Tag Archives: implication

Justin Bieber Offends Canadian Aboriginals; Should He Apologize?

What was intended to be a joke by Justin Bieber has landed the singer in a bit of hot water. In an interview with Rolling Stone – inside the same issue that contains sex advice from the young star – Bieber is asked about his nationality and responds: “I’m actually part Indian. I think Inuit or something? I’m enough percent that in Canada, I can get free gas.” Harmless, right? Not to everyone… The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples has chimed and the group is unhappy with the implication behind Justin’s words. “These kinds of remarks are another example of what Aboriginal Peoples in Canada struggle with every day,” says the organization in a statement. “These kinds of remarks are another example of what Aboriginal peoples in Canada struggle with every day. It promotes the misconception that we are somehow getting a free ride. This simply is not the case and we are concerned that many people may believe what he said.” Honestly, many people likely don’t even understand what Bieber said. Still, he clearly did offend some people. Should Justin apologize?

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Justin Bieber Offends Canadian Aboriginals; Should He Apologize?

Nicki Sterling on Courtney Robertson Wedding Dress Pics: Shocking!

Courtney Robertson, the controversial finalist on The Bachelor, has shocked more than just fans by trying on wedding dresses in Beverly Hills on Wednesday. Nicki Sterling, who was eliminated this week, is beside herself as well. Sterling is “positively shocked” by the photos, and the implication that Robertson, a season-long source of Bachelor drama will get Ben Flajnik’s final rose. “I’d have to chew on that for a while,” Sterling tells People . “I don’t even know. I’m kind of shocked right now. I’m sorry, wow, my mouth is open right now.” There’s always the possibility that the attention-loving Courtney Robertson was merely putting on a publicity stunt of sorts. Or maybe she was “modeling”! “I would hope and pray that is not the case,” Sterling says of a possible stunt by Court. “There are no words to describe how horrible that would be.” “I mean, somebody’s heart is on the line.” “Not just somebody’s, but Ben who I care deeply about. I cannot believe anybody – even as manipulative as Courtney – would take it that far. I would hope not.” Only time (and perhaps some more hinting on Court’s part, or The Bachelor spoilers if you’re into that sort of thing and believe them) will tell.

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Nicki Sterling on Courtney Robertson Wedding Dress Pics: Shocking!

Washington Post: Ground Zero Mosque Protesters ‘Use "Sharia" as a Slur’

“Protesters use ‘sharia’ as a slur and rallying cry against Islam,” reads the dismissive print edition headline for Michelle Boorstein’s page A5 August 27 story. The Washington Post’s online edition used different wording: “For critics of Islam, ‘sharia’ a loaded word.” Boorstein cited “controversial” conservative scholar Daniel Pipes warning that pro-sharia Muslims “want to implement sharia in every detail on everyone in a stringest way.” For an opposing view, the Post religion writer also cited Imam Yahya Hendi, a Muslim chaplain for Georgetown University and “spokesman of the Islamic Jurisprudence Council of North America,” who argued that more moderate Muslims see sharia as more like a set of guidelines to guide personal and family life than a rigid code of law which must supplant secular governance. Fair enough, yet Boorstein put her thumb on the scale by lamenting that “the word has become akin to a slur in some camps… an alarming development to many religious and political leaders.” That sentence immediately preceded Boorstein excerpting a statement by liberal National Council of Churches president Peg Chemberlin, who complained that the NCC was “deeply saddened by those who denigrate a religion which in so many ways is a religion of compassion.” While neither Boorstein nor Chemberlin named names, the implication to the reader is that opponents of the Ground Zero mosque are anti-Islam, not merely anti-radical Islam or simply opposed to the mosque being located so close to Ground Zero, and that the specter of sharia law is a convenient bogeyman for those with a cynical agenda.

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Washington Post: Ground Zero Mosque Protesters ‘Use "Sharia" as a Slur’

