Tag Archives: implants

Kylie Jenner Does Instagram of the Day

Kylie Jenner is interesting….she proves that if you have the right level of stage mother, you know who really understands the market, how to make money as “spokesmodels” or personalities, and who grasps the vain narcissistic world that we live in, or that that family in particular live in, she’ll totally sign off on your tanning sessions, your lip injections, your implants, I mean hell she would have done it sooner if she didn’t have to wait until 16 to do it. That’s not to say that the chubbier and “edgier” Jenner, or as I like to call them Kardashian’s Part 2, who are the mother’s second wind of talent to exploit for personal gain and a tap on the back, while the grand kids have time to hit 13 before it is their turn….has had word done…she just looks like she has…and if a porn looking, made-up like it was Halloween on a Tuesday lookin’ reality star spin off isn’t your thing, than you’re crazy…because Kyle Jenner is amazing.

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Kylie Jenner Does Instagram of the Day

Kylie Jenner Does Instagram of the Day

Kylie Jenner is interesting….she proves that if you have the right level of stage mother, you know who really understands the market, how to make money as “spokesmodels” or personalities, and who grasps the vain narcissistic world that we live in, or that that family in particular live in, she’ll totally sign off on your tanning sessions, your lip injections, your implants, I mean hell she would have done it sooner if she didn’t have to wait until 16 to do it. That’s not to say that the chubbier and “edgier” Jenner, or as I like to call them Kardashian’s Part 2, who are the mother’s second wind of talent to exploit for personal gain and a tap on the back, while the grand kids have time to hit 13 before it is their turn….has had word done…she just looks like she has…and if a porn looking, made-up like it was Halloween on a Tuesday lookin’ reality star spin off isn’t your thing, than you’re crazy…because Kyle Jenner is amazing.

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Kylie Jenner Does Instagram of the Day

Kea Ho for Galore Magazine of the Day

I wonder if Don Ho’s daughter – Kea Ho – was ever teased about her last name being Ho, when she has such a subtle and classy look to her, a look that would appear to the outsider who has never heard of Kea Ho, to possibly think she was a librarian or something equally non sexual….despite the implants – not that anyone has ever really heard of her, no matter how hard that Ho of a name is used to book jobs, or at least pay her rent with some Tiny Bubbles royalties…. All this to say … she’s amazing. Via the homies at GALORE

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Kea Ho for Galore Magazine of the Day

Some A&E Show Star was a Suicide Girl, Oh Shit! of the Day

Her name is Kendall-Leigh Neuner. She is from a TV Show Barter Kings that I am sure is a piece of shit TV show, up on some Pawn Stars hustle, only on A&E, because bartering is Arts and Entertainment, like Honey Boo Boo is the fucking Learning Channel…as every single network has lost their initial vision as they compete with the internet for views…and middle of the road America is retarded and this kind of broke ass, ghetto, garbage shit speaks to their retard core. That said, this girl on the show was a suicide girl , a site that I don’t hate, I actually know a ton of their top girls….They have done good marketing…they’ve been in the game a long time…but more importantly, they have built a business model where they get cute girls with tattoos, who would never be models, naked and posing like they are pinup girls, often times for free, which is genius in so many way…. Anyway, here are Kendall-Leigh Neuner – from TV Show Barter Kings’ suicide girl pics…that should probably get her fired, but in this era, I assume it’s just a good marketing ploy because before today…she didn’t exist, and either did their show… So I guess being a Suicide girl pays off after-all. To see all the pics, cuz dude in the forum went nuts CLICK HERE

Originally posted here:
Some A&E Show Star was a Suicide Girl, Oh Shit! of the Day

Amy Hood for Jonathan Leder of the Day

Friends of the site, Jonathan Leder and his model muse AMY LEDER , the brains behind a modern skin mag called FETISHISM MANIFESTO , that explores sexuality with what I call fashion or art nudity…just released this awesome set of pictures for Purple Magazine…and I may or may not be in love. What they are doing is bringing back eroticism in nude content. They are doing what Playboy and Penthouse did so well years ago, before being misguided into going harder and hard and harder…until the only think left in porn is necorphilia but that probably already exists…since society so fucking porno-ed up and distorted thanks to the internet… As someone who has been exposed to porn on all levels, from being on set to dealing with porn girls….there’s something magical about just seeing a beautiful model…naked in her element…not getting throat fucked… I am into this team’s work…and I’m into bush in a huge way…and I into erotica and more importantly I am into staring at Amy Hood naked…even in black and white…which I am not so into but I still think it’s a win/win…

