Tag Archives: insecurities

Chelsea Miller is Alyssa Miller’s Fat Model Sister of the DAy

A video posted by Chelsea Miller (@chelsea_millerxoxo) on Apr 26, 2015 at 3:09pm PDT I’ve chosen not to let my insecurities stop me from enjoying life! I refuse to let societies standards keep me from finding beauty in myself, flaws included! Plus sized models is a real thing now. It’s a real trend. Brands and Agencies fucking love fat chicks because it’s so good for business…and more importantly…it’s so easy to find fat chicks to model for you…at least based on my experience with fat chicks…which has involved them being the only ones willing to suck my dick, while I kind of say “better than nothing”…until accidentally marrying one and being miserable for the rest of my life because that is what I deserve… What I am saying is that the world is fat, so fat chicks taking ownership of their fat, instead of working out and eating well, because that would require work and effort and going against being fat, while just embracing it can double as an empowerment…. So much plus sized model noise, in protest to skinny and healthy girls…because they are just jealous…while plus sized male models…don’t even exist…because dudes aren’t feminist bitches, we realize when we’re fat and disgusting… If plus sized male models exist, why aren’t they going viral like fat chicks are… Anyway, here’s a newly signed Chelsea Miller, who is ALyssa Miller’s sister, who you’ll know from Sports Illustrated and that’s about it, and we can assume that she was like “you’re fat with a pretty face, the agencies want fat with a pretty face, just keep eating and I’ll introduce you”…to both have her sister make money and to get her sister off her back as the annoying jealous fat sister who always complains about being the fat sister… Here are some pics from her instagram….big tits as fat chicks tend to have.. All this to say, I call this “getting my fat jealous sister off my back”…and at least it isn’t Kim Kardashian’s pregnancy… Here’s some Alyssa Miller since you probably have no idea who she is…because I don’t know who she is and I do this shit everyday..oh right..she dated Jake Gyllenhaal… The post Chelsea Miller is Alyssa Miller’s Fat Model Sister of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chelsea Miller is Alyssa Miller’s Fat Model Sister of the DAy

Amy Winehouse Documentary Trailer: Released, Heartbreaking

It’s been almost four years since Amy Winehouse died from alcohol poisoning, and of all the stars who tragically joined the “27 club,” few make us wonder what might have been quite like Amy. The singer had become an international sensation with Back to Black just a few years prior to her death, and many expected her to mature into one of the great singer/songwriters of the 21st Century. Unfortunately, Amy’s struggles with drugs and drinking prevented her from ever recording a follow-up, and in July of 2011, she was found dead in her London home. Now, award-winnning director Asif Kapadia is paying tribute to the woman with the unforgettable beehive ‘do and one-of-a-kind voice with a documentary that chronicles Winehouse’s meteoric rise and devastating fall: Amy Documentary Teaser “I’m not a girl trying to be a star,” a young Amy tells an interviewer at one point. Asked how famous she thinks she’ll become, Winehouse shyly replies, “I don’t. I don’t think I’m going to be at all famous. I don’t think I could handle it. I think I would go mad.” It’s a side of the music legend that few fans ever saw, or even knew existed. With her myriad tattoos and rebellious image, it was hard – at the height of her fame – to imagine Amy as anything other than bold, brash and endlessly self-assured. As her struggles and tragic demise later reminded us, however, the spotlight never suited Winehouse, and her insecurities would eventually consume her. Toward the end of her life, Amy became better-known for her tabloid misadventures than for her remarkable talent. Hopefully, Kapadia’s film (due for release this summer) will remind the world of the genius that was so often overshadowed by her self-destructive tendencies.

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Amy Winehouse Documentary Trailer: Released, Heartbreaking

Kevin Hart: I Would Never Play a Gay Character

Kevin Hart has stirred up some controversy within the gay community. In an interview yesterday with Power 105’s “The Breakfast Club,” the comedian  admitted that he turned down the role of Alpha Chino in Tropic Thunder because, well… “The part was way [gayer] in the beginning. The dude… he was doing a lot of stuff in the draft that I read. It was real flagrant. It was a lot of stuff, and I was like, I can’t do this.” Kevin Hart: Why I Could Never Go Gay Hart made a point to say he’s “politically correct to the gay community” and that “I respect and appreciate anything and everything you all do. And as people, I love you.” But some are understandably upset over how Hart expounded on his comments. Could he ever portray a homosexual character on screen? “No. Not because I have any ill will or disrespect,” Hart said. “It’s because I feel like… I don’t think I’m going to dive into that role 100 percent, because of the insecurities about myself trying to play the part. “Does that make sense? Like, what I think people are going to think while I’m trying to do this is going to stop me from playing the part the way I’m supposed to.” Points for honesty, but critics will call out Hart for putting his own insecurities ahead of doing what he can to help social progress in this area. What do you think of Hart’s take? Is it understandable? Is it selfish? Does it make him homophobic? Take a look at Hart having a dance-off against Josh Gad and then react to his interview below.  Celebrities Who Are Anti-Gay and Proud 1. Kirk Cameron Few celebrities are as vocally opposed to same sex marriage as former Growing Pains star Kirk Cameron.

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Kevin Hart: I Would Never Play a Gay Character

Girl, Bye! ‘Hollywood Divas’ Star Golden Brooks Denies Trying To Steal Paula Jai Parker’s Homeless Husband

Who really wants Paula’s man??! Golden Brooks Denies Wanting To Steal Paula Jai Parker’s Husband It had been a while since Paula Jai Parker felt it necessary to check a woman about her man, but she didn’t hesitate to do so when she thought Golden Brooks was being a little too friendly toward her husband. Via S2S Magazine reports: Golden made it clear to her “Hollywood Divas” co-star that Forest, Paula’s spouse, was not what Golden considered desirable, and the former “Girlfriends” actress thinks Paula may want to get a grip. “She needs to loosen the reins a bit because, like I said, don’t nobody want her man . I’m not judging anyone’s marriage but I think sometimes if you have some stuff that hasn’t been dealt with and we get caught in the crossfire. I think her overreaction has nothing to do with me or any of us,” Golden told TVOne.TV. On the show, viewers witnessed Paula defend her marriage and forbid her co-stars from contacting her husband directly, with the exception of Elise Neal; although, he is supposedly the assistant director who runs things when Paula is unavailable. Paula also refused to give out her man’s personal email address, assuming he has one, and forced the ladies to use their shared account. “We are just the scapegoats for her insecurities,” Golden said. “This all started way before us.” After putting her cast members in their place and establishing the correct protocol for contacting her husband, Paula seemingly put the incident behind her. Though that’s the least of the ladies’ problems when it comes to their production. In addition to Paula’s perpetual absences, actress Countess Vaughn underwent surgery just days before production on their project began. As one of the executive producers, Golden felt it was her job to have an understudy in place. “Do you want to be on camera looking like a chipmunk? No. I was trying to be protective of her not looking her best on camera,” explained Golden who offered to take personal control of Golden’s weight loss. “I don’t think putting her on camera two days after surgery was a good idea.” Golden’s co-stars and some fans didn’t take kindly to her suggestion that Countess’ role be recast or removed from the film, but she doesn’t regret introducing the idea. “It doesn’t feel good, but you have to deal with business. You have a job to do. That was the fine line for me that was really hard. In business, you have to put aside your emotions.” Do you think Golden was really trying to steal Paula’s man???

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Girl, Bye! ‘Hollywood Divas’ Star Golden Brooks Denies Trying To Steal Paula Jai Parker’s Homeless Husband

TMI: “Community” Actor/Rapper Donald Glover Gets Emo In Instagram Rant “Im Afraid People Will Find Out What I Pleasure Myself To”

Bruh… Donald Glover Posts Emo Instagram Rant Via NYDailyNews Donald Glover explained his departure from NBC show “Community” in a series of candid notes posted to his Instagram. The 30-year-old actor, who also raps under the name Childish Gambino, laid bare his insecurities and fears in scrawled lines written on Marriott Residence Inn stationery. We’re not sure what’s going on in Donald’s life, but best believe no one is interested in what he gets his rocks off to. Flip it to read his angst. Images via Instagram Continue reading

Chit-Chatter: Paula Patton Admits To Hiding In Bushes While Trying To Catch Robin Thicke Cheating- “Love Makes You Do Crazy Things!”

Paula Patton Admits To Trying To Catch Robin Thicke Cheating Hollyweird actress Paula Patton has been married to her soul singin’ husband Robin Thicke for 8 years and while most men consider him one of the luckiest men on the planet, Paula admits that she hasn’t always been above letting her insecurities get the best of her in their relationship. She recently sat down for a quick chat with The YBF while on the promo trail for her new film “Baggage Claim,” and offered up a mouthful of advice to women about not thirsting after marriage, remaining confident and more. Check out a few excerpts below: Advice for single women looking for true love: “Don’t look for your true love. Don’t look for a man that’s going to marry you. That’s not going to do you any good. Once you get the pretty ring and the party, there is a marriage part that you have to think about. It’s more important for a woman who truly knows herself and enjoys her life alone and doesn’t complain about being alone and is spontaneous, which I no longer have because I have a child!” On attraction and marrying for the right reasons: “I feel like when you enjoy your life and you love yourself people gravitate toward you and feel that you are confident and secure and that’s when all the men start to come or whatever partner you want. But marry not because it looks good on paper but someone who loves you exactly the way you are and all your flaws in spite of them and is willing to ride or die with you.” Sounds like some pretty solid advice considering the fact that Paula started dating Robin Thicke when they were teenagers and has been able to hold his attention for the long haul. However, Paula also admitted that she’s done the dirty work in making sure her marriage stays in tact too. Hit the flip to hear about her hiding in bushes and doing the most to make sure Robin is staying faithful..

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Chit-Chatter: Paula Patton Admits To Hiding In Bushes While Trying To Catch Robin Thicke Cheating- “Love Makes You Do Crazy Things!”

For The Ladies: Handsome Hunk-O-Manmeat Laz Alonso Covers XEX Magazine And Talks Meagan Good, Men’s Fashion And Staying Successful In Hollyweird

Happy Friday ladies! Laz Alonso Covers XEX Magazine Hollyweird  man candy Laz Alonso is giving the ladies (and some of the fellas) an eye full of swag on the cover of this men’s edition of XEX Magazine. The veteran actor, who is currently starring opposite Meagan Good in the new NBC drama series “Deception,” recently sat down with XEX to dish on his bangin bawwwdied co-star, staying grounded in Hollyweird and much more. Check out a few interview excerpts below. via XEX Magazine Can you tell us a little about your character? “Will is a lot different from a lot of characters I’ve played. You will see a man that is still in love with Meagan’s character Joanna. An Ex that is vulnerable and caring and although still strong, he shows his insecurities as a man who no longer has the woman he’s lost. It’s a delicate balance of love, passion, and trying to remain professional.” Deception has a wonderful cast. What was it like working with such talent as Megan Good, Katherine Lanassa, and Victor Garber? “I have worked with Megan on other projects, and have seen her growth as an actor. She is doing an amazing job and I am really happy to get cast opposite actors that make me step my game up every scene. Katherine and Victor are always on point and make me always feel like I have to bring my A game to work. I love working with actors that make me raise my performance bar.” You’ve been a successful actor for years. What motivates you in this changing industry? How do you stay grounded? “Staying grounded isn’t the problem. My challenge is accepting the change that is happening in the industry. Unfortunately in some ways it’s becoming more commercial and less about telling great stories. But we must do our best to keep it as authentic as possible.” You are a part of the new breed of emerging leading men in Hollywood…What is your personal style? Do you consider yourself a trendsetter? “I would much rather be someone who “inspires” than “sets trends”. Trends come and go, but inspiration will always last. I have my own personal rugged, military inspired style. It’s purpose driven clothing that fits, accessories that mean something to me. But I love nice materials and a nice fitted look. It’s clean.” With all of the rapidly changing fashion trends out on the scene right now, what or who (as far as designers) inspires some of your best looks on the red carpet? “I love Zegna suits. And believe it or not, Uggs men’s line has a crazy apparel line, Rag and bone pants, Vincent, Diesel, G-star, Rockstar, Converse, and combat boots. I like boutique clothes. Not a big box mall type shopper. The smaller designers are leading fashion right now and you see the bigger brands following them.” Where do you see yourself 5 to 10 years from now in the film/tv/fashion industry? Personal Life/family? “I don’t know where I’ll be nor do I plan that far ahead anymore. I try to live in the moment, enjoy it as much as possible and work hard today and now. Sometimes we get so caught up about the future we miss what is going on right now. You can chase the future, but it’s coming regardless. Enjoy the now.” Well, we’re definitely enjoying the now if it means more of this face on the small….or big….screen. The Spring 2013 Men’s Edition of XEX Magazine hits newsstands April 5th. Photo Credit: Sailey Williams/XEX

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For The Ladies: Handsome Hunk-O-Manmeat Laz Alonso Covers XEX Magazine And Talks Meagan Good, Men’s Fashion And Staying Successful In Hollyweird

Amy Childs’ Sexy Daytime Bedroom Wear

Who doesn’t love a girl who wears their sexy undergarments out in public during the day? It shows confidence. Some women may find Amy Child ‘s outfit to be slutty, but that’s just their insecurities getting the better of them. Here at Hollywood Tuna, we don’t like self conscious chicks. It’s ugly! So good for Amy Childs and her scantily clad ways. She should be a role model for young women everywhere!

Kristen Stewart Admits She’s ‘Overtly Aware’ Of Her Insecurities

During ‘MTV First: Snow White and the Huntsman,’ actress confesses, ‘My palms are sweating right now.’ By Fallon Prinzivalli, with reporting by Josh Horowitz Josh Horowitz, Kristen Stewart and Sam Claflin on “MTV First: Snow White and the Huntsman” Photo: MTV News On Tuesday night’s “MTV First: Snow White and the Huntsman,” MTV News’ Josh Horowitz caught up with Kristen Stewart , Chris Hemsworth , Charlize Theron and Sam Claflin to get the juicy details behind their highly anticipated summer flick. The cast was in good spirits as Horowitz took them through a series of rapid-fire questions known as the “Yes/No Show” and Theron joked about how battling her costumes was more difficult than fighting Stewart. But the actors also discussed the more serious topic of insecurities and their perception of beauty. As the underlying message of the film deals with the notion of beauty and outward appearance, Horowitz asked, “[As actors,] are you naturally vain people? Can you look in the mirror and not feel insecure like the rest of us?” He threw the question to Hemsworth, who replied, “I think we all have our insecurities and whatever. Do I like who I see in the mirror? Yeah, I like myself because I feel like I’m a good person, and I think in the film, the Queen is there and obsessed with beauty on the surface. I think the message is it’s what’s underneath that counts and that’s what’s going to survive and conquer at the end of the day.” Hemsworth’s co-star Stewart was thrust into the spotlight upon her unexpected “Twilight Saga” fame. With her privacy invaded and gossip blogs picking apart every outfit and hairstyle choice, you’d think the actress would get wrapped up in her insecurities. But the actress said she’s feels secure in herself and Theron echoed that sentiment: “You are,” the “Young Adult” actress said of Stewart. “I can say that. Seriously, it’s incredible. I never had that at her age.” And while Stewart still gets nervous like the rest of us, she gives credit to her parents for raising her well and teaching her that self-worth doesn’t come from appearances. “I’m still fully and completely overtly aware of my insecurities. My palms are sweating right now,” she said. “I was raised well. My parents are really great. They’ve always told me the right things about how you should feel — I mean, there’s no should. That was the whole thing: ‘Be yourself, baby doll.’ ” Theron chimed in: “And, in a way, the film almost has that because Snow White’s mother basically tells her, ‘What you have here is special and good, and don’t ever lose that.’ And it’s the encouragement of ‘Be a good a person.’ And Ravenna, the evil queen, has a mother that basically tells her the only way you will survive in this world is through beauty and youth. “I think those are the things that guide you in a way, so if you’re being told that, and you go through life having that be the importance of your existence or your success, than that’s what it’s going to be.” In the movie, Ravenna says that men use women and then discard them. Theron said that while those words might not mirror her view on men, it was some of her favorite writing in the script, and she feels the sentiment rings true for a lot of women. “I thought it was incredibly brave, because you’re kind of putting yourself out there to create and say pretty early on in the film that this character is driven by this belief that she has,” she explained. “But I thought it was really truthful for her , and I do think that is the truth for a lot of people. “I think that there will be women who have experienced that sometimes in their life. I don’t think everyone has the same experiences, but I felt like that was very truthful for Ravenna. You know, this idea that at 8, she’s being given to a king, and by 16, she’s already being replaced by somebody else. How can you come from that world and not think that men only use you for a certain period of time and then they’re done with you?” Check out everything we’ve got on “Snow White and the Huntsman.” For young Hollywood news, fashion and “Twilight” updates around the clock, visit HollywoodCrush.MTV.com . Related Videos MTV First: Snow White And The Huntsman

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Kristen Stewart Admits She’s ‘Overtly Aware’ Of Her Insecurities

Lady Gaga Opens Italian Restaurant With Her Dad

Joanne Trattoria named in honor of her late aunt. By Gil Kaufman Lady Gaga Photo: Alo Ceballos/FilmMagic Lady Gaga is known for being ostentatious, outrageous and making the biggest entrance possible. But for a star that has made her name for shocking our senses, Mother Monster’s newest venture is decidedly low-key. After dropping several mentions in interviews over the past few months about a new restaurant she planned to launch with her father, Joseph Germanotta, Joanne Trattoria will finally open its doors on Wednesday. The modest Italian neighborhood eatery on West 68th Street in New York was described by The New York Times as having a “well-stocked bar, a cozy back patio and seating for about 70 people.” The walls are covered with scenes of the Tuscan countryside, and near a fireplace at the entrance, diners will see some Germanotta family photos hanging by a front booth. The restaurant will be run by Joseph and Gaga’s mother, Cynthia, and her proud pop admitted that his daughter “just generates a lot of sizzle,” helping to get the word out about the venture. The chef and partner in the business is Art Smith, who met Gaga at a taping for the “Oprah Winfrey Show.” Smith was Winfrey’s personal chef for several years. The name was inspired by Joseph’s late sister, Joanne, who died of lupus at age 19. Not only is “Joanne” Gaga’s middle name, but in a number of interviews the singer has opened up about her strong connection with her late aunt. “I thought I was gonna die,” she said last year. “I wanted to be the artists I loved, like Mick Jagger and Andy Warhol — and I thought the only way to do it was to live the lifestyle. But then I realized my father’s sister Joanne, who’d died at 19, had instilled her spirit in me. She was a painter and a poet — and I had a spiritual vision I had to finish her business.” The Times noted that Gaga is not officially a part-owner of the restaurant, which Joseph said the family could have afforded to open even if his daughter had not risen to global fame. It has long been his dream to open the eatery, he said, and visitors at Joanne will dine on “Southern Italian,” given that Smith is from the South and the Germanottas are Italian. That means they will chow down on dishes such as “Papa G’s chicken,” traditional offerings like osso buco inspired by Joanne and “Cynthia’s salad,” named for Gaga’s mother. Hoping to temper fans’ expectations, Joseph said he wasn’t sure if he’d post current pics of Gaga among the family photos. Maybe, he said, just an old one in which she’s not as recognizable. And though he’s happy to have his eldest get the word out about the family business, if fans make the trek expecting to see a trophy case with VMAs and Grammys, “It’s not going to happen,” he warned. Related Videos MTV First: Lady Gaga Lady Gaga: Inside The Outside Related Artists Lady Gaga

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Lady Gaga Opens Italian Restaurant With Her Dad