Group Founded by Van Jones Claims FNC Lies, Proceeds to Lie About Fox, Tea Party

Reading through material from the “Turn Off Fox” campaign, one gets the very clear impression that the folks at the Fox News Channel are bold-faced liars. They have “no regard for the truth,” and uses “half-truths” to push a “stream of misinformation” and “distortions of the truth.” Turn Off Fox is a project started by Color of Change, the far-left political organization founded by neo-Marxist and black liberation theologist Van Jones. Despite Turn Off Fox’s righteous indignation, the same document making the above accusations pushes blatant misinformation about both Fox and the Tea Party movement. Got that? The Turn Off Fox campaign wants FNC to tell the truth, and uses demonstrable falsehoods to bolster its case. The document accusing Fox of pushing misinformation claims that Bill O’Reilly got former USDA official Shirley Sherrod fired, and claims that Tea Party protesters shouted racial slurs and spit on black congressmen outside the Capitol. Both claims have been thoroughly debunked. Turn Off Fox claims that “Fox News hosts Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity were the first to air maliciously edited video of Shirley Sherrod’s speech to the Georgia NAACP – video that cost Sherrod her job with the USDA.” Clearly, the implication is that Fox was responsible for Sherrod’s ouster. Granted, the document doesn’t actually say that Sherrod was fired because of O’Reilly’s or Hannity’s work, only that they were the first to air the video, which is true. But the document is an attempt to single out Fox News for supposed wrongdoing. So if other cable networks did the same thing Fox did, there would be no reason to mention it in this document. And as Howard Kurtz wrote , Fox did not air the video in question until after Sherrod resigned. Fox was joined by numerous other television news shows, which all aired the viral clip. In other words, the role Fox News played in Sherrod’s resignation was no larger than any other cable news channel. Call Turn Off Fox’s claim a lie, call it a half truth, call it what you like. But the fact is, the document pushes the false notion that Fox was uniquely responsible (among television news channels) for the Sherrod controversy. That claim is nothing short of false. The document goes on to offer flimsy evidence linking Fox News to the Tea Party movement. It says the following about the latter: “As the House of Representatives deliberated over health care legislation this past spring, some Tea Party members gathered outside the Capitol shouted ‘Ni**er!’ at black congressmen.” The document also claims that “One of the protesters spat on Congressman Emmanuel Cleaver.” Both of those claims are false. Or, at the very least, there is no evidence to support either claim. Numerous videos of the protest in question give no indication that any racial slur was uttered, or that any protester spit on Congressman Cleaver. The New York Times recently issued a retraction to that effect, noting the lack of evidence for a claim that most media outlets – but not Fox! – were willing to unquestionably parrot for so long. The “Turn Off Fox” campaign is the latest effort in Color of Change’s continuing vendetta against Fox News. This is the same organization that tried to get Glenn Beck taken off the air by targeting Fox’s advertisers. These blatant factual inaccuracies raise serious questions regarding Color of Change’s credibility. How can it accuse Fox of spreading misinformation, while using misinformation to bolster its case? This document suggests that, contrary to Color of Change’s claims, this is little more than a political effort designed to stifle speech the group’s far-left members don’t like. A request for comment from Color of Change was not returned by deadline.

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Group Founded by Van Jones Claims FNC Lies, Proceeds to Lie About Fox, Tea Party

Kim Kardashian Shows Off Her Fat Tongue of the Day

The only thing hot about Kardashian’s tongue is that I know a black dude pissed on it in video….and when shit is done on video…you know it’s not her first time…not that I find the act of a black dudes, or really any dude pissing in the face of girls hot, but it is the implication of what is going on in the girls head to allow for a dude to piss on her face, especially video and there’s nothing hotter than knowing a bitch getting pissed in the face has no self-respect…cuz she’s just a fat insecure pig willing to do anything for attention, only in this case, shit ended up with their own reality TV show…. Here she is unfortunately tainting the mind of a baby that was born into her family and ultimately doomed from the start making me wonder how many abortions she’s probably had, you know since she didn’t use condoms in the sex tape and according to the housing project by my house, black is fertile…. Here she is on a boat and she unfortunately didn’t fall off and drown cuz black people can’t swim, even when they got fat asses and tits their idiotic brains thought could double as a life jacket, without having to wear a bulky life jacket that ruins her outfit… Pics via Fame

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Kim Kardashian Shows Off Her Fat Tongue of the Day

Olbermann Claims FNC ‘Says ‘Indefensible & Even Racist Things’ Like Helen Thomas

On Friday’s Countdown show, after having decided not to include Helen Thomas in his “Worst Person” segment for her anti-Semitic declaration that Jews should “get the hell out of Palestine” and “go home” to Germany and Poland, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann included Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace in his “Worst Person” segment for suggesting that it would be “poetic justice” if Fox News were to be given her seat in the White House briefing room. Olbermann went on to claim that FNC personalities are guilty of making comments that are similarly racist as compared to Thomas’s attack on Israeli Jews: “Wallace thus implying that a far right entity that occasionally says indefensible and even racist things should replace a far left entity that occasionally said indefensible and even racist things.” On Wednesday’s Countdown show, Olbermann had similarly found a reason to include in his “Worst Person” segment the rabbi who exposed Thomas’s anti-Semitism, even though Thomas herself was never included in the segment. Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Friday, June 11, Countdown show on MSNBC: Runner up, Chris Wallace of Fox, saying his place, its own kind of get rich quick pitch, should get Helen Thomas`s front row seat in the White House press room. “This is actually kind of interesting because I think it would be the final sort of back payment for Helen Thomas if this were to happen because, obviously, she was very far to the left wing. And if her seat were to be taken by Fox News, it would be kind of poetic justice.” Wallace thus implying that a far right entity that occasionally says indefensible and even racist things should replace a far left entity that occasionally said indefensible and even racist things. When his implication was pointed out to him by a Fox interviewer, he said, “I just realized that`s probably not the way to go on this. We`re fair and balanced. That`s the point.” Chris, good luck with the rest of the toothpaste.