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Amy Hood for Jonathan Leder of the Day

Hayden Panettiere See Through of the Day

I remember when there was a blind item years ago about Hayden Panettiere being a child prostitute…it never really went anywhere, but made me laugh, they suggested that her mom pimped her out to Hollywood execs, and I kind of believe that is very possible, especially after she got knocked up by a dude with what I can only imagine, not that I ever imagine what size dicks dudes have, a 12 inch penis, set against her 4 foot 9 frame, is some kind of dirtiness…not to mention, now, while pregnant, she’s out in see through shirts and bikinis and drawing attention to her implants…it’s all signs of what I like to think is a sex addict, because if she wasn’t into sex, how did she get pregnant in the first place…think about that one….while I go stare at girls tanning in the park… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

See the original post here:
Hayden Panettiere See Through of the Day

Courtney Love in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Courtney Love put up this picture of her in a one piece that may have been taken many years ago, when she was just a young drug addict killing off boyfriends to get ahead and become insanely popular, reminding all you rich and famous motherfuckers, to never fall in love with a hooker, or stripper, they are usually damaged goods and won’t really bring you up so much as bring you down, plus their vaginas smell like other men, which in turn makes you a little bit homo… Maybe this picture is proof that you can fake a bikini pic, if you have implants and a one piece to cover your flaws, along with years of posing for pro-photogs to know your look, and enough filters to blur out your zombie fucking face…and body…”make it black and white so they don’t see my blue dead heroin addict skin”….”fuzz out the right side of the picture so that they can’t see my botox failed me, scrotum like face”…”let me lay on my side so it looks like I have a waist, even though them meth took that years ago”…”let me squeeze my implants together, cuz #tits”… I know what she’s doing here…but I may still try to masturbate to it…I like challenges…

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Courtney Love in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Courtney Love in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Courtney Love put up this picture of her in a one piece that may have been taken many years ago, when she was just a young drug addict killing off boyfriends to get ahead and become insanely popular, reminding all you rich and famous motherfuckers, to never fall in love with a hooker, or stripper, they are usually damaged goods and won’t really bring you up so much as bring you down, plus their vaginas smell like other men, which in turn makes you a little bit homo… Maybe this picture is proof that you can fake a bikini pic, if you have implants and a one piece to cover your flaws, along with years of posing for pro-photogs to know your look, and enough filters to blur out your zombie fucking face…and body…”make it black and white so they don’t see my blue dead heroin addict skin”….”fuzz out the right side of the picture so that they can’t see my botox failed me, scrotum like face”…”let me lay on my side so it looks like I have a waist, even though them meth took that years ago”…”let me squeeze my implants together, cuz #tits”… I know what she’s doing here…but I may still try to masturbate to it…I like challenges…

Original post:
Courtney Love in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Miranda Kerr’s Nipples for Elle Spain of the Day

I don’t care, so you probably don’t care…but Miranda Kerr brought out her implants in some fashion magazine that I assume she wasn’t paid for, but instead did because she can now show her nipples whenever the fuck she wants, as she’s not tied down to that pesky 3 million dollar Victoria’s Secret contract that was really holding her back in her career and not allowing her to do free shoots, when taking time off from fucking multiple billionaires… I’ve heard she’s a horrible person by people she works with. I believe it. She’s got a weirdo face…but she is still an ex Victoria’s Secret model like Gisele, Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks before her, I am sure her demise is going to be just fine…and as long as there are nipples…I’ll notice, despite not caring…I’m just that kind of guy. Apparently I POSTED THESE IN APRIL …I am better at this than I thought I was…

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Miranda Kerr’s Nipples for Elle Spain of the Day

Miranda Kerr’s Nipples for Elle Spain of the Day

I don’t care, so you probably don’t care…but Miranda Kerr brought out her implants in some fashion magazine that I assume she wasn’t paid for, but instead did because she can now show her nipples whenever the fuck she wants, as she’s not tied down to that pesky 3 million dollar Victoria’s Secret contract that was really holding her back in her career and not allowing her to do free shoots, when taking time off from fucking multiple billionaires… I’ve heard she’s a horrible person by people she works with. I believe it. She’s got a weirdo face…but she is still an ex Victoria’s Secret model like Gisele, Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks before her, I am sure her demise is going to be just fine…and as long as there are nipples…I’ll notice, despite not caring…I’m just that kind of guy. Apparently I POSTED THESE IN APRIL …I am better at this than I thought I was…

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Miranda Kerr’s Nipples for Elle Spain of the Day