Tag Archives: haley barbour

Video And Post-Mortem of Spectacular Carnival Cruise Liner Accident Off Tuscan Coast


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To those who woke up on Saturday to images of a massive cruise liner keeled over following a very peculiar Friday night accident off the coast of Italy, no, this was not a prop for the latest James Cameron movie: it is the Carnival Corp’s Costa Concordia , which carried over 4,200 passengers and crew, and foundered after hit a submerged rock off the Tuscan island of Giglio in very calm conditions…. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : zero hedge Discovery Date : 14/01/2012 13:10 Number of articles : 2

Video And Post-Mortem of Spectacular Carnival Cruise Liner Accident Off Tuscan Coast

O Governor, where art thou?


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(Scott Johnson) I’ve been wondering what rationale Haley Barbour could possibly have had for the blizzard of pardons he issued on his way out of office. Now that he has explained, in an interview with Bret Baier on Fox News, I’ve gone from mystification to anger. Governor Barbour explains that most of those pardoned had already been released from prison. What about the remaining 26 pardons and the… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Power Line Discovery Date : 14/01/2012 18:24 Number of articles : 2

O Governor, where art thou?

BOSSIP Exclusive Album Premiere: Marsha Ambrosius “Late Nights & Early Mornings”

BOSSIP exclusively presents the premiere of the lovely and talented Marsha Ambrosius’ first official solo album “Late Nights & Early Mornings” on J Records, a unit of Sony Music Entertainment. We’ve previously given you a taste of “Far Away” and “Hope She Cheats On You (With A Basketball Player)” , and now we have the ENTIRE tracklisting for your listening pleasure! The songstress’ new album “Late Nights & Early Mornings” official release date is March 1, 2011. CLICK HERE to Pre-order today Go to PAGE 2 to listen to “Late Nights & Early Mornings” in its entirety!!!

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BOSSIP Exclusive Album Premiere: Marsha Ambrosius “Late Nights & Early Mornings”

Sisters Who Were Released From Prison For Kidney Transplant Need To Lose 160 Lbs And Quit Smoking Newports

Uhhh oh…the “kidney sisters” have a little hiccup in their quest for organ transplant action: There’s a “complication” in the case of Mississippi ex-convicts sisters Jamie and Gladys Scott, who won their release from life prison terms on the grounds that one sister would give the other a kidney. The planned organ transplant apparently cannot take place until Jamie quits smoking and they lose a combined 160 pounds. The sisters had served 16 years of their life sentences for a robbery when they were released on Jan. 7. They moved to Pensacola, Fla. Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour set a condition of their freedom that Gladys give a kidney to Jamie, who suffers from kidney failure. Gladys had volunteered to do so. Jamie Scott said Wednesday that a doctor said she has to lose 100 pounds to receive the transplant. She said would-be donor Gladys must lose 60 pounds and stop smoking. Barbour hasn’t said whether he’ll send the sisters back to prison if the transplant doesn’t happen. This will be a good look for them as it’s pointless to be free and your a$s is unhealthy…they both need to get on that “Aretha Franklin” diet STAT! Source

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Sisters Who Were Released From Prison For Kidney Transplant Need To Lose 160 Lbs And Quit Smoking Newports

Paul/Reagan in 2012?


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The Atlantic’s Joshua Green observes that Haley Barbour isn’t the only potential 2012 GOP candidate to be once endorsed by Ronald Reagan. Ben Smith of Politico has identified what he predicts will be the “best campaign ad of 2012.” It will be a Haley Barbour spot featuring something any GOP hopeful would kill for: Ronald Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Liberty Maven Discovery Date : 08/02/2011 04:24 Number of articles : 2

Paul/Reagan in 2012?

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Predicts ‘Certain Networks’ Will ‘Maul’ Haley Barbour If He Runs in 2012

The co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Joe Scarborough, strongly believes certain networks would play the race card big time against southern Republican Haley Barbour, if he runs for President in 2012. Scarborough predicted on Thursday that if the Mississippi governor is the Republican Presidential nominee in 2012, the media would smear him as a racist white man from the South running against the first black president. He particularly stated that “certain networks” would “maul” Barbour if he runs, resulting in an awkward moment on the set. Could Scarborough possibly have meant MSNBC in that cast? When the discussion turned to a possible Barbour-Obama race in 2012, Scarborough put in his two cents. “I like [Barbour] a lot,” he said. “I just don’t like the optics of him against Barack Obama in 2012.” Scarborough invoked the media’s treatment of the Clintons in the 2008 Democratic Primary as an example. “We saw last time, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton were accused of being racists. How will the mainstream media treat an old-time Southern governor from Mississippi who criticizes [Obama]?” Politico executive editor Jim Vandehei even sounded his agreement with Scarborough. “I think you pinpointed exactly his biggest liability,” he told Scarborough of Barbour. “Before people knew me, they assumed because I was from the South that I was a racist,” Scarborough continued. “Ask Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton what the national media did to them because they were running against an African-American.” A transcript of the segment, which aired on August 19, at 6:25 a.m. EDT, is as follows: JOE SCARBOROUGH: I like this guy a lot. I just don’t the optics of him against Barack Obama in 2012 as a Republican strategist, the optics. TINA BROWN, editor-in-chief, The Daily Beast: What do you mean the optics? JIM VANDEHEI: executive editor, Politico: A Southern, bourbon-drinking, former tobacco lobbyist optics? SCARBOROUGH: No, seriously, from Mississippi. And let’s just get it out on the table now, because nobody else will say it. From Mississippi, running against the first African-American President. It’s going to be tough for any Republican, even from Minnesota…to run against an African-American. We saw last time, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton were accused of being racists. Jim, how will the mainstream media treat an old-time Southern governor from Mississippi who criticizes him? VANDEHEI: I mean, I think you pinpointed exactly his biggest liability. (…) 6:28 a.m. BROWN: You say you don’t like the optics, and of course that is an enormous thing, Mississippi versus the African-American. But at the same time, if you look at the optics the other way, and say he actually comes off as a kind of grisly, hands-on, experienced – I mean he could be like the un-Barack, in that sense, you know? JOE SCARBOROUGH: I will tell you, though. I can already write the columns, that will be in the New York Times op-ed pages, and I know this, going on shows, where there’s politically correct you-name-it, where before people knew me they assumed because I was from the South that I was a racist. And again, ask Hillary Clinton, or Bill Clinton, what the national media did to them because they were running against an African-American. BROWN: But we have a different period now. I mean, I think, I think nobody wants that to be said, and I’m sure that there are ways that perhaps he could  – SCARBOROUGH: They accused Bill Clinton of being a racist. BROWN: That race was full of the kind of idealism of, you know, of the first African-American President, which it should have been. SCARBOROUGH: So let’s call Bill Clinton a racist. You get the point. If they would do that to the guy that people called “the first black president,” what will they do to a Southern governor that looks like Haley. BROWN: Yeah, it’ll be ugly. SCARBOROUGH: They will maul him, on certain networks.

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MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Predicts ‘Certain Networks’ Will ‘Maul’ Haley Barbour If He Runs in 2012

Ron Paul wins CPAC straw poll. Sarah Palin comes in distant third.

I just saw on Fox (I have no idea why I had that station on my television) that Ron Paul has won the CPAC straw poll to determine who should be the GOP’s candidate in 2012. The results went as follow Ron Paul 31% Mitt Romney 22% Sarah Palin 7% There was a fourth candidate but I cannot remember who it was. (McCain? Huckabee?) Well anyhow I think we can safely say that, with only 7% of the vote, Sarah Palin is no longer the GOP wet dream. It looks like the majority of the Teabaggers are going to stay with the guy who brought them to the dance, Ron Paul. Their flirtation with Sarah Palin may have ended when she told them to grow up and pick a party. And poor Mitt, the guy has won three years in a row, but he is just too reasonable and boring for the Teabaggers. There are a lot of very intelligent people who like what Ron Paul has to say, but even they agree the guys has absolutely no shot in being elected president. Update: Thanks to krbmjb05 I now have the official results: Ron Paul – 31% Mitt Romney – 22% Sarah Palin – 7% Tim Pawlenty – 6% Mike Pence – 5% Newt Gingrich -4% Mike Huckabee – 4% Mitch Daniels – 2% Rick Santorum – 2% John Thune – 2% Haley Barbour – 1% Other – 5% Undecided – 6% 53% think we need a better field; 46% are fine with it.

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Ron Paul wins CPAC straw poll. Sarah Palin comes in distant third.

Let’s Not Forget About Michele Bachmann!

Everyone is paying so much attention to one crazy liar lady that they have forgotten all about the other one, the one who still holds elected office! Thankfully, Michele Bachmann is stepping up the crazy. World Net Daily —the completely insane right-wing “news site” that promotes and “researches” and obsesses over conspiracies like Obama’s Kenyan birth and the NAFTA superhighway and FEMA concentration camps —held a press conference on Capitol Hill to celebrate their successful campaign to have their crazy (but spendy!) readers send “pink slips” to members of Congress.

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Let’s Not Forget About Michele Bachmann!

Mississippi Fights to Remain Number One in Institutional Racism

Governor Haley Barbour hit the Mississippi politician superfecta: he’s proposed something that is at once racist, sexist, classist, and bad for education. Barbour’s proposed budget would merge the state’s three public historically black colleges into one public historically black college.

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Mississippi Fights to Remain Number One in Institutional Racism