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Olbermann Claims FNC ‘Says ‘Indefensible & Even Racist Things’ Like Helen Thomas

Add Justin Long and Mike White to the Same-Sex Kissing Brigade

Gay kissing! It’s only the latest, most popular trend ever ! Just ask Sandra Bullock, who’ll make out with anyone ! Or Jason Bateman and Dustin Hoffman, who’ve become Hollywood’s glam new power couple ! Or Christian Newswire, a site that blames the implication of gay kissing for American Idol’s most boring season! OK, I’m going to stop using exclamation points now!

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Add Justin Long and Mike White to the Same-Sex Kissing Brigade

White Stripes Complaint Leads Air Force To Pull Super Bowl Ad

Force says the ad soundtrack’s similarity to ‘Fell in Love With a Girl’ was unintentional. By Joel Hanek White Stripes’ Jack White Photo: MTV News The U.S. Air Force has pulled the ad in which the White Stripes claim a re-recording of their song was used without permission. The Detroit rock duo band alleged that the 30-second recruitment commercial that aired during Sunday’s Super Bowl used music from “Fell in Love With a Girl” without their consent. The ad has been taken down from the Air Force Web site, but a statement on the site says the association with the Stripes was unintentional. “The Air Force Reserve commissioned an original piece of music for its one-time, 30-second Super Bowl regional advertisement,” said Lt. Col. Leslie Pratt, Air Force Reserve Command director of public affairs. “As soon as we realized there was a question about our ad, we immediately pulled it and have no plan to re-use it. Our goal was only to attract the best and brightest Americans to become Citizen Airmen.” The statement also claims that a contractor, Fast Forward Music, was hired by their advertising agency to compose an original score of music. “We had no intention to use existing music from the White Stripes or any other performer,” Pratt said. “Any similarity to them or other artists was certainly not intentional.” Shortly after the ad aired, the Stripes took to their site to object to their implied backing of military recruitment. “We believe our song was re-recorded and used without permission of the White Stripes, our publishers, label or management,” the statement read. “The White Stripes take strong insult and objection to the Air Force Reserve’s presenting this advertisement with the implication that we licensed one of our songs to encourage recruitment during a war that we do not support.” Related Artists The White Stripes

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White Stripes Complaint Leads Air Force To Pull Super Bowl Ad

White Stripes Claim Air Force Super Bowl Ad Uses Song Without Permission

Spot seems to feature re-recording of ‘Fell in Love With a Girl.’ By Gil Kaufman White Stripe’s Jack White Photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images That extreme “Grab Some Air” Air Force ad during the Super Bowl with the wicked snowboarding, skiing, surfing and skateboard moves did feature a surfy guitar riff that sounded an awful lot like the White Stripes ‘ “Fell in Love With a Girl.” That’s certainly what Jack White thinks, and judging by a message on the band’s Web site , he’s not too pleased about it. Under a side-by-side post of the original “Girl” video and a link to the Air Force Reserve ad, the site read, “We believe our song was re-recorded and used without permission of the White Stripes, our publishers, label or management. The White Stripes take strong insult and objection to the Air Force Reserve’s presenting this advertisement with the implication that we licensed one of our songs to encourage recruitment during a war that we do not support.” While the band pledged their strong support for the U.S. military “at home and during times when our country needs and depends on them,” the message added, “We simply don’t want to be a cog in the wheel of the current conflict, and hope for a safe and speedy return home for our troops.” The letter ended with a promise to seek legal advice on the matter. “We have not licensed our song to the Air Force Reserve and we plan to take strong action to stop the ad containing this music,” White said. A spokesperson for the Air Force could not be reached for comment at press time. The White Stripes have been on hiatus since 2007, when drummer Meg White’s acute anxiety forced the duo to cancel their tour. They have reportedly been working on a new album, though Jack White has promised that a second disc by his most recent side project, the Dead Weather, would be released first. Related Artists The White Stripes

Originally posted here:
White Stripes Claim Air Force Super Bowl Ad Uses Song Without Permission

Jennifer Aniston’s Revenge: Five Years Later

Earlier today, a pair of celebrity gossip tabloids ran “news” stories about Brangelina on the verge of splitting, with Angelina gearing up for life without Brad . Jennifer Aniston knows all about that. She’s endured it for the past five years

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Jennifer Aniston’s Revenge: Five Years Later