s safety record. And that a BP Oil exec may have interfered with sealing the well. Also, that the ‘abandon ship’ order resulted in a panic and numerous crew members were left on board. Be prepared to be both riveted and infuriated. (Here's the rest of the interview with rig survivor Mike Williams, along with analysis by expert civil and environmental engineer Bob Bea: http://www.nola.com/news/gulf-oil-spill/index.ssf/2010/05/oil_spill_video_60_min… added by: samantha420