Insiders Claim Rob And Chyna Are Faking Their Relationship After weeks of rumors of Rob and Chyna’s relationship being extra rocky — some even saying things are completely over — new reports are claiming that the two have agreed to fake a semi-happy union to keep reality TV checks flowing. “Insiders” tell InTouch Weekly that Rob is desperate not only to make cash of his own, but to compete with his highly successful sisters in the same game they perfected. They say Rob’s seriously focused on getting the $2 million payday his mom Kris set up for Rob & Chyna. “Rob wanted to make more money even if it meant pretending to be in a loving relationship. They are scrambling to hide the truth about their messy, twisted relationship.” And even though the facade is falling apart, Rob refuses to admit to the breakup. “It would be too humiliating. The lie has gotten so out of control.” However, Chyna has zero problems with keeping the lie going, because she’s finally achieving the mainstream fame and bigtime money she’s always wanted. “She wants to make millions from endorsement deals. She’s desperate to be as famous as the Kardashians.” If that’s so, her plan may be working. According to TMZ , Rob’s been back on his hermit flow — refusing to leave the house for days on end, and flaking on scheduled shoots. While they’re confident that “Rob & Chyna’s” ratings could go through the roof in a second season, especially with a new baby and a wedding, E! executives are scared to greenlight it for fear of losing out if Rob won’t film. Chyna however is “TV Gold” to them, and they’re looking into giving her her own solo spinoff, if Rob can’t pull it together. Damn….do you think it’s true? Did these two jump into parenthood and fake a happy relationship just to pump millions into their account? Splash/WENN/AKM-GSI
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True Or False: Are Rob And Chyna Faking Their Happy Union To Keep Multi-million Dollar Reality TV Checks Rolling